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Reviews for Sending Over The Edge

By : Alyndrya
  • From ANON - Zahmira on September 01, 2004
    I love how this is going! I can't wait for more chapters!

    And thank you for answering my previous question about Alucard being warm. That actually makes sence!
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  • From ANON - melanthamoree on August 31, 2004
    I'm am now hooked on this stor, I'll be eagerly waiting for the next chapter. :P
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  • From ANON - some girl on August 31, 2004
    OMG!! LMAO!! that last part was so fuckin funny! *applauds* KUDOS!! i love this story! i cant wait for the next chapter please please pleeeaassse dont take too long! keep it up ^_^ yeaya!!
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  • From ANON - anonymous on August 30, 2004
    loved it! i cant wait for your upcoming chapters ill be checking in on this one its so good...thanks for writing an AXS fic i love them...cant get enough of those...laterz ^_^
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  • From ANON - StrawberryProphet on August 30, 2004
    Wheee~~~ Please hurry soon.. I can't wait for the next chapter.. I want to know whapphappens!! I get to the end of the chapter and its like damn, another cliffhanger!! I love the Alucard Seras pairing... Good luck on righting more!!! Lates..
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  • From ANON - LadyShiva on August 30, 2004
    hey a new chappy! Yay! This story just keeps getting better and better. Oh i just wanted to thank you for motivating me to write again. Your wonderful story, and the thought of a A/oup oup where i wasn't in the minority against A/I fan's really got me motivated. I finished chapter 1 of my new story, and am almost done with the second. I'm just trying to decide if i want to add more before i post it however. Feedback and sugestions from you, the master of romatic fanfiction would be GREATLY apreciated! Once again, keep up the good work and update soon!
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  • From Ice on August 30, 2004
    Heheh. Alucard taunting Seres like this is hilarious. I burst out laughing reading the scene where he suddenly popped out of her mirror with that Snow White crack, making Seres punch the glass (and his face) when he startled her. lol. Great characterization so far, keep up the good work. --Icy.
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  • From ANON - anonymous on August 29, 2004
    yay!..i like this story alot im lookin forward to the next chapter! yeaya! keep it up ^_^
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  • From ANON - Vindiya on August 27, 2004
    E-mail me when you update it was great.
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  • From ANON - some one that is not important on August 26, 2004
    stop torturing meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
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  • From ANON - polaris-fire-star on August 26, 2004
    This is such a good story. AND IT'S A FUCKING CLIFFY!!
    Did you have to leave me hanging?
    Please hurry up and update.
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  • From ANON - Aharah on August 25, 2004
    if you have a maling list for updates please add me! But, if you don't, could u email me anywho? I really liked it... is this gonna be s&m?! I hope so, but it is turning out awsome! I like how yolu are developing opposed to just describing thier wild sex... ^.^
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  • From ANON - Kassie on August 24, 2004
    I really love this story so far. You're writing flows and so it's not distracting from the storyline. Please please write more!
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  • From ANON - Tiirz on August 23, 2004
    Oh, yes, n't n't wait for the rest!
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  • From ANON - Zahmira on August 22, 2004
    I'm really enjoying this story. It's very well written. But one thing keeps bothering me. You keep discribing Alucard as being warm. I don't really think he would be. But it's such a minor thing in comparison to how great the rest of the story is! Can't wait to read more!
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