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Reviews for AnK - Black Moon Rising

By : ElegantPaws
  • From Sheleeta on September 06, 2010
    Oh wow... I'm so glad that Katze went after that Niro.. though finding out that the picture was actually Raoul's idealized version of him and not Niro was interesting. I'm looking forward to the next one.
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  • From barrie18 on September 04, 2010
    Sit down and relax....grab a coffee or two, because this is going to be a long one :)

    First lets get the fun things out of the way.....Ha, told you so....yes I noticed the change in chapter numbers.....::big grin::

    And the other fun things.....well if last time was the Regency, this one was a combination Mud wrestling, bar fight with a touch of Butch Cassidy and Sundance Kid thrown in for good measure (“ “A little” the dealer said haltingly through gritted teeth.” … well I see it….)

    Of course Raoul ‘thinks’ of assisting, but then sits down to enjoy the show for a few moments…well he is used to ‘watching’ after all voyeurism is part of an Elite’s makeup. And this is quite a show, especially when he sees how the anger can be used in ‘years to come’ his thoughts, not mine, although I totally agree…
    The big reveal about the painting….well, called that one, and glad to see it stuck up Sir UHA ass….Of course the dialogue was smart and sharp. Katze letting the prick know that he was dealing with an equal (Parlez-vous français) was also another stick up the old tush. Nice little dig too about lasting three minutes……
    So yes all delightful and light, up to a point.

    Now, lets get to the point….what is actually going on behind the sharp banter and the Ruby being put in his place….

    More revelations on who Katze, and it would seem Guy and Riki as well, is. They are the First One’s Progeny. So is Katze then not a descendent of Katzen, but her son? Or are these the intended off spring that were supposed to inhabit the planet in the first place. And hidden on Remus? What is then hidden on Romulous? Twins raised by wolves who created an empire, and twin moons who over look an empire…
    Another name pops up here….Katrina. Although we aren’t given facts, there is enough information to tell us that this is the one Katze was crying about when he fell apart in his office in front of Raoul. But still gives us a puzzle of why Katze’s memories were blocked by the Ruby and why did he have it in for Katze in the first place. If the reason was jealousy over Raoul, then this Ruby is more pathetic than I thought. Or is it Katze’s parentage and genetic make up which is more the bug in the works?
    Sir UHA has shot his poisoned arrows at Katze and missed, but he has one more in that quiver of his, and that one would be aimed at Raoul. . .I look forward to seeing Katze and Raoul shoving it in his face again.
    But getting even more serious…the Storm is Jupiters doing, and why this effects Sid is still a mystery. But in ‘her’ fear,she calls her first and best to her side, looking for answers? Confirmations? Or Confessions? Luckily she cannot go where Admon can, and Riki previously has given Iason the answer on how to face the ‘boss’
    “A layer designed to dull the rudimentary sensation of touch, something Jupiter was incapable of understanding.” Disagree totally with Iason here. Jupiter knew exactly what she was doing. All of her Elites are designed, programmed, raised to be separate from everyone around them. Gloves prevent the sense of touch, but the no sex rule is also about denying intimacy at the highest level. I am sure that if it weren’t for a natural inclination that she couldn’t get rid of, but could work around via voyeurism, Pets and Pet shows wouldn’t have been created. Just as she had to allow them a form of creativity (imagination) so they could see beyond the square, they also needed a sexual release even if intimacy was not desired.
    Not going to touch Iason and Riki beyond that. They have their own path to follow and when this ends, well, follow it we will

    Of course Katze reading the situation correctly between Raoul, His Excellency and the Ruby turns everything around (why else haven’t they both killed him, unless he has something to hang over their heads, they can’t get hold of), although he still expects Raoul to “close ranks” at the end of the day, and not stand by his side.
    Greatly enjoyed and will greatly enjoy in the re read as well. Gotta love a mongrel on the attack :)

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  • From ANON - Anise on August 25, 2010
    (34) Normally when I'm reading I write down any thoughts I may have either for myself or for when I review otherwise I would probably forget half the things I wanted to say. This time though I found myself absorbed in reading without really writing anything down which is unusual for me since I'm always writing something. It just felt like we were getting close to some answers and I just kept wanting more, definitely a page turner :) (so to speak ;)

    I love the connections that your making and how you're drawing them together, to have such a direct link between that name and Katze is a very interesting development. Funny thing is I always thought of the goddess when it comes to Ceres and not the planets which is odd when I think about it now since this is a more scientific world. But that could just be my own little fascination with mythology of gods and goddesses.^^ If I'm not mistaken Midas has his own legend in history, I wonder if that will play a part because I can't help but wonder what else you'll use to weave this all together :)

    Thing with this chapter is that the guys didn't seem to frustrate me as much as they had before, may have mentioned something about that ;) It just suddenly occurred to me that it had bothered me because I had a past relationship where looking back I wish when I was always being told how things were going to be done, I had just stood up and didn't take it. I don't want to get all therapy session on you, I'm just a smidge younger than you and this was quite a few years ago but it was like all of a sudden reading this chapter it occurred to me that if you actually stopped paying so much attention to the words and more to the actions, they really are amazing together and they do get each other (when they aren't actually pissing each other off of course ;). And let's be honest if Raoul didn't keep trying so hard that would really kind of suck ^_^

    As for Niiro showing up, it was a nice twist but I think I'm about done with him and his meddling, he can go home anytime now. I'm also rather curious about what's going to happen with Admon, Donovan and Guy they just seem like all kinds of bad together but I get the feeling that what does happen will be rather interesting.

    Excellent chapter, the relationship, the information and of course the set up for what's going to happen next has me impatient for more :)
    Hope you have a good night ^_^
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  • From blackazuresoul on August 24, 2010
    This work is incredible! You have woven a picture of compleat and utter beauty, carefully intertwined in glorious intrigue, subterfuge and lust. I look forward to more ^___^
    Thank you for a most enjoyable read!!
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  • From Sheleeta on August 24, 2010
    Oh wow... that was an awesome chapter... slowly things are being revealed. I'm loving it, well worth the wait.
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  • From barrie18 on August 23, 2010
    Are you sure that this is going to end in two more chapters. To be blunt, these are going to be two long assed chapters if you keep to your plan. :)

    As to the chapter itself....funny how we see things in others that we fail to recognize in ourselves. As critical of Raoul as Katze is (being possessive, hot tempered, etc etc) he really needs to look in a mirror. He references Raoul as ‘his’ continually. When he doesn’t get what he wants, he throws a wobbly. He taunts Raoul, and Raoul holds back. This is no Iason who gives in to his baser self. Once before Katze used the same excuse to rationalize why Elites shouldn’t have relationships. It would appear he is looking for a reason to ‘break up’ more to protect himself from further involvement than physical harm. Even his manner of offering himself to Raoul to pay for his silence and his reasoning behind it. . . I am only hoping that that little speech wasn’t a case of foreshadowing for the ending. Because your Amoi doesn’t appear a place for Happy Endings, perhaps a less satisfying one though where if they can’t be together, they can still find time to be together.
    But the big standout for me was Katze is more closed minded than the Elite when it comes to the Origins.

    Truth is always subjective. Everyone’s truth is different. Katze looks at Raoul’s book as a “valuable volume filled with information, all be it fanciful rubbish akin to his sect’s legend.”
    And yet it is Raoul who is open to the idea that between both volumes, there is fact mixed with legend, and the only one who really knows the ‘truth’ would be the A1.

    And yes I did note the Katze of Ceres references, but stayed away from it as it was too close to Guy of Bison in another tale we both follow. And now that we know Katze’s last name, how far in the mythology are you going to go. I would hate to see Katze become Persophone in any sense. . . and who then would be Hades?
    Guy, Donavon and Admon…sigh… Admon is now set to be a hero not a villain. He set up Donavon, so he would see that the Boss would never be his. He is going to ‘save’ Sid’s sanity….it would seem that in this predominant male world Sid’s mood swings (for want of a better expression ) are controlled by the rain.. . .But surely there is more to it than that.

    Guy is defensive of Donavon and Admon disregards him because of his ‘line’. That I would deem the flaw in Admon’s character. He might see, he might understand, but his prejudice is showing and that means there is a blindspot. Perhaps in this respect he is too much like his former Master.

    Which leads me to Sir UHA(Up His Ass)….ah yes witty, bitchy, sharp but deadly as a snake. His entrance is ill timed, and Deek surely will be out of a job shortly if he doesn’t watch himself.
    But my one disappointment, and yes I know that this was a long assed chapter, is the missing comeuppance of the Ruby. The promised put him in his place with egg on his face moment, that was hinted at but missing. The revelations that were supposed to be revealed, but weren’t…..ah well…..guess that comes in the next long assed chapter along with everything else that has to happen before this comes to a close (35 chapters? Still can’t see it…)

    Enjoyed greatly, but still yearned for those ‘moments’
    Hope RL doesn’t put this too much on the back burner

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  • From ANON - Anise on July 31, 2010
    (33) Again with the control Raoul *seriously tries to resist throwing things at him* does he think of nothing but sex when Katze's around and Katze constantly gives in so easily, they frustrate me to no end. Plus they're never going to get anything done at this rate ;) I mean they're obviously in a better mood for having that little respite and the tension is noticeably less but at the same time it feels like they never actual resolve anything. Maybe they don't actually think there's anything that needs to be resolved... have I mentioned they drive me nuts *headsdesk*

    You know what saves them, how ridiculously hot they are together ;) No matter how much they make me want to pull out my hair I absolutely love them together and all the emotions that go with it :) You also managed to stumble upon when of my favourite things with the dirty talk, when done well it is just one of the hottest things *fansself* And with these two it did not disappoint, who knew they had such filthy mouths especially Raoul I would have taken him for the more silent type, amazing what great sex can bring out of a guy ^_^

    Then Donovan overhearing, lucky guy although I'm not sure if this is really an image he wants of his boss.^^ You know I was thinking that if Donovan was going to see/hear them together I almost kind of wish it would have been one of the times when Katze was topping simply because it would have been wholly unexpected for Donovan and would have added a whole other dimension to them for him to ponder. Although maybe what he did hear was more than enough for him to think about ^_^

    I suppose Raoul's constant need to control and undermine Katze on top of his general feeling of being beneath people was bound to come out one way or another. Unfortunately for Donovan he's the closest one to Katze and probably one of the only people Katze trusts enough to simply let go without having to worry, plus I loved that thrum of dormant attraction that runs between the two :) How much easier would life have been if they had been inclined to act upon that attraction, definitely would be less complications but maybe not the intensity.

    I guess the only other little thing that stood out this chapter was that vile, curiosity is killing me wondering just what it is. Other than that I think that's it for this chapter, although with my luck two seconds after hitting the send button I'll remember something I forgot to mention :) By the way I actually thought you spelt pernickety wrong, I had no idea you could spell persnickety two ways, learn something new ;) Okay now I am just rambling, I hope you have a great and safe long weekend hun :)
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  • From Sheleeta on July 29, 2010
    Nice chapter. Loved it. Katze and Raoul are so cute together, in a twisted sort of way. And then the teaser you left for us... oh... how impatient I am. Looking forward to the next installment, as always.
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  • From barrie18 on July 29, 2010
    You are probably gong to flay me after this, but this chapter was Baroness Orczy at her best with a yaoi twist
    Instead of protecting the ‘lady’s honour, we find Donovan and Katze dueling for Guy’s right to live. Katze has promised that he will die by his hand and his friend now must stand against him to protect his ‘lady’ (sorry can’t resist, but come on, you know I’m right) fair. If that is not High Regency Drama, I don’t know what is. And of course as this is yaoi, even though they are friends, they are still very much aware of each other on ahhummmmm.....a different level. Makes one think that if things had been different, these two would have somehow found each other. And what’s worse, Raoul sees it. This is not just jealousy, but a jealousy based on instinct. But since that isn’t about to happen this time around...... lets get back to the chapter at hand.

    "Vain bastard just like the other ten generations of his line before him, the children of Memnon, but loyal to the death and then some.'"
    So being the nerd that I am I looked it up and found Memnon, but can’t find reference to any children unless you mean the army that he led, which vanished upon his death…..But if it is to give us more insight into Donovan’s character then it would be a noble line indeed, and gives us more of a history of Amoi, because we now know that this would be the 11th generation on Amoi. And that Donovan is true in nature to his heritage. Of course we are still in the dark about Sid, but we do know that whatever he has, it needs treatment……makes me wonder how that was kept (if it actually is)under Guy’s radar. Just because Guy is erratic doesn’t mean he isn’t observant…..

    Back to the Regency Novel…..The faithful retainer now tries to get the irate lover out the door. And of course since this is a Blondie, has a wonderful time in preparing him. Shades of Beau Brummell here, as the glove isn’t quite right, but the hair is groomed to perfection. If a snuff box had been pulled out of a flounced sleeve, I wouldn’t even have blinked.

    But with the beans spilt about who Katze is with…well things happen…..and Raoul enjoys his revenge immensely, as Donovan goes flying against the wall. And of course both alpha males reflect off each other….each going to establish the correct ground rules…….oh dear.

    But this time we do not just watch the alphas in action, but we experience it through the ears of the old retainer and the faithful friend/minder. So an intimate moment is more so, as Kato and Donnies embarrassment grows , as they listen in. Amazing how in this case hearing is more important than seeing. It’s all in the tone, and we hear it quite clearly through their ears.

    No wonder Kato wants to get hold of Raoul’s furniture to help prepare the meal. I’m sure there will be chocolate aplenty :) and Donovan realizes that he will never look at his Boss the same way again. Physical appreciation, has now been raised a notch to another level, he knows he must never cross.
    But there is the hidden game as well…..Katze has left the journal as a test for Raoul, and just like Donovan and Katze are in relationships neither understands. They also see the ‘other’s partner as a potential threat. So even though there is something almost light hearted about this chapter, there are still shadows
    Shall wait with as much patience as possible to see a devious Ruby, revelations and dinner. . . .
    As usual, thank you and hope you update soon

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  • From blynkin108 on July 14, 2010
    I love love love this story!!! Can't wait for the next chapter! The twists and turns of plot are excellent! :) I wish I could think of something more constructive to say but I'm still digesting the story after a marathon reading session, I just couldn't stop. Thanks for such an engaging and scintillating read.
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  • From ANON - Anise on July 14, 2010
    (32) You know I'd figured out Katze was much more important what with Admon thinking of him as his true master and all of the obvious connections to the first ones but the crest actually belonging to Katze was a surprise. Although thinking about it now maybe it shouldn't have been, Niiro was trying to look like him after all.

    I wonder how this is all going to play out since I hardly think the elites would welcome Katze with open arms as the descendant of the first ones. If Raoul's reaction is anything to go by none of this is going to be easy. I wonder what Katze thinks, does he wish he could just ignore it all and keep to his own little world or does part of him want some kind of change. Most of us resist change, it's human nature.

    Whenever I read AnK stories about change I always wonder why no one ever considers doing away with Jupiter. I realize she probably controls everything and it isn't as simple as unplugging her - but you got to think that it's crossed some minds ;) I hadn't thought about this in awhile but if there's going to be a drastic change would the elite ever consider reducing Jupiter to a super computer that simply runs the grids but that almost human part would be removed. How far would the elite go to preserve their way of life. It's just another thing that I've pondered. Penchant for Pondering, it should be the name of my lj or twitter ;)

    Speaking of Jupiter that brings me to Admon and Ajna, they're such strange entities they're mechanical and yet there's a hint of something almost supernatural about them, it's such an odd juxtaposition. As for Niiro I'm trying to remember how he's able to get into their minds & understand them, I'm sure you mentioned it I just can't seem to remember. Whatever it is I find it a little worrying especially if/when they come to play an important part later on.

    I hate to admit this but you almost made me like Guy this chapter, I never thought I would say that. It's obvious him and Donovan want each other, I'm just wondering if they could actually translate that lust and attraction into something meaningful - would they even want to? I think if they were honest they do, it's just a matter of if they're capable of doing that. That whole first section was wonderful with the descriptions and attention to detail plus a very real idea of how these guys live and not some romanticized ideal. Also while reading that I got the feeling that the moons are a sign or omen, don't know if that's the case or I'm just imposing my feelings toward the moon but the imagery was beautiful :)

    Good grief these reviews are getting longer, stop already - I do love to hear myself type ;) As always hun, fantastic story and a great chapter, can't wait for more ^_^
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  • From Sheleeta on July 12, 2010
    Oh gods... you have me so thoroughly sucked in. Amazing story telling and the small reveals you keep tantalizing me with make me want more. You do justice to Reiko-sensei. -Sheleeta
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  • From barrie18 on July 11, 2010
    Once again more analysis than review, but then again, how do you review human nature? And that is the one thing that I am certain on. . . Android, human, enhanced human, mongrel, may have been created differently, raised differently, but there reactions to situations fall into the realm of human emotions.

    So lets start with the terrible trio...Niiro, Admon and Ajna.

    Isn’t it amazing that the things we see in others and pin point so accurately we do not see in ourselves. Ajna is cold logic, clinical in what she sees and how she goes about things. Oh yes, she might see and understand, but she still separates emotion from the equation. How different is that to Jupiter, who realizes in her subcircuits that the act would lead to emotional entanglements , something she would want to avoid at all costs. Hence pets,, release without emotions. Ajna enjoys the act for the acts sake, but with no emotional connection. All is order for her, as she praises herself indirectly, by pointing out how much better she is than Jupiter, ho w she, as a creation is beyond the original computer. However, Jupiter has evolved, Riki called it on the head in the last chapter, she (and yes I still believe that ‘it’ is a she) is afraid. I’m sure in time past, fear was not part of her makeup. Cold logic, yes, but we know that she can now feel pain and it would seem fea r as well.
    The twins also fall into Sir Niiro’s conceit. He see’s himself as all knowing etc etc...They too think that way. They are better than Jupiter, they are going to ‘use’ Niiro and then do heaven knows what to change this world. They believe Niiro, who by the way I find temperament wise more erratic than the Irrational One, can be easily fooled.
    Well, we now know that Niiro understands more than he lets on. So when do they connect the dots and perhaps realize that he might know more than they think and already has a contingency plan in play. Revealing he knows twinspeak, might have given his game away at this point, but at least two of the three players here are so wrapped up in congratulating themselves on their brilliance, and how clever they are, that it is likely they will all miss key points. Human nature is a wonderful thing when it comes to issues like this,
    Admon is really the weakest of the threesome. Perhaps because he is the one who is emotionally tangled with Niiro and rejected in turn. He will turn on Niiro, so he says, although still happy to take his place in his bed. Emotions do not turn on and off like a tap. He might consider this his farewell screw with his ‘former’ Master, but I wonder if Niiro was clever enough to play to emotions would he stand firm with Ajna or follow his heart. And yes, he does have one, unlike the other two.
    Niiro, well, more erratic than Guy will ever be. And clever too. But also too wrapped up with himself on his little pedestal. He can’t understand why he has been rejected for a Mongrel. What would be the attraction , when he is right there. Self centered to the core , he cannot recognize /comprehend the one thing that makes a relationship. The vibe, the attraction, the mythical thing that can strike without warning, and make you sit up and take notice. Interestingly enough, Jupiter recognizes it. She might not like it, but she realizes that it exsits. Hence Riki’s return. She can’t understand Iason’s attraction to him, and in a way, it is a competition to see if she can move him away from his Pet, just as Niiro wants to move Raoul away from the Ex-Furniture.

    Donovan and Guy.....they are the most down to earth of all your couples. Neither wants to admit there is more to them. Each wants to keep a safe distance. And yet the more they find out about each other, the more entangled they get. Donovan for all his coolness when around Guy, is the one who is most troubled here. He has discovered that Guy isn’t just a quick lay, but a person. He has a brain, he thinks. His actions can be logical, even while he is going off the wall. Guy is not one dimensional as he thought, and if he can’t see him as a body to screw, then he is in trouble big time.
    Guy, well he can’t understand Donovan’s problem, sex is sex right? But deep down he enjoys the “Baby” and the spooning. In the harsh world of Ceres, a kind word and a gentle touch is rare. Beneath that rock is a gentle soul that lost it’s way and isn’t going to find it again for a very long time, if ever. But besides all that there is a disciplined soul as well. It is there, and probably was once a major part of who he was. But Dana Bahn and what took place before hand, changed all that. Which is why Riki protects him. He knows who Guy really is. And perhaps someday Donovan will come to know him as well.
    Just a quick aside, curious and curiousier about Sid. What voices in his head? And why does Katze come around to see him as well? My thumbs are pricking here....:)

    And lastly, (tired of reading yet?) we get to Raoul & Katze....Once again the pot call the kettle black, as he looks at Raoul’s sleeping form and an arm, even in sleep , looks for him. Possession or insecurity? Holding tight because its mine, or holding tight to keep safe.....Considering Katze was losing it when he even thought Raoul was going back to Niiro and its aftermath, well possession works two ways my boy.

    There are many truths here. There is the truth of feeling, the truth as in fact and the Eternal Truth, the one we are raised in and which is the core of our being. This is the one that divides nations, causes religious wars, and can destroy relationships. Katze knows one Truth. Raoul knows another. Katze might have hard fact behind his Truth in the way of the journals. But Raoul is a child of Jupiter, if faced with it, can he accept it, or deny it as false. Does G-d lie? What is the correct way to eat the bread? Butter side up or butter side down? This is the rock on which the Blondies have stood upon. If Katze’s truth is real, then what does that make Jupiter and her creations?

    If I prove without doubt, that Christ married Mary and lived to a ripe old age with children surrounding him, am I a hero or a villain? Is the truth buried or accepted?

    And why did Jupiter do it? Was there a reason, not even Katze and his people know of. Remember, not only is there the Truth that Katze has, the Truth that Raoul and the Elites were taught, but also the Truth that only Jupiter knows. So there is still much here that is undiscovered country.

    I guess the thing we need to know next is why Jupiter stopped calling to Raoul? What has happened between her and Iason?

    Hope the “Truth” doesn’t “ tear Katze and Raoul apart. And that the next chapter isn’t too far away :)

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  • From ANON - Anise on June 27, 2010
    (31) Any chapter that ends with Niiro all pissy and everyone else happy and/or in bed is a good chapter in my book ^_^ It's a nice look at all the guys at quieter moments when you get to actually see past positions and roles to something deeper. As you said it is about the relationships after all :)

    And speaking of quieter moments, I really loved Iason and Riki in this chapter.^^ To see Iason take that chance and say what's one his mind and not only that but sit back and listen to what Riki thinks. It's always nice when you get to see a moment when Iason or Raoul actually learn or realize something that they never expected. But Iason being Iason it's too funny that he doesn't want to appear to give an inch even though it's obvious that he really does want to just crawl into bed with Riki, it never ends does it :) And did Iason just use TMI *snicker* they really are starting to rub off on each other ^_^

    As for Raoul and Katze, don't they just keep getting better and better :) I think that may have been the first time we heard Katze admit that there was always something between them (unless i've forgotten something-entirely possible ;) You can't help but be happy for Katze, as a furniture he probably never thought he would have any kind of intimate relationship and most certainly never with the one he truly wanted. I do love how he throws in that odd Sir Am just to be a little bit of a smartass ;)

    As I read this I was thinking about how big of a step it is for a Blondie to give in to these urges because it's so completely out of the norm for them but really it's Katze and Riki that are putting themselves out there. They are laying everything on the line because if this doesn't work out they wouldn't be left with much except the heartbreak and they know how painful that could be.

    Loved this chapter, only thing missing (with the way Guy had been carrying on for the last little while) was Donovan bent over the nearest piece of furniture ;) I can't wait to see what morning brings ^_^
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  • From Sheleeta on June 27, 2010
    Oh gods yes... Raoul is definitely going to get even with Katze. As always though, you leave me wanting more.
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