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Reviews for Pokemon: Journey through Five Regions

By : ArceusAlpha493
  • From Steelrush on November 02, 2012
    Chapter 32 review:

    Man, Arceus sure got screwed up on the inside. I feel rather bad for him. :(

    Praise goes to Archaera for being a kind mother to him.

    And...I did not expect to see Lucas and his girls engage in sexual reproduction in the shower, that was a surprise. Alex certainly wasn't kidding around when he said Lucas was a sex god. o_0

    That atheist bastard got what he deserved for mistreating those women based upon their beliefs.

    Ah, it's good to see Luigi making an appearance in this story. Although I like Mario better, I still think he's cool (despite that he can be a wimp at times).

    Oh god, the Shadow Temple...that place gave me the creeps when I first played through it. I didn't expect to see ANOTHER female Arceus, however I'm not surprised that she got trashed like that in the Shadow Temple. All sorts of grim things are bound to happen in there.

    Whoa, what happened to Sabrina?! D:

    What's that jerk Silver hiding from everyone?

    Anyway, interesting chapter, and update when you can-

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  • From Steelrush on October 28, 2012
    Chapter 31 review:

    I'm still surprised to see Ash as a doctor, I never thought he'd take that occupation. The part where the two ladies feel that enormous amount of fear though, that was sad...


    How many times have the HealTech nano machines been used, I wonder?

    And man, Lucas is certainly, without a doubt, the king of ladies men in these stories. I wonder why that time portal opened up in Lt. Surge's gym all of the sudden...

    Arceus is still messed up from all that stuff that happened to him, huh?

    Update when it is possible-

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  • From Steelrush on October 23, 2012
    Chapter 30 review:

    Wasn't there a Zoroark in one of the movies named Mima? And who...or what is Silver Water?

    There's another Jewel of Life? o_o

    Lucas keeps getting ladies all the time! Lucky-

    I wonder, who is this dragoness?

    Ah, I can't really think of anything to put in this review at the time. Anyway, I await the next chapter-
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  • From Steelrush on October 06, 2012
    Chapter 29 review:

    Ugh, so many innocent lives being taken for acutely ridiculous reasons. Some villains are remarkably stupid when it comes to philosophy and agendas. -_-

    I like the part where Meta Knight and Lucas were sword training, although Soul Caliber's reaction to Lucas polishing it was a little odd.

    Trip should have been left behind instead of being taken through the journey in Kanto. That guy does not deserve to be part of the group.

    Lucas and...Mika mated with each other?! o___0

    That doesn't seem....right. I mean, isn't Mika Lucas's adopted daughter?

    Lucas has a biological sister? This is rather surprising, and something I really didn't anticipate.

    I also didn't think Lucas would suck on his own sister's breast. O_O

    Anyway, good job on the chapter, and update when you can-

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  • From Steelrush on September 30, 2012
    Chapter 28 review:

    Ah, Lucas is such a kind brother to his siblings. A really likeable character, he is. :D

    The nazis are here AGAIN?! I strongly agree with the Generals of the Allied Forces's words, and applauded the Third Reich's defeat.

    When I saw Entei, I was reminded of the movie he was featured in, and his battle with the Unown. He was a total badass in that movie when it came to the fight scenes.

    Lucas got the Soul Caliber!! o_0

    Argh, the nazis abuse women and children, and now they're hurting Pokemon! Those worthless ****-ups better get what's coming to them when they reach hell!!

    I thought the red orb was the jewel that was supposed to control Kyogre, and the blue one was for Groudon (in the anime, at least).

    The ending was alright, and the chapter in general was good, I would say.

    Update when it is possible-
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  • From Steelrush on September 28, 2012
    Chapter 27 review:

    "THOSE...THOSE...NO-GOOD, VILE, UNFORGIVABLE, BASTARDS!! Rita Skeeter is annoying enough, but the Prophet lying about you like that...It just p***es me off! I'm going to sue them! I'll let father know about this! Those creeps will pay, you'll see, my darling Narcissa!"


    Cool your circuits, Lucas! (Ironic that I'm saying that, :P )

    The first paragraph was a little too long, but other than that it was relatively decent. Meta Knight should have chopped Silver to bits when he had the chance, though.

    Who is Helena by the way, an OC? And...why does she refer to him as her "son"? o_O

    Silver really needs to learn how to be a better sport when it comes to losing, and Arceus should have blasted him when he kicked him in the stomach.

    Will Cilan be making an appearance in another chapter? (I was sort of bummed out when he didn't participate in the race).

    Why is it that I've seen Katara making so many appearances in fanfic stories? (Odd)

    I have an idea of who you should put in the next chapter (PM me if you want to know).

    Update when you can-

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  • From Steelrush on September 21, 2012
    Chapter 26:

    Right on, Lucas! :D

    I wonder what he'll name his children...

    It's good to see Arceus being nice to those kids, it gives an even better feel to the story.

    Um, it's a little odd that Mika suddenly became Melia's age so quickly. (Although I don't mind her gaining an attractive appearance)

    Draco Malfoy is in this story now? Dang it, I can't believe he'd torture Lily like that! D:

    Officer Jenny should have sent him to his death, but she gave him the easy treatment. -_-

    Anyway, I enjoyed this chapter, and update when you can.
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  • From Steelrush on September 13, 2012
    Chapter 25 review:

    I wonder, will Rayquaza be shooting down any starships in the future?

    Ugh, just being reminded of that historical disaster (which the girls in the story suffered through) makes my skin tingle with rage. -_-

    This chapter reminds me of the "Tower of Terror" episode (of the anime), although the situation and plot is completely different. It also makes me think of that Ghost of the maiden's peak too.

    Agh, the women in this story really get battered, in spite of not doing anything to deserve it.

    Whenever I see the name Maria, I always think of Eggman's cousin. XD I wonder what the story would be like if she was in it.

    In the next chapter, I wonder what would happen if Majora made an entry?

    Update when possible-

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  • From Steelrush on September 02, 2012
    Chapter 24 (or 25...?) review:

    I fully agree with Silver's attitude towards racists, although he was making an understatement right there (in my opinion, at least).

    Looks like those nazis that attacked the wealthy family had adopted another disgusting trait that the fascists possessed (stealing money). They're just as pathetic in this story as they were in real life.

    Whew, I was worried about Lucas for a little bit.

    Man, Arceus turned into an emotional wreck. I feel kinda bad for him right now.

    I thought the deniers were going to kill Lucas's girls for a few minutes, I didn't expect them to live through that.

    Update when possible-

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  • From Steelrush on August 27, 2012
    Chapter 23 review:

    The Nazis received punishments that are far too lenient in this story. The evil doctor should have been given a painful death that is so horrific that it would be inappropriate to list it here. (Yes, my hatred for the nazis is mindblowing)

    Dammit, the animal abusers and the sexist criminals are STILL alive? They haven't been all exterminated yet, huh?

    By the way, what does oer mean?

    I didn't expect Ash to have romantic interest in a Pokemon... o_o

    Latias can talk too, huh? Silver needs to get killed off already, seriously, he has to pay for what he's done to Arceus.

    I was happy to see Cassidy and Butch in the story, even though it was for a few seconds.

    Update when possible.
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  • From Steelrush on August 18, 2012
    Chapter 22 review:

    The demon from Johto returns once again, and he is just as cruel here as he is in the games. If he really is the son of Giovanni, that wouldn't be surprising at all.

    Paul was going far too easy on that jerk, he really should have beaten Silver to a pulp.

    And I liked the boo part, but...I believe Trip should have received a punishment for being annoying. I do not like that guy.

    Jeez, the jewish women got trashed like hell. I hope the poor girls get healed up soon.

    The ending was pretty decent, and I await to see the next chapter.

    Update when possible-
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  • From Steelrush on August 17, 2012
    Chapter 21 review:

    Giovanni SHOULD be given the death sentence in my opinion. The only suitable punishment for such an evil demon.

    Oh, wow, Lucas's nightmare was messed up. o_o

    I have a rather distrustful feeling about Bowser, I sense that he might turn on Arceus and co., then commit the malicious acts similar to what he has performed in the past.

    The Mushroom world is now one with BioStar? I did not expect that, like, at all. o_0

    I don't think the font codes (like [I][B]) work in aff stories, so that wouldn't be too good of an idea to put them in there. :P

    ARGH! Cliff-hanger!

    Update when possible-
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  • From ANON - Steelrush on August 11, 2012
    Objekt 279? I wonder what that is. And I also did not know that Sinnoh had its own separate time frame.

    Ugh, I do not like New York city, it's...I can't really find a word to describe why I dislike it. Ugh, the thought of the nazis doing those things still pisses me off to a remarkable degree.

    The President has a Charizard? That is quite a surprise-

    I have a bad feeling about Pachacamac, as if he intends to do an antagonistic thing in the future. Alright! Ganondorf is in this chapter! (Ganondorf rules!)

    Go Lucas! XD

    Neo Team Magma and Team Aqua? Argh, these creeps keep coming out of the woodwork like crazy.

    Oh great, Arceus and the other legendary Pokemon get tortured, AGAIN?

    Giovanni should have been killed, not arrested, killed.

    Arceus got trashed...again. Is he going to live? o_o

    Update soon if you can.
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  • From Steelrush on August 06, 2012
    Chapter 19 review:


    Um, wow. I didn't expect Shylulu to bear that many children. I gained an odd image in my head when I read that part.

    Sonic is in the story! YEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    The part with Lucas and Elizabeth, that was...wild.

    Lucas also mated with the cat girl...? o_o

    Although I know nothing about Seek and Destroy, I get the idea that the next chapter will be rather interesting.

    Update soon, and I'll review (when possible).
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  • From Steelrush on July 29, 2012
    Chapter 18 review:

    The beginning...I loved it. XD

    Alright, Mario's in the story! Cool, and who is Meilulu, an OC?

    How else will Female Dog be punished, I wonder?

    The punishments Sergei has received, far too soft they are.

    NICE, Lucas is one lucky guy! XD

    The flashback part was rather grim. I feel quite bad for Galice.

    Shadow and Knuckles are in the story now?! AWESOME!!!!!!! Er, wait, awesome is too weak a word for that. :P

    Another thing I didn't expect at all, really, was Tikal being resurrected as well. And her father...Pachacamac must have gotten really stupid. Does he really think he can win a conflict against Arceus and friends?

    The end part, now I REALLY enjoyed that. XD

    This was probably one of the best chapters I've read in the story, yeesss! Update when you can, because I have a feeling this story will get even better.
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