The Scorpion | By : Bastetkitten Category: +M to R > Ouran High Host Club Views: 3732 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 1 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Ouran High School Host club. I gain no money from this. |
The floor of the club shook from the bass of the loud techno dance music. Different colored lasers were shot through the crowd of dancing bodies; bodies that grinded and jerked to the beat. Women tossed their hair as they moved while men attempted to enter their realm.
A man with raven colored hair leaned over the bar and handed the bartender some money, making a hand gesture instead of trying to speak over the music. The bartender nodded and poured a tall glass of a brilliant lime-colored drink. The man nodded his thanks as he took his absinthe. He immediately took a drink and scanned the crowd. Eyes watched him, but he didn't care. He was used to the attention. His tall lean frame is clad in designer jeans and a black tank covered with a red button-up shirt. His gray eyes searched the crowd again, looking for someone.
The man took another drink of the strong alcohol and headed through the mass of dancing bodies. He nodded to a muscular man guarding the VIP section. The guard nodded back and stepped aside, allowing the raven-haired man to ascend the stairs. The man took his time, casually stepping up the stairs and scanning the crowd for his friend. His eyes lingered on a few women doing shots at a table near the dance floor.
The man continued up the stairs and reached the top area where the right-side of the balcony overlooked the entire club. The left-side held tables that are pushed all the way back into darkness to conceal the inhabitants. One table held a couple that could easily be arrested for indecent exposure. The raven-haired man passed a few more tables and went for the very last table. There several people giggled to each other. White lines of a powdery substance lay in front of them. A black haired man’s head is down as he snorted up the white substance. The raven-haired man sighed and made his way over to the druggie. He stood over the man expectantly, patiently waiting for the man to notice his presence.
The seated man threw back his head as he snorted the remaining powder up; his nostrils flared from the substance. He blinked as he saw the other man and a mischievous smirk crossed his face. "Want some, Kyoya?" the man asked as he wiped his nose.
Kyoya shook his head and he moved toward the railing of the balcony. "I think I'm done for the night." His gray eyes scanned the crowd; they lingered on a dark haired woman. She made her way from the table of shots toward the bar.
"Any good picks?" the black haired man asked. He began to set up another line for himself.
"Possibly." Kyoya's voice could barely be heard over the music. He downed the rest of his drink and set the glass on the table. "Oh," he looked to the black haired man "and if you bring that stuff home, I'll personally see to it that your ass is thrown out, Hikaru."
Hikaru's laugh followed Kyoya to the stairs before it became drowned out by the lyrics of some European techno. Kyoya quickly made his way down the stairs to the bar where the woman was. The woman tried desperately trying to catch the bartender's attention. Kyoya leaned forward and raised his finger. The bartender turned and noted Kyoya's finger.
"Come here often?" The woman grinned as the bartender made his way down.
Kyoya leaned in close to her ear to answer. "I occasionally drop in." He pulled back slightly. "What's your poison?"
The woman blushed. "Sex on the Beach," she told the bartender.
Kyoya smirked at her and handed the man some yen. "With extra fruit." He smiled at the woman. "You truly are a beautiful woman." Kyoya then pulled away and headed for the dance floor. '..5...4...3...2...1...’
Kyoya felt a tug on his shirt and he turned to see the woman sipping on her newly acquired drink. She looked at him coyly. "Are you here alone?"
"My friend is here, but he's busy...enjoying himself." Kyoya watched as a small blush crossed the woman's cheeks.
"My name's Chiyo." She smiled as her fingers laced over her drink. "What's yours?"
"Kyo." Kyoya moved closer; his body moving to the ever loud beat. His hands found her hips and pulled her to him, grinding up against her. Chiyo continued to down her drink while they danced closely.
As soon as she was done with the alcohol she pulled him even closer grinding up against him. "Do you want to get out of here?"
Kyo nodded and pulled her toward the exit. She set her drink on the bar and waved at another woman while winking. Kyoya smirked as he used the car key to open the door to his blue Lamborghini. Chiyo gaped at the immaculate car and climbed in. As soon as the doors were shut Kyoya leaned over and kissed the brunette. He pulled away and started the car.
His body hummed with anticipation as he sped toward his condo. When they made it there they didn’t bother turning on the lights. They concentrated more on tossing their clothes across the room.
Kyoya grabbed his alarm clock and tossed it as hard as he could across the room. He pulled the covers tighter as the clock smashed against the wall. He took a few deep breaths and felt sleep tug at him again. He wanted nothing more than to drift off.
Another loud obnoxious beep sounded. Kyoya let out a growl as he realized that the loud noise came from his cell's alarm, and that he couldn't smash it against the wall. He frowned as he contemplated exactly how much he needed his cell phone. He grunted and pulled himself up to turn the alarm off. He pushed back his shoulder blades, eliciting a loud pop. Kyoya yawned and licked his lips; the taste of the woman still lingered on them. He tossed the blanket off of his nude body and stood up languidly. Kyoya walked over to his desk, where he kept a yellow notepad. Bright and cheery handwriting greeted him:
Hi, It's Chiyo!
I had a great time last night! If you want,
my number is-
Kyoya crumpled up the yellow sheet without reading the rest of the message and promptly tossed it into the waste bin. He made his way to the bathroom to get ready for the day. He came out in brown slacks and black short sleeved designer shirt. Kyoya tucked an amber pendant into his shirt letting only the silver chain show. He pushed up his glasses as he walked toward the kitchen.
"For once," Kyoya turned when he heard Hikaru's voice, "could you pick someone who doesn't scream?"
"Oh, I'm sorry. Did I keep you up?" Kyoya asked sardonically. He grabbed an apple out of a fruit bowl on the counter.
Hikaru gave a sly grin. "You know it."
Kyoya checked the date on his cell. "The maid comes today." Kyoya frowned. "Clean up all the bad stuff."
"I don't bring that stuff home," Hikaru told him.
Kyoya's glasses flashed.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah." Hikaru waved his hand as if to dismiss him. "Don't forget to leave her a note to get me more hair dye. I'm almost out."
Kyoya nodded. He leaned against the wall and took a few more bites of his apple.
"Sooooooo..." Hikaru slinked over to the wall and leaned against it, his shoulder brushing against Kyoya's. "How low does that tattoo go down?"
Kyoya smirked. "Further than you'll ever find out."
"I...I think my brains have melted." Tamaki stared wide-eyed at the board. After a moment, Tamaki over-dramatically slumped in his chair with a groan. Kyoya eyed his best friend.
"What are you having trouble with?" Kyoya whispered. The professor pointed at some new equation on the other side of the room.
"All of it." Tamaki groaned. He flung his arm over his head.
Kyoya pinched the bridge of his nose.
"That's it for today." The professor's voice rang out.
"Let's get some lunch." Kyoya stood and Tamaki made a non-committal grunt. Kyoya sighed while heading on out of the room. Tamaki caught up with him at the door and the two of them headed for the cafeteria.
Orange hair caught Kyoya's attention. He easily switched over to Tamaki's right just as Kaoru came into view. Kaoru talked animatedly with a brown haired girl with sparkling green eyes. He looked up from his conversation long enough to nod at Tamaki before he passed by.
"You know-" Tamaki began.
"I do, but I'd rather not hear it." Kyoya pushed up his glasses.
Tamaki sighed dejectedly. He only perked up when he saw Mori and Honey making their way to the cafeteria as well. "Mori-sempai! Honey-sempai!" He waved over animatedly.
"Tama-Chan! Kyo-Chan!" Hani waved. Mori merely nodded to the two.
"How are you faring in the public speaking class?" Kyoya asked Mori.
"......" Mori frowned.
They headed through the line and ordered their food. Tamaki walked toward the table. "Honey-sempai, I thought you had class during this time."
"It was cancelled." Honey sat down across from Tamaki. "So we thought we would get an early lunch."
"How fun." Kyoya sat down next to Tamaki as Mori sat next to Honey.
"So, Tama-chan, I had an idea." Honey tilted his head, giving his famous Lolita boy smile.
"Mitskuni," Mori warned.
Honey ignored the warning. "We should throw a beach party for the host club!"
Tamaki avoided the smaller blond's gaze.
Kyoya set down his drink quietly. "No," he said simply.
"B-but-" Honey made his puppy dog eyes at them.
"The entire host club?" Tamaki asked.
"Of course!" Honey clapped his hands. "It would be just us! Me, Takashi, Kyo-chan, Hika-chan, Kao-chan, Haru-chan, and you."
Kyoya turned away from the two blonds. "How's your girlfriend?" Kyoya asked Mori.
"Fine." Mori took a bite of his food.
Honey sighed at Tamaki. "Are you and Haruhi still mad?"
Tamaki frowned. "She's not...well....I dunno....I guess..."
Kyoya prodded Mori more. "What's her name again?"
"Sayuri." Mori answered.
"And Honey's girlfriend?" Kyoya smirked as his glasses glinted.
Mori sighed. "Amaya."
"Amaya and Sayuri," Kyoya said thoughtfully. "Has a nice ring to it."
"Kyo-chan." Kyoya turned to Honey. "Are you and Kaoru still not getting along?"
Kyoya stared at the smaller man for a moment. He then turned back to Mori, ignoring Honey. "Mori, what's Sayuri's major?"
Tamaki sighed and looked at Honey. "They’re not talking."
Kyoya walked swiftly down the giant hall. A stranger to the large immaculate hall might pause to admire the many artworks and priceless vases held up by columns but Kyoya had no time for such things. Time is money, and at the moment he was on his father's time.
He glanced down at his watch, taking note of the time. He slowed his pace slightly, his eyes remaining straightforward on the Mahogany double doors ahead of him. He paused at the door, taking a breath before knocking. Tachibana opened the door, moving to the side so that Kyoya could pass by.
"Kyoya." Yoshio Ootori did not even look up from the paperwork on his desk. Kyoya heard a click behind him signaling the departure of Tachibana. Kyoya moved a few steps forward.
"You wanted to see me?" Kyoya kept his face impassive.
Yoshio slid a manila envelope toward himself and opened it. "Tell me: how is school progressing?"
"I am top of my class," Kyoya answered.
"You study diligently of course," Yoshio flipped through the envelope.
Kyoya nodded.
"Your brothers were at the top of their classes as well," Yoshio commented, unimpressed.
"I am president of the Accounting club, The Business Association, and of the Marketing Leaders.”
"I've noticed." Yoshio frowned as he looked up. "And you are also the Vice President of the chess club."
"Yes." Kyoya nodded.
"Second to the Araiya son." Yoshio stared at Kyoya. "It does not say much."
"I could not-" Kyoya began.
"Could not?" Yoshio leaned back in his chair. "You couldn't become president of that club? I assumed you would do everything in your power to succeed. You failing in this makes me wonder if you even tried."
Kyoya's glasses flashed. "I chose not to."
"You chose to be second best?" Yoshio questioned.
"The president of the club had certain duties that conflicted with my present interests." Kyoya informed him.
"I see." Yoshio shut the envelope.
The bathroom door banged loudly against the wall as loud music resonated in the cream colored bathroom. The woman giggled as the door slammed shut, just leaving a faraway bass in the background. She spun on her heel, nearly hitting Kyoya with her long brown hair. He smirked and pulled her into a nearby bathroom stall. She laughed as they stumbled into the tiny stall while attempting to shut the door behind them. Kyoya managed to make the lock work before pressing the woman against the wall. He kissed her roughly; the flavors of vodka and schnapps swirled together in his mouth. The alcohol seemed to dominate his brain, making the world tilt at an odd, slightly better, angle.
Kyoya gripped the top of the stall to steady himself. The woman kissed him again while she undid his belt buckle. He pushed her back and hiked up her skirt. Arms wrapped around his neck as he touched her. Kyoya pulled his fingers away and took out a plastic square, opening it with his teeth. He slipped the condom on easily. Kyoya lifted the woman up, and she wrapped her legs around his waist as he brought her back down on him. His brain reeled with the heat and pleasurable sensations that filled him. He allowed his mind to succumb to the alcohol and pleasure. He allowed the rhythm to be his only thought; allowed his world to melt away.
His mind flashed white. For a brief moment the world is perfect.
The noises of reality began to flood back in to overwhelm his senses. Nails pierced his skin as alcohol-laced breath tickled his nose. The tingling ecstasy trickled out of his body, leaving coldness behind. Kyoya let the woman's body slide down the stall, her giggling drunkenness beginning to grate on his nerves.
He tossed the plastic remains into the trash. The loud clacks of his belt buckle echoed in the empty bathroom.
The music suddenly blared again as someone entered the bathroom. The noise suddenly gone as the door slammed shut again. Kyoya looked at the dark haired woman and she smiled at him.
"What's your name again?" She giggled.
Kyoya opened the stall door and headed on out. He stopped momentarily by the mirror. His reflection showed a man in his early twenties with obviously sexed-up black hair, and his body clad in designer clothes. His gray eyes stared back at him slightly glassy from contacts and alcohol. He sighed and headed out the door. He pushed past many of the dancing and gyrating bodies that littered the dance floor and headed for the VIP section.
He found Hikaru at the back table yet again, though this time Hikaru occupied himself with a beer and a cigarette. Kyoya slumped into the chair next to him.
"That bad?" Hikaru snickered.
Kyoya watched the smoke drift off Hikaru's cigarette. The smoke drifted in the air, making fantastical shapes that dissolved into nothingness. Yet the smell still lingered, and it was not the smell of tobacco.
"Want one?" Hikaru asked as he held it up to offer the weed. Kyoya turned his head. Hikaru sighed and took a long drag off the blunt before standing up. "What do you want to drink? Absinthe?"
Kyoya shrugged. "Surprise me."
Hikaru put out the cigarette on the table and headed toward the stairs to get their drinks. Kyoya sighed and rubbed his temples. He stared into the crowd of dancing bodies. They seemed so carefree. 'Ignorance is truly bliss.'
Kyoya frowned as his pocket vibrated, signaling a text. He pulled the cell out and saw it came from Tamaki.
Kyoya! r u studying? A few of us r going 2 this
club called Play. Want 2 join? Plz????? If u
want 2 just meet us there
Kyoya's eyes shifted up to take in his surroundings. He frowned at the giant neon sign behind the bar that read: Play. He stood and quickly made his way down the stairs. He headed straight for the bar and grabbed Hikaru by the collar before he could make their order. Moments later they headed toward their cars.
"Can you drive?" Kyoya asked.
"Can you?" Hikaru shot back.
Kyoya quickly climbed into his car and sped back to his condo. As soon as he entered his condo he headed for the kitchen. He unlocked a cabinet and pulled out a beer. He took a swig from it and casually made his way to the balcony. He pulled out his cell and sent Tamaki a text.
I have a lot of studying to do, perhaps another
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