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Reviews for Shades of Mystification

By : Hellagoddess
  • From animekid on April 01, 2008
    weird but I like AUs...I just cannot image raito being an gallery type of guy lol

    still I like how the competetion is near...but I wonder does L know him in this universe? It would be funny if near and mello was L's cousins, since originally they were going to be his offspring O_o;

    still good story, really amusing with people still in character in this new universe and misa misa/ tota is a riot XD
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  • From Dotowe on April 01, 2008
    YAY! I feel like I just won a prize! *does happy dance* I knew it!

    I loved the chapter and was excited that you updated. The kiss was great, and so was the cake splattering and L's reaction to it. And Raito passing out at the end! How funny.

    Can't wait for the next chapter!

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  • From ANON - cu-kid on April 01, 2008
    Ah haha! I was so glad to see this updated! I've had a crappy week (already!) so this was an excellent diversion from stress.

    Raito's sputterings had me in giggles for most of the chapter. And that kiss! That was my favorite part, though not for the reasons most might think. The description during that part (and just prior to it, when Raito is noticing all the little details about L) was beautifully done, and I think I was holding my breath to see how he would react again. I like that he sort of gave in to it by the end of the chapter, but I'm kinda hoping that, in the next, he will still fight it a little.

    I rather liked this chapter, and not just because it was longer (although, it seemed short to me, but that was because I read it kinda fast since I was excited about the update). The interaction between Light and L is always amusing and filled with a wonderful tension. I'm already looking forward to your next update.
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  • From ANON - Kuromei on April 01, 2008
    Bwa ha ha ha haaaa! XD Raito fainted! XDDD I don't see him fainting in the canon series, so I think it's funny as hell. X3 It gives L plenty of snuggle time. ^//w//^

    Keep it up, Hella-sama! =D
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  • From RiamtheWanderer on April 01, 2008
    Update soon! I am in love with this fic.
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  • From RiamtheWanderer on March 31, 2008
    I am loving this! I wasn't going to read at first, but it keep staring at me everytime I was on this page. It is great to see a story with such an interesting plot. Keep it up. ^.^
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  • From ninetailedfoxx852 on March 31, 2008
    so glad i read this!! i love the way the characters are-- theyre a little ooc but i think thats what makes this stroy so great! i read all eleven chapters in one night-- best hour of my life!! XD please update as soon as you can-- i'll be waiting!! XD
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  • From amenochikara on March 31, 2008
    Yay! New chapter! And, wow, Raito was owned by L. Yet again, Raito is all "What? Wait a second!" He was really floored by it all... his lust for L really blinds him, huh? Poor L... just trying to fall in love with stubborn Raito in his creepy little way ^^;;
    Huzzah! I was mentioned... I can now go melt with happiness and finish translating so we can have a release this week. *grumbles*
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  • From Duomi on March 31, 2008
    Yay! You updated! This is honestly the only thing that could make me happy to be forced awake before ten AM for work. I didn't notice the reference at all!!! I remember the scene and thinking, "I can so picture Raito doing that when bored or thinking, playing against his own mind like a computer..."! But didn't catch it aside from that. *Way too cheerful now*

    Also! They finally kissed, yaaay. And Raito being so confused and flustered he actually let L comfort him was adorable and made me grin.

    “Raito-kun is very unspecific when he is in distress. I will endeavor to attempt a reply regardless.” L sounded amused but Raito was in too much turmoil to care if he was being laughed at.

    That line pwned me for some reason-- I love the wording, and how L-like that response was... amused but also mocking. Anyway~ I'm happy you updated, even if you aren't satisfied with this chapter-- it's good! And I'm loving the longer length as well.
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  • From ANON - WM on March 31, 2008
    1200 words? really?
    Goodness, I thought your previous chapters were like 500 words or something. (Good things feel short)

    I must say, this is quite a turning point for the story. o__O and to have L say the word "love" so easily, it makes cringe a little inside.

    Ah well, can't wait till the next chapter. XD
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  • From ANON - Kitty on March 31, 2008
    Loved the long chapter! Not only because of the length of course hehe I find it sweet the L understands what a big deal it's for Raito to be kissed by a man (and with everything else that happened) and actually went to comfort him. Did Raito passed out in the end? O_o I so can't see it happening... But I'm counting on you to make it believable in the next chapter :P
    I know the scanlation group and they're really great. The next is only my opinion so feel free to completely ignore it: I wouldn't recommend Nilahxpiel's stories to anyone, she's maybe a good writer but she's too irresponsible when it comes to writing. She has something like 6 stories in progress and it sometimes seems like she doesn't give a damn that people are waiting for an update, and not to mention her several months writer's blocks. This is why I stopped reading anything by her (even oneshots) and I think it's best to recommend on "Reigning on heaven" only after it's completion.
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  • From IntHellsing on March 31, 2008
    The increased length made this a more enjoyable experience than normal.
    I've found that the last few chapters have ended just as I was really beginning to enjoy them and the longer read allows for more time to fully absorb everything that's going on.
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  • From Tulip32 on March 31, 2008
    Simply amazing. =). I am so happy that these two idiots have finally gotten together sort of. What I do wonder, though, is how L began to know of Raito and when he started to fall in love with him, especially enough to secretly finance Raito's business.

    The length was simply wonderful. I can't wait for the next chapter. XD.
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  • From Kuragari75 on March 31, 2008
    woot! a smooch!! still loving it!
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  • From Dotowe on March 29, 2008
    Oooooh! I'm loving this story and cannot wait for an update.

    Caught. *squeels* Naughty L. I'm soo loving this, I knew I would and was not disappointed. Must. Have. More.


    P.S. Was the "in the head chess game thing" a cameo to Good Night Moon?
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