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Reviews for Heat

By : Synvamp
  • From OokamiYoukai on May 11, 2011
    I loved the pic!! Anyway, the story is really good!! Is there going to be anymore? Even if there isn't, I still love the story!! =^..^=
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  • From ANON - jishe on January 15, 2011
    And the award to the best phase goes to....
    "Don’t send them flying don’t send them flying don’t send them flying…"
    Jjajjajajjajajjajajjajajjajajajjajajjajaja! I laugh so much!!!!

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  • From ANON - adeusparaiso on January 06, 2011
    Nooo! But Zoro wants to staaay! He actually has something good going for him dammit! Aargh, I feel so sorry for him (well, except for the sanji!smut times he has), but its completely Zoro-ish to get dragged into all this, and lol at Luffy just joining along! XD

    Would love to read more, completely enjoyed the eleven chapters, and damn right Zoro has an amazing arse!

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  • From ANON - Margot on December 23, 2010
    Awesome story! The smut is fantastic and I genuinely like the way the character development is going. I really hope you are planning to continue this! Please update soon!
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  • From ANON - jishe on November 29, 2010
    Hey! New chapter! yeah!!!
    It was short but nice. So the plan started, and involves Zoro in the middle of a sea of...breasts?!!!!! Jajajjajajjajjajaja!!
    That was really funny.
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  • From ANON - Anon on July 13, 2010
    "Now... kiss my feet,"

    bwahahahahah I almost fell off my chair laughing xD

    This story gets awesomer by the minute.
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  • From ANON - jishe on July 11, 2010
    KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!! That was SSSOOOOOOOOOOOO hot!!!! I'm burning!!! Jujujuju
    Of course, lets not forget about the bigining, it was so sweet and tender, with Zoro huging him and all that...>///< I want Zoro to hug me too!!!! But of course, i undestanf he belongs to Sanji and...i'm okay with it!
    Love your chapter! See ya!

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  • From ANON - Saminagg on June 29, 2010
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  • From KotoriSensei on February 21, 2010
    Poor Sanji...he is so...stupid. XD I got nothing more to say about him...
    I think the most important part of this chapter o the most important character was Robin...she is plotting something and not like Nami (who is so obvious about it) she is going to take everybody by surprise and with their pants down!!!! Jajajajaja, i'll love that chapter.
    Of course, i'll love more the one were Zoro and Sanji get together finally, but, guess is far away, or at least hope it, because is kind of nice your fic with all the characters from the series but with their new relationships (like Robin been Luffy's stepmother.
    Please, let me read you soon!!!
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  • From ANON - Anon on January 06, 2010
    Hey, awesome story man. I have no idea why I hadn't read it yet, seeing as I spend most of my time on AFF at the One Piece side of town, specially on the Z x S section. I gotta tell you, that was some hooot sex scene at the shower, it was worth the wait, and I'm sure the boys can say the same. Well, hope you update frequently.
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  • From ANON - jishe on January 03, 2010
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  • From KotoriSensei on December 13, 2009
    Jajajaja! Hello! It take me hours to ending your new know...bussines...jijiji
    That was hot! Well, at least the last part, not the one of Sanji with another man...a very disgusting one, for saying the least...
    But seeing how you end it there, i have my doubts that Zoro continues...i don´t know...just that feeling. Of course as he was thinking of luffy, if he doesn't do anything...he is just a idiot!!!
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  • From ANON - Far away on November 14, 2009
    Just read the story for the first time and I must say it's soooooooo good!
    If you're not going to post it any further on then I will review it here. The last scene with Zoro and Sanji was so hot; stupid Brook for ruinning the moment.
    Please update soon!

    Have a nice day! ;-)
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  • From KotoriSensei on November 14, 2009
    T-T No more chapters...
    Hope you continue soon. Your fic is very funny and interesnting...specially that last bad for Zoro.

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  • From KotoriSensei on November 14, 2009
    Wow, Sanji is hiting him hard!!!!! >///< That's my blonde!!! jajajaja, his only reason in life: make Zoro crazy!!!
    I love him.
    And Luffy, what about him? Is someone going to appear later who breaks trough his dense brain and get his virginity? Shanks? Ace? Or this will be just a ZoroSanji fic?
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