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Reviews for Shades of Mystification

By : Hellagoddess
  • From RiamtheWanderer on April 16, 2008
    The noise I made because of this cliffhanger made my mom look at me oddly. It's great so far (except for the cliffhanger). Update this ASAP. Also *throws object*
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  • From ninetailedfoxx852 on April 15, 2008
    gah!! noooooo! such a great chapter!! i loved that part with L and no shirt! X3 *sighs what a greatmental image-- please update soon!! luv ya!!
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  • From ANON - Kuromei on April 15, 2008
    Woo hoo! Raito gets to be schooled in the art o' lurrrrve~! XD *perches in chair and waits for next update* 83
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  • From IntHellsing on April 15, 2008
    I hereby dub thee King of Leaving me Fucking Hanging. XDD
    You're worse than my significant other. T_T

    Every time I come here I leave thinking "What? Seriously? But... I... Moooooooooooore..." Although... in this case, I guess that's not all that bad.
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  • From amenochikara on April 15, 2008
    WAH~! Finally! Sex! Well... next chapter. Heh. I finally got some free time and I'm barely with it... I just wanted to read this before I went to sleep. Very amusing again-- I love you and will try to come back and leave a more coherent comment later =3
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  • From Gwenfarr on April 15, 2008
    Thank goodness you've updated. I was salivating! I was kind of hoping Raito would be more in control, more in character, but your way seems to be working. It makes him vulnerable. Interesting take.

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  • From Duomi on April 15, 2008
    First? *typing is difficult right now, keeps retyping words* I'm jittery and excited! Reading shirtless!L for some reason made all the hairs on my arms stand up and my skin tingle. That is weird. I loved the description! I had to argue with myself three times not to abandon the chapter immediately and draw the scene. Because I didn't want to stop reading. *laughs*

    Second-- and I'm halfway through typing this, decided to keep notes to keep my brain on track-- L saying "I have quite the sexual prowess" made me have to bite my hand to keep from snickering madly and waking Daryn up! I can so picture L doing that-- saying something like that blandly, flat-out. "Actually, Raito-kun, I am excellent at sex. Are you going to finish that cake?" *still laughing*

    “Perhaps it is not me who causes the feeling personally, but a carrier agent instead. Is it that I am a man, Raito-kun? Is that tiny detail what is causing you to fuss, like an indecisive child?”

    I loved that line too! L taking Raito's choice in words, turning it against him, then beating him over the head with it by means of clever wordplay...

    Signed up for a forum ID thingy and awaiting a response, will check that out. I'm excited about the next chapter!!! I wouldn't have killed you for taking two weeks, but with my sense of time two weeks feels like two months, so I'd have mourned. And looked helpless. And made a lot of confused questioning noises while my brain short-circuited at the cliffhanger of death. Anyway! Oh yes, there will be fanart. ^_^
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  • From ANON - ethere on April 14, 2008
    Lovely chapter. Will happily await more. :)
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  • From Dotowe on April 14, 2008
    Equating Light to a sacrificial lamb was delicious! Loved this chapter and most eagerly awaiting the next one.

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  • From Kaiyuke on April 14, 2008
    You're right about that.
    *makes a death threat/flame/projectile ready just in case you decide to randomly run off without telling us*

    I find it difficult to picture Light acting like such a girl actually. O__O
    The innocent Light would act sweet but he was always very certain of himself. He'd be shocked for a moment but he'd be able to gather his wits very quickly. Hrm. IDK. And L - haha, painfully straight forward, you've got to love him. :3
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  • From Tulip32 on April 14, 2008
    ALRIGHT!! I simply loved this chapter!! And, yes, I probably would have threatened you, maybe not with death, but certainly with something..... I'll have to think of something good enough first. Maybe I'll sic Ryuk on you. XD. Raito is so cute! He wants to "break up" with L just because he's scared but, like always, L gets what L wants. =)

    You know, reading your one chapter per week makes my week. I look forward to it every weekend. Especially since I have been particularly stressed lately. Its kind of sad but I don't care. ^_^. I can't wait for the next chapter!

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  • From ANON - Riven Liether on April 09, 2008
    When I first saw L offering syrup, I started thinking naughty things about waffles and Raito-kun... Hehehe

    Great work, can't wait to read more~! ^_^
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  • From Saka on April 08, 2008
    *laughs* Raito's learning more and more about himself with each chapter. Things he never knew even.

    Yay, I loved this chapter! Adored it actually. And I can't wait to read more. Update soon!!
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  • From ANON - oztan on April 08, 2008
    This is good. I wonder if Raito will kiss another man to see if has feeling for L or because he just like getting kissed by other men.
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  • From ninetailedfoxx852 on April 07, 2008
    lol L's so sly-- it was so cute that he made Raito breakfast-- and that he didnt really even know how to make it! XD that made me smile-- please update as soon as you can- i'll be waiting X3
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