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Reviews for Amethyst

By : RisingPhoenix
  • From ANON - Heihachi-Charlie on January 03, 2011
    Hello to you esteemed author!! I am quite happy to say that this is the best Yuri fic I have ever read. Usually I just go for the Yaoi or "regular" hentai, but I really enjoy a good story about a couple of girls going at it the way Kyou and Kotomi did. At the end of chapters 3 and 4 I was a bit surprised to realize that Yukine was helping the girl the way she did. It makes me wonder how many times she is sought after for that kind of help, and if she helps guys out too. I'm a big fan of Clannad and am very happy to see a fic of the anime on here. I really appreciate the sex and the storyline, and am eager to see where you go with this story. I also hope that you update this fic soon, seeing as how there are very few ppl who have read your version of the story.

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  • From Aggremalek on November 10, 2010
    Awesome chapter! (This is Kain McAllister, but I decided to actually create an account) Once again, a very hot chapter, and to be honest I would have reviewed much earlier, but college has taken up a lot of my time and I seem to have missed the update initially. Really glad I wanted to re-read this fic so I was able to catch up, and be utterly surprised by a new update I might add. Kyou/Futa!Kotomi was a very interesting concept to read, and I highly doubt I'll be thinking of anything but for the rest of the day. Anyways, you know the song and dance, I'm freakin' hooked on this story and you know by now that you can count on my review, I eagerly await what you have next.

    Kain McA--er..Aggremalek :)
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  • From ANON - ojiji on October 08, 2010
    a very well written fic! =D thanks for the clannad yuri! please continue on! it's very nice!! i love youu! XD
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  • From Kortir on June 20, 2010
    this is wonderful :) thank you so much for making a really nice Clannad yuri fic!
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  • From ANON - Kain McAllister on June 04, 2010
    Well, imagine my (overjoyed) surprise as I scroll down the list of anime fics and find that this was up and with another chapter. I will admit, I let out a squeak of happiness, and as a guy, I try not to do that a lot, so while you have destroyed a bit of my ego, the new chapter more than makes up for it. Besides, who needs an ego when there's sexy hypnosis smut to be read? This fic was a first for me, in that I've never read a hypno-lemon before, and I have to say, i enjoyed it a lot. It kept up good with the feel and overall 'clannad-ness' of the previous two chapters, which I've read, oh...four or five times each now. So, as I said in my last review, I will be eagerly awaiting the next chapter should you decide not to stop here. Also, and by now you probably already know this, I would love to read those alternate ideas with the gangbang and futa (guilty pleasure).

    By this point, I believe I've made my point in saying that I love the new chapter and most likely will love the future installments. So, in closing, keep up the good work and happy writing!

    Guy who needs to rewatch clannad again because he nearly forgot about who Yukine was until the auther mentioned the spells and the cafe-like service. -A.K.A. Kain McAllister.
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  • From ANON - Kain McAllister on January 24, 2010
    Okay, I have'nt seen how many reviews this fic has gotten yet, but however many it has isn't close to enough. This was pure awesome, I mean you nailed the characters attitudes dead the sense of if this type of thing actually happened in Clannad, which it should have.

    I'm rambling now...Okay, let me just say that these two are my favorite characters in Clannad (Behind Ushio, but she's just so cute it's unfair), and you have my thanks for writing such an enjoyable story. I'm eagerly awaiting the next chapter should you decide to write it.

    So, I realize by now I probably sound like a kiss-ass, but damnit there just isn't enough Clannad fics here, lol. In closing, this reads well, is true to the characters, and contains Kotomi in her epic cuteness, so you get a cookie. XD

    Sincerely, Kain.
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  • From Kortir on November 03, 2009
    Yay! Very nice story so far. The girls' interactions are hot ;) Looking forward to the next one whenever it may come!
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