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Reviews for Sending Over The Edge

By : Alyndrya
  • From ANON - Karina on September 29, 2004
    *sits on the edge of her chair while biting her nails*
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  • From ANON - Xtreme Red Dragon on September 29, 2004
    you have done awsome! i cant wait for more. :)
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  • From ANON - anubis on September 28, 2004
    I LOOOVE this fic, the sexual tension is SOOO great and it's true your pretty close from the 'real' character. I get so frustrated when a fic is good but the characters are not behaving like themselves, it actually kills the whole point of it (don't you think?). Well, you've manage to make an addicted out of me, so PLEASE keep writing such wonderful fics and publish them soon.
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  • From ANON - janelle on September 27, 2004
    i love this story but too much cliffhangars.....................alucard is mine!
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  • From ANON - CherryLuver2012 on September 25, 2004
    Ooh, I can't wait until the next chapter comes out! This is getting so dark... I love it!
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  • From ANON - Rain on September 24, 2004
    hehe I love 12 actualy I love all of them! can wait till the 13!
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  • From ANON - sneakingyoda on September 23, 2004

    This story has me positively on the edge of my seat waiting for more. Build that sexual tension like a tightrope all you want! I like how you have developed the characters slowly, but update often and when several chapters. Your on my favorites list now, and I will be back to you your updates as you post them. I had a fanfiction very simular to this unwritten in my fantasy imagenation, and noget get to enjoy it through your perspective and with your brilliantk rok romance skills.

    Really. Swooning material and relationships here. Funny, witty, dark, and romantic/seductive. What ever you choose to do with this story is ripe for my attention, and I applaud your creativity. I love mind games, and the way that you have built this plot around teasing and games is enough to make anyone wonder what will happen next.

    Please update soon and regularly until the end!
    Hopeyour headaches get better.

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  • From Ice on September 23, 2004
    That was hilarious!! Especially when Alucard was taunting her to shoot him as he read from one of her cheesy romance novels. lol!
    Also, things seem to be (finally) heating up a bit between them. Perhaps a little more in the next chapter? -Icy
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  • From ANON - Anon on September 20, 2004
    Ohhhhh please update, pleaaaaaaseeeeeee! i'm on my knees kissing your feet begging, please, pleaseaaseaassssssssseeeeeeee!!!!!
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  • From on September 20, 2004
    Wow this quiz has really gotten my attention. You can really make the characters act how they are inteded to. Keep up the inspg wog work. Hopefully I wil lfinaly get mine done! ^_^ lol ....But just want to thank you for taking your time and your writing skill and writing these fan fics. bye bye.
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  • From ANON - kokouo on September 20, 2004
    please continue it is a really good story i cant wait till the next chapter.
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  • From ANON - Oritsu on September 16, 2004
    It's like the lemon that never ends! I'm loving it! Please update soon!
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  • From ZeidasGod on September 12, 2004
    Wow, I could not stop reading for the life of me!! This is exactly how I Imagined it would be if Seras and Alucard ever got around to having a relationship! Fantastic, do keep them coming!

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  • From ANON - Mara on September 09, 2004
    Hellsing is one of the best serious out there. you've totally changed how I look at all of the Characters. I would really, really love to see more of this story. its just, amazing. ^_^
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  • From ShadowDemon on September 08, 2004
    I'll admit that I'm not very fond of Alucard/Seras stories, but I guess it was the number of reviews this got that kind of lured me in. This really isn't half bad. It's actually kind of funny and hot in some places. SO keep it up and update soon, 'kay?
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