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Reviews for Sending Over The Edge

By : Alyndrya
  • From ANON - Joe on September 07, 2004
    Sorry, I realized that last time I reviewed I didn't say anything nice about your fic (cause it really is very good compared to...well...tons of the fics on and I love that this is about Seras and Alucard since there arent that many out there and i like that couple. I'm sorry for yelling and don't take it that I hate Alucard cause I don't, hes probobly my favorite character. Its just that hes a big pain in the ass (nobody can deny that). Anyway your fic is VERY good I love how dark he is (some fics make him seem tame and nice when he's realn abn absolute lunatic) and I like ALL the characters, their personalitys are perfect but I think it's time that Alucard got punished for once.
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  • From ANON - Joe on September 07, 2004
    I know I've already reviewed and that I've already said this but Alucard is an ASS!! ANd Seras just sits there CONFUSED all the time and I can't BELIEVE she wouldn't DO anything or TELL anyone!! I know she's punched him and attacked but it's not ENOUGH!! and for GOD'S sake would she STOP calling him MASTER!! I'd rather call HITLER master than ALUCARD at this point. But it's not my story and I can't tell you how to write it even though I waish he was here so I could just KICK thstarstard (even though it wouldn't hurt him it would make me feel LOADS less angry). Ja
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  • From ANON - Zal on September 07, 2004
    Well, I've never really gotten into any other Hellsing story before, but once I started reading this I was hooked! Alucard is so deliciously dark, it's perfect! You really have done a good job of being true to the characters, and you're making the the stoy really come to life. Thanks for sharing this amazing fic with us!
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  • From ANON - K on September 06, 2004
    In the few short days I have been reading this i have become completly and utterly hooked. Please continue with your great work!
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  • From ANON - CherryLuver2012 on September 06, 2004
    HAHAHA!!! OMG, I'm DYING of laughter!!! Ths sos so great!! *still laughing* *galls over laughing in chair* Please-*laucontcontinue!!!! :D
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  • From ANON - Lydia on September 06, 2004
    cool~ this is getting really interesting ^^ update soon
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  • From on September 06, 2004
    veary nice ff!! i've been meaning to review for a wile but havent had time so, nows as good as anyother time heh! great job
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  • From ANON - another fan on September 05, 2004
    OMG!! LMAO!! that last part was so funny unbeunbelievable! i applaud you *claps* i cant wait for another chapter keep it up YeaYa!!!
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  • From ANON - some girl on September 05, 2004
    pleease please plleeeeaaaassseee update it i cant wait any longer! this story is so sooo good!
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  • From ANON - Rusalka on September 05, 2004
    Excellent! I loved it. Alucard's character is perfect, you've got a wonderful writing style and typos are a minimal. Plus, it's totally sexy/dark. I promise I'lla loa longer review when it's finished *hint hint*
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  • From ANON - soulraven on September 05, 2004
    Hot dam thats good. I have most cerently not read an A/S story this good in a while. Keep the chapters comeing ... I'll beg.
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  • From ANON - Joe on September 04, 2004
    GOD is Alucard a PAIN in the ASS! I hope Seras shoots his ass!! Anyway this is SO good and I LOVE how you write but, no offense, you need a lemon...or maybe its just me...and that would be kind of cruel to Seras, making her sleep with him. Ja!
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  • From ANON - KaiserFox on September 04, 2004
    I love this fic! Hope you update soon. One more thing doen't Seras have orange hair not blond.
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  • From ANON - Karina on September 03, 2004
    I've been following this story since the very beginning and I only have a couple of things to say:....LMAO LOL!!! ROTFLMAFO!!!!!!!!!!!!

    ~Karina yve your story, its written nicely and I do so love what you put Seras XD! poor Police Girl indeed...

    (^...Is a huge Alucard/Seras fan and has been from the start)
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  • From ANON - xe ree red dragon on September 03, 2004
    i was to lazy to sign in but..... awsome chapter again! i love it! i cant wait for the next one! :0)

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