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Reviews for Gilded

By : tinkerheck
  • From ANON - Menolly on July 13, 2012
    Gilded is glorious!! I love this story. Well written, beautifully paced and very engaging. I found myself racing home to read the next chapter. Please continue this wonderful story, for all those lurkers like me. This is the first review I have ever felt compelled to write, and it's more of a statement of my appreciation for your work. Thanks!
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  • From ANON - risi on July 11, 2012
    Okay, first things first. Sebastian gets a thrill out of ironing?!! LOL!! I feel like Undertaker after getting a good laugh. I'll have you know that I will never again be able to watch the anime episode with the two princes without seeing Sebastian working the fluter and imagine him getting all excited. "Oh yes! Look at these crisp little ruffles! If only the Young Master would wear more girly clothing."

    I love that the story is told from Sebastian's viewpoint and how he occaisionally refers to previous masters. You could probably write a fun story out of those recollections since the tidbits are so intriguing. I'm glad to find out what happened to Claude and Hannah though I wonder if Ciel is now wandering around as a bodiless spirit? I'd hate to think of him running into Claude. I hope he didn't just dissapate away. That would be too sad. Anyway, who who who are those two mysterious beings? What do they want? I can't wait to find out.
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  • From ANON - ShyOne on July 10, 2012
    Just thought I'd pop in and say that I love this story, I really do. I stumbled upon it recently, and while I'm not too big on reviewing or leaving notes for authors, yours deserves praise. So I'm praising you!
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  • From SavannahMarie on July 07, 2012
    Half the contract's done! omg.

    SO MANY QUESTIONS. Of course I have many many stab-theories, but I can wait until they're revealed naturally........ I hope.

    Man that cat form shore is the ultimate tool of persuasion - and I totally buy into it. I can rattle off the names of around twelve people, no problem, who'd agree to some straight up -shit- if I approached them as a cat.

    I myself am not a cat person, not my cup of tea.. but I understand such cups of tea in general. Most puppies turn me into an embarrassing person.

    Twas a good move for Alexander. You GO, man.

    And yay! They're finally TOUCHING NAUGHTILY. Even though, what the eff! There's all these awful depressive/oppressing feelings in the air while doing so!

    My emotion-maker is IN RUINZ. Oh, noooo, Gilda! You've gotta believe! You've gotta believe SO YOUR SEX LIFE CAN EXPLODE.

    I am TERRIFIED (I will stop talking in caps, soon! SOON) of what will happen when the Miss' father is approached by.... certain unsavory characters. Terrified and elated. Oh, how I hope I can wait without pitching a fit. We shall see.

    I know there has to be plenty more that I should comment on, but I'm having issues with recall, I think I'll start opening a little notepad, as I read.

    Very well done, ma'am. Just one big cascade of mo' excellence.
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  • From SavannahMarie on June 27, 2012

    I can't believe you don't have any praise! You are a treMENDOUS writer - my shoulders would literally do a little excited shrug-dance at the end of every chapter, and I couldn't hit that "Next Chapter" button fast enough, believe you me. YES, of COURSE I read it all in one go like a glutton, because it really is JUSTTHATGOOD.

    I am nothing like Sebastian/Alexander in that respect; if you present me with amazing consumables I damn well will hork 'em all down like a hog. No shame.

    I did take ONE pee break, but, rest assured (or disturbed) that it was agonizing; the whole time I sat there all I could think was how I wrong it was.


    About your story here: I'm curious to see what you've got in them magic sorceress sleeves now that ol' Gilda's got the Alexanderphobia. Part of me is grieving, but the other part is very interested in where it'll go from here - you've proved yourself one creative gal, and I trust that you fabricated this (pretty tragic!) setback for a reason that I will be eager to gobble.

    Thank you for writing! Know that I'll be reading anydamnthing you post.
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