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Reviews for Urotsukidoji - Overfiend ‘44: The Hell Portal.

By : Nickamano
  • From DICK on December 03, 2021

    I'm really glad that you made a prologue for the original story showing how the girls end up as sacrifices.

    I love how you were able to go into such detail in your story. You were even able to describe the f#cking Death-Rape Machine in so much detail that it makes sense how it works XD!!   

    But I'm really sad that none of them were able to make it. I was hoping that Greta might at least make it out alive since she was the first character we were introduced to and the only abducted woman that we get to see from her POV. Well, I guess that was the point, to make the readers feel even more heartache. 

    I hope that you might return to write for Urotsukidoji. There're rarely any fanfics in this fandom. I would really like to read some backstories of the other unlucky girls who were solely created in the story to be raped and brutally murdered (like the falling girl that Munhihausen dropped on top of the tower to summon Kohoki etc.)

    Anyway, this was such a good read! Good job and hopefully you will be back to this fandom!



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