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Reviews for On Hire

By : Czmadzia
  • From Czmadzia on July 25, 2006
    ;-))))))) Thanks Shayne! Just to clear one thing up. It’s not so much about letting me know – because I know. I don’t complain on the readers as they are giving me quite a lot of feedback via e-mail, and every time I am truly delighted. It’s more about the status. I admit that it would be very nice, and very rewarding for my ego (oh yes!) to collect those voices in one place – for this case here. I am aware that if someone reviewed the fic already, they don't necessarily feel like gathering their thoughts over it again, especially that in most cases they read it some time ago and their first impressions faded. Still, leaving a short public mark, something like “I wuz ‘ere” would be nice.
    I’ll delete this note in a while, not to create false appearance that I’m more widely commented than I am. ;-)
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  • From ravengirl76 on July 24, 2006
    This review is less for Lena than for everyone else who is thinking about or in the process of reading 'On Hire'. Lena already knows I love both her and her fics. ;)

    In any case, y'all, I'd like you to take a minute and think about writing, especially fanfic writing. We're not getting paid for this... you are reading hours worth of imagination and labor for FREE. We put a lot of effort and a great deal of time into these fics and it takes, what, maybe a minute to tell us you're enjoying what we've written? And only seconds to rate it.

    Lena is even more impressive in her efforts, since English isn't even her first language! There are a very few of us who write AnK, and even fewer who do it well. If you want a look at what the AnK universe is really like - and I'm not talking about whips, chains and cock-rings, people - give Lena a shot. She does the best canon work out there. Then after you're done reading, take the time to tell her how much you appreciate it.
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  • From ANON - mara on July 23, 2006
    I finally get to review this story. I have only ever found it on your Ai no kusabi website and was always sad about the fact that there is no real opportunity to review your story there (short of sending you annoying emails that is). This way I finally get to review and tell you how great the story is, while you can decide, whether you want to read the review or not. Ok, here it goes. Your Ai no Kusabi fanfiction is some of the best stuff out there. I mean "On Hire" and the sequel "Delivery". Your character seem very true to the book (what I have read as translations) and the anime. I like the fact that you have expanded beyond just the Riki and Iason problematic and created your own with Raoul and Katze. Katze himself is such a fascinating character and I find the relationship that you created between him and Raoul also quite unique. The fact that they slowly start to first respect each other and then like each others companionship developed lowly and therefore believably. I couldn't imagine an calculating, smart guy like Katze falling head over heels or all of a sudden developing sexual desires (you know how Ai no Kusabi is often a little oversexed). I think I like your story so much, because it is about Raoul and Katze learning how to have a meaningful relationship, how to understand and then accept one's own emotions and then trying to understand the other. I know that sounds cheesy and in a way it's the way of any relationship (which makes the story relatable and real), but at the same time, you have the differences in status and stereotypes that come with that and the constraints of the Amoian society that need to be surpassed. At the same time you also touch on issues, such as genetic manipulation, cloning (all sort of) with reference to the whole pet market thing. Anyway, I'm really bad at expressing myself, so I hope you get something out of this. I have tried myself to write some canon Ai no kusabi and it's difficult in itself to just keep all the facts straight, but your story also has what every good sci-fi story or dystopia has to have. It relates back to today and touches on issues that are relevant. Keep it up. I love your work!!!
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