The Visitor | By : sashocirrione Category: Death Note > Threesomes/Moresomes Views: 2663 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: Disclaimer: I do not own Death Note, and I do not make any money from these writings. |
Title: "The Visitor"
Author: Sashocirrione
Spoilers: If you haven't seen the "chained together" part yet, you'll be spoiled just a bit.
Warnings: NO UNDERAGE READERS. Rated M for a reason. Sexual activities. Masturbation, threesome, prostitution.
Summary: Who is visiting L, and why does this person look just like Light? This is an attempt to produce a LxLightxLight threesome without actual twincest, just fake twincest. Contains masturbation contest, prostitution.
Pairings: LxOC, LxLight and LightxOC.
Additional Notes: This is set at the big skyscraper that eventually becomes the Kira investigation headquarters. It is a kind of "this could have happened behind the scenes" plot, with no real effect on the canon storyline.
Disclaimer: I do not own Death Note, and I do not make any money from these writings.
L sighed and stretched. Then he said, "Light, why don't we retire for the evening?"
Light was startled out of the chart he was studying. He looked around. Everyone else from the investigation team had already gone home except for Matsuda, and that was just because Matsuda lived at the investigation center. As a bachelor, he didn't have to worry about family members who couldn't get security clearance. Still, it was quite early for L to even be thinking about going to bed. Not that he really went to bed most nights. Usually he sat in a chair beside the bed, continuing to work, and dozed off for perhaps a couple of hours in that chair.
Light turned to L and said, "Ryuzaki, it seems pretty early. I could still get two or three hours of work done."
L stood up in his chair and then stepped out of it in one graceful movement. He said, "You may be able to continue working, but I cannot. Save whatever you were working on, and then we'll go to our rooms."
Light hesitated, took one more look at the chart of recent Kira murders, and then got up as well. L was already walking away, so Light had to hurry his steps in order to not be pulled forward by the chain.
As soon as they stepped onto the elevator, L said, "Light, I would like to talk to you about Misa. If you plan on doing anything with her I would, of course, be watching, but it would be easy to arrange it so that nobody else would see. The investigators rarely check the night footage, and I always read the log of exactly who accessed what surveillance videos. The only one who has ever looked at footage of our room at night is Matsuda, and after I spoke to him about it I don't think he'll ever do it again. If you choose to take Misa in our room, nobody except myself would ever see it, unless I die. In that case, I'm sure all the old footage will be examined for possible clues."
Light sighed, "Ryuzaki, I'm not Kira, so you won't die. And I told you, it is a one-sided relationship. I'm not interested in Misa and I hate to think how much more clingy she would get if we had sex. I would have dumped her by now except that I'm afraid if I did, she would leak information and risk the lives of everyone here."
L nodded. "I'm grateful you are willing to compromise your principles a bit in order to protect our lives. Still, if you really cared about catching Kira, you would use your influence over Misa to get more complete answers than I've been getting. There is no doubt that she sent those Kira videos to Sakura TV."
Light said, "It would be wrong to lead her on and play with her feelings. She's too vulnerable. If I even so much as smile at her, she thinks we're going to get married. Besides, I think she's already told you everything she remembers."
The elevator doors opened. As L stepped out onto the floor he shared with Light, he said, "And then, we come back to the issue of memories. Well, for tonight let's put away the Kira case and not speak of it."
As L continued walking, he began humming a little tune, and he seemed to straighten up a bit from his usual slouch.
"Ah," Light said, "dropping the subject makes you happier?"
L turned a corner, walking into their bedroom, and then flopped down on the king-sized bed they shared. He stretched out to his full length smugly, in an un-L-like posture, looking like a satisfied cat.
"No," he said, "rather, not talking about the Kira case is a side effect of something else. I'm afraid my personal life is going to intrude on our lives tonight, and I want to apologize ahead of time. We are going to have a visitor. You will have to be completely quiet about Kira, L, the fact that an investigation is going on, and the reason we are chained together. Our visitor will not ask you any questions, so it should be easy for you to keep quiet about those things."
Light sat down on the opposite end of the bed, the six-foot chain pooling between them, and said, "A friend?"
"No, more like an employee of sorts. I don't have any friends other than you."
Just then, L's cellphone rang. He placed it to his ear and said, "Yes, I see. Guide him through all the security checkpoints and to my room."
L put his phone back in his pocket and said, "Well, it seems my timing was perfect. He's already here."
L suddenly bounced upwards to sit on the edge of the bed, with his legs actually hanging down instead of scrunched up. He absently kicked and spun his feet in little circles. Pressing one thumb to his bottom lip, he was almost smiling. Light had never seen L like this.
There was a knock at the door. L said, "Light, I do want to apologize once again in case I'm going to offend you with my visitor. You don't have to watch, though you aren't allowed to hide yourself under the bed or do anything else that keeps me from observing you."
The door opened, showing Watari. Just behind him was a young man holding a briefcase.
L called out, "Come in, Shandy."
The young man came out from behind Watari and entered the room as Watari withdrew and shut the door. Light gasped. Shandy looked eerily like himself. Close enough to be a brother. His face was quite similar, he had the same hairstyle, and he was almost exactly the same height. He looked perhaps two years older than Light.
L said, "Shandy, this is Light. Light, this is Shandy."
Shandy gave a little bow, said, "Pleased to meet you," and then sat in a chair next to the bed.
Shandy's hands went to his briefcase and he said, "I have all my medical records and the other paperwork here. You will see all the tests have come up completely negative, and for the past two months I've been on reserve, with no activities, and my supervisors have certified that."
L said, "I've already seen copies of the tests and certifications. There is no need for it now. Is your real name on the paperwork you brought?"
"Then, keep the briefcase locked and take it with you when you leave. As long as you are here, you will only use your alias."
Shandy looked deeply into L's eyes. "And, what shall I call you?"
Shandy reached out with one hand and began stroking L's arm gently. L sighed and leaned his head back, closing his eyes, seeming to enjoy the touch. Light shuffled nervously on the edge of the bed. As Light moved his left arm, the chain slid out from the rumpled blankets that had previously mostly hid it.
Shandy chuckled and said, "Bondage and a twin fetish. You know, you could have ordered actual twins from the agency."
Light's mouth fell open and a look of complete shock spread across his face. Shandy, was he, was he going to... right here, with L? Right now?
L's head snapped upwards angrily. "You were paid not to ask questions. If there is any more of that, I'll see that your pay gets reduced."
Shandy immediately looked demure and submissive. He whispered, "I will be good."
Light said, "No, wait. I need an explanation right now, Ryuzaki. You hired a prostitute? And now, you're going to... with me watching?"
L said, "I told you before, you don't have to watch. You just have to stay where I can see you. You know what will happen if you hide yourself from my view. Although, if you do ever plan to have sex with Misa while I watch, then watching me now might make you less self-conscious then. Think of it as pre-emptive payback."
Light stammered, "You... you're gay?"
"No," L said, "I'm like you, I can go either way. Though, from my investigation into your background, I'd say you are much closer to the gay end of the spectrum than me. As far as I could find out, not a single girl has done more than kissed you, but you've been caught three times in school bathrooms groping males."
Light blushed a deep red and his hand went to his mouth. When did L do so much investigating? Why hadn't any of his friends mentioned being questioned?
"Wait," Light said, "Shandy, are you related to the Yagami family in any way? Why do you look so much like me?"
L chuckled. "No, he isn't your relative. He's just a look-a-like. The reason he looks like you is because you turn me on. That's all."
"I... turn you on?" Light's voice came out in almost a squeak.
"Yes," L said, "and I tend to get what I want, even if I have to cheat. Now, if you don't mind, I would really like to get it on with your double. You can turn your back to us if you want. I'll even let you read a book if you need some distraction."
L dropped his voice to a husky whisper. "Or, if you really feel like it, I can let you join in. In my case I'm sure it won't cause any bias in our... situation. However, I don't want to cause you any morning-after regrets, so consider it carefully before joining us. Be sure you are comfortable with it."
L stared unabashedly at Light, his intensely dark eyes lit by a mischievous spark. Shandy simply gave a little smile, a smile so subtle it was barely there, yet it seemed slightly evil at the same time.
Light started breathing faster. The heated blush on his face felt like it was traveling downwards, over his chest and stomach, burning its way down to his groin, and settling there with a spreading warm throb, a dull ache pulsing in his penis and balls.
"I'll... um..." Light said, "I'll get a book. Come with me to the book shelves."
L and Light walked over to the book shelves. Light scanned the titles. What would be distracting? Not a mystery, that would make him think of detectives... and besides, those were usually too boring, too easy to figure out. Not a textbook, or a computer manual, or any other nonfiction. Not a historical novel, too many of those had romance as a sub-plot.
What about an adventure of some sort? Should he take a chance on a book he hadn't read yet? No, most of those couldn't hold his attention past ten pages, and Light had a feeling that L had a lot of tension to work out, much more than ten pages worth.
Then, it should be an engaging book Light had read before, but not for some time. Light's eyes scanned the shelves, and saw a complete set of the Harry Potter novels. There! Just choose one of the thicker ones, and even if L pounded Shandy into the mattress for a couple of hours, the book should last longer. Light grabbed the book, positioned himself in a chair with its back pressed against one side of the bed, and let L and Shandy resume what they were doing on the opposite side of the bed.
Light couldn't resist glancing at them before settling down. They were in the same position as before, L sitting on the edge of the bed with his knees actually down, and Shandy sitting in a chair facing L, very close to him in fact. Shandy ran his hands over L's arms and chest, then leaned in to nuzzle L's neck.
L released a small moan, and then clutched Shandy's face and pulled him into a heated kiss. It looked like it was open-mouthed. As the kiss became more intense, Shandy clutched at the front of L's shirt, bunching the fabric together, and began to climb from his chair onto L's lap.
L broke free of the kiss and gulped a few huge breaths of air, then plunged in again. His hands began sliding under Shandy's expensive-looking burgundy silk shirt, exposing flashes of stomach that looked surprisingly like Light's own stomach. Light found himself wondering how close a match L had obtained. If he kept watching, would Shandy look like...
Light shook himself away from the sight, realizing that he'd forgotten to open his book. There, open to the first chapter. Start reading the words. Focus, focus... keep your eyes on the page. Then Light heard L moan again, a heavy moan saturated with lust. Shandy was panting and started making little moans himself. Then there was a chuckle. L said, "I like it slow. Don't touch my penis with your hands or mouth until I tell you. Wait until I'm begging for it."
Shandy said, "I'll get you so hot, you'll be screaming for release."
Light felt more heat pooling in his groin. No, don't look back. Just ignore them. He tried to read and realized he'd only gotten through four sentences so far. From behind him, he heard soft sounds of licking and slurping, along with L's deep, husky moans and throaty, masculine gasps.
Light glanced over his shoulder and saw L on his back on the bed, his knees drawn up to his chest as they would be in his usual sitting position. Shandy was crouched lower on the bed, holding L's ankles in his hands and vigorously licking and sucking on the toes.
Light shivered and went back to the book. This time he forgot where he was.
Did I read this already? Maybe I should just start at the beginning again. Reading bits of sentences like this has shot my comprehension.
Light felt his erection straining against the confines of his clothing. His hand wandered downward, lightly brushing over the fabric and sending a throb through his cock.
He found himself imagining ways that he could jerk off without the two on the bed noticing. They were getting louder and louder, so they would cover up any sounds he made. He could use saliva for lubrication, and the chair itself should hide the actions, maybe the book as well for extra safety...
No, no that was crazy. Still... it was difficult... with those images and sounds. Light glanced back again, and saw L stretched full length on the bed, with no shirt on. Shandy was crouched over him, licking his stomach, his hands clenched onto L's upper thighs, subtly massaging in slow little circles.
L's head was thrown back, his face flushed and sweating, his hair wilder than Light would have thought possible if he hadn't seen it himself. L was panting and moaning without restraint now. Shandy dipped his head down and vigorously fucked L's bellybutton with his tongue. It looked so much like Light himself was giving sexual pleasure to L.
L would let me do that. That could be me there, causing him to make those sounds. He wants me.
Light realized he'd let out an involuntary gasp. One hand held the novel, but the other was beginning to rub his penis through the fabric of his pants.
Light ached to undo the front of his pants, hold the firm length in his hand, and pump it very hard. There. His hand was undoing the button. Now the zipper. Light shivered, then licked his fingers and plunged his hand inside the underwear. The shock of his own touch was so delicious. His penis strained upwards with need, and he took hold firmly, stroking, squeezing...
Suddenly, Light became aware of a lack of sound behind him.
L said, "I didn't know Harry Potter novels made Light so horny."
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