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Reviews for Secret Confessions

By : Sadakoyamamura
  • From Sadakoyamamura on July 17, 2007
    As i stated before this was one written by my friend i posted it as he gave gave me it
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  • From LordSaturn on June 20, 2007
    I don’t normally read Yaio stories but do now and then to be fair.

    The first thing that I noticed is that you put a note in the body of the text, I tend to avoid that because I feel that it disrupts the flow of the story. May I suggest putting notes at the top or bottom?

    The lemon in chapter three was interesting. I know how women might feel about my Yuri lemons now, LOL.

    In chapter four I noticed that several characters are speaking in the same paragraph; it is an accepted practice to start a new line when a new character speaks. Also I think that the NERV thing seemed rushed but it is just a minor point.

    The last couple chapters got very weird. Still all in all a good story.

    Dale (AKA 94saturn)

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