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Reviews for Shades of Mystification

By : Hellagoddess
  • From ANON - Zannie on March 17, 2008
    mEH. Thats so mean! so short (cries in a corner) Ah well, just gotta wait for the next one right? Heh Matsuda really is the type to cause an accident.

    Ooodles and noodles

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  • From ANON - choticati on March 17, 2008
    I just started to read ur story yesterday. I have never been attracted by it before, thinking that it might be totally out of the subject. I have been really wrong!! Of course it doesn't follow the Death Note, it's simply one original story with some characters things borrowed to Death Note. It's really an awesome story, I really loved it and read all in one afternoon! Don't think stopping it!
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  • From amenochikara on March 17, 2008
    Haha- no problem! I hope people go read it like I do. I now wait pretty patiently, albeit, excitedly. I know it's coming on either Monday or Tuesday and that makes those days exciting for me...And you're so awesome! You save all your review emails? Aw. ^^
    This chapter was, again, clever and over all awesome. I loved Light's thoughts and how you presented them-- especially his bad notion of gays turning into his guilt for some of those stereotypes and then into a fantasy about L. Hahahaha. Very funny. I was half afraid he was going to arrive at work, only to get a call from L saying "Display these instead!" ..."These" being perfect renditions of him in the shower. =p
    Looking forward to next week!
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  • From ANON - WM on March 17, 2008
    Couldn't you merge some of the shorter chapters together? D:
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  • From Duomi on March 17, 2008
    Hiii! I'm too hyper right now. My little email thing popped up saying someone reviewed, but when I went to the site I saw you'd updated and was immediately happy and hyper (I'd been expecting a wait until Tuesday, so was keeping my hopes realistic) and then when I opened your fic another review popped up, and I thought, "I'll bet that's Hella," and it was. ::grins:: So hello! I'll definitely stop by your lj to say hi after I actually stop babbling about nothing and review.

    Things relevant to the actual review: Again, way too happy that you just updated. You don't need to stuff it with words, you write well! I was disappointed that we skipped to Raito being away from L again and not what'd happenn after the shower, but he called at the end so we're good. (The 'something very interesting' at the end of chapter eight made me think, 'oh dear, if Raito presses too hard and finds out what L was really seeing, he'll break the laptop...!') Also, I previously forgot to mention I think that I love the idea of Near being a rival art dealer and that Raito calls him by his real name, and Nate has Mello and Matt as henchmen. Brilliant. (If I mentioned it before, it deserves another mention, I love it!) Raito's blatant self-denial amuses me as well, and his ridiculous thoughts on what he'd have to do if he does, in fact, turn out to be gay. Silly man...

    Also! You mentioned me again! ::fangirls on you:: I have a special treat for you a few chaps from now in Tear You Apart. ::grins::
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  • From RivenLiether on March 17, 2008
    Well, of COURSE L was watching Raito in the shower. He's a total voyeur. You can't be a fan of Death Note and not know that. XD~

    Awesome story, btw. I'm only sad that I didn't see this from the start, but I'm glad that I got to read everything up to this point in one sitting. Can't wait for more. ^^
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  • From ANON - Kuromei on March 15, 2008
    lol L's so dirty! X3 I kind of like that. =3 Poor Raito, he's going to have his hands full with this artist, one way or another! XD

    Update, please! =D
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  • From Saka on March 13, 2008
    Aww gotta love the perverted nature of L! Awesome chapter and I so can't wait to see just how this goes. This story makes my loooong Monday's so much better just cuz I know soon I'll get to read another chapter! Hee I can't wait for the next update!!
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  • From ANON - Mika on March 11, 2008
    Oh perverted. lol. Loved, loved, loved the chapter and the story so far. In response to your AN in ch. 7 though I really enjoyed ch. 6 even without L. Even if he wasn't there in person his presence was definitely (also the LENGTH of ch. 6 was a big bonus *hint hint* coughmakechapterslongercough) Seriously though, great story. I love AU DN fics.
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  • From ANON - Mewmew2 on March 11, 2008
    Nice. We all know that L just isn't L without that special 'touch' of perversion.
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  • From ANON - recipe for insanity on March 11, 2008
    Hello. I enjoy this dribble as you call it. Once again, I like seeing L and Light in different roles that fit their characters' personalities from DeathNote but remove them from that world. It's fun. Plus being a former artistic individual, the art/gallery owner bit works well in my mind. Also, I wanted to let you know that I checked out your video and Omigoodness... it's quite delightful to see Voltaire and Light combined in such a way. Brilliant. His music definitely gets my muse going for DeathNote fanfiction :)
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  • From KatzeRaoul on March 11, 2008
    Very happy that you updated this love the story can't wait for more!!!!!! L such a pervert BUT SO AM I :D
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  • From ANON - Zannie on March 10, 2008
    woot, an update. Not bad but its so short compared to the first chapters! Heh, L is a pervert.
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  • From ANON - Kitsuna on March 10, 2008
    I KNEW IT! lol, prevy L, it's great n_n
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  • From amenochikara on March 10, 2008
    Haha- first of all, I can just see Raito's frustration over L and his lack of comb. And, only naturally, L wouldn't have a comb. I hope L didn't miss him mastrubating in the time that he was going between the shower and the bathroom... of course, he has it on tape and can immortalize it on paint. Ahahaha. Too funny, too funny. Again, a wonderful chapter and such a tease of an ending ^^ I look forward to next week!~Ame
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