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Reviews for Virus

By : Callisto
  • From KojiroRei on November 13, 2006
    Update soon and email me when you do. =)
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  • From ANON - The Terror of Death on November 13, 2006
    *looks at the reviews* yeah i think il clear up some stuff. Hotaru and her character are only male in the anime which is non cannon. Both She and her character are female in the cannon manga, and in case it wasnt already known Tsukasa(real name An) is female in real life but her character is that of a male. And as for pairings? id like to see something like KiteXRena(hey why not? itd be amusing and could work) or KiteXOuka (now THAT would be truley amusing to see.) of course neither has to happen just little recomendations.
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  • From ANON - twilight on December 24, 2005
    Don't worry, I tried to keep my review short this time. But, um.....Kite can see his bracelet? Okay, over initial shock. Yay! An update! It's like winning a lot of money on the Superbowl, if I cared about football. Oooooh, Kite got to act all tough. Although, I didn't know he could hold his bladder for a couple of days =^.^= The group is, uh, quite talented to be able to get into a protected area with no virus cores, ne? Oh, and, I don't know if it was intentional, I just thought I'd voice how your Sin guy kinda reminds me of Haseo (I am under the asumption that you know who that is. If not, just look up .hack//GU) Anyway, pleeeeaaase update! I'll.......give you..a..cookie...? the bribe working? Cause, I can keep begging, if you'd like. PLEASE!! Okay, done.
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  • From ANON - g on November 03, 2005
    make more

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  • From ANON - Minako on September 11, 2005
    I like it.
    Ah poor Kite I almost fell sad fore him. I see new hints or maybe so...KiteXSin...who is this Sin person anyways some AI? and why would they want Kite so badly?. I hope they do get some help from someone else but I do hope they win. I hope someone come up with a new spell so Kite can use his skill Data Drain. so the next one is the battle to see who well get Kite...huh. well I hope it a good battle so good luck with this one. as I sad before BalmungXKite would make a good couple. or Kite with someone else...might be a good Idea.

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  • From on August 23, 2005
    Very good!! Please please write more!! THis is very well written and the suspense of it all is killing me! Please finish!
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  • From ANON - twilight on June 29, 2005
    Ooooh, a wet Balmung....Niiiiice. And, yes, slight Balmung/Kite action! Face it, they were both sopping wet, and practically spooning on a Grunty. So what, if I conviniently forget to add Tsukasa to that mental picture? I could *so* tell Balmung was hitting on Kite. How could he not? He's soaked, clothes possibly sticking to him, hair matted to his face......he was just a little too happy to have to put his arms around Kite to 'hold on.' Too bad that, if they never met up after the games in the real world that they had all planned to, he never got to give Kite that ride on his bike he promised him, with the convinient sitting arrangement of that similar to the Grunty, which had even Balmung a little shy to suggest it. Which makes me wonder, is Kite ever going to bring up the 'no one ever returned my e-mails' thing with Balmung? Seems kinda fishy that, if Balmung missed Kite as much as he's trying to convey now, that he'd never right back, thus never having to miss him. Me senses foul play. Which leads to another thing. Why did Wiseman tell Balmung to go to a protected area? Wouldn't he have known that a) him and Shugo wouldn't have had any virus cores, b) Shugo could've/had been taken, c) Shugo doesn't usually gate hack, and d) Shugo couldn't get the virus cores, 'cause he never got any from data draining monsters before, and had to be given the virus cores to gate hack from Balmung and his own private storage? And, it seems questionable that he didn't send the message until *after* Kite got into the picture. Kinda lends to the idea that Wiseman knew that Kite was back, and with Balmung, either under the impression that Kite would have the virus cores, or expecting Kite to have to data drain, so as to see what was different with the Braclets. Also, kinda fishy that the guard guys were complaining about having to play for so many days on end, but weren't ever worried about Kite not actually being there. I mean, if Kite had just decided to not play, those guards would be there a looooong time, and who ever's in charge wouldn't be stupid enough to have the long wait to catch Kite inevitably create a mutiny in the ranks. It all seems to....convinient. And, it's kinda weird how the guards say that they've only had to be staying on so much for the last couple of days, and yet, no one seems to remember when they took over. Wouldn't they remember them taking over a few days prior? Anyway, I've babbled waaaay too much. As for my leaving remarks: 1. Too bad that the item shop didn't go all real, like the rest of the place. That way, whenever they jumped the counter, they could've just ran-sacked the item supplies, instead of actually buying them. 2. If you're still unsure about the Hotaru boy/girl thing (which I strongly believe is a girl-she has her hair curled and tucked under the back of her hat, and she was on the girl 'side' during the hot springs episode in the anime, along with the obvious girl implications in the manga. What did everyone mean by her being in Sign? None of the new characters from Dusk was ever in Sign. Oh, well), just put the anime into Japanese speach. If Hotaru says 'watashi' it's a girl, if 'boku' it's a boy. Note: those two words are the different ways that they say 'I', and they're pretty trustworthy, since, if Hotaru was a girl, she'd say 'watashi' regardless of her character, since that was what she does instinctively, and vise versa with the boy thing. Anyway, I'll be shutting up now. And, update! ....please..? This is one of the only game/manga crossovers I've ever found (and the only one with shounen ai), and, before long, you're going to send your readers through withdrawl.
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  • From ANON - Shara on May 23, 2005
    Well this turn out quit well fore now. so did Kite think he would take the Knights with them and who else are they going to run into? well Kite still be thinking on what Tsukasa sad before? I think maybe there is going to be more fighting. right?.
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  • From Redknight on May 02, 2005
    Hey great story, I'll be waiting for the next chapter, BTW I was wondering about Kite and Tsukasa, Tsukasa is a girl so is it she who likes him, plz Email me the answer at
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  • From ANON - Neko Hime Kagome on April 10, 2005
    , nice , I really like the way you planed this out , update soon plz
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  • From ANON - Terra on January 21, 2005
    So you finally updated...nice work, yeah I also was kind of hoping fore Blamung/Kite to kiss but Tsukasa/Kite is something new to see. gee. I wonder how Balmung would react win Kite tells. him about the kiss. or would he tell him? or maybe he can tell Wisemen. no that would be just odd. but I hoping to see some Jealousy and some love. in the next one. this one was and little dark. but in and good way. but if you ask me Kite paird with anyone is always good to read. I almost fell bad fore him since he always seems to get Depresed easy.
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  • From ANON - Minako on January 21, 2005
    I like it.

    Wow now that was So Serious love the kiss in it but what with Tsukasa? why is she/he acting like that? or you making Tsukasa and boy in this one? it's up to you now well Kite.
    Tell anyone about the kiss? and what about Balmung? yeah I see some Jealousy in the next one. and what is going to happend in they meet Wiseman? and what about Subaru?.
    And Mimiru? you know the ones that was after Tsukasa? beside eveone from .Hack//Sign. but please some more info in the parings. but nice work done.
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  • From ANON - Sailor Aurora on January 16, 2005
    Tskusua is a girl in real life, you know. Although I suppose snice she's playing as a guy in the game and she got trapped again too, I suppose that makes her a guy for now.

    Balumug's one of my favortive characters.. I was mildly dispointed to see that it wasn't him who did the kiss. lol
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  • From ANON - Rena on January 06, 2005
    My god well this leave me in waiting fore the next one. wish it soon don't leave us hangging now good work done.
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  • From ANON - .Hacker on January 03, 2005
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