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Reviews for Hoenn Harem *Author's Note*

By : DarkMaiden
  • From xain34 on November 16, 2007
    Thanks Dark I owe you one. ^_^;
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  • From DarkMaiden on November 15, 2007
    Ok answers by order:

    Xain -> Sorry I didn't have any free time lately, I'll read the email and answer as soon as I can.

    Ulforce -> They will be importante in Season 2, but until now No. (this takes away a shit load of Gym Leaders =P)

    Nevyn -> Do you think I'm bitchy enough to do that? lolol.
    Off corse not, after 10 years a lot of pokemon would probably evolve and everyone would capture new ones, they changed some members on their party but they didn't change their battle style (ok just a little bit for my future storyline but for you guessing them this doesn't matter).
    Diversity is Diversity, to add more about this would only make things more complicated ~_^
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  • From xain34 on November 15, 2007
    Haze I mean.
    And I still can't figure out who is who in the elite four but ill give a crack at it for no damn reason anyway O_o
    #1 Ash? for no fucking reason other then I hate him XD
    #2 Richie?
    #3 The black haired kid with the sandshrew that beat ash's ass in like the first ten episodes. O_o????
    #4 Um...The...Uh...One guy...Freakin uh...Brock??? Mabye??????
    my head hurts...

    And that's my guess and i'm basing that off like the first and second seasons...only seasons i've seen.
    I need to go take a few hundred asprins now...
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  • From xain34 on November 15, 2007
    Oh shit, I just realised something. Sams milotic's is breed with that ability holy shit. O_O
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  • From DarkMaiden on November 14, 2007
    Dudes keep it simple, the first thing I said was "you probably don't even need research" that means they're obvious characters, not characters that appeared in one or two episodes.
    Obviously it doesn't mean they appear in every single episode either, so how shall I put on characters that matter for the story.

    I'll say this: All 3 of you already know this characters, you may not know about them as much as I do (because when I was making this story I went to watch lots of episodes on YouTube for inspiration =P) and that makes it harder for you to identify them by order, but order isn't very important anyways.

    If you want to research more, search for background not for additional secondary characters.

    I can also add one tip: they may be in order by weakest to strongest, but that doesn't mean the difference among them changes much, I had to use small details or personality/battle flaws to actually have an order.

    Things that changed in 10 years -> They're stronger, they matured, they changed some pokemon, that's pretty much it.

    I hope this helps =P
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  • From xain34 on November 13, 2007
    Darkmaiden did you get my E-Mail? Just asking.
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  • From DarkMaiden on November 12, 2007
    Oh man this round is grinding everyone's minds lolol

    I just made a quick stop to say that I love seeing you all work together (nice team work *applauds*), but remember that there's nothing wrong with reaching your own conclusions =P
    Also because, if the three of you make a decision together than all 3 battles will be pretty much the same, and if it's a wrong choice you'll murder each other muahahaha.

    Go with your intuition (there's no way I can make the 5th round this week so take your time.)

    You guys can also decide who goes first, I need Jack, Sam and Vi to be the last 3 to enter but your free to choose when you wanna go in (Or I'll just pick randomly).

    *Goes back to work (a.k.a. Hell)*
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  • From avatoa on November 12, 2007
    I'm thinking Ash for Determination and Companionship, either Brock, Max, or Gary for Knowledge and Charisma, AJ for Strength and Power, and either Jessie or James for Ambition and Persistence.
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  • From JynX87 on November 11, 2007
    First I just wanted to say great chapter sis *thumbs up*
    Let's see if you make it up to 20.000 views before Season 1 ends.

    Now about this new round, in the story I'm Keira and I may be the author's sister but I have no freaking idea who the four characters are (we don't live together).
    I didn't even know the fifth round was gonna be a quiz, pretty interesting.

    Very nice theory up there Nevyn, my guesses would be the same, but you guys seem to be completly ignoring female characters.

    Up until now all Elite Four members in all regions had atleast one female character + the author herself IS a girl.

    Most girls in Pokemon tend to become coordinators, which I personally hate. But the strongest character up until now is a female -->> Cynthia.

    In episode 40 or 50 (something like that) of Pokemon Diamond Pearl she kicks Paul's ass and teaches him a lesson about Companionship. Does that ring a bell?

    If she made it to Sinnoh Champion she's gotta have a lot of Determination and she always seems to know what's she's doing.

    Again, I don't know if this is right or wrong, but I figured it wouldn't hurt to help out.
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  • From xain34 on November 10, 2007
    Basicly my mind start's shutting down when I start thinking...O_O;
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  • From xain34 on November 10, 2007
    Oh...Fuck my life...I'm not THAT big of fan that I can guess names. O.o
    Hell I can't even guess names to begin with even if you give them to me. XD
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  • From Review on November 09, 2007
    Wow, excellent story you have here. I'm sure this ranks alongside some of the best fics out there. But alas, I did have a slight problem with the story. It can be described in one word: Contestshipping. That's only because I'm an advanceshipper myself. I can't do anything about it, so I'll shut up now. :P

    That gets me thinking. So far you've mentioned Drew, Harley, Dawn, and May. Any chance other characters from the anime are gonna show up? Just wondering. :) (If you have mentioned others, I've already forgetten them...)
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  • From xpkmnx on November 09, 2007
    these are really confusing clues, but i like a good challenge
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  • From DarkMaiden on November 07, 2007
    Hello there.

    I finally had time to give a quick Edit on the chapter, it's my last year before graduating from college, so as you guys can probably imagine I'm not exacly swimming in time right now =P

    The Purple Division was changed, Grim and Gabriel now have a tie up in the first match and have a rematch in the end.
    The scores are the same but at least this way nobody ends up with zero points, it was the only thing I could do.

    "But i'm the only one that ended up with no points. And Helios doesn't even know Close Combat. Never has, since I don't like fighting type moves on my Fire pokemon."

    Actually in the first division the same happened to Mark. Close Combat was changed for Blaze Kick.

    Ok, now about the last round, I'll go make the rules and I'll post them soon, only the three winners will appear in the round, but everyone is free to participate in it (you'll see what I mean after I post it).

    Bye ***
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  • From xain34 on November 03, 2007
    i'm curious am i going up against sam or the elite four??? (is confused at the end of that chapter)
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