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Reviews for Hoenn Harem *Author's Note*

By : DarkMaiden
  • From ANON - Netoow on June 22, 2007
    Here's a character you can add. (pardon any spelling errors, I'm in a hurry)

    Name: Netoow

    This team is based off my game I have.

    Pokemon team: Blazeiken - lv. 65 - type Fire/Fighting - Male
    Gardevoir - lv. 65 - type Psychic - Female
    Flygon - lv. 65 - type Dragon/Ground - Male
    Charizard - lv. 64 - type Fire/Flying - Male
    Dragonite - lv. 64 - type Dragon/Flying - Female
    Absol - lv. 63 - type Dark - Male

    Some have taught attacks: Flygon - Gigadrain
    Charizard - Fly
    Dragonite - Thunder
    Absol - Hyperbeam, Thunder, Fire Blast, Blizzard

    Favorite - Gardevoir

    Personality - Calm, Untrusting and very suspistious of everything. Never before has he been tricked and is always looking for anyone foolish enough to try it. Dispite his untrusting nature, he can make friends easily with strong, honorable trainers. However, he isn't always honorable himself, unless he's in a battle.

    Discription - 6' even, medium build, blue shirt & pants with a green coat. Has leared several ways to fight based off of the pokemon Hitmonchamp, Scyther, and his Blazeiken. He is in the Red division.

    Hope that is enough info!
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  • From ANON - AngelgurlXXSavyXX on June 22, 2007
    Division: Purple
    Zodiac Sign: Leo
    Personality: Loves to be the center of attention. Stubborn. Strong willed. Ultra firendly. Cant stand being wrong or losing. Competetive. Fights for what she believes in.
    Gyarados: level 45
    Swampert(favorite/starter): level 65
    Torkoal: level 40
    Alakazam: Level 50
    Swellow: Level 50
    Ludicolo: Level 40
    Specialty:Balance of pokemon types
    Fighting Style: 1 hit KO and strategy
    Body: Shoulder length black hair tied into pigtails, slim and slender body (Hypnotic blue eyes)
    Clothes:halter(skyblue),blue jeans, beret(sky blue), dark blue sneakers, Huge bow comnig from the back of the halter.]
    I'd like it if my character bumps into Vi before the second round starts. They talk to eachother and become friends.
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  • From DarkMaiden on June 22, 2007
    Hi there ^_^ I loved to read all this reviews and I love when people are honest! The reviews made me wonder and I decided that everyone can participate for the League =D (read “Trainers Wanted”).

    Nevyn I know exactly what you mean but *just to defend my characters a little* they aren’t Ash Ketchum’s! LOL I mean come on that guy without a Pokedex would probably try to catch a rock or his own mother =P (he did capture a rice ball in one of the episodes I still remember that ROTFL)
    Jack is the only one who may be considered dumb, because he acts without thinking most of the times, Vi and Sam aren’t geniuses but they know what they’re doing =D
    I do have an intellectual character, Damien, but I know it doesn’t count since he’s one of the bad guys. And yup the three have no chance in HELL of winning against Team Genesis LOL, right now they would be turned into pancakes. But that’s the way it’s suppose to be *blink*.

    I considered adding more main characters but the problem is…I think it would be too many people O_O If you count with Team Genesis (which will be a big part of season 2) it makes 10 main characters…auch. But it's still under consideration.
    I hope you don’t take this as an offence I really liked your review (and everyone else's =) ).

    As soon as I have time I’ll edit more errors in the chapters.

    And everyone is invited to create a character for the League! =3

    Thanks for 10.000 views everybody!!
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  • From ANON - Arekkusu on June 15, 2007
    Hello, i have just read your story to chapter 12, part one. I have just one thing to say about it, 'I thought that it was wonderfully amazing, you are a great writer and i wish to see more' I want to see the other attempting champions and their main pokemon...i wish i could be a part of this story, but i bet you get that alot, dont'cha?

    From, another devoted fan,
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  • From ANON - NS on June 12, 2007
    Ahh, man, that was great. I actually understood this chapter, so I don't think it was confusing at all. I can't wait to see what happens next!
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  • From ANON - Celestialkit on June 09, 2007
    An update! I'm really excited about the new part of this chapter. It seems the bad guys are moving. Poor Sam too. I really hope you update soon.
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  • From JynX87 on June 09, 2007
    Yes, hyphens (I think that’s how (‘) are called lolol) are the archenemies of people that aren’t English, in lot’s of languages they don’t exist so it’s an error that normally goes unnoticed (I know I do exactly the same).
    Some dialogues on my sister’s story are indeed a little confusing, so just remember it’s always:

    “first person speaking”

    “second person speaking”

    “fist person speaking”

    “second person speaking”.

    Every time someone interrupts she mentions who it is =P

    Lol to compensate not reviewing your last chapter I’m answering some reviews for you lolol *forgive mee*

    Ok I loved chapter 11 (even thought it’s kinda of a filler) if you had jumped straight into the league it would be weird. I like all the pokemons so far, Ciáran is my fav =P

    And finally chapter 12, FINALLY TEAM GENESIS ARRIVES! It took you a long time damn it, Bianca is my favourite from them, I’m glad you gave her the spotlight in this part.

    Go back to study, but I hope you’ll post part 2 soon =D

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  • From ANON - Black Whole(notloggedin) on June 08, 2007
    Yes, I'm still too lazy to login, moving on.

    I am quite intruiged by this story. I have only read the first 4 chapters and already I can't leave the computer screen! lol but seriously, this is one amazing fic. Very few errors, but nothing that interfered with understanding the characters. Well no, that's a lie. The section where Vi and the Ralts are talking via telepathy is confusing at points, and I wasn't sure on who was talking until I got to the next line. If you could break that up, that would be a relief. Well, I'm outta here!

    -+-Black Whole-+-
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  • From ANON - Black Whole(notloggedin) on June 08, 2007
    Hey, sorry for not being logged in, but I'm too lazy to go to the login page(lol). Anyway, I really liked chapter 2. Again, a handful of errors, but they were not as common as in the first chapter. I liked the addition of the Ralts, and the dream section afterwards was definantly unique. I really like this story!

    -+-Black Whole-+-

    Also, I'm gonna try to space out my reviews. I don't think you need a review for all of your chapters!
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  • From ANON - Black Whole(notloggedin) on June 08, 2007
    Nice story line. I've just now noticed your story, and it is quite interesting. However, I have noticed a few grammatical errors.

    "...steeling pokemons from the science lab." "steel" should be "steal". the steel you have here is the metal.

    "...confy bed..." I believe you meant to put "comfy", if I am not mistaken.

    "and slightly bitted her erected nipples." "Bitted" should have been "bit".

    There were also several words that should have had a ' after them(i cant remember what it's called.)

    A few exampes are: masters, lovers, companions, and there are also a few others.

    If these errors were fixed, it would make the story look that much better. I'm gonna keep my eye on this story! Best of luck with future updates!

    -+-Black Whole-+-
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  • From harryhollow on June 02, 2007
    please update soon!
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  • From ANON - NS on May 26, 2007
    I can't wait to see that next chapter. Don't keep us waiting too long! ^^
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  • From SublimelyStupid on May 23, 2007
    Chapter 11 is disturbing yet interesting at the same time. It's kind of random but really well written. I can't wait for the next chapter.
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  • From ANON - Bren on May 21, 2007
    LOVE THIS STORY PLEASE UPDATE SOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  • From ANON - NS on May 20, 2007
    It's getting a little hard keeping track of all of her pokemon, but it's still fun. I loved the end of the chapter, it was too good, made me laugh so hard.
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