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Reviews for Shades of Mystification

By : Hellagoddess
  • From ANON - Lina on April 07, 2008
    LMAO, great job with the tentacle part. Aww, I loved this chapter :3
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  • From ANON - Anon on April 07, 2008
    lol. i think raito is a little ooc here. he would have to have been pretty dumb not to realize that ryuuzaki and L were the same person after seeing the room full of art, and he would never faint like that. however, it's still a very cute and interesting story, and i think your portrayal of L is great.
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  • From Tulip32 on April 07, 2008
    I was very satisfied with this chapter and I'm loving that you made the chapters longer. =). Its more for the readers to look forward to. I can't wait to see what happens next chapter. I do have a question though. Did L put cameras in Raito's office and home?
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  • From Dotowe on April 06, 2008
    Heh. I have this weird grin on my face that persistantly refuses to go away since Raito woke up and convinced himself he fainted because of a tumor. He'd so much rather have a tumor in his brain than be attracted to L. And the cough syrup line got a bark of laughter out of me. Ha! And when Raito promised to never yell at Matsuda again for putting salt in the sugar bowl! Classic.

    Don't be nervous! This story is great! And it manages to keep the tension up so we are always looking forward to the next chapter. I like that L has all of this hidden passion. That's very interesting to read. I look forward to more!

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  • From ANON - Mewmew2 on April 06, 2008
    *falls out of chair at L's latest antics* Nice. I throughly enjoyed this chapter although the bit about the western style breakfast really made me hungry. Thanks for updating, and please do it soon when convenient.
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  • From ANON - L on April 06, 2008

    For you. ;0

    I am anxious to see how their relationship develops. I also love the contrast in their personalities, which was enjoyable in the series as well. Light's inner monologue to himself is hilarious as well~ Instead of writing my opening statement for our mock trial, i was reading SoM and Light's comment about "Not being gay because of ___, ___, and ___. He was even thinking about getting a cat," made me laugh SO hard. His tumor theory was equally amusing~

    I've loved this so far, and hope to read more in the future! ♥
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  • From amenochikara on April 06, 2008
    Oh my goodness! Early update?! You do not know how stoked I was to see that this was updated so soon =3 Hurray! Hurray! Mmmm... it was really nice to see the longer chapter, too. Although, the other ones were just the right length for teasing. Hehe. This chapter was... wow ^^;; L and Raito... so cute! I love your scene where Raito is getting on the lift especially.
    '“It seems some components of Raito-kun are in the process of making that decision for him.”' XD Yeeeah. Now L has a better idea of what that painting should look like. Pervert probably already had snuck a peek =p But, who's to blame him?
    Duomi's picture is so cool =^^= Thanks for sharing~
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  • From RiamtheWanderer on April 06, 2008
    So happy to see another chapter. I am now obessed with this story!
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  • From ANON - Layalas on April 06, 2008
    Wow ~ I really enjoy this fic.
    It's really funny in some places with half of the things you make L say. It's a shame this thing doesn't have a rating button {that I can find if there is one}.

    Now all I have to get used to is people calling Light Raito. I much prefer Light XD
    Keep up the good work :)
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  • From ANON - Kuromei on April 06, 2008
    lol XD Raito won't admit he fainted. X3 And the poor thing's thinking about it all way too much. He doesn't know how to go with the flow, does he?

    Well, L will teach him eventually. ;3
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  • From Kaiyuke on April 06, 2008
    Goodness, Raito, you wake up without your freakin' pants and all you can do is think about how good that kiss was and... FOOD.
    Tumour indeedy.

    Hee hee hee.
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  • From Duomi on April 06, 2008
    Yatta! Having no life on my days off pays off! I got a chapter almost done and for some reason felt a need to check the site like... once an hour to see if anyone would post something interesting. *eyes wide* Really, that's so pathetic I feel sad! Or I would if this chapter hadn't made me grin so widely.

    First! Raito being in denial about fainting because only girls faint is classic! I loved that. And... oh dear... Even the thought of L with tentacles and Raito's "he knew what would have followed..." thing... I burst out laughing and hit my leg. Laughter is violent with me sometimes. Then I reread that part three times because the idea of L suddenly sprouting tentacles and ravishing Raito is one of the strangest thoughts I've ever thunk. Anyway~! I love the humor in this chapter. It felt like he was getting a little bit giddy and panicking in his thoughts and so odd memories and thoughts were derailing him constantly. I loved that, it made him seem quite unbalanced. (And not just because of a tumor!) And him even sympathizing with Matsuda was adorable.

    Why were his pants missing?!?! I mean, a reason that L would actually explain. I kept thinking that. I'd read, then stop and think, "Why isn't he wearing pants? Damn Raito being all polite and eating the delicious food (not because he's hungry, just polite, of course) ask why your pants are missing! Find some way, it's an important and practical question!" then I'd get distracted actually reading again. I love L. He takes advantage of every opportunity he can get... he'd probably defend himself by saying the fact that he left Raito's shirt on is an equally valid observation and just as unusual.

    Also I'm wondering if L installed cameras in Raito's apartment too... oh my. That man and his voyeurism...

    I'm very glad you liked the pics! A doujinshi would be loooovely to see. Thank you for posting early! I can sleep now, reading fix satiated.
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  • From Duomi on April 04, 2008
    I have presents for yoooou. I've been working on some fanart since chapter ten went up! It's finished.

    The main art is here:

    And the detail on Light is here:

    I don't know why I made it a comic cover! I'm baffled. But anyway, there! Hope you like them, that idea has been stuck prominently in my head since I read the gallery scene-- it was very striking.
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  • From animekid on April 01, 2008
    oh man I didn't pick that part with chess up and I am reading both stories!!!!

    Still man...this chapter was...funny, hot, and confusing. I'm like...the hell!!!!! L is buying his own paintings?! But then it started to make sense and I was like...oh....


    still poor confused raito! so many problems and what not. Still love the cast but something tells me that teru might make an apperance for the lulz. Oh and I love L in this; you have his character to a t perfectly X3

    and yes I am reading goodnight moon and tear you apart....both are awesome. Also looked at worship and I am going to look at it again....I need to read it again x.x;

    keep up the good work
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  • From animekid on April 01, 2008
    didn't figure out who the american was besides aiber....yet...>
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