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Reviews for Hoenn Harem *Author's Note*

By : DarkMaiden
  • From xain34 on November 20, 2007
    Oh NOW you freakin say what gender you are DarkMaiden. I've been freakin saying he/she for the last four months. >_
    (goes back to nawing on nevyn's head for awhile)
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  • From DarkMaiden on November 19, 2007
    Relax Nevyn,

    This is the first year where the new Elite will be shown. Basically because it's the only year where I'll be writing the League (the murders are an excuse), if they had been shown in the past years I would have no suspense for this round.

    The people at home will be watching all matches on the television (by the cameras inside the arena rooms) but the contestants obviously can't have access to this, that would make the last one have a lot more advantage than the first one to go in.

    The other contestants will only be able to see the HP increasing/decreasing in all pokemon by a computer while they wait for their turn, but that doesn't mean you (the readers) will only read this, you'll have a mix of the TV version (with hosts like in the previous rounds) and Vi's POV, that's why I asked which pokemon you want to use, otherwise I wouldn’t even need that.

    I didn't want this to be in a middle of a Stadium again I wanted something more private just like in the games, but obviously the viewers watch it.
    But still, the Elites will only fully appear close to the end “in the format of the chapter itself”, officially they’ll be shown since the first battle on TV, but the writer of this story *a.k.a. me* is a very cruel girl that will only reveal them in the last battle to torture the poor innocent readers *grins*.

    I didn't want to say all this before because I didn't want to spoil the whole Round in the Review Section =P
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  • From GrimMorrei on November 19, 2007
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  • From xain34 on November 18, 2007
    Nevyn _ ....FUCKING LIES! *jumps on nevyn's back and attaches to him like a leech whilst nawing on his head*
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  • From DarkMaiden on November 18, 2007
    Both Jasmine and Dawn have appeared in previous chapters, and again I'll assure you, the Elite Members never appeared before.

    "The Purple Division will be judged by the Ghost User Morty of Ecruteak City, and by the lovely Steel Fighter Jasmine of Olivine." - From Part 1 of the League.

    Most Gym Leaders use only one type of Pokemon, find Diversity users *blink*.

    Since time will begin to run out soon I'll say some last tips, I want everyone to become a champion =P:

    - When I said "the order was made according to the story and not by personal opinion" I meant it as a clue, you guys should ignore your personal opinions too (like not saying a character because you don't like him/her), think about the official story;

    - It's actually better to figure them out if instead of trying randomly, you try to discover by this order: 4-3-2-1 (strongest to weakest), Why? Because of the "some of them are related" clue, obviously the one that comes only from the game is the only character that cannot be related;

    - The names of the members are a secret, the general public doesn’t know who they are to avoid having more murders. So wouldn't it be weird if every year during the final round one of the Battle Frontier "Gyms"…closed?

    - When I said "one of them comes from the anime, and another comes from the Games" that means ONLY 1 comes only from the anime, and ONLY 1 comes only from the games.

    - I think most people are overlooking one of the biggest clues I gave to discover one of the characters, I'm not gonna say which one it is =P That one should make a character pop out immediately.

    - I never played any of the Stadium games lolol, I completely forgot about those, the Game character is from the "handheld" games (from Kanto to Sinnoh).

    After you send me the final e-mail with your answers you can't take it back muahahah, Why? Because thinking about battles and then having to start them all over again is a pain in ass for me =P Meanwhile chat all you want in here. It would also be fun (for me lol) if in the email you say the reason why you picked that character (a line or two just to have an idea), but this is optional.

    The entering order will be: Tiphanie -> Alex -> Darian -> Sam -> Jack -> Vi (I picked randomly, if you want to change it just say so)

    The Elite Four will only be revealed during Vi's battle *ducks from the rocks*. However, you'll know how well you did during your character's turn. What do I mean by this? It's because of the way Elite Four's are battled, each character goes in completely alone and only moves on after defeating the Elite in each room.
    All battles are one on one which would make something like 144 freaking battles if I tried to fully write every single one of them =P

    To avoid having the largest and most boring chapter ever, it will be written by Vi's POV. In other words -> While they wait outside they know how the character that went in is doing (the hosts will be describing the battles) but they have no idea who the adversary is or which pokemon the Elite is using.

    This is probably confusing now, but once the chapter is out you'll see exactly what I mean, I'm just saying this now to avoid being murdered later for only showing the Elite Four in the last division.

    I'll be using your pokemon team from the last round unless you change it, if you enter the Hall of Fame you might want to use your favourite pokemon.

    Strategies/Level/Moves, none of that matters now, because it depends on how many characters you get right, but all Elite members will be using 6 pokemon, so if you use only 1 and defeat every single one of them the story will be...awkward...5 or 6 pokemon in your team would make it easier for me especially if you used Diversity as well.

    If you win we'll talk about the prize later, don't worry about that now. And if any of these new clues is confusing you even more just say so lol.
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  • From aok1992 on November 18, 2007
    im going for Ash for Option1
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  • From aok1992 on November 18, 2007
    - One of them never appeared in the Games and another one never showed up in the Anime. Forget about the Manga (since not many people read it =P);

    Shit i read this now....ehehehehe whoopsie....
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  • From aok1992 on November 17, 2007
    Sigh....lets have a go at these:

    Elite Nº1 – Ambition – Persistence: Seems like Ash to me...very ambitious character with a persistant attitude to all challenges he faces...but i dont really see him becoming a elite 4.But then *Red* from the mangas seems to have a character matching Ash so ill choose him...

    Elite Nº2 – Strength – Power: Silver from the mangas has always gone for stength and power and does hate weak pokemon...Paul from Sinnoh has the same attitude however....but between these two i would rather choose *Paul*

    Elite Nº3 – Charisma – Knowledge: *Gary* seems to be this elite 4. He became a pokemon professor after he left training and he did show a tremendous amount of charisma to get all those people to support him and all those girls as well

    Elite Nº4 – Determination – Companionship:Dawn seems to be this one...her attitude is always the determined sort and she is a good companion to Ash....lets see

    Btw i never registered a doing these for fun just to test myself and my Pokemon knowledge
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  • From xain34 on November 17, 2007
    OMGWTFBBQ? or just OMG O_o?
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  • From DarkMaiden on November 16, 2007
    OMG what's going on in here 0_0 calm down, they never really said how old Ash is now in Sinnoh, it's up to the viewers to judge that, they don't really care as long as they have ratings =P But yeah he got a little bit smarter (finally *claps*).

    35 candidates?? Nevyn man I don't even know where did you get so many, the best way to figure out the 4 characters is to think about the most obvious ones first, if something with those isn't matching up then you move on to other characters.

    Like I said before, only one of them might be hard to figure out, but there's a few clues in there that lead to that character.
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  • From xain34 on November 16, 2007
    Please don't try to back up nintendo anymore Nevyrn, they fucked up big time and there's no going back. -_-
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  • From xain34 on November 16, 2007
    i meant if -_-
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  • From xain34 on November 16, 2007
    And one more thing. The story doesin't mean jack with so many paradouxes in place on the 1-5th season there is NO WAY IN FUCKING HELL that ash is ten! EVEN IS NINTENDO IS A PEDOPHILE O_o i'm just joking on that last part...>_>
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  • From xain34 on November 16, 2007
    that's the only reason this bullshit says that ash is still ten GOD DAMNIT IT DOESN'T TAKE A PERSON ??? Days to do all the shit ash has done. IT TAKES FREAKIN YEARS!
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  • From xain34 on November 16, 2007
    11 year old Ash: Oh i got an idea! Let's use electricity on Rock types! Then mabye I can use a watermill to pump pikachus electric attacks more! AND THEN I'LL GO ON BEATING ALL ROCK TYPES WITH ELECTRICITY MWAHAHAHAHA!
    15? year old ash: electric attacks won't work on rock type pokemon i'll have to use stratigy to beat this one.(sinnoh)

    Dude I just got started on this years season and he's acctually intelligent FOR ONCE. XD
    Oh and there's no way in fucking hell ash is under the age of 13 he's got to be AT LEAST 15 in the show.
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