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Reviews for Sending Over The Edge

By : Alyndrya
  • From ANON - leala81 on January 28, 2005
    I love this story hehe hey could you email me when you update next? PLEASE!?! I beg you please? hehe once again I will say this is one of my all time fav hellsing stories!!

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  • From ANON - Sibby on January 26, 2005
    Oh please please! I am so waiting patiently for the next chapter. I love it so and want more. I love things that happen between Seres and Alucard. Integra and Alucard are almost way to much alike for me. Well anyway, I hope to see more before feb. comes ;p
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  • From ANON - Bergie on January 25, 2005
    *psst* Hey, it's been months, you can only re-read the first thirteen chapters so much before even the most dedicated fans of your fanfictions start to loose interest. You have a really good (and deliciously evil) story going on here, please don't give it up!
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  • From ANON - shadow on January 21, 2005
    noo... *sob* I want to know what happens next! well, I hope your migraine goes away. ^.^ You've captured my interest with your story. great job! Can't wait for the next chapter to come out! *was laughing at a few parts* hum.. I'll probably wind up reading this story again before work and afterwards.. ^.- *bookmarks this story*
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  • From ANON - roxy on January 09, 2005
    omg please update! this is my favorite story on this site!! it's so hot!
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  • From ANON - MizMiz on January 08, 2005
    hey, why no more? :pout: pwease if you could, update soon, and if you could be so kind, could you email me when you do, its hard to know if someone updates, cuz i'm still waiting for someone else to update and its been like 3 months. now this little girly that happens to be under house arrest, has nothing to do. I'm bored to death!
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  • From ANON - LBH on January 06, 2005
    just get to the fucking already
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  • From SilverFox on December 30, 2004
    >.< GAH! The teasing! The tension is so thick you could cut it with Walters wires!! But this is good so far! I really like it. It very well thought out, even if it isn't. And what a way for Alucard to teach Seras to be like him...Unusual methods, but then again he's unusual himself. So his methods shouldn't seem that way because of that. @_@ Gah I just totally scrambled everything...Until next time! ^_^
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  • From ANON - lilly on December 27, 2004
    Oh please you must update soon. i love the story It is great. So Please Please Update Pretty Please.
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  • From ANON - someone on December 27, 2004
    omg this story is so hot! Please update! This is the best story i have read! Bravo
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  • From AkumaKawa on December 27, 2004
    I bow down to you. My god this is such an awesome story. I always see A/I parings. And to me that is always a what the hell moment. In the anime yes it does seem like an A/I thing. But in the manga the story is opposite. It seems like Alucard is training Seras to be a full fledged vampire, maybe even his mate. Hard to say since I have only read up to volume 5 before it was licensed and I only have up to volume 4 at the moment. Also the place and how Seras is turned is different from the manga in the anime. In the anime it makes Seras seem like a whinny kid. What most people don't understand is that her whole police officer team was murdered by a vampire and turned into ghouls. She fought them off as long as she could. She ran out of ammo and was defenseless, then she ran. She got caught by the vamp. Here is were you learn something. Vamps can only be turned if they are virginal. The others turn into Ghouls. It doesn't really go into details as far as I read. But the vamp who camptured her, wanted her as his sex slave. Seras chose to be killed rather then raped and turned into her friends, like all mortals she wanted to live again. Alucard turned her. She is then told to reject her humanity and drink blood, in essence Alucard wanted her to turn into a cold blooded killer. The problem is that Seras is human and wishes to be human once more. That is the whole story. Another thing, male vampires mate with female vampires, so like the Blade sagas there are pure bloods. We just haven't seen them. Also this si the very first time that Alucard has made a fledging. the story of an A/S rommance is in the main story that of the manga, but we don't see it yet. I love this story. You have great tallent. So please update. Btw before I forget, your chapter 11 is missing. I really really wanted to read it so I went to the link you provided for the yahoo group, but I wasn't in the mood to sign up to maybe be able to read it. Then I saw the link for Destiny's Gateway Rommance, so I was able to read the chapter. Btw that site only has up to chap 12. I also saw a lot of A/S fics, so I am raiding that area now. I absolutely love this story. Keep up the most awesome work. Coolsa.
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  • From ANON - kyoji on December 23, 2004
    its great, update soon
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  • From ANON - Bergie on December 18, 2004
    Update please? It's been really long time, I've been checking in every day since chapter 13 came out. Your story actually has a plot, has something to keep the reader entertained... again, what a cliffhanger to leave us with! That's just cruel! You're an incredible author, so keep this fiction going! WOOT!


    PS: I was kidding about sending things after you...
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  • From ANON - SuperGyr1 on December 13, 2004
    HOLY CRAP! I've read a lot of fanfiction in my day... and this one is one of the best I've come across yet! I just started it today... and just had to keep reading. Maybe that's why I just now realized that it's 3:30am! Time flies, right? lol. Thanks and keep up the fantastic work! I'll be waiting for the next chapter!

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  • From ANON - anubis on December 10, 2004
    *cry* why is there no update????? We your fans NEEEED you to keep up with the excellent work. I've noticed that you did the same with one of your Ruroni Kenshin fics, you haven't updated in over a year T_T (loved that fic) hope it's not the case here. Hope everything is alright with your health, studies and computer.

    M M M M O O R R E !!
    M M M O O RRR EEEE !!
    M M O O R R E
    M M OO R R EEEEE !!
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