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Reviews for Hoenn Harem *Author's Note*

By : DarkMaiden
  • From xain34 on January 29, 2008
    I appreciate your kindness DM, and it was actually the last bit of chapter one. Chapters 2 through 9 will use a different song for it. And I already have one in mind. But I would like to thank you again, i'm glad you like it DM. ~_^
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  • From xain34 on January 28, 2008
    Oh, and DM don't forget about the pokemon travelor (Spelling???)
    Basicly it's like my character Steven. Oh and DM just to inform you. He doesin't have the eight league badges. Message me in E-Mail and i'll give you a little clue of how he might beable to actually enter the pokemon league.
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  • From xain34 on January 28, 2008

    *I scream as everyone in the room hears an unearthly roar as a dragons claw breaks right through the dresser*

    HELP ME! (O_O)

    *liking the story so far DM. Continue whenever you have free time.*
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  • From xain34 on January 28, 2008
    The door breaks some more as I slam a dresser into the now partly broken door*

    Um, that's good to hear. And I think I just instigated the beast a little to much! O_O;
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  • From DarkMaiden on January 27, 2008
    Ok answering new and old reviews:

    Xain - I didn't forget Steven =P I didn't write the ending of the Hoenn League itself (the end of the event) in this chapter because it's already huge as it is. That's in the next and last chapter of season 1 =P

    Ulforce and CrazyIvan - Thanks for all the support! (and Paul is my fav too) ^_^

    Nevyn - I know exacly what you mean, you'll notice that the only characters that base themselves on different attacks are Vi, Gary and Gabriel. When I created Vi's battle style it wasn't because of character personality but because of the storyline itself. Oh well just wait for season 2 lol.
    Now answering a previous message I should have answered a few days ago: I wish too they would create a remake of the Johto Saga (Gold, Silver and Crystal), this is the only region that I hardly remember. But my biggest hope would be for them to finally make a PC version of Pokemon with all 4 regions (one by one) were you can decide either to be a trainer or a coordinator, basically the same game style but with better graphics and a large screen. However, I doubt this will ever happen.

    Thanks everybody!
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  • From xain34 on January 27, 2008
    "I demand retribution god damnit!"

    That's it Steven! *Grabs Steven by the hair and throws him into the closet after taking his chemical bottles and locking the door soon afterwords*

    Sorry about that everyone he won't bother you anymore. -_-;

    *The door cracks after being hit.*

    Um, i'll be back later. I have to go deal with Steven. If you'll please excuse me. (O_O);
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  • From xain34 on January 27, 2008
    And thank you for taking away the double post Darkmaiden, I appreciate (spelling???) it I really do.
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  • From xain34 on January 27, 2008
    "Oh yea, Ash is still how I remember him. A maroon through and through..."

    Steven, be nice god damnit. Well anyway nice job DM, I havin't finished reading all of it yet but I would like to know what this "new" Pokemon is called.
    (If it's not stated in the story yet of course, but if it is there's no need to answer that.)
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  • From DarkMaiden on January 27, 2008
    I did a quick edit to take away the most obvious errors but as always it's almost morning so I'll check it again later.

    The Elite Four is finally revealed, I hope you'll all like the chapter.

    Till later **
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  • From DarkMaiden on January 26, 2008
    I finished the chapter right now, it's a big boy, but I'm happy with the ending result, I'm gonna begin to post it.

    I did get it but I have to admit I only saw the emails today, I completly forgot to check my "darkmaiden" email sorry =P

    I took away the double post hope you don't mind.
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  • From xain34 on January 26, 2008
    Sorry, internet explorer shat and gave me a error so I reposted the comment. My bad. O_o;
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  • From xain34 on January 26, 2008
    Oh, and DM did you get my E-Mail from my new account? If not it's
    Just thought you may wanted to know if you needed anything. Untell then, oyasuminasai.
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  • From xain34 on January 26, 2008
    Take yout time DM i'm not in any hurry. ^_^

    "But I am, so hurry the hell up!"

    Steven shut up. >_>
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  • From DarkMaiden on January 25, 2008
    It'll be out tomorrow, it would have been finished sooner if Vi's battles weren't so big lol

    Writing this chapter made me realize that I miss pokemon, does anyone know if there's gonna be any new PKM games for Nintendo DS (or others)?
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  • From xain34 on January 17, 2008
    Well good luck with the finals. That shit is ALOT harder then what your doing right now. Trust me I went through the same shit. Well anyway I wish you luck.

    Sigh, I was so hopping for a send off for my character, but alas my guy wasin't in the finals. So technicly i'm fucked.
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