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Reviews for Building Our Tomorrow

By : animephreak80
  • From ANON - Syrah on November 11, 2005
    I'm in love with your fic :) I practically skipped school in order to read "just a few more lines" and sleeping is out of the question. Now I'm eagerly awaiting for the next chapter!
    I love the way you portray the characters, especially Farfarello. I like him like this, not as a full-time psycopath. In the chapter with Omi's mother's wake, you managed to really make Farf a human being. Aya talks a bit too much when comparing to the anime series, but OOCness is (in my opinion) completely allowed in AU stories. Nagi and Omi's relationship is great, though I've never been a big fan of that pairing. You've made it so the two really love each other, and that's something other writers have often failed to write.
    I also like the fact that Manx has entered the scene, though I hope she wont be in it too much, sense we're all here for the lovely boys of Sadame no Kage (btw, do you translate this as Destiny's Shadow, The Shadow of Law or something of the like? Sadame according to my knowledge translates to both meanings.). The growing relationship between Manx and Crawford (Brad ;p) is an excellent storyline! Haven't found many stories with that pairing, but nevertheless it seems to work really well!
    Oh, and thank you for getting rid of Asuka/Neu so quickly, I never did like her, and Yohji deserves his happy relationship with Schuldig.
    Speaking of relationships, what about Nagi and Tot? They were really sweet in the series, and if there were to be some sort of feelings between them in this fic, it would be a sweet source of Omi-angst. (We all love Omi-angst, poor boy, we keep torturing him. There can never be too much of it.) Though the bond between Omi and Nagi is really strong and their feelings for each other even stronger, Tot seems like someone Nagi could get along with. I think it would make an interesting side plot.
    Also, I'm really looking forward to Omi meeting Hirofumi and Reiji, not to mention Ouka finding out his identity. (If and when Ouka kisses Omi, please make him throw up. I think he really, really would...) My spider-sense tells me Omi-torture is on the way!

    Keep up the excellent work, writing is one of the greatest gifts known to man!

    Best wishes,

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  • From ANON - SplitPersona on October 24, 2005
    Kathrine: Ooh, the intrigue! You can totally see the way that Bradley-poo and Kitada are getting closer together.
    JC: Now you have us wondering. Just WHAT was that conversation about?
    Kathrine: GO OMI!! BURN THOSE SUCKERS!!! An Elemental should never hold his talent back so often.
    JC: We're so sick right now...our brains are mush half of the time. That was why we didn't review yesterday.
    Kathrine: But we do enjoy a good chapter from you. We're glad that you're getting on better now.
    JC: Feel free to email us again if you just want to talk. ^_^
    Kathrine: Now...will Youji and Schu be helping neu or will Youji have to kill her? Wait...don't tell us. We don't want spoilers.
    JC: But we will be waiting for the next update. And for the may of other updates that you'll have coming in the next while. ^_^
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  • From ANON - SplitPersona on September 03, 2005
    Kahrine: Omi just HAS to go to the party! ^_^ He can be the Cinderella that is saved from the evil step-sister by the handsome prince "Nagi"! Okay...I'll stop now.
    JC: Kritiker is getting suspicious. Now they have to kill Masafuki, keep Tot alive, and Youji and Schuldig have to put up with Neu/Asuka. How will Schu comfort our dear Yotan? Anything kinky involved?
    Kathrine: Hirofumi! Since Omi is supposed to STOP the others from killing him, how could that play out? He's an empath, so he would know how Hirofumi felt about him... oooh, the possibilities are endless!
    JC: What if Hiro decides to help Omi only to get himself killed by Reji? That would be perfect! Seeing as Omi won't care when Ouka dies, but he will when Hiro does, that will c=kinda be an exchange from the actual anime.
    Kathrine: Does Fararello still get to shoot Ouka or does Omi get the honors? Hmmm...Can't wait for the next chapter.
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  • From ANON - Split Persona on August 18, 2005
    Kathrine: The park... I will never think of a park the same way again. And I think I'm glad for it.
    JC: Hentai... Anyway, I think this chapter was a great set up for the upcoming events in the story. The growing bond between Nagi/Omi/Ken, Ken finally getting his revenge, the party with Ouka, the coming of Schreient and everything in between.
    Kathrine: Seeing as Nagi belongs to Omi, how would the relationship between the two and Tot play out? Don't tell us. We want to be surprised.
    JC: Poor Omi-kun... he's hurt... Comfort him Nagi/Ken! It's cute how close the three are getting while they don't even realize that it's going on. But sometimes love just creeps up on you out of nowhere.
    Kathrine: We're going to be waiting in anticipation for the next chapter. Everything is just going to get crazier with Masafumi and Schreient in the picture. ^_^
    JC: Wonderful. ^_^
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  • From ANON - SplitPersona on August 09, 2005
    JC: Everything is happening so fast now. The pace of the story has picked up, almost like they're running out of time.
    Kathrine: Ouka has shown her face. I'm almost afraid she'll kidnap Omi or something. I was okay with her in the actual anime, save for the factthat she acted like a pushy stalker.
    JC: And now Ken must face Kase. YAY! Cut him up KenKen! And since Manx is now in on the deal, are we getting any closer to the whole Takatori showdown where both jerks are killed?
    Kathrine: You are right though. Sometimes life is just too bland and normal. uka and Sakura meetings up like that. Very easy to believe. Not everything is exciting like anime tries to make it out to be.
    JC: We're still waiting for Masafumi and Hirofumi to come into the picture. I wonder if Masafumi would recognize Omi and try to do experiments on him if he found out he was a Pyro? Seeems like something he would do since he's so obsessed with human experimentation.
    Kathrine: We don't have as much to say as we usually do, seeing as we've been 'conversing' on the side. ^_^ Just keep up the great work and we'll keep reading. It's getting to the good parts.
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  • From ANON - SplitPersona on July 27, 2005
    JC: Okay, I like how this came out. You did quite well on the eight-way.
    Kathrine: And now you've got this whole mystery thing going on where we KNOW something is going to happen, but we just can't figure out what it is. Guess we'll have to wait for it.
    JC: LEMON!!! Nagi/Omi! We have this strange obsession where all of our favorite nime characters have to be uke and you just encouraged it even more. Aggressive Nagi! ^_^
    Kathrine: Don't feel down Ken! We'll kidnap you, Omi, and Nagi so that you and Nagi can switch off having Omi every once in a while. ~_^
    JC:Now you have us on the edge of our seat waiting to see how all of this will play out. Ouka, Hirofumi (which will be GOOD if even you aren't sure), Aya's love life, Ken's love life... Hey! Maybe Crawford and Manx should get together!
    Kathrine: Can't wait for the next update! It's like having to wait until every weekend for our favorite tv show. Nerve-racking anticipation. ^_^
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  • From ANON - SplitPersona on July 26, 2005
    Kathrine: MAN! You would not believe the last few days we've had. Emergency baby-sitting, family emergency, personal meltdown (won't get into it)...
    JC: But now that we have finally gathered ourselves back together, we're going to review. Poor tormented Farfie. But the more you torment him, the crazier he gets...and you know that he's fun when he's crazy.
    Kathrine: And then you threw in some Omi-torture to boot. We love you!
    JC: Now everyone knows the gist of what's going on and everybody's in on it. Now, of course, Bard's holding back, it's only for the good of the future.
    Kathrine: You know what we just thought would be hilarious? Ouka got this huge crush on Omi in the original, right? Why can't she STILL have that huge crush on Omi, only Omi knows that she's Ouka and that she's a bitch and it's all part of his revenge?
    JC: Can Omi be that vindictive and manipulative?
    Kathrine: Her dying is supposed to happen, right? All part of the major plan?
    JC: And what about Hirofumi? He was the only one who really cared about Mamoru and in the original it seemed like the reason why he went after Omi in the first place was because he was pissed that Omi betrayed him and their family.
    Kathrine: We love this whole chapter. Farfie's mom is such a bitch now. I don't think we'll ever watch that episode the same way ever again. Update soon? ^_^
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  • From ANON - SplitPersona on July 19, 2005
    Kathrine: Farfarello, Farfarello, Oh My Darlin' Farfarello, you like knives, bloody bodies, and eat organs like red Jell-O.
    JC: 0_0 That was wrong. Anyway, this chapter was great. Poor Ken, always left out of the loop. Will he have to wait until he faces Kase to find everything out?
    Kathrine: Omi just seems to be runing himself ragged. I just hope that he doesn't collapse from exhaustion before all of this is over.
    JC: You would probably prefer him collapsing, especially if it was in the middle of a mission and his empathy went on overload, just for the suspenseful dramatic factor.
    Kathrine: ^_^
    JC: The pace of the story is picking up as everything starts to come closer to chaos or whatever is coming and it's leaving us on the edge of our seat. We can't wait for the next chapter. So much stuff is going to happen.
    Kathrine: AND MORE FARFARELLO! ^_^
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  • From ANON - SplitPersona on July 18, 2005
    JC: Maybe you should start emailing us when you update, that way we will know a lot sooner.
    Kathrine: Laying everything on the table. Now we just have to wait to read how it all plays out.
    JC: Don't let Farfie's mother touch him! HE'S OURS!!!
    Kathrine: Now Schu and Youji are back together, Nagi and Omi are together... I just hope that Youji isn't too upset when he finds out that Schuldig works for 'the enemy'. Hopefully he'll be as understading as Aya.
    JC: Will Schreient show up in this too? I like Tot, but not the others, although I do applaud the suicidal devotion. At least they stick by their man.
    Kathrine: Don't worry about episode things, unless your twisiting it, skimming on a few things isn't too bad. It's not like we don't know what happens anyway.
    JC: Will we find out more about Farfie in the next chapter? We know that things will have to be changed because it's AU and Farfie's mother probably won't be seen in a very 'saintly' light so we're just dying to find out. More soon please? ^_^
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  • From ANON - SplitPersona on July 11, 2005
    Kathrine: YAY!!! Omi-torture!!!
    JC: You just made her day. I like how this turned out. So Omi is pretty much blackmailing Aya tp keep quiet. Hmmm... Now I have a picture of Chibi Omi wrapping Aya with ductape for some reason.
    Kathrine: You're with it. Anyway, unfortunately, we don't know much about German. Japanese, Chinese, English, Latin, French... But no German.
    JC: I do know that Hilde is a German name. Also the name of my favorite girl from Gundam Wing. ^_^
    Kathrine: More Omi-torture soon? Yes, I know we just got some, but what can I say...I'm a happily admitted addict. I just wonder what Youji is going to do when he sees Schuldig again. Can't wait!
    JC: We understand your look on the realistic addition of Het. Most people are not gay/bi. Well... most are probably bi and just won't admit it.
    Kathrine: Ken is either bi or straight. We all saw how that thing went down with that one girl. Yuiko or something... Anyway, that proves he likes girls. But that whole thing with Kase... Makes you wonder. As long as you throw out Ouka, there's no way to say that Omi is straight so YAY! N/O!!
    JC: We'll keep a look out for German names, but we think there are some websites that have dictionaries of things like that. We remember looking some up when our sister was pregnant a few years ago.
    Kathrine: Keep up the great work. We sooo think you need more reviewers, it's just not fair. But we'll keep reading and reviewing so...don't stop updating! ^_^
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  • From ANON - Split Persona on July 07, 2005
    Kathrine: Schwarz has their hands in EVERYTHING!!
    JC: I wonder how they will handle actually going through thr torture of Rosenkreuz. Oooh... The suspense...
    Kathrine: We are soo in love with this story. I wish more people would read it. It's not right that such a good story isn't as publicized as it should be.
    JC: You could always put it on FFNet, but then you have to censor it. At the same time, FFNet is where more readers go, even if they hate it, because that's where most of the stories are. They usually run to AFFNet at the first scent of anything citrusy that was removed from a good story, too.
    Kathrine: If we knew more people is the WK fanworld, we would be running around with banners!
    JC: You have really gotten me on what's going to happen to Omi and Nagi in Rosenkreuz. We can't wait to read it.
    Kathrine: I'm really afraid (translation: VERY EXCITED) about what could possible happen. Are they going to hurt Omi? (translation: PLEASE HURT OMI!) We are going to be on the edge of our seat waiting for the next chapter. ^_^
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  • From ANON - SplitPersona on July 02, 2005
    JC: Defintely like the first chapter!
    Kathrine: Did we mention how much we like Schwarz? They're just cool. Farfarello is the bomb and Schuldig is just sexy.
    JC: Although you can't dey that Omi and Nagi make you want to just cuddle them and lock them in a room together. ^_^
    Kathrine: Check out the HTML tags for CH 1. The italics and bold are screwed up.
    JC: EVIL SUICHI!!! BACK DARK BEAST!!! BACK!!! No touchy Omi!
    Kathrine: We love how you changed all of this around. It's jst cool.
    JC: Question? Will Omi still be kidnapped? It would be so messed up if he gets kidnapped, loses all his memories, and ends up working for the same guy that killed his mother.
    Kathrine: And then comes Weiss... There are just no ugly stars in this anime. The heroes, villains, and vigilantes alike. Well... at least the ones you want to keep around anyway.
    JC: Now we definitely can't wait for the next chapter. This is getting too good. Update as soon as possible. ^_^
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  • From ANON - SplitPersona on June 29, 2005
    JC: I like how this is turning out! So Omi is a Pyro or proected again fire? Definitely like.
    Kathrine: We would love to see how this turns out.
    JC: You should check out how the story posted on AFFNet though. Some things seemed to have not come out like they should have.
    Kathrine: We're not too worried about it though. Omi/Nagi! YAY!!!
    JC: Definite potential for this story so keep up the good work and update as soon as possible. We'll be waiting. ^_^
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