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Reviews for The Bad Adult Anime Fanfic

By : quamp
  • From PandaBearzh on February 23, 2013
    Holy shit. This made me laugh so hard I got kicked out of the room because the intermittent giggles got to be so annoying for my girlfriend. I don't know how I found your story but I'm damn glad that I did. Cheers!
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  • From thecinnamonneko on August 18, 2006
    I just read your Inuyasha chapter and let me say, it was awesome!

    "Normally I wouldn't allow my brother to rape me, but since this is badfic, I guess I have to submit to this act of incest." Haha. The sour cream and chives dip had me laughing too.

    Everything was great. However, I was a little disappointed that you left out one of my biggest badfic themes: Inuyasha is a "goth" and Kagome is a "punk" and the setting is-guess what-high school! (Or some variation of that).

    Okay, gotta read some more chapters.
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  • From ANON - The Albino Arab on July 28, 2006
    mildly amusing.
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  • From ANON - setosgirl (not signed in) on April 03, 2006
    Lol! That was great. If I had to read a real fic like that, I would die. ^_______^ I tend to use rape a lot in my fics, but it's always traumatic and never, ever shrugged off, and I've used MPREG a total of twice, with fsairly reasonable explanaiotns (...okay, I'm guilty of that particular flaw... but 2 out of 45 isn't bad ^_^) but i can still identify with the horribleness of badfics. Write on!
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  • From on April 02, 2006
    That kicked ASS!!! Woo! I'm an unhelpful reviewer, so I'm not going to give you any critical advice and just drop annoying chatspeak on your doorstep and light it on fire. Wooo! PPLLEEEAAASSSEEE!!!!!!!! CONTINUE!

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  • From ANON - Minska Catral on March 14, 2006
    First of all I would like to say that this is one of the funniest things I have read in years. I look forward to reading more. I would also like to point out something in fics that bothers me that you used in part 5.

    "Damn. There goes my chance for a threesome." Marty Stu thought.

    The problem here is that this states that it is a thought yet it is in quotations. A thought should never be in quotations, they are reserved for speach.
    Thank you for writing this series it has truly made me laugh.

    Minska Catral
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  • From NinjaGaijin on March 13, 2006
    ah hahahahaahaa!!

    Quamp, you hit the spot there! This should be compulsory reading for aspiring authors in the fandoms you mentioned!
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