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Reviews for The Seventh Circle

By : quietladybirman
  • From AkariNeko on June 25, 2008
    Gosh, this was... I don't even have the words to tell. It was awful, it was umcomfortable - in the way it was meant to be. I don't pride myself on saying that I'm used to violent imagery, but it takes somethingto affect me, and this fic did it. I think what touched me more was the last line. It's powerful. I like the implication that Ken's torture is still going on, and it was all "part of the plan" - the last question says that in such a simple, but such strong way, that it's fantastic.
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  • From ANON - loveforboysineyeliner on December 29, 2007
    Amazing. Just amazing, from all standpoints.
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  • From ANON - LilyMoonsAlias on December 27, 2006
    That was chilling, horrifying and nightmarish. I can think of no words to convey to you the absolute gut-wrenching horror this piece had crawling up my spine. I usually dismiss Ken in favor of the more colorful characters. Yes, yes, I already know you like him. Suffice it to say you managed to make me feel more than just sympathy for the poor boy. This was truly a dark, terrible and magnificient piece of psychological torment.
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  • From ANON - LilyMoonsAlias on December 17, 2006
    Due to time constraints, I've only had time to read a small portion of your fic so far, but I wanted you to know that the idea of Farfarello offering to guide one of Weiss to redemption/salvation without outright killing them is intriguing enough that I will have to finish reading. From what I've read so far, kudos to you for the writing of Ken's desparation over his situation.
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  • From ANON - thelastunicorn on December 17, 2006
    God, this was great. Very disturbing and creepy but so wonderful written that I could not do anything else then read on till the end and even then I was disappointed that the fic was finished. Jeez, where do you get your inspiration!!!
    Farfarello really was a demon in this fic. Poor Kenken although the way he got tortured was just so Farfarello worthy.
    Man, it was really something I could Farfarello just see do to one of the people with whom God walks with. His reasoning was insane and at the same time so Farfarello like. Cool!
    The blindfolding of Ken and the crucifying were just brilliant ideas. Although I'm very glad that I wasn't in Ken's shoes.
    Very, very cool and awesome fic. I love how you are able to write such disturbing things and make them work.
    Kisses and hugs
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  • From ANON - manda on December 15, 2006
    That was highly, HIGHLY disturbing. It was like a train wreck, I couldn't stop. Wow. Honestly, I am not sure what to say. I am not easily disturbed, so good job!
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