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Reviews for Two for Shu

By : fuzzybunnytoo
  • From on May 20, 2007
    hey there :) how sweet (or freaky) that you came looking for me on another fanfiction archive >.>

    but, yeah. I've never claimed that my old fanfics are any good. in fact, I am in the process of removing them all from my author accounts because I think they're so crap. but, I do spell check my stories, and I do know my grammar, yo. and you misspelled the 'two' in the chapter title (which I find very amusing, yes).

    basically, what I'm saying is... read what you've written before you post it, 'kay? or get a beta (someone who's better than you at grammar and spelling, naturally) and always *always* check your spelling in your summary. the summary is what is supposed to make people to want to read your story, and if it's riddled with errors, they won't want to read it. or, alternatively, like me, it might give them a laugh.

    besides... I was being *nice* about it. there's no need to get so worked up. learn how to write properly before getting indignant about somebody trying to tell you what you're doing wrong.

    that said... everyone makes mistakes, (and gosh, I get a lot of crap from the people on a certain prissy archive where everything has to be *just so* for it to be archived there) but there is a limit to it. spelling mistakes distracts the reader from the story, and can cause the entire plot to lose its meaning, or alternatively (this goes for grammar as well, btw) mess everything up so that people don't understand what you mean at all.

    bah, end rant :((((
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