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Reviews for Strange Times

By : fireun
  • From ANON - futonhow on May 25, 2010
    This story was well written and fun to read. I rarely review stories (either they require sign-ins or they just don't catch my interest), but having read this fan fiction in one sitting, I felt it would be particularly ungrateful of me not to review. Everyone was in character (from what I remember from the anime) without being predictable or boring. I must say that you have a great talent in writing and should most definitely continue to write whatever spurs your creativity.

    *I seriously read this entire story in one go, it was that awesome!!*
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  • From KansouAme on July 14, 2007
    I am always happy to see an update of this story. I usually like the Aya x Yohji pairing but this "strange" tale is perfect for Schu and Aya. It is dark and yet hopeful. The characters are true to form as well. Great job! Please keep going.
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  • From MikaSamu on July 08, 2007
    Another great chapter. I love the friendship shown by Yohji and Ken, and Aya's determination not to leave even though he understands the potential danger. Schuldig's sudden professional interest, as if a bodyguard, just delightful. Such unrelieved tension, however, please hurry back with more soon.
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  • From MikaSamu on July 06, 2007
    Another terrific chapter! So angry but so caring for each other. Poor Schuldig, tied so closely to Aya but not finding Aya's bonds to him to be as clear. So painful that phrase in the last chapter, that it is never about him in Aya's mind -- yet Aya's actions show otherwise even if he isn't quite willing to admit that yet. Two very dangerous men, angst, humor and brilliant writing, who could ask for more (other than please more chapters)?
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  • From ANON - krimson on July 05, 2007
    Continuing to enjoy this story very much. You have just the right balance of malice. passion and compassion in the characters. I was a bit jarred by the staging in the last part of this chapter-- Schuldich was "not a hundred yards away", then Aya was throwing a punch and neither character physically moved in the narrative. Also, 300 feet takes a bit of time to cross, it's almost the length of a football field. Perhaps you meant 10 yards? Anyway, given the way Schuldich reacted to restraints in the past, the next chapter is bound to be an interesting one. I am looking forward to it.
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  • From MikaSamu on July 05, 2007
    Hurray another chapter, and what a chapter! You convey so well the dancing on a knife's edge by Mastermind and Abyssinian, but who better to master such a dance? I love the smooth way in which Weiss carried out their mission, and in particular the manner in which Aya brought down Mastermind. Schuldig it seems has been looking forward to this moment, at least a bit. I can't wait to see what happens next.
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  • From MikaSamu on July 04, 2007
    I had grown afraid that you might not be returning; to get three new chapters was an unexpected and all the more wonderful delight (which by no means is a wish for any delays in future chapters). I love that Schuldig forewarned Omi of Abyssinian's coming visit and how smoothly that "conversation" was had. Schuldig's resulting dream and return to being the vicious Mastermind was insightful. Aya's examination of their apartment and Yohji's role in seeking Schuldig was great. Everyone is so terrifically in character even as new dimensions are revealed. And again, you are a master of words -- "Intimidation was a talent. Malevolent sadism was an art form . . ."; counting on Aya being furious with him; and the marking in his own unique way of his territory -- just superb.
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  • From MikaSamu on May 15, 2007
    I just don't know how you do it, turning out wonderful chapters with elements of action, suspense, intriguing plot, and best and most amazing of all, terrific character development -- shown more than discussed (loved Schuldig's decision) and incredible laugh out loud humor. Once again phrases and sentences scintillate, sparkling even more with each reading. The Aya and Schuldig interaction is terrific, funny and somehow very believeable, while Yohji and Ken manage to hold their own.
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  • From MikaSamu on April 18, 2007
    Now I'm simply and utterly spoiled! Once again the plot is not only enthralling, I'm enraptured with the way you write. Simply too many gems of paragraphs, sentences, and phrases -- all seemlessly interwoven into a jewel of a plot. I'm going to simply relax and enjoy rereading over and over and fully enjoying each morsel as well as the whole story to this point. Thank you!
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  • From ANON - memorietrail on April 17, 2007
    dont stop there please! it is so good and i would love to have more.
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  • From MikaSamu on April 15, 2007
    Now I have to admit to being completely spoiled, and absolutely loving it! I suppose Kritiker's attempt was inevitable, but I love how Weiss pulled together as a united team. Fascinating plot, and I can't wait to see where you take it from here. I am most in love, however, with the way you write such gems as Aya rounding on Yohji "with a look he had usually reserved for members of Omi's estranged family." Truly priceless, not to mention the delight of Yohji's and Omi's respective responses -- both to the look and to Aya's response to Schuldig's actions. Just as I thought those concluding paragraphs in that chapter couldn't possibly be topped, you have such insightful gems in the next chapter like the descriptions of Schuldig's telepathy sliding through Aya and Aya's frustration about Schuldig's moods, and his determined refusal to admit to any sort of weakness or need -- not noticing how much that applies to others' observations of himself. Th ank you so very much for this story and your rapid updates!
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  • From ANON - krimson on April 15, 2007
    What a delightful story. How nice of Kritiker to push the rest of Weiss into supporting Schu. :) I really like your characterizations of all the guys, especially the way that they will set aside their own opinions and concerns in favor of keeping their friendships and working relationships intact. Thanks for sharing tis story.
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  • From MikaSamu on April 14, 2007
    I fear getting spoiled, but thank you! I loved the epiphanies and the humor, but most of all I love how you've made Aya and Schuldig into the perfect pairing.
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  • From ANON - memorietrail on April 14, 2007
    Wow this is so very good.i just love it. more please .
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  • From MikaSamu on April 14, 2007
    So many wonderful chapters, such a terrific story! I wanted to try spreading out the reading of the new chapters to assure that I would have something to look forward to until your next update -- but couldn't help but to devour them immediately. Somehow you make this crazy situation work perfectly, while keeping everyone delightfully in character.
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