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Reviews for Hoenn Harem *Author's Note*

By : DarkMaiden
  • From ANON - nirvana on June 24, 2007
    OOO OOO OOO! I wanna give you an idea! (this is personally from my file of pokemon fire red ^_^) ok, get this, an 18 year old girl, black hair down to her ass,and a prissy snob-like attitude. her pokemon are all bug type, a butterfree, a beedrill, a venomoth, and a syther. her names Sariah and she has an intimit relationship with her syther. the pokemon have no nicknames but if you wanna give hem nicknames, go for it. i hope you pick my character to fight Vi (cuz shes my fav character) or ill do something...dont know yet...^_^
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  • From ANON - Just Call me DarkOneof TheNight on June 24, 2007
    Ok, my OC. Me! I love self-insertion. My Chacter will be age 27 (four years older than myself) and is about 6'7 with brown hair and green eyes. His party Pokemon are Infernape (Shiny Male, lv. 89) Chatot (Female. lv 40) Luxray (Male, level 32) Lucario (Female, lv 66) and Drifblim (Male, lv. 30) Oh, put him in Jack's division, Orange if I'm right. And put some action with his Infernape and Luxray. As for his personality, he's pretty laid back, and a good trainer. He has 24 badges, eight from Jhoto, Sinnoh, and Hoenn. And he's also gay.
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  • From ANON - Arekkusu on June 24, 2007
    Name: Hakan
    Division: Red
    Type: Fire, likes to attack first
    Vulpix lvl 60 (favourite)(knows all fire moves)
    Rapidash lvl 56
    Flareon lvl 40 (knows solar beam)
    Furret lvl 55 (has hyper beam and sunny day)
    Notes: Hakan seems quiet and subdued, but only because he feels more at one with pokemon than with other humans. Sometimes he daydreams about being part pokemon. Durring the fateful event at the league championship, he had rooted on Bradley and actually has posters of him in his room at home still. He can be mischevious, but he usually has good intentions.
    Appearance: What little hair he has is brown, and his eyes change color due to him having color contacts. His natural eye color is blue. Hakan's clothes are baggy, blue shorts, a bright red shirt, and a green padded vest. He will often have a smile on his face that says that he might know something you dont.
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  • From ANON - Brandy on June 24, 2007
    Name: Ava
    Gender: Female
    She's brass, tough, and sensual. She has blond hair with dark streaks. She has two older brothers and is always looking for a battle.
    Female Swellow (Level 48; nicknamed Hazel)
    Male Raichu (Level 52; nicknamed Dimitri)
    Male Kingler (Level 50; nicknamed Andy)
    Female Blaziken (Level 49; nicknamed Piper)
    Female Sceptile (Level 51; nicknamed Thistle)

    Please put her in Orange Division.
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  • From ANON - Lord of Steel on June 24, 2007
    Silent man who only talks when needed. He mostly wanders around Hoen looking for a challenge, usually disappointed. Has a younger sister who also is a trainer.
    Lv.47 Tyranitar-F(Titan)
    Lv.48 Aggron-M(Behemoth)
    Lv.49 Manectric-M(Surge)
    Lv.50 Alakazam-M(Blink)
    Lv.54 Blaziken-F(Wildfire)
    Lv.53 Metagross-?(Crash)
    has a few more but too lazy to list them
    Put him in RED division
    The only request that I have for this character is that you try to find a way to make him a main character. Because he's socially stunted it's easy to expand on his character however you want.

    Outgoing girl who trys to make friends with everyone she meets. Is the younger sister of Cody(real shocking I know), suprisingly different. Their parents died when she was young so Cody raised her. Although she is friendly she makes no connectoin to maintian those friendships.
    Lv.72 Blaziken-F(Ember)
    Lv.69 Shiftry-F(Shadow)
    lv.70 Milotic-F(Tide)

    YELLOW Division
    Same request as her brother, except for the reason to follow him
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  • From on June 23, 2007
    i sent you a review by e-mail, and i forgot to add her age....she is 17
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  • From ANON - Yuutousei on June 23, 2007
    I actually started reading your story a few days ago. Although it took me a little while to get into it, Hoenn Harem has become one of my favourite stories here on AFF ^_^ Great job, and can't wait for more.

    I guess, since I'm not busy, I'll make a trainer, too!

    Tiphanie (Nue)
    Age: 16

    Sign: Cancer

    Division: Red

    Specialty: "Cute" Pokemon (although one wonders about Tiphanie's definition of 'cute')

    Fighting Style: Strategy - find the shortest (and often times most gruesome) way to defeat your opponent without hurting her own pokemon

    Body: Nue has mocha brown skin, cropped dusty brown hair, and doe brown eyes. She's short for her age and it isn't uncommon for her to be mistaken for a younger child, a boy, or both.

    Clothes: Nue always wears her wire-rimmed glasses (since she's blind without them, a silver ring on her left middle finger and an average sized school backpack. Normally, her outfit includes faded jean shorts, a light blue tank top, grey sneakers, and a pair of black, fingerless elbow length gloves. Overall, she is an unrememberable, unremarkable person.

    Personality: Quiet and shy seems to be the best way to describe Nue who always has her nose stuck in a book or caring for her pokemon - except when someone (else) or her pokemon are being made fun of or hurt. Then, Nue's quiet nature belies her true abilities and ruthlessness when it comes to battle. Her pokemon are powerhouses by themselves but, combined with Nue's analytical mind, they can blow just about anyone out.
    On a random note, Nue reads just about anything, from Shakespeare to manga. She'll probally be one of the few people who would actually get the names of Jack's pokemon. She also quotes them XD

    Pokemon: (Note that all of them are males)
    Empoleon(Penpyon) – Level 57
    Haunter(Geist) – Level 53
    Gallade(Schwert) – Level 55
    Arcanine(Chiot) – Level 47
    Salamence(Drache) – Level 45
    Ditto (Idem) - Level 66

    Empoleon was, technically, Nue's starter pokemon, but she's had Ditto longer. She's most likely to use Idem, Penpyon, and Geist in battle. Nue's from the Sinnoh region which has yet to become as bad (Pokemon-wise) as Hoenn is. She lost the Sinnoh league twice, before she decided to try her luck against other trainers from around the world, hence, why she's in Hoenn now.

    Is it possible for Nue to have a practice battle with any of the trio? I'd just love to see how well she'd be, matched up against them XD

    Thanks for writing such a wonderful story! I can't wait for the next chapter! And good luck on exams, you'll do great!
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  • From ANON - NeutralChaotic on June 23, 2007
    Mark Parastein
    Appearance: Messy black hair down to the very tip of his shoulders, brown eyes, 5'11", sleek silver spectacles, laboratory coat, black T-shirt, dark blue jeans, tattered sneakers. Always seen with a distinctive frown on his eyes.
    Age: 17.6
    Data: Mark Parastein is a teenage scientist who focuses his studies on human-Pokemon psychology, and is one of the youngest leading proponents of "virtual research and therapy". This recent field of science is meant to allow for experiments on Pokemon and humans, as well as stronger relationships between Pokemon and humans amongst other things, without actually causing any physical, psychological or social repercussions by carrying such research out in a virtual environment, thus successfully obtaining data without forcing the involved participants into activities they find uncomfortable. This field of science, naturally, has attracted the fervent discussion and berating from both conservative communities and underground societies.
    Personality: Mark's personality is an ultimately complex sort as he hardly ever betrays emotion; only motivation, success, and failure. To him, life is a journey for him to collect as much data about it as possible. He doesn't cheer estatically when he wins, nor does he rant furiously when he loses. Everything to him is a learning experience. Mostly, however, he comes across as tactless when it comes to handling the emotions of others; he tells things like they are but also accepts them that way, even if he doesn't say it.
    Tactics: Because he never seems to lose his cool, Mark promises a challenging match to most trainers due to his unpredictability in using his Pokemon. He takes battling tactics extremely seriously and is adept at both fiendishly constructed plans as well as basic tricks. He's mostly able to turn negative situations around to his favour, but he's not impossible to surprise.
    Division: Blue


    Level: 73
    Type: Ghost
    Ability: Pressure
    Attacks: Mean Look, Shadow Ball, Focus Punch, Destiny Bond
    Gender: Male
    Nature: Adamant
    Dusclops is designed to capture subjects in preparation for Mark's virtual projects, using its Mean Look attack to ensure success. Dusclops' Mean Look attack is recognised for unfailingly attacking the subconscious of its targets, luring them into his black hole body and towards a completely new dimension for the virtual process. Similar to his pre-evolved stage, Dusclops is not above continuously hounding his targets until daybreak.

    Level: 73
    Type: Psychic
    Ability: Synchronise
    Attacks: Psychic, Hypnosis, Thunderbolt, Imprison
    Gender: Female
    Nature: Docile
    Similar to Dusclops, Gardevoir is purposed to use her powers to seal targets away in a virtual dimension, using her psychokinetic capabilities to generate small black holes after immobilising her designated targets. Her Hypnosis attack is usually used to alter the psychology and thoughts of her subjects. Despite this, Gardevoir is a caring Pokemon who also fosters to Mark's research subjects like a nurse.

    Level: 73
    Type: Normal
    Ability: Trace
    Attacks: Conversion2, Tri Attack, Recover, Hidden Power
    Gender: Inapplicable
    Nature: Serious
    Being a virtual Pokemon, Porygon2 is the chief operative of Mark's team that oversees the research and therapeutical processes Mark initiates in the virtual realm. This living being of data is as methodical as Mark is and likewise, is capable of adapting to any situation thrown its way. Porygon2's Hidden Power is unique as it is altered to freely switch between element types to target the weaknesses of its opponents.
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  • From xain34 on June 23, 2007
    oooo oooo id also like to see my charicter take down a team rocket member before his match that would be cool XD oh and he caucasion. (really would be easier if i just E-Mailed you all of the info i made for this charicter 8 months ago sence i already have his info...and i dont know your E-Mail address...)
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  • From ANON - jak on June 22, 2007
    here's my team
    shining Skarmory level 58 female lowest level but strongest
    shining Emploeon level 67 female starter
    shining venasaur level 62 male got through trade
    shining Mightyena level 71 female caught
    my characters name: dracon.
    division: yellow
    personality: lone wolfish but when with pokemon becomes more friendly
    clothes: has a weird sence of dressing like final fantasy charcter's can be dressed like cloud from ff7 ne minute and when you turn your back dressed as squall from ff8
    fighting style: unique but it works for him
    i would like my character to have in the hotel room a sex session with his mightyena of female pokemon must have oral please

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  • From xain34 on June 22, 2007
    zodiac sign taurus -_-;
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  • From xain34 on June 22, 2007
    gya my god there moves too jesus christ! can you just put any of the attacks the pokemon usually use sence i really cant think of any of the moves...cept mabye the non legendary regi's
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  • From xain34 on June 22, 2007
    oh and his division can be any of the three Vi and her freinds arnt on.
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  • From xain34 on June 22, 2007
    name: steven key
    personality:a type of cold person with the charicteristics of a class a killer
    team:Gardevoir lvl 60 Golem lvl 60 alakazam lvl 60 regirock lvl 60 (is not a legendary) regice lvl 60 (also is not a legendary) registeel lvl 60 (once again none of the regi's are acctually legendaries says so not only in the game but the show as well)
    wheight:90 pounds
    origin:currently unknown (cant remember where he came from in my story because i never made it that far just put something in for me ^_^;)
    clothing:heavy black pants a plain black T-Shirt a black type of trench coat that goes to his knees black gloves a type of eye band over his right eye with a metal plate on the right eye raven black hair red eyes (not blood red a dull kind of red to make him look...well souless) a scar on the left side of his chen and a small cross shaped scar under his left eye as well as some other features (you can use what you got here with ease basicly he's a cold fucker with no regard for other people and wont hesitate to kill people if need be if you need even more information then that because im also using this charicter for my story E-Mail me at like i said before if you need more info about him just let me know bye for now)
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  • From ANON - Netoow on June 22, 2007
    Forgot his fighting style: Using balanced attacks, usually offensive unless nessisary, and hammering with his full strength at the most oppurtune moment.
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