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Reviews for The Lost Cadre

By : greywitch
  • From ANON - tokageMusume on February 12, 2006
    Chapter 5. Wow. There's either more than one author for this story or you really sort of opened the throttle with this chapter! The alien is absolutely riveting! The mating fight between him and Raoul was intense, to say the least. And the hunt/post-hunt pieces with Mingan and Sevilen were just draining.
    Really... the characters even seem different in this chapter... the other chapters were excellent but this one affected me like a slow-mo train wreck that I just could not look away from.
    The violence and sadism is somewhat extreme in this part but I won't bullshit you and say I didn't enjoy a lot of it. There was equal squirm with the squick here. Very powerful writing.
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  • From ANON - tokageMusume on February 12, 2006
    Chapter 4. You know, you really write wonderful lemons! They're so energetic and very affecting! *fan fan*
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  • From ANON - tokageMusume on February 11, 2006
    Chapter 3. Wow. That was HOT. I really like dreams -- I very much liked the way you mixed lucid dreaming right along with a mental "home invasion". Can't wait to see what Raoul makes of his dream lover in person. He sounds like a real character. Mingan and vision boy were also very hot together. Ah, virgin sex! That wide-eyed-Bambi-in-the-forest quality is just irresistible, isn't it?
    Enjoying this hugely! ^-^
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  • From ANON - tokageMusume on February 11, 2006
    “He can’t talk to you like that,” Riki muttered to Iason. “You’re the fucking head of the Syndicate.” When I read that, I realized you'd just sucked me right into your tale. I laughed out loud. I'm enjoying your story very much! I like Mingan a lot so far and I've got just dozens of questions about the little Pet with the visions. Thanks so much for publishing this. I look forward to the next chapters...

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  • From ANON - Grey on February 10, 2006
    Woo, there really aren't words to describe how happy I was to find a completely unexpected AnK *AU* running around, and a long and recent one at that. You've just done a fabulous job of capturing the dark and sexual power dynamics of this universe, and all of your original characters are beautifully complex. (I love Sevilen. But you know that - *everyone* must love Sevilen, lovely strong-broken little thing that he is. Guh.)

    *sighs* Like I needed another reason to be frantic for AFF to reopen... ah well, this one is going to be well worth waiting for. Can't thank you enough for writing it!
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  • From ANON - demon on February 05, 2006
    *gives standing novation* AWSOME! i loved it! i dont know why but i love the ruff wanted sex hehehe well once again i loved your story and am pissed off at myslef for reading it before it is done cause i cant wait till the next one even though i know its worth it hehehe i.m. when you get the next one out bye talk to yah later!
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  • From ANON - Nadesiko Takase on February 03, 2006
    Waa!!! I love it, I love it, I love it!!. And I love YOU for write this good and make de chaps soooo long!! *-*

    Keep this fast!!.
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  • From ANON - Nautica on February 03, 2006
    Amazing! This story is exceptionally well written and crafted. I usually stay away from alternate universes because authors change things so much (hence the alternate) that I might as well read an original, but I don't think this story is AU at all. I kind of see this story as an expansion of Riki and Iason's story, the focus shifting a bit. And the fact that you made the characteristics of the other-worlders fit in seamlessly with what we know of Amoi and Ai No Kusabi made this story especially enjoyable. I feel like I'm re-discovering the World of Ai No Kusabi once again, but on a different calibre. The relationship between Minigan and his pet, while sweet and complicated, is also delightfully delicious.

    I look forward to reading more of this. Once again, great work!
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  • From ANON - chizuko-chan on January 26, 2006
    Wow this is a damn good series! Well written very creative and of course sexy with smut. And boy do you crank out a lot of stories within the span of little more than a year. Jeesh your a writting machine. An extremely well oiled and perfect working one if I do say. God I don't see where you find all the time. Your amazing! You produce hevenly quality work with in what seems like a span seconds compared to how others update so sluggishly. It is plain to see your dedicated and love doing this because it shows in your writting style that it took lots of hard work, revisions and editing to be such a polished product. Anyway, well done and many thanks for writting such a wounderful story so far that seems to tickle my fancy to the point of tears. -Chizuko
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  • From ANON - oiyaoi on January 15, 2006
    Kyaa! I love this story! Can't wait for the next chapter!
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  • From ANON - Cory on January 14, 2006
    Whoa... just, whoa. A very long and interesting chapter.

    Well, that was unexpected... and amazing. The violence of this chapter is stunning. (Be warned, a long review is coming...) Zesiro and Raoul: Fantastic... I love it! The whole fight (especially with a Blondie being able to unleash his full strength and still getting beaten) was amazing. I also think that poor Raoul has some major explaining to do to Iason and/or Jupiter. I would like to see Raoul on top once though... I guess I'm requesting a night where they switch once (or twice or thrice...). Raoul just might surprise Zesiro in that regard. I mean, come on... he's a Blondie. And Raoul and Zesiro seem to be squirming their way into being major characters in this story... without bumping Mingan and Sevilen to the back burner...

    So now we go to Mingan and Sevilen. I *love* that whole hunter/predator image, and you write so descriptively!! At the same time (even though I knew Sevilen was going to get hurt) it was interesting to see that Mingan couldn't overcome his instincts. Poor Sevilen... I hope he isn't too traumatized. He had an extremely rough experience... on top of everything else that happened to him, and all because he wanted to save Mingan's life. (Nice image of decapitating the delegate barehanded though... and bloody.)

    Except now I'm just eaten alive with curiosity... what did Sevilen see from Jupiter? How is Mingan going to soothe Sevilen's shattered psyche? What is the connection between Zesiro and Sevilen? (My guess is that Sevilen's father has something to do with it...).

    The whole chapter (and thank you so very much for such a very long and satisfying chapter) had such a sharp clear edge to it... I could visualize everything. (I love Zesiro's tail, by the way.) The violence was *very* violent, and the descriptions were *very* descriptive... I am your fan for life. But as much as I loved it, I think maybe poor Sevilen needs a break... hopefully there won't be very much violence in the next chapter so that he can catch his breath (and maybe Mingan can work on patching up the trust he shattered).

    As always, I am eagerly awaiting the next installment. You are a marvel to me (especially since I can't write!)
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  • From ANON - memorietrail on January 11, 2006
    please don't stop there more need more
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  • From ANON - Rawben on January 10, 2006
    wow!! another great chapter!! ...with much violence! damn! can't wait for the next chapter!! what did he see????
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  • From ANON - Demon on January 09, 2006
    hehehe just found out how too write reviews lol well once again AWSOME you already know i love your style of writing that leaves me wanting more. i cant wait for the next chapter. Too be honest with you i dont like to read your stories when there not completly finished cause I GET ADDICTED OR SOMETHING. so please PLEASE!!! get the next chapter out soon i know im not going to be able to stop wondering what happens next until i finish the story

    Demon your #1 fan lol (maybe not but I LOVE YOUR WRITINGS)
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  • From ANON - Cory on January 05, 2006
    "Hi. My name is Cory, and I am an addict." XD Wow... well, even if I didn't like Ai no Kusabi, I am in love with this story. I think I'm addicted to most of your stories... Ch. 4 is great! And I am really eager now to see the next meeting between Raoul and Zesiro... I'm betting the sparks will be flying! Because Zesiro isn't going to be some little plaything for Raoul to order around..... mmm.

    I can't wait for Ch. 5... something inside me is whispering that the tide will change... I haven't forgotten the delegates yet and neither has Mingan, I bet. Something *bad* is going to happen.... XD or not... that's just my intuition. Keep up the wonderful work... I might even prefer an update to this one rather than Saiyuki right now... and that's saying something.

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