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Reviews for Shades of Mystification

By : Hellagoddess
  • From SailorAurora on March 04, 2008
    Oh dear. poor Light.... hahahaha.
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  • From huntedsnark on March 04, 2008
    great story. your version of light seems real.
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  • From ANON - imeL on March 04, 2008
    I am Very interested in finding out what Happens
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  • From ANON - Kitsune55 on March 04, 2008
    This chapter was adorable!! I swear L always manages to win fights when it comes between himself and Raito. ^_^. I'm glad that you included that in this chapter. They almost kissed! Yey! I do wonder what L is up to though. L is never innocent when it comes to Raito. ^_^. He always has some sort of ulterior motive.

    But now it's a cliffhanger! NO!! I have to wait a week. -cries pitifully- Oh well, it's worth it to read more in just a week's time.

    Loved how L is so open with Raito, but when will he reveal that he is Ryuuzaki? Wonderful chapter as always!

    Update soon!

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  • From Tulip32 on March 02, 2008
    This story is simply adorable. I have been following it for some time now and have been reviewing under another name, but I can't help and praise you for each chapter. I love it! The flow, the details, the characters, all of it is simply marvelous and makes me wonder if you have authored a book yet.

    Raito is refreshing in this story and it makes for a good feeling all around. He is able to communicate that he doesn't have a challenge without being a psychotic killer of the human race as we know it. L is just as huggable as in the manga and anime and doesn't seem to have changed very much. I do wish that the chapters were a big longer, so as to enjoy a bit more before your next weekly update, but the choice is yours to make. ^_^. I look forward to your next chapter. =)
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  • From ANON - recipe for insanity on March 02, 2008
    Hello... just wanted to say what delightful depictions, L and Light are in this story! L practically perfect in his unusual, anti-social behaviors driving Light to second guess his sexuality and anal tendencies all in one fell swoop. What a feat? Neither do I mind the AU of this story. It's a wonderful setting for the characters to remain true to their natures in DeathNote but lighten up some and have a little fun :) Fun, no, as in L teasing Light into being his model, muse, dare I say it, boyfriend! Lovely. Thanks for sharing.
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  • From ANON - shishio_Not_Logged_in on March 01, 2008
    Great story! -Applaudes- I'd started to read it earlier, I think when there was but two chapters left, sadly my computer died shortly after getting half-waythrough chapter two. It's taken me some time to get it back online... So, here's your review!

    I loved the first conversation between Light and L after Light had visited L to pick up the paintings. It was a wonderful conversation, though I must tell you. Anytime L gave a percentage in the Anime/Manga that was low, say under 10%, it was really closer to and abover 90%. -A friend of mine who belongs to a site, don't know what it's called but it has direct contact with the creator of Death Note, told me this...-

    Either way, the paintings were genius! I had an inkling as to what they may be about since L had painted them so soon after Light's appearance, he was all ready making the paint for it when Light left, I can tell. ^_^ Perhaps it was the paint he was making when Light walked in..?

    Anyway, I loved the part with the nude painting of Light and how you portrayed Mikami with it. That was Eber, right? -Going off of the Manga spelling- Are you going to include Weddy..?
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  • From Loquora on February 26, 2008
    Wonderful! I just discovered this story and I love it! I don't think your Raito is OOC, after all, this is a new situation and he has very little reason to be manipulating and sadistic. I love the way you've fit some of the other characters in as well. I can't wait to see what happens next!
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  • From ANON - WM on February 26, 2008
    Hi again,
    Heck, I like how it's developing. Really, the art of Raito - expected yet still a surprise (I don't even understand what I'm saying myself)
    The point is, please update soon ^^

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  • From ANON - Mewmew2 on February 25, 2008
    An excellent job as usual with the latest chapter. And honestly, I think that you portrayed Raito spot on. Er, I mean you did a wonderful job. thank you so much for posting and writing this story, reading it is a pleasure. Please update when convenient.
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  • From Saka on February 25, 2008
    Ohh awesome chapter! It's so cool that everyone wanted the pictures of him- though Mikami was a lil freaky how high he was willing to go. Hehe If I had been Raito I woulda been like- yeah... Great...

    Also I so don't think he's OOC at all, I mean from what I saw with him without the death note- he's totally in. And I think it's really refreshing to read him like this.

    Hmm the American- I can't say for sure. But I can't wait to find out who it is for sure. Update soon again!
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  • From ANON - Kitty on February 25, 2008
    Yes! You updated earlier! I have been dying to read something and came to the site hoping that you did updated although it was before the time, and you did! That made me very happy!
    L puts red color in the painted Raito's hair hehe Jee I wonder why :P I guess that the blond guy was Aiber? Saying that Light is horrendously (or any other) OOC is simply wrong. In my opinion it's the exact opposite, I was always surprised at how IC you kept him.
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  • From ANON - Kitsune55 on February 25, 2008
    Lovely lovely chapter. I love how Raito almost backed out of going to the showing. ^_^. He is a prideful one though. I kind of wish that L had been even more in the story than just as his codename Ryuuzaki. He is so adorable with his meeting with Raito, even if its over the phone.

    I also like how you placed Near as Raito's competition between art galleries. L's art is so good that Near wants it for himself. I don't really like Near in this story already. As for Raito, I don't think that he is OOC at all. He is simply the adorable guy that isn't mad with power. =)He's better that way.

    I actually think that its quite creepy that Mikami wanted to buy that painting so badly. I wonder if he's going to become a more prominent character. You know, try to steal Raito away from L and all. Though L will never let that happen. =P Update soon!

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  • From amenochikara on February 25, 2008
    Great developmental chapter =) I look forward to reading the next and seeing how the story progresses! It always brightens my day to see that a chapter of this has been posted! As for reviewer responses, I'd rather you take the time to write the story =) I know you appreciate everything people have to say, but unless the mood strikes you, don't make yourself.
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  • From IntHellsing on February 25, 2008
    Your Mikami was just perfect!
    I love how you're working the other characters into the story. They all seem to fit so naturally in their new roles.
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