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Reviews for When the monk's away

By : jessiedarque
  • From iJewel on April 07, 2008
    I thought it was unusual that you had Gojyo preferring women over men, not even really being bi, but I can see that it was a vehicle, a platform for the conversation to begin with Goku. Although the talk about Sanzo and Hakkai was a fine enough starting point in itself. Which was great by the way. I really enjoyed the conversation there between Gojyo and Goku. I thought it was a very real normal conversation that two friends would have and normalcy in fantasy is often what makes it a believable story.

    I was however left unsure as to whether or not this was the first time with man for either of them. It was said a couple of times that men “usually” didn’t do it for Gojyo. Did they sometimes? And Gojyo very easily stepped into the role of seducing lover with his words and actions. This didn’t concern me too much, as it wasn’t too big a leap to figure he was just a sensual guy regardless of the sex of his lover. But Goku….I thought he was a virgin. You had all the right vulnerable signs in his language and his actions, until it came to the actual sex. It seemed a little easy for a first timer. Especially with so little lube and in the water - water does not make a good lubricant. I thought for a moment it would come out in the story that he had done it before or tried it solo. And then to do it again so soon after the first time….i’m not sure a newbie would be ready.

    But I did really enjoy the juxtaposition of the tenderness and intimate nature of the exploration, both with the conversation about Sanzo/Hakkai and the sex, with the rough and with the rough and tumble attitude of buddies.

    I also think you had a good grip on the Gojyo character. Less on Goku, but from what I’ve read, he’s really tough to write, and I can’t say you’ve done a bad job. I would read more, hoping the storyline would develop and little more mood created.

    I enjoyed reading your story. Thank you for posting. I hope you continue writing.

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  • From Quirk on March 23, 2008
    Fucking. Awesome. Excellent story, clear imagery, and great grammer and spelling. The characters were pretty in character, too. Thank you for a damned good job!
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