Bound | By : CelticCreature Category: +M to R > Ronin Warriors Views: 5182 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Ronin Warriors, nor any of the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
Disclaimer: I don't own the Ronin
Warriors. Somebody else does, I don't know who, but it isn't me. I
own only my ideas and my words. This story contains sexual liaisons
between men. In other words this is gay erotica/romance. If that
thing isn't your cup of tea, don't read it. If you read it and get
offended, don't write my nasty letters saying god hates me, 'cause I
warned you right here. I will not only laugh at you, but I'll put
them in up on my website, when I finish making it, for others to
laugh at.
Chapter 1
It is ten years
after the first defeat of the Dynasty, the one where the Armor of the
Inferno first appeared. Since then, the dynasty had not resurfaced.
In this version, Anubis had not been turned away from Talpa and was
still evil. He had fought along side the Dynasty and they had still
gotten their collective butts kicked by the Armor of the Inferno.
Since then, the Ronins had encountered Saber Strike and gotten Ryo's
new swords and all of the other non-Dynasty-related stuff that they
do as well as many other adventures. Mia still lets them live in her
mansion and works as the head of the history department of Shinjo
University. She lives in university housing most of the time, but
still visits "the boys" when she can. The Ronins have
semi-stable lives now. Kento works as a mechanic, not in a shop but
wherever somebody else's mechanic is sick or they need an extra hand
or have a big customer load. Rowan designs computer programs of all
varieties. Cye breeds koi in a section of the big lake out behind the
mansion and sells them. Ryo works as a part time assistant a local
veterinarian hospital, where White Blaze gets his check-ups and such
done. Sage works at the family dojo nearby and trains young men and
women in martial arts. One of Sage's most promising students is Yuli,
who has stayed nearby all these years. Yuli's utter success as a
martial artist could be partially due to the fact that he is always
hanging around the "guys" and is therefore a convenient
receptacle of advice and general survival tips. Over the years, Yuli
grew up under the guidance of the Ronins and is as big a part of
their lives as each other. He is now nineteen years old.
was 5:30 downtown and the traffic was horrible, even for the
pedestrians on the sidewalks. Cars zoomed by, adding exhaust to the
general grayness of the city. It was almost dusk, the sky to the west
tinged scarlet, rose and gold over the skyscrapers. The light for the
next crossing had been on "Don't Walk" for what might have
been 5 minutes already and the crowd at the corner was getting
aughta fix these dern lights so they run so a normal man don't haveta
wait until the next day to cross the street."
have all the lights on timers, some times they run quick and some
times slow. They want all the cars to be able to get home first and
out on the city."
in charge needs to learn to be more considerate of people who don't
drive into the city. Why, if more people walked instead of driving
around in here, we could breathe actual air and not this smog."
a disgrace how bad the city is these days. I remember back in the day
. . . "
figures remained silent during the tirade, seemingly oblivious to the
long wait or the jabbering multitude around them. One of the figures
was simply lost in his own thoughts and just stared straight ahead at
the cross walk sign on the other side of the street, silently waiting
his turn at progress. The other figures, also silent, were simply
engaged in a mind-to-mind conversation and could care less about the
agitation of those around them. All five were on a mission, though
the mission of the four telepaths varied slightly from that of the
lone light gazer.
paused in his intense scrutiny of the tiny light bulbs that comprised
the traffic lights to look around him. He had been taught since
childhood to always be aware of his surroundings and never drift off
in the middle of a crowd. This training prevented enemies from
sneaking up on you and was a pretty good deterrent of pick-pockets.
He caught sight of a food vender across the street and wondered if he
should get a bite or wait for dinner. Cye was making oden tonight and
it was one of Yuli's favorite's. On the other hand, he had skipped
lunch to avoid the pack of girls in the cafeteria at the university.
They never gave him any peace when they were around and he couldn't
bring himself to become physically violent to get rid of them. Verbal
messages, no matter how direct, didn't deter them in the least, so he
avoided them as much as possible. This left him with an empty stomach
and a dilemma. Eat now and have less room for dinner or just ignore
the hunger that had been gnawing at him for the past hour. Well, if
the light didn't change, it would be a moot point. He scanned around
him again and froze.
crowd had shifted restlessly since his first perusal of his immediate
surroundings and Yuli had a clear view of the four men that stood
together not ten feet from where he stood. The men looked to be about
in their mid/late twenties to early thirties, except for the one with
white, wavey hair like seafoam. He wore an eyepatch over his right
eye, like some odd caricature of a pirate. One of his companions had
a scar like a cross over and around one of his eyes and a shock of
blue hair. Another looked like he had on purple eyeshadow and green
hair. The final member of their group had flowing red hair, like a
river of blood, spilling down his back. This last one scanned the
crowd every few seconds as if checking for possible threats before
turning back to the others. The way they were all huddled together
gave the impression that they were holding a conversation, but none
of them were talking.
couldn't, didn't dare, believe his eyes. The four men before him
couldn't possibly be the dark warlords of the Dynasty. The Dynasty
had never come back after the last battle, they must have been
destroyed. Yuli had seen it with his own eyes. Besides, these men
were all dressed in normal street clothes, not armor, and there were
no riots or panics going on at the moment, like there always had been
when the Dynasty had showed up in the past. Besides, Yuli had never
seen any of the warlords without their armor, complete with full-face
plating, so he couldn't make an accurate identification anyway.
head kept repeating this over and over again, but his gut instinct
didn't agree. If these were just ordinary men, why were all the
little hairs on the back of his neck up. And look at the eyes. How
often did you run across a group of men who happened to have a man
with one eye, a man with that particular scar on one eye, a man that
looked like he was wearing Plum 067 color eyeshadow and a Japanese
guy with jade-green eyes? Yuli might have only been nine years old
during the war, but he had a pretty good memory of many close-up
encounters with the forces of evil. He was half-way convinced now
that the men before him were the genuine warlords, but he needed a
little more proof to satisfy himself. If one of them would say
something out loud, he could be sure if they were the servants of
darkness or not. But he didn't want them to notice him, in case he
still bore a strong enough resemblance to the tiny little whelp that
had followed around the saviors of earth all those years ago. He was
still pretty short for his age, but he had grown his midnight hair
down to about his waist. He wore it loose and shifted his head
forward a little so he could peak through the curtain of his hair
without being too obvious about it.
he studied the might-be-warlords carefully to find any evidence that
they were or weren't armor wielding phycos, the man with the green
eyes turned and locked eyes with him. Yuli's breath caught in his
throat, his doubts completely dissolved in the familiar powerful
gaze. Those were Anubis's eye's, Anubis's watchful searching stare
and Yuli damn near lost it right then and there. He couldn't think of
what to do and his mind struggled to come up with a way to keep
Anubis from guessing who he was or that he had a clue who Anubis was.
A sudden inspiration struck him and he thought as hard as he could
about the first time a girl had kissed him. The memory never failed
to make him turn red as a beet, not from any kind of typical male
hormones, but from utter and complete humiliation. He forced his gaze
from Anubis's and onto the tips of his sneakers. He was the picture
of a flustered young man that had been caught staring at the stranger
he considers to be attractive. It wasn't a situation he could recall
ever having been in personally, but he was pretty sure he pulled it
off reasonably well.
continued to scrutinize the pretty young thing sharing the sidewalk
with them. He was almost certain he had seen recognition and shock in
those sapphire eyes before the boy had turned away. Judging by the
intensely charming blush that rose up on the creamy pallor, he had
been caught checking them out and was embarrassed. Anubis permitted
himself a small smirk. There's no need to be shy, little one. A
sweet young thing like yourself is welcome in my bed anytime. He
leered subtlety at the fey creature still making eyes at the
concrete. Nice, very nice indeed.
looked up from where he had been discussing their tactics with the
other two to see what had so captivated their leader. He followed
Anubis's gaze, as did the other two.
can see why you're interested, but we have work to do, Anubis.
am aware of that, Cale, but I am almost sure that young man
recognized us.
sure, pull the other one. You know as well as the rest of us that
none of these humans ever saw us. Not even those whelps saw us out of
armor, so we can't be recognized by anyone. I think you just want an
excuse to acquire a new pet.
am not making excuses, Sehkmet, I am sure I saw something in his eyes
when he was watching us.
wondering where hot studs like ourselves had been all his life.
over yourself.
then the light changed and the crowd started to cross to the other
side of the road. Yuli walked as fast as he could, trying to put
distance between himself and the warlords. In his anxiousness to get
away, he looked back over his shoulder to see if the mashos had
missed him. Seven eyes pinned Yuli like a bug to a card, clearly
looking at him and clearly not fooled any more by the blushing act.
Yuli wheeled his head around and hurried even faster to get himself
out of sight.
what I said before, that kid defiantly knows something he shouldn't.
out in the crowd and we'll follow him.
weaved through the crowd, staying mostly in the thick of things and
trying to wedge himself near tall people to block him from sight. He
pulled a baseball cap from his bag and pulled it on backwards onto
his head and shoved his hair down the back of his jacket. Between the
hat and the nondescript black jacket, his most distinguishing feature
was camouflage. He ducked sharply down a narrow space between two
buildings and ran down it into a proper sized alley that would lead
to a parallel street. He was headed down it when a shadow disengaged
itself from one of the walls to stand in front of him, effectively
blocking his path.
not wise to walk down a deserted ally in the evening like this,"
the blue haired shadow demon said in an almost conversational tone, "
you never know what might be down here."
took Yuli a moment to remember how to talk. " I'll keep that in
mind, thanks," he managed to tremble out, " see you
around." He turned to leave, but found his path back the way he
came blocked by a green haired demon of venom. Oh shit.
right you know, it's not safe to wander around out here alone,"
the man seemed almost to hiss the words he spoke, "maybe we
should accompany you back home. Tell us were you live and we'll get
you there in no time."
little lie-detector in the back of Yuli's head started flashing and
wailing. " No thanks, I'll manage." Yuli tried to scoot
past Sehkmet on the man's right, hoping he'd be too quick to catch.
Sehkmet blocked him against the wall, leaning with his hands on
either side of the boy's head against the wall Yuli was backed up
insist, we wouldn't want anything to happen to you out here,"
Cale slid in next to Sehkmet, both of them invading Yuli's space and
making him calculatedly edgy. If he did know who they were, he would
reveal the information unconsciously sooner or later. Right now it
could be he was scared of two strangers who seemed to have the
intention of mugging him in a dark ally, "After all, old
acquaintances like us should look out for each other, don't you
don't know what you mean. We’ve never met before." Yuli
winced internally at how shitty a liar he was. He had never been a
convincing liar, and now he had surely given away that he knew
something of whom the two men were just by his denial. Sure enough,
two pairs of eyes narrowed slightly as they studied him hard.
is he anyway, none of these humans ever DID see us up close and the
only thing that ever shows when we're in armor is our eyes? And you
can't just identify someone you've only seen at a distance or just
once by their eyes and-
a minute. What if it was someone who did see us more than once.
the only humans who ever did see us more than once were those whelps,
that woman and that little . . .
bloomed in two pairs of eyes.
from the realization dawning in the eye's of his tormenters, Yuli did
the only thing he could in his current situation. He ducked under
Sehkmet's arm and ran like hell down the ally. He heard pounding
footfalls behind him and ducked around a sharp corner into another
ally. He had to squeeze to get into the narrow opening and knew there
was no way the more bulky figures were going to fit inside. He just
hoped they wouldn't blow up either of the buildings on either side of
him to get at him. It was getting dark now and Yuli struggled to
think of a plan of action. He took a few deep breaths, while running
down the narrow ally, and thought. Okay, the dark warlords have
come back from the dead and are chasing me down a dark ally. I have
no weapons and I'm alone. What do I need to do? First I need to loose
them, then I need to call the guys and tell them the dark warlords
are back. Okay.
zigzagged through the debris that littered the ally and ran out into
a deserted side street. Well almost deserted, there was the minor
occupation of two dark warlords, but other than that, it was
deserted. Yuli stopped so fast he could smell burning rubber from his
sneakers on the ground. Anubis and Dais stood directly in front of
them, Dais no longer masking their subarmor with an illusion. They
stood between him and any other alleyways, and he didn't think he
could get away through the ally he had come in through. If he did go
that way, they were less bulky and could chase him through the
narrower passages. Yuli stood frozen on the spot, trying to think of
something to do.
time, no see, boy." Anubis sneered at him. His eye's had an
almost triumphant gleam in them. "You have grown since we last
saw you. Not in height, much, but you've certainly grown up, I
think." The youth before him was breathing hard, face flushed
and eyes slightly wild. It was VERY appealing and Anubis was glad he
now had an excuse to detain the boy for further use. He would make a
good hostage, for sure, but he would make an even better sex toy. The
decidedly lecherous look in Anubis's eyes did not go unnoticed by
again. Yuli was so tired of being an object of constant sexual
scrutiny. After this, I am SO getting my everything pierced and
out of nowhere, Cale lunged at him from behind. Yuli jumped straight
up and grabbed hold of one of the bars of a fire escape overhead and
used it to swing over a fence into the adjacent ally where he took
off running like all hell had broken loose. The warlords may have had
an advantage as far as speed, endurance, being able to teleport,
out-numbering him, internal communications, the ability to blow up
objects in their path and, well, you get the picture. But Yuli had
lived in the suburbs outside this city his whole life and knew the
back allies and side-streets better than anyone else alive. He also
knew which shops had convenient back doors or unlocked windows he
could get through and duck through.
ran through the labyrinth of streets for at least an hour, ducking
and jumping. Once he ran smack into one of Dais's webs. He froze,
remembering that if he struggled, he'd get hopelessly tangled. He
carefully slid out of his jacket to leave it hanging in the web and
ran on. After about ten minutes of running without encountering a
warlord, Yuli ducked into the back room of a shop and pulled out his
cell phone. He had the number for Koji Manor on speed dial and
punched it rapidly, his heart still pounding in his chest. He
listened to the receiver ring once . . . twice
Yuli exhaled sharply in relief when he heard Cye's voice
it's me."
what's the matter? You sound out of breath-"
listen to me they're back. The Dynasty is back. The warlords are
here. In town. Right now. You gotta get down here."
calm down. Breath." Yuli inhaled slowly. "Good. Now, are
you sure you saw the Dynasty."
it's them. They've been chasing me all over town. I just now managed
to loose them. I-"
rest of Yuli's answer was cut off by a sub-armored hand closing over
his mouth and pulling him back against something hard and metallic.
Which happened to be the Warlord of Darkness's chest. Yuli tried to
squirm away, but more hands grabbed him and held him immobile. One
took the cell phone from his hand. Anubis regarded the device for a
minute, calmly listening to the bearer of Torrent yelling the boy's
name from the phone, customary smirk firmly in place. His eyes
flicked up to the restrained youth and back to the phone. Catching
the struggling youth’s eyes with his own, he raised the phone
to his head and spoke into it.
afraid Yuli can't talk right now. He's otherwise engaged. He might
not be able to make it home tonight."
that, he crushed the phone in his hand and dropped the remnants into
a dirty puddle on the ally floor.
looked anxiously at his lover. He had only caught half of the
conversation, but it had been pretty disturbing. Cye had been asking
Yuli if he had seen the Dynasty, of all things, then he'd been
yelling into the phone. Now he just stood there in aparent shock with
the phone line making the no connection sound in his hand.
you okay?"
turned a pale face to his lover.
"The back."
tried to talk sense into his obviouly befudled lover. "How can
the Dynasty be back, we took them down years ago. Yuli probably just
saw something in town and got freaked out and the cell connection
died. It's nothing to worry abo-"
it's nothing to worry about, why was Anubis on the phone?"
litany died on his lips.
call the guys."
to be continued.......
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