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Reviews for Shades of Mystification

By : Hellagoddess
  • From ANON - oztan on March 28, 2008
    This is good. I wish the chapter was longer.
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  • From ANON - WM on March 26, 2008
    Oh oh, I saw your video on youtube (Your tears are all the company I need). It was great! :D (I'm kind of in love with the song now, haha)
    Anyhow, yes *BIG CHEER*
    Longer chapters rock my world. =]
    I'm very interested in how Raito is going to handle his current, rather awkward situation.

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  • From Saka on March 24, 2008
    Aww I saw the video and loved it!

    But this chapter- L IS SO CAUGHT! Poor L though I mean that's like one of those times ya just wanna take back and everything.

    But Raito is probably super confused right now, hehe. This should make for anawesome chapter. Update soon again.
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  • From goddess8878 on March 24, 2008
    AAAAHHHH!!! ROFLCOPTER! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA...most excellent chapter. I'm soooo fawking addicted to it!
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  • From Tulip32 on March 24, 2008
    I'm so sorry that I haven't reviewed lately. I've been ridiculously busy with so many things. The last three chapters have been great. I was wondering when our elusive L would let it slip that he was Ryuuzaki. =) Now, we have to wait for a P-ed off Raito who is freaked out that his main artist has a nude picture of him and spends his spare time admiring Raito's "amazing physique" ^_^. Ah, the drama that is to be created. Especially since Raito already knows that L has some sort of feelings for him. I can't wait for the next chapter!
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  • From ANON - Mika on March 24, 2008
    "...but they were still crayons..." lol. this is what I love about this fic. Besides all the yummy drama and tangled emotions of L and Raito there is this quirky humour that pops up so unexpectedly. I really enjoy your style. Please update soon!
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  • From IntHellsing on March 24, 2008
    Hooray for the end of the short chapters.

    I'm interested to see how this will play out in the next chapter.
    L is such a rude host. XDDD
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  • From ANON - cu-kid on March 24, 2008
    Can I just say something? I just got into Death Note within the past year and, within the past few months, have been reading fanfiction for it. A lot of the stories out there run with the same plot and, while they may be well written and have great twists, I kind of get tired of reading about Light and L handcuffed together.

    Your story is like a breath of fresh air. I love AU stories that diverge completely from what everyone else is doing, and here you have picked up a handful of characters and placed them in something so different that I was avidly reading from the beginning. For ten chapters, I've been sitting on the edge of my seat, wondering what's going to happen next. I love the way L alternates between gently pushing Light's boundaries and being completely blunt. I especially love Light in this story (which is rare for me, since I'm usually either frustrated or bored with how people write him). I think my favorite chapter was the one where he goes over the reasons why he can't possibly be gay because he doesn't do any of the stereotypical things that gay men do (I was cracking up when he glanced down at what he was wearing and immediately dismissed him dressing well as having nothing to do with being gay). Also, I really like the way you describe the paintings done by L.

    I can't even really find anything to give con-crit on, either. Light's mild OOC doesn't bother me -he still sounds and...feels like Light. I've run across a few grammatical mistakes and do wish the chapters were longer (just because I'm greedy and want more/ ^_^), but you've already said that you're going to change the latter, and the former isn't too big of a deal since the story is well-written overall. I don't really know what else to say about this story without making this either obnoxiously long or me totally gushing. Suffice it to say, by the time I got to the end of chapter ten and realized there was nothing after it, and that you had just recently updated, I was totally bummed at having to wait for a new chapter (but I don't mind waiting for updates when the stories are written this well). I can't wait to see if Light breaks his stoic exterior and totally freaks out!
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  • From amenochikara on March 24, 2008
    KJHSDKLSAHGLKJSAHG,KJHLGJKHSLKJGHAKJGHLAKSJ!?! [My thoughts as of the end of Chapter Ten (In which, it's interesting Raito is thinking of a BBQ =p)]

    Anyway... wow. That is... oh, L... how did you get yourself so lost in your Raito porn that you forgot the real thing was coming? Unless he did it quite on purpose to show Raito how dependent his gallery's success truly was on him. Without Ryuuzaki, they wouldn't get near as much money. Haha... Maybe if Raito gets with him, he can have that painting he wanted...? Anyway, again this is simply brilliant and GR! I have to wait one more week, but I guess I can manage =)

    [On a side note, don't know why my review only was that keyboard smash at the beginning when I first submitted it...oh well. Guess that's why they show it to you first.]

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  • From Duomi on March 24, 2008
    I'm half-awake right now but you updated so I want to comment! I looove the description at the end-- the spotlight, and the painting. Wonderfully focused, gave a perfectly clear mental image-- a little surreal, so also nice. Also, Raito finally saw expression in L's eyes! And finally realized he's Ryuuzaki! Took me three tries to type realized correctly. I'm happy you felt inspired to finish this chapter, and look forward to longer chapters very much. I'm arguing against my body-- I want to sketch the gallery scene, but I need sleep... Sleep wins. I'll work on a sketch in the morning!
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  • From ANON - Kuromei on March 24, 2008
    rolf! XD Poor little Raito. He's so shocked at seeing all those paintings that he doesn't even consider the option that L is Ryuuzaki! XDD What happened to all that intelligence, I wonder? =3 And he calls Misa and Matsuda dim. X3

    Keep it up! =D
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  • From ANON - kiss on March 22, 2008
    GOSH! I LOVE YOUR STORY~!!! ^^ it's so cute! :D
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  • From ANON - cat on March 20, 2008
    :D aww, this is true foreplay, a la jane austen (hope you don't hate jane lol).
    But RaitoxL seriously owns darcy and 'beth any day XD at least the way you write it. what can I say? sorry I didn't review earlier XD and the setting is thoroughly amusing--now that you've done it, it's so wunderbar natural that I'm wondering hmm...why didn't anyone think of this before XDD

    keep up the whoohoo super work!
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  • From ANON - Kuromei on March 19, 2008
    Poor, poor, ignorant Raito. *shakes head* They're not all that way. Guess he'll be finding that out soon enough. ;)
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  • From Kuragari75 on March 17, 2008
    loving it as always!!! lol, L is such a little perv. *giggle* waiting for Raito-kun's answer!
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