Interruption is Bravo | By : c0p13r Category: +G to L > Girls Bravo Views: 546 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I don't own GIRLS BRAVO and make not money off this story. |
“Mph! Wait, hold on, Yukinari-!”
“I can’t!”
“I-I said wait!”
Too late. Kirie’s mouth/boob combo was too much for the agitated wimp. No matter how many times she came over, exchanging bathroom privileges for oral access, Yukinari just couldn’t control himself. He could pinch himself, bite his lip, try to think of anything and everything but Kirie stuffing her ample breasts around his nervous erection. But he just couldn’t. Whatever unprovoking fantasies he tried to conjure would be interrupted by images of large twin dancing pork buns. Her mouth would draw him back to the unbelievable reality, and once his eyes were on her, he couldn’t close them again. She’d normally chastise him for staring; she did earlier, yet her ministrations became invigorated and elaborate in technique, like she was just waiting for an audience to see what she was capable of. Even Fukuyama would be in awe, stupefied, and floored by her tits rolling against each other, and it’d incite boundless rage and jealousy that it was ‘Puny-nari’ being erotically fondled by Kirie’s massive melons. What a waste, the flamboyant playboy would fume, for a woman to spoil the girl-fearing shrimp.
The efforts were wasted on a quick shot, yet at the same time, Yukinari couldn’t be blamed… couldn’t be blamed by anyone but quick-to-anger Kirie. Sure, it was her idea to press this arrangement while her own bathroom was fixed – it had already been fixed, but she could keep an eye on Yukinari and Miharu if she had the excuse of using his bathroom – but she wanted him to learn how to control himself.
And he didn’t seem to build up any stamina. Just like his girl rash, no matter the frequency of touches, his limit seemed to be a minute and a half. Respectable for Kirie’s given arsenal, but each time, Kirie felt it was a downer as much as a damper; her pussy flared wetly within a tightly-trimmed patch of chestnut pubic hair – she kept it neat and contained since going over to his place more and more, increasing the chances of accidentally flashing the treasures beneath her towel – and if he could have held off a little longer, she might just be hyped enough to go that extra mile! And in that mindless high of arousal, she might do something brash… like sit down fully on his lap during his ejaculation and let him fill her up.
But as usual, the clock had counted down too quickly, and his release speared up and caught her face and hair. And I just washed it, Kirie lamented while screwing her face up and letting the rest of his cum land all over her. Not much for it in the ways of prevention; he already messed her with that first burst. Just let him finish and she’d get her revenge. Revenge was a good cover up, considering that it aroused her more to be splashed by his semen. She’d wash up in a quick bath, and maybe today would be the day that Yukinari would say that he’d join her. “To save on water,” she always imagined his excuse would be, and she’d faux-begrudgingly agree, and then when in the bath, she’d make the observation that he was still hard – hopefully a reality – and would take it upon herself as a responsible guest in his bathtub to help him get rid of it. No matter the over-splash of her downward thrusts in the full bathtub, she’d help him get rid of it! And he’d start appreciating her more! And eating her home-cooking more than Miharu’s! Chowing down on her box lunches as much as her box in the bedroom, if she had it her way!
Instead what happened, Yukinari slumped tiredly on his bed – she always dragged him to his room when it was time to exchange services – and uttered a weak apology for his haphazard cumming. “I didn’t mean to,” he said, as he had for just about every time she blew him.
Kirie trembled in contempt, only one cat-eye able to open under the white splatter. Some dribbled down to the curved line of her frowning lips. “You say that all the time,” she began in a growing growl, “but you always – always – get it all over the place!” Her right arm cocked back, a motion that made her big, soft tits flounder against one another; his cum had dripped down in between them as well. “So you can apologize…!”
“W-wait, Kirie!” Yukinari begged with hands waving helplessly in front of him.
“… in hell…!”
“Oh my, what is that lovely smell?”
Both Yukinari and Kirie paused, midway to one-sided battery, to look to the doorway. And there stood Miharu, with ladle clasped in to hands and naught but an apron to contain her bountiful immodesty. Her bust pressed out against the frilly garment, accentuating her cleavage, and her hips exceeded the width of it.
As always, she listened to the call of her stomach and followed her nose to wherever. She tilted her head and sniffed twice to the tantalizing aroma of something new and exciting. With a grateful sigh to the scent, she looked to the two fornicators. Despite their awkward gestures – Kirie tugging up the towel to cover her breasts and Yukinari freezing up with a chubby sausage lilting at his groin – Miharu felt certain she had walked in on something wonderful. Wonderful and tasty.
And Kirie was covered in the stuff that was making such a smell. She toddled over mindlessly, driven by her appetite’s best interests. “Miharu…” Kirie was already starting to panic from the distance quickly closing between them. She felt the cum running down the line of her jaw to collect and drip off of her chin to her cleavage or roll down the generous slopes of her bust into Yukinari’s towel. “What are you doing?!” She waved a hand frantically in front of her, much in the manner of Yukinari just moments ago, though with a mindfulness to keep her cum-coated tits under wraps. “Hey, just stay back a little! It’s not like…! Nothing happened!” Lying came so naturally to the desperate, but it was no use convincing the single-minded Miharu.
Miharu could rival a juggernaut when it came to a new meal. And Kirie smelled so good! Her boobs jiggled as she leaned over Kirie, took a big, confirming sniff, and exhaled loudly. “What an amazing fragrance.” Her finger stretched out and dabbed in the semen oozing down Kirie’s cheek. The substance caught on her fingertip, and with Yukinari and Kirie bearing witness in shocked silence, she tasted it. And smiled. She liked it.
She… looks like she really likes it, Yukinari thought with a throbbing heartbeat that started to charge his loins again. His cock slowly started to bulk up again.
At the same time, Kirie was aghast and… well, she felt bested. She didn’t have the unusual and exotic tolerance for every flavor imaginable. So when Yukinari burst in her mouth for the first time, the shock and taste triggered a violent reaction from her: a concussion-inducing clothesline. She spat the spunk out, but not before inadvertently swallowing the initial wad and finding the scalding feeling chasing down the back of her throat demoralizing.
But Miharu glowed at the taste, looking more than satisfied to have sampled it. “So good,” she complimented, and reached out for a second helping. This time, Kirie interfered, catching her wrist and holding it at bay. And of course, she whined and asked what was wrong.
“You can’t just…” Kirie’s eyebrows pulled together in a low vee. As much as she liked Miharu, she couldn’t deny that there was some unspoken competition with her for Yukinari’s affections. Being the one who had been blowing him for quite some time, Kirie felt she should have a solid lead over the visitor from Seiren. Of course, the girl rash was the hindrance that kept Miharu leading…
And that Miharu’s naïveté kept her caught up with Yukinari’s private kinks wasn’t helping Kirie’s case. That damn apron again! Kirie – who should never feel threatened by another woman’s chest size – leered at those hanging hills and their cleavage.
“Mi-Mi-Mi-Miharu,” Yukinari stammered out from aside while the imaginary electricity crackled between the two women. “It’s just something—uh!—we meant to go downstairs, but…!”
He was mistakenly offending Kirie with his cover up, acting like this was something forced upon him… which, really, it was. But he’d always check the doorway, anxious about someone walking in on them, and would keep quiet as her breasts came out and hugged his dick; he could even ignore the rash that flared up upon contact.
“Huh? But it’s going to go to waste, isn’t it?” Miharu pointed out, her eyes shifting to the runny white stains; from chest to chin to chestnut hair. All tasty and there to be had. Did Kirie want it? It seemed selfish not to share, but… She pushed against Kirie’s hold, but it’d be easier for her to topple a brick wall with a flick of her pinky (without the boom of her star marking, that is). Her only recourse was to whine and drop her head. “And it smells so good…”
Her gaze dropped and traveled. Kirie was setting up for a lecture, which was usually enlightening to Earth customs, but also ended in disappointment by rejecting Miharu’s wants. So if Kirie had her way, none of the tasty cream could be taken from her face and hair. And therefore, Miharu would have to try another way to get more of the stuff that smelled and tasted so strongly. She might have been noticed at the springing of the cream, but she had come up nearer to the beginning of the sucking to announce that food was almost ready. Whatever was going on that caused Kirie to need to fluff her chest around that… that unique sausage… and resuscitate it with her mouth; it all caused the expulsion of the sticky goo.
She pointed blatantly at Yukinari’s strange sausage, interrupting Kirie’s explanation on why Miharu should leave and shouldn’t lick the stuff on her face, and asked, “Yukinari, if I kiss this sausage and rub it inside my chest”—Yukinari was already battered by the questioning and the reference to her bosoms—“will it produce more of that yummy custard?”
Yukinari and Kirie both simultaneously faltered.
Miharu clasped her hands together around the ladle. “I’ve never smelled something so unique before, or so tasty. Nothing on Seiren comes close. I must have more of it!”
Before Kirie could decline for Yukinari, Miharu had already taken up Kirie’s old seat between Yukinari’s legs. “There we are,” she said while calmly folding the apron under her knees. Undaunted by the frantic antics of her two friends, she caught the sausage in her hand – Yukinari’s entire stance stiffened immediately – and squeezed it, feeling it like she had when experimenting with her first banana. And while the shape was somewhat similar, this was no banana. It was musky, not sweet, and did not yield when she squeezed, though she had thought it more pliable earlier. “It looked smaller before,” she observed, “and chubby. Now”—She let go, and the solid cock wobbled—“it can stand on its own!” She clapped once as if the sausage had done a trick.
“It-it’s not that big of a deal,” fumed Kirie. She had never seen Yukinari get up again so quickly after an orgasm. Then again, she never tried for a second helping before, always rushing to clean up while Yukinari recovered – either from exhaustion or, more likely, a pummeling.
“Now,” muttered Miharu, unstopped by the frozen Yukinari, moving her mammaries out from behind her smock. “You do it like this”—She looked to the big-breasted brunette gawking next to Yukinari—“right, Kirie?”
Kirie couldn’t find it in herself to discipline the pink-haired putz; not right away. All she could give in her stupefied state was a short nod and a hesitant “Right…” Yukinari, regardless, seemed enthused; at least his cock did, nestling up against her sternum, gobbled up by her big, fleshy mounds. It was like something clicked in Kirie’s head the moment Miharu sandwiched the erection in between her tits. “Wait a minute! You shouldn’t be doing that!” Kirie leapt up, all bounciness and flailing hands.
“Oh? Am I not doing it right?” Miharu’s hands had scooped her boobies up from below; they absorbed Yukinari’s penis between them. The moan from the wimpy Yukinari answered that she was doing it very right.
“No!No!No!” Kirie pumped her fists angrily before throwing them out behind her. “Just let it go, and I’ll take care of it!”
“But that’s not fair,” whined Miharu, rubbing the cock between her rising and falling tits. “It’s not fair if you take it all for yourself, Kirie. I’ve never got to try it…” She looked down longingly at the mysterious engorged mushroom-like tip. “I want it.” She closed her lips around it, forming a tight seal, leaving nothing to chance in the way of spilling.
Kirie gasped at the forward audaciousness of Miharu and also fumed at how Yukinari’s stance melted into the motions of Miharu’s suckling mouth. It was not the confident bobbing of Kirie’s technique; it was more the motions Miharu made when sampling a banana. Her lips merely rolled over the helmet of the tip, supping up the leaking remnants that had not made the successful leap on Kirie’s face and bust. The stuff that had soured Kirie’s tongue was slurped up by the gluttonous Miharu. Her appreciative hums vibrated the tip of his sensitive tip. Kirie was always so quiet for the most part, save for some showy huffs to seem upset by the deal she struck with him.
“You don’t have to look like you like it that much,” Kirie growled – or maybe threatened – to Yukinari, who now thought it best to keep his hands fisting the bedsheets rather than cradling Miharu’s head to his lap. Kirie had a very strict ‘no hands’ policy, even if his allergy kicked in when he touched her.
“Sorry,” Yukinari whimpered, one eye wincing and the other glued to the activity at his groin. “But… ugh… but…”
“But what?!” Kirie exploded. She jumped to her feet, clutching her towel to keep it together – pointless, given the circumstances – and it didn’t do much to restrain them from flopping all over before settling. “You act like such a conservative guy when I’m doing it, but when Miharu does it”—She ranted over Miharu, and Miharu just kept sucking without a care in the world—“you’re all cooperative! What, am I not good enough?!”
“It’s not that!” Yukinari tried to protest while suppressing his moans. “It’s just that…” He looked down to Miharu. She was so content to nurse at his sensitive tip, her tongue sometimes flashing out against the organ. “With Miharu, I…” He contemplated the wisdom, but his mouth was already moving. “…I don’t get a rash.”
The fist clenched and the arm cocked. “Go get a rash,” Kirie seethed before going into violent action, “in Hell!!”
Her lariat put Yukinari in a tailspin, rotating above his bed like a windmill in a high wind, defying gravity when it took a full two seconds of airborne gyration before landing on his bed.
“Oh, Yukinari…” Miharu, who never seemed to register Kirie’s violent outbursts, only recognized Yukinari’s current condition. He was sprawled out on the bed, deadweight as his eyes swirled. But… the condition of his prick remained stiff and stubborn, and that was enough to put a bright smile on her face. “Oh, thank you, Yukinari! You just have a nice sleep, and I’ll just help myself!” As she helped herself to unguarded plates at the kitchen table, she glomped onto Yukinari’s dick and commenced her suckling, this time fuller strokes without the restriction of using her big breasts.
Kirie, knowing a lost cause when she saw one, sighed and touched her head. “Well, fine. Have a go if you want. But it’ll probably be a while before he’ll come to.”
Breaking through window, dimensions, and reality, copy-chan arrives in the room with a flashy whirl to give a victorious V for that awesome pun! Get it?! ‘Cum #2?!’
There was more planned for this, leading to the bath with Kirie’s fantasy becoming reality and stuff, but considering that it’s GIRLS BRAVO, I don’t know how much effort I should put in this. Do you think I should continue it, or was that end pun just too fucking awesome? For the record, I was more of a fan of Yukinari/Kirie. Miharu seems too lost in her own world (no pun intended there, though) to make her relationship with Yukinari palpable. Also, Kirie has bigger boobs.
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