In The Blood | By : MoonWillow Category: Gensomaden Saiyuki > General Views: 1637 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Gensomaden Saiyuki, nor any of the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
::Ok as this is my first addition to AFF I thought to put a few helpful notes on this before just posting. 45 is the first chapter in a continuing fic that was spawned by myself and the wonderful vampunk, along with inspiration not only from the series Saiyuki (without being said)but also notably from Inuyasha as well. No this won’t be a crossover! I just got inspiration from the series and you will see how in later chapters. Please understand I don’t owe these hotties or their pasts in any way shape or form. I hope you enjoy and just like me can’t wait to complete the next chapter, which will be written by my partner in this crime vampunk. Enjoy and feel free to review! Oh and please no flaming? I’ll set up an e-mail you can flame at a later time. Thanks!::
Sung by Shinedown
Written by DarkWillow
Lemon by vampunk
Send away for a priceless gift
One not subtle, one not on the list
Send away for a perfect world
One not simply so absurd
Sanzo stood on the covered patio of the randomly chosen inn they stopped at for the night. Taking a drag off the lit Marlboro between his fingers, he leaned back against the railing, looking down at the creek below. The only reason they stopped was for the opportunity for some peace. Sitting in the passenger seat of Jeep in front of those two idiots would be enough to give anyone a migraine.
For the moment the only sound he heard was the creek flowing over the stones below. Moments like this were treasured by the priest, because he knew they wouldn’t last. That was when he heard it, an almost deafening high-pitched buzz that started around his ears. As soon as it stopped he felt the skin on the back of his neck crawl. With a small growl he slapped his hand over the back of his neck. The door behind him creaked opened as he looked at the decimated mosquito on his ivory palm. Grimacing, he snorted, hearing footsteps approach him as he wiped his hand on his robes.
"I wondered where you’d gone off to." Hakkai said standing beside him.
"I had to go somewhere to get away from those two idiots." Sanzo replied taking another drag as Hakkai chuckled.
"Yes I suppose I would see your point. As we travel, silence does become a rather precious commodity." He agreed before running his fingertips across the back of Sanzo’s neck.
A shiver ran through the priest at the healer’s touch. Normally if anyone touched him they’d either get a gun in their face or a fan across the back of the head. Yet Hakkai didn’t raise that kind of response. While peace and silence were precious, nothing seemed odd about enjoying it together.
"Sanzo! Gojyo ate the last egg roll!" Goku whined, throwing open the patio door.
"It’s not my fault your just a walking stomach you stupid monkey." Gojyo yelled as Sanzo’s eyebrows knitted.
As the monkey and kappa argued Hakkai covered his mouth. Over the next few seconds he watched as Sanzo’s face contorted, the vein twitching on his forehead that always amused him. Whipping out his blunted Smith and Wesson revolver, Sanzo fired off two rounds over the terrified demons’ heads. As they backed away to dash back inside Sanzo’s violet eyes turned to the emerald-eyed demon.
"Laugh and I’ll kill you." He growled slipping the revolver into his sleeve.
Hakkai snorted before letting out a hearty laugh. Violet eyes narrowed as the healer wiped the tears from his eyes. His cigarette hissed out as it landed in the creek. As the silence encircled them again he pulled out his pack and lighter.
"See now I’m going to kill you." Sanzo said as he tapped out a new cigarette.
"But then who would keep you company and you can’t walk all the way to India." Hakkai pointed out.
"Ch." The priest snorted lighting his cigarette.
In these times of doing what you’re told
You keep these feelings, no one knows
Whatever happened to the young man’s heart
Swallowed by pain, as he slowly fell apart
After going back up to his room Sanzo felt his head swim. Seating himself on the windowsill he looked up at the moon as he pulled out another cigarette. The night was warm and he shrugged off the upper half of his ivory robes. Taking a long drag off the newly lit Marlboro he blew out the smoke, seeming like a sigh. A flash of heat lightning crossed the sky, as his mind seemed to slip.
Blinking suddenly all he saw was blood. No longer did he see the cut-out standard room that seemed to appear in every inn they stopped at but… Koumyou Sanzo’s blood spattered room. Something in the priest froze and ran cold as he found his gaze fixated on the prone corpse of his master. Drawing in a breath he closed his eyes a moment. Opening them again only seemed to make things worse.
Warm blood splattered across him as the cigarette slipped from his fingers. He could feel the warm sticky blood trickle down his face like lukewarm caramel as the ivory wrapped body of his master crumbled to the floor at his feet. In that moment the room shifted back again. Lifting his fingers to his face a moment and lowering them he expected to see blood, yet they were clean. Fumbling to retrieve his discarded cigarette he replaced it between his lips.
What the fuck was that? I don’t sense a demonic aura. He wondered as he took a drag.
And I’m staring down the barrel of a 45
Swimming through the ashes of another life
No real reason to accept the way things have changed
Staring down the barrel of a 45
Hakkai sat on the patio reading when an odd scent made his nose twitch. Lifting his head he looked around then realized something… Before, he’d wiped an odd colored liquid from the back of Sanzo’s neck. Lifting his fingers to his nose he furrowed his eyebrows. That was odd… at first he’d merely assumed it was the remains of some random insect that had pestered the ill-tempered priest.
Replacing his bookmark he felt an urge to check on Sanzo. While he couldn’t be sure of what the residue was exactly, he knew it wasn’t good. As he headed inside a small knot formed in his gut. Normally when the healer had a bad notion it turned out badly, but what seemed to make it worse was the thought of something happening to Sanzo. He owed the priest still after he’d defended him so many years ago when he was still the murderer known as Cho Gonou.
Send a message to the unborn child
Keep your eyes open for a while
In a box high up on a shelf, left for you, no one else
There’s a piece of a puzzle known as life
Wrapped in guilt, sealed up tight
Grinding out the cigarette in the ashtray beside him, Sanzo growled at the way the heat seemed to continue to rise even after sunset. Slipping off his robes completely, he reclaimed his seat with only his jeans, black undershirt and armbands adorning his ivory body. Leaning back against the window frame, he sighed before opening the window. A bead of sweat trailed its way down his face from his temple and he looked out at the sky as another flash of lightning winked by.
Shifting his violet eyes back inside he saw a form standing beside the bed… it was Shuei. Blinking, the clerk abbot remained before him as the priest let out a growl.
This trip down memory lane is getting really starting to annoy me. Sanzo growled as the door opened.
As a blinding stream of light hit his unadjusted eyes all he could make out was a familiar silhouette. Blinking again, his eyes adjusted to give him a shocking revelation. The silhouette was Rikudo.
"It’s time you join me in hell." He declared with a wickedly psychotic grin.
Without hesitation Sanzo drew his revolver and shot. As soon as the smoke cleared, the light and Rikudo were gone. Letting out a breath, he looked down at his hands, feeling them tremble. He felt as if he was being torn apart from the inside.
What the fuck is happening to me? He wondered looking down at his hands in their gloves.
Whatever happened to the young man’s heart
Swallowed by pain as he slowly fell apart
As Hakkai reached the top of the stairs, he heard a gunshot followed by a door slamming. The air hitched in his throat as he dashed down the hall to see a shell shocked Gojyo with a bullet hole in the wall behind his head. Stopping, he leaned on the wall a moment as he caught his breath. Everything seemed to be going from bad to worse.
"Gojyo are you alright?" He asked as the kappa looked over at him
"I went to ask Sanzo for a light and he shot at me. Moody bastard." Gojyo growled as he stalked off toward his room.
Hakkai turned his emerald eyes to the closed door before him. Swallowing, he knew he couldn’t ignore the growing knot in his stomach. Something was wrong with Sanzo; somehow he must have been poisoned. That was what he smelt on his fingers. His healing instincts kicked in as he tried to decipher a way to help the priest. Drawing in a breath, he closed his hand over the door knob knowing what needed to be done.
Without a second thought he threw open the door. He locked eyes with the blond man seated on the windowsill, and the violet depths that stared back at him seemed empty. Stepping inside, Hakkai closed the door and locked it behind him. Sanzo rose from his place and met him in the center of the room. He drew a gloved hand back to strike at the healer, but it was caught long before it had the chance to try and connect with flesh. With a small sigh Hakkai examined Sanzo’s face in the dark as recognition flashed in his eyes.
"I see now… there doesn’t seem enough poison in your system to kill you. But you do seem to be delusional. The only way to save you is for your body to burn it off. If we take too long I fear it could drive you mad, so you’ll have to trust me Sanzo."
The tone in his voice seemed firm and brokered no argument, as if Sanzo could argue at this point. A kind of gentle smile crossed the healer’s lips as he took Sanzo’s chin with his thumb and forefinger. Watching the violet eyes he loved so dearly, he tried to read the priest before him. With his mind made up, Hakkai drew Sanzo toward him to claim his lips in a soul searing kiss.
And I’m staring down the barrel of a 45
Swimming through the ashes of another life
No real reason to accept the way things have changed
Staring down the barrel of a 45
Sanzo let out a soft whine and relaxed against Hakkai’s chest, long fingers gripping his shoulder with bruising force. The healer kept a firm grip on Sanzo’s wrist, ensuring that the priest didn’t strike out at him again.
Hakkai pulled back, still cupping the blonde’s flushed face. Something came back to Sanzo’s deep violet eyes. His usual sharp gaze returned and his fingers tightened, causing Hakkai to wince.
"Hakkai, what the hell is happening?" Sanzo asked, his voice rough and forced as if he’d just been screaming but he hadn’t made a sound.
Hakkai placed a finger to Sanzo’s lips to quiet him and stroked his hair. He ran his hand back though golden strands as soft as spun silk and pulled the priest to his chest, wrapping an arm around his back. The blond tensed, violet eyes dimming and slipping out of focus. With a soft growl, Sanzo began to struggle against Hakkai’s hold, hands shoving at his chest. The brunette tightened his embrace, continuing to stroke Sanzo’s hair to calm him.
The priest’s struggles ceased. In his delusional state, the person holding him shifted between enemy and friend alike. One moment Sanzo saw Kougaiji in front of him, the prince’s burgundy hair falling over his haunted maroon eyes.
"Who do you fight for?" Kougaiji’s sad, deep voice filtered into his thoughts but his lips had not moved. "What makes you so strong?"
His master, Koumyou Sanzo’s, serenely smiling face replaced that of the demon prince. "Just continue being strong, Priest Genjyo Sanzo."
Sanzo tried to push away, but his body refused to obey him. "I am not strong," He answered, brokenly.
Hakkai studied Sanzo’s anguished face, knowing that what the priest was seeing wasn’t him. Smiling, he recalled the last time he’d heard Sanzo say that. His response was automatic.
"We know that. But that’s not necessarily the same thing as being weak, now is it?"
Sanzo frowned. "Hakkai?" He asked in a small, breathy whisper that sounded vaguely like a frightened child.
With a soft smile, Hakkai covered Sanzo’s mouth with his own in an open-mouthed kiss. Sanzo sighed and wrapped his arms around the healer, one hand holding the back of Hakkai’s shirt in a death-grip, the other tangled in thick, chestnut locks. He closed his eyes tightly against the nightmarish shifting of reality. Without sight, the only thing he was aware of was Hakkai’s calming presence, his smell and his taste, his deceptively delicate yet strong hands on his body.
Hakkai stroked Sanzo’s back and waist in a soothing fashion. He sucked at the priest’s soft lips, leaving them pink and swollen when he pulled away, only to be drawn back by his insistent grip. The brunette let his hands slip down to Sanzo’s hips, guiding him blindly toward the bed. When the blonde’s calves hit the edge, Hakkai controlled their fall, resting his weight on a knee between Sanzo’s legs.
Sanzo clung to him like a lifeline, his whole body trembling, and Hakkai couldn’t tell if it was from fear or arousal. He slowed their pace a little, gently sliding his hands under Sanzo’s tight shirt, pushing it up over his chest. Reluctantly pulling away from Sanzo’s lips, he brought his mouth down to a pink nipple. He swirled his tongue around the tender flesh then nipped at it lightly, making Sanzo gasp. The blond arched up and moaned as Hakkai continued to lavish the pebbly nub with licks and nips. Kissing his way across the smooth, pale chest, he gave the other nipple the same attention. Sanzo groaned, his arms still locked tightly around Hakkai’s shoulders. The healer looked up at the prone blond. Sanzo’s eyes were closed, his lips parted, golden hair falling over his flushed face, clinging to his forehead.
Hakkai let his hands glide down the priest’s torso, unfastening the button of his jeans. Sanzo lifted his hips to allow the constricting fabric to be removed. Gently removing the blonde’s arms, he pulled his own shirt off. He tossed the shirt over his shoulder, removing his own pants just as quickly.
Sanzo shifted back on the bed at Hakkai’s urging; reaching up to tangle his fingers in the brunette’s hair and pull him into another kiss. Hakkai moaned into Sanzo’s mouth as the blond began grinding his hips against him. Their erections rubbed together, making both men groan.
The need to breath forced him away from the priest’s lips. He kissed and nipped his way down Sanzo’s jaw to his neck, sucking at the soft skin. With a deep groan, Sanzo tilted his head to the side, exposing the graceful, swan curve of his neck. Hakkai pulled back from the mark he’d left above the high collar of the black shirt, kissing the bruise before moving back to Sanzo’s gasping mouth. He flicked his tongue over the blonde’s lower lip and slipped it into the warm cavern, tasting him. The brunette let his hand travel down between Sanzo’s legs, wrapping around him and stroking up. Sanzo broke the kiss with a harsh gasp, back arching and hips bucking into Hakkai’s hand.
The healer brought his lips to the blonde’s ear. "Are you alright?" He asked, gently turning Sanzo’s face towards him.
Sanzo’s eyes slid open. The deep violet of them practically glowed against the soft blush of his face and his pupils were dilated, leaving a bright ring of color around the black. They were hazy and unfocused and no recognition showed in them. Sanzo made a noise of protest and thrashed against Hakkai. The poison in his system had been weakened, leaving him with nothing but shifting, distorted images, almost like a fever dream. Random voices and sounds filtered though his brain until he couldn’t organize a coherent thought. Some part of him knew that if this didn’t stop he would go insane.
Hakkai laid a hand over Sanzo’s eyes and whispered soothing words to him until he calmed again. He quickly scanned the room, spotting Sanzo’s pack on the table beside them. If he leaned over, he could reach it without having to leave the priest. Stretching his arm out, and nearly falling off the bed in the process, he managed to grab the bag. He searched through the pockets, finding the lube with a triumphant smile, and turned back to Sanzo.
Smearing some of the clear gel on his fingers, Hakkai pressed one against Sanzo’s opening. The priest’s brows drew down and he whimpered softly as the finger slid into him. The brunette gently pushed it in and out until he felt the other relax and added another. Sanzo cried out as Hakkai brushed against his prostate. The cry dissolved into a soft moan as the healer began scissoring his fingers, twisting and spreading them.
Sweat glistened on Sanzo’s alabaster skin and his breath came in short pants, punctuated with sharp cries and deep moans when Hakkai hit his spot. His eyes were shut tightly, brows drawn down and mouth open to accommodate the steady stream of soft noises. Hakkai waited until Sanzo began moving his hips against his fingers before withdrawing them, eliciting a soft whimper of protest from the priest.
He kissed the blond, then drew back and coated his throbbing erection with the lube. Sliding his hands up smooth, pale thighs, he gently pushed Sanzo’s legs farther apart and urged them high around his waist. Hakkai began to press into Sanzo, going as slowly as possible, until he was completely inside. Sanzo moaned deep in his chest and arched his back, his long legs tightening around Hakkai’s waist. After giving the blond a moment to adjust, he pulled back, almost completely out, and thrust back in. Sanzo let out a sharp cry, pushing back against him.
Hakkai set an easy rhythm; deep enough to hit the priest’s prostate but not hard enough to hurt him. Sanzo rolled his hips into Hakkai’s thrusts, digging his fingers into the brunette’s back. The blond writhed and tossed his head, golden hair caressing his face and falling over his closed eyes. The healer gripped pale hips and lifted them for a better angle. Sanzo’s cries grew more frantic as their pace quickened, his body thrashing and twisting beneath Hakkai’s. Reaching between their bodies, the brunette found Sanzo’s arousal and began stroking it in time with his thrusts. It only took a few more thrusts before the priest let out a harsh, guttural cry and came in Hakkai’s hand. The sudden tight squeeze of Sanzo’s inner muscles during his orgasm proved too much for the healer and he moaned the priest’s name as he finished with a few jagged thrusts.
Everyone’s point their fingers always condemning me
Nobody knows what I believe, what I believe
Withdrawing himself from Sanzo with a whimper from the priest Hakkai laid beside him. Slipping his fingers through the silken blond hair he watched the other man’s face closely. There was no way to know if the poison had worked its way out of his system. As both men lie there panting from their actives, slowly violet eyes opened as the knot reformed in the healer’s stomach as he waited. Slowly Sanzo’s eyes adjusted to the darkness all he saw was the emerald eyed-demon whose nude body lie pressed beside him.
"What did you do to me?" he asked looking into the emerald eyes of the man who was his anchor.
"Nothing I don’t normally do to you." The healer chuckled with a smile, "How do you feel?"
"That’s a stupid question." Sanzo said furrowing his brows together as Hakkai chuckled.
"Yes I suppose it is. Now will you do yourself a favor and get some sleep." he said feeling the knot in his stomach melt away.
"How the fuck do you think I can sleep?" The priest responded as the healer sighed.
"Sanzo we don’t even know who did this to you." He pointed out.
"I’m going to find the bastard that did this and kick the shit out of him." He growled as the other man chuckled.
"Yes I’m sure you will. But right now you’re in now condition to be doing anything beyond sleep. Besides you can do much more damage when you’re stronger." Those words were met with a sharp glare from the blond lying beside him.
"Are you implying something?" He all but demanded as he rolled over onto his side.
Slowly Sanzo shifted his legs over the side of the bed. He needed to get to his clothes and as he looked at the floor in the moonlight his pants seemed like they were miles away instead of just a few feet. Hakkai propped himself up on his elbow making himself ready to catch Sanzo if need be. Slowly the priest pushed himself up to his feet but it seemed as if his whole body disagreed with the motion. His vision blurred and swam as his stomach went along for the ride with a sickening churn. But he would force himself, pushing off the bed a bit he took a shaky step forward as his body trembled. Slipping off the bed as quickly as his body would allow Hakkai stood behind Sanzo as the slightly shorter man’s knees buckled from beneath him.
"I told you, will you rest now?" Hakkai asked cradling the priest to his chest.
"If you’ll leave me be." He growled as the healer chuckled.
"If you don’t I’ll just have to tie you to the bed." He responded as he led the blond back toward the bed.
Gently lying him down on the bed the healer sighed before crawling into bed beside him. He hoped his remained presence would soothe the other man when he himself couldn’t fully get a grip. Someone had tried to hurt Sanzo… and who ever that was would pay dearly. It took only a few moments for Sanzo to drift off the sleep. Gently Hakkai slipped from beside Sanzo and retrieved his clothes from where he scattered them on the floor. Stepping into his pants he watched the priest in his light sleep wondering if the poison remained at all. For the moment he needed a bit of air and some thing to clam his nerves. Pulling his undershirt on he stepped out into the hallway only to be met by a smirking Gojyo. Running a hand through his hair he checked that his monocle was in place as he walked past.
"Well it seems it took you to… loosen up the monk." The half-breed said with a chuckle as Hakkai paused.
All the tension in the healer’s face melted away taking away all expression. He hands relaxed out at his sides as his eyes half closed. Turning slightly he looked back at the kappa as his hair caused the already low light to cast an eerie shadow over his normally cheerful face. The smirk melted from the redhead’s face as he backed away. An uneasy smile crossed his lips for a moment as he back down the hall toward his room.
"No need to get like that man. You do what you want with Sanzo." Gojyo said before back stepping to his room.
As soon as the door opened and closed behind the kappa Hakkai turned with a sigh back on his way. Then paused, he could get his time to think in the morning. A proper healer wouldn’t leave his patient until he was certain of his condition. Turning back around Hakkai slipped back into Sanzo’s room and relocked the door. He would stay with Sanzo, all night if need be to make sure the priest was free of the poison… even if it meant another round of lovemaking.
And I’m staring down the barrel of a 45
Swimming through the ashes of another life
No real reason to accept the way things have changed
Staring down the barrel of a 45
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