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Reviews for Card Captors: Redux

By : SSJ04Mewtwo
  • From Scorpinac on September 02, 2010
    Well, that is one way to pick them all off. Here's hoping they found Fermont, if only to end that little subplot. Just saying. Oh, well, until chapter 57, and the changing of the Dream(and most likely the Nightmare) card, then. Laters.
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  • From Scorpinac on September 01, 2010
    Oh, boy, looks like they took too long finding it, huh? And next up should arguably be Twin, Mirror, and Earthy since they need to be changed before we go into Mist, which is the next episode up for "revision". I look forward to whatever you decide to do about that. And, hey, first Fey free chap./ep. in a while, bonus! Well, until chapter 56, then. Laters.
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  • From Scorpinac on August 30, 2010
    Okay, I sort of thought it would take him longer than that to work out what was going on. Fermont just went up twelve pegs on the "big trouble" o'meter! I do hope the kids figure that out before too long. Meantime, still more cards to change. Until chapter 55, and the changing of the Shadow card, then. Laters.
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  • From Scorpinac on August 28, 2010
    And two more changed, and Fey seems to be stepping up his attacks. One way to squeeze in Move, I suppose. I must say, though, it sounds like Eriol was extra mean to Sian this chapter. And alas poor Fermont, he doesn't quite seem to get it, does he? Course, neither does Victor, but he isn't really trying, now is he? Oh, well, until chapter 54, and the changing of the Shield and Bubbles cards, then. Laters.
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  • From Scorpinac on August 27, 2010
    Well, this just got a whole new shade of bad. At least it'll take awhile for Fermont to analyze that video, right? And checking things at the CCS wiki, I've stumbled on the fact that the following cards are in fact transformed "off camera" - Mirror, Move, Earthy, Twin, Create(all changed between episodes 60 and 61, though a "Tomoyo's Video Diary" apparently shows Create and Move being changed to trick Kero with a piece of cake), and Arrow - so you do have some lee way with how you have these changed, but we got three episodes to go through before we get to that issue, so problem for another day. Until chapter 53, and the changing of the Float card, then. Laters.
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  • From Scorpinac on August 26, 2010
    Well, that was exciting. And at least Touya's off their backs, though he still needs to have that little "talk" with Yukito/Yue. And nice to see them getting more coordinated with their fights, though Keroberos arguably missed a good chance to finish Fey off, or did Fey just dodge him too fast when he entered the fight for Kero to rip Fey's throat out with his full lion jaws? Oh, well, until chapter 52, and the transformation of the Sleep, and of course when Kero meets Spinner, then. Laters.
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  • From Scorpinac on August 25, 2010
    And yet, he'll keep trying. Some mad scientists never get the message. And as to Tomoyo and Josh's little romp, I do hope they're using protection of some kind, since they aren't under Lovers influence this time and therefor otherwise Tomoyo could find herself suddenly making Sonomi a grandma prematurely. Just saying. Oh, well, until chapter 50, and the changing of the Big and Little cards(I imagine her trip into the "Alice In Wonderland" book will be marginally different in this version), then. Laters.
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  • From Scorpinac on August 20, 2010
    Hehe, poor Touya, I almost pity him. And, yeah, still trying to grab her, I see, though I note Josh has apparently lojacked her, sort of. Oh, well, until chapter 50, and the changing of the Flower card, then. Laters.
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  • From Scorpinac on August 19, 2010
    Somehow, I don't think Fey got the message at all, did he? Oh, well. As to the cards to be transformed next in the panicked mass change, that would be Sweet, Lock, Libra, Sand, Voice, Change, Wave, Dash - who then goes nuts, Windy and Loop, the last two to slow down and contain Dash so she can calm it down and finish it's transformation. Of course, there's also still Fermont to consider into the ongoing equation, but I'm sure you have a plan in mind, of some kind. Until next chapter, and Sakura having a little panic attack, then. Laters.
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  • From Scorpinac on August 17, 2010
    Ahh, how cute. I'm sure they look darling sleeping together like that. As to your question, neither; Sakura used Windy during the final judgement without transforming it, the one and only time she did after her wand changed before the second story arc started up. Windy was changed along with several other cards, as stated, and Wood several more eps. down the line(I'm actually using the CCS wiki to double check this now, as a.) it's been awhile since I actually watched those eps. and the titles are not as indicative as the first arc's ones were, and b.) I still sorta need to get the last three discs, plus the second movie.). Also, you wrote 'Fly card I need the staff to use the fly card so could you please let me use your wings along with the swords.?' where "fly" should be "Sword", might want to fix that. Oh, and the trafic light golem was an interesting touch. Oh, well, until chapter 48, and the changing of the Erase and Power cards, then. Laters.
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  • From Scorpinac on August 15, 2010
    Ah, yes, the old "try to grab her but it fails" ploy. Should've known. Oh, well, at least two more cards are changed, though Windy was supposed to be part of the first mad burst of changes that ended with Dash four "eps" later, but oh, well. Next up, changing sword to save Syaoran from string gone mad, followed by Jump and Fly to stop that oversized teddy bear. And even if Fey offered an alliance to Fermont, I seriousloy doubt Fermont would take it, but we'll, or more accurately, I'll, see. Until chapter 47, then. Laters.
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  • From Scorpinac on August 14, 2010
    Okay, sounds like you're getting ready to wrap up the Fermont storyline, cause in kidnapping Tomoyo-chan, if Josh doesn't kill him, Sakura probably will! Figuratively speaking, mind you. And, hey, two cards transformed, only...53 to go... Ah, well, Rome wasn't built in a day. Until chapter 46, then.
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  • From Scorpinac on August 12, 2010
    And thus endeth arc one. Though I notice you sort of left out the sealing wand transforming into the new star wand, might want to squeeze that in somehow. Now I'm guessing either Fermont will be taken care of in an "in-between" story/chapter before the next arc starts, or will he be an ongoing nuisance like Fey until the end? Well, until chapter 44, then. Laters.
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  • From Scorpinac on August 11, 2010
    Hehe, well, that'll make things interesting, won't it? I sort of expected some of our heroes to wind going at it again, but I suppose that would be overly distracting, not that those illusions weren't. Oh, well. And then there was one. Earthy. Until chapter 43 and it's capture, and of course the release of the "true" Keroberos and Yue, then. Laters.
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  • From Scorpinac on August 10, 2010
    Hmm, Hmmm..., nope, got nothing. Sorry. Still, interesting way to get the Healing card. And Dr. Fermont seems to be loosing his patience, huh? Well, until chapter 42, and the Lovers Card's last stand, then. Laters.
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