Pride | By : Vyper Category: +. to F > Fairy Tail Views: 9615 -:- Recommendations : 2 -:- Currently Reading : 1 |
Disclaimer: I do not make money off of my writings and I do not own Fairy Tale. However my own characters are mine. |
Lucy was on a date with Loke at a local club where he took her dancing for the night and then out to a nice restaurant for dinner. Apparently Loke knew a lot of people in town who owed him favors so he was able to pretty much do whatever he wanted whenever without having to worry too much about money. The club owner offered him work and same with the restaurant guy who was so happy to see Loke that he hugged him when they got there. It wasn’t a little Mom and Pop place either; it was a five star restaurant.
Loke during his spare time off as a celestial spirit also did jobs for the celestials in the celestial world. From what she could gather Loke was a fairly busy guy and she wondered how he had time for her with all he was doing. Loke said that Lucy should do some of these jobs with him since that way they both would have passes into some of the best places in the world as well as free meals at some of the best restaurants every night.Many of the jobs were things like gathering rare objects or protection jobs since there were dark guilds about still trying to cause trouble for good people. Loke took the protection jobs very seriously since these were his family members too as far as he was concerned. The clubs he went to had been home for a time and when he had nowhere to go with no money in his pockets for food he made up his losses by doing jobs for people like these. For Loke it had been more than picking up women, it had been a way to survive as a celestial spirit stuck on Earth-land.The celestial world was a place one did not worry about food or lodging. It was all provided for by the King and it wasn’t like there was a ton of celestial spirits so it was not a big world, however to Loke it was home. He really wished he could take Lucy there to see it.Loke went home with Lucy after the night was done walking her home and coming inside for a bit for a cup of tea. Lucy wanted him to stay longer, but it was late and Loke would want more than what Lucy wanted at this time. Lucy was worth courting properly and Loke did not want to push the sex thing which would be really hard not to do if he stayed.Lucy kissed Loke goodnight only for Loke to deepen the kiss as he teased her tongue to join his own wanting to taste her sweetness before he had to go. He was suffering for it, but he could take care of his issues when he returned home. Just as Loke was about to leave, Lucy grabbed him and threw him onto the bed. Loke looked up at Lucy with shock on his face. Lucy was so shy normally, but right now he could see something in her eyes that he had never seen before. It was primal and lust filled. Then he noted something he had accidently done, his charm spell had slipped out so right now with the luck of the Lion he was damn near irresistible to the poor girl who was trying her best to strip him of his clothes.Loke went to remove the spell only for the damn thing to fall out of his pocket onto the floor. He had carried his charms with him in his pockets for his clients just in case they needed one for a trade, but this was going to be a problem if he did not get that charm spell back in his pocket.Lucy was practically tearing off his clothes and Loke was fighting her trying his best not to hurt her. The girl was stronger than he gave her credit for as she planted a foot on his chest and shoved him down making him let go of her arms lest she flipped accidently over him into the wall.“Lucy you don’t want this!”Loke tried to protest as he was now bare chested with his shirt and jacket hanging half hazard on his body with the shirt completely untucked.“Don’t tell me what I don’t want you sexy beast!”Lucy purred out as she pulled off her shirt, within seconds unhooked her bra and let those large beautiful breasts free making Loke’s brain shut off for a moment as she sat on top of him.Loke felt her pull her skirt up over her hips as her panties were the only thing keeping the girl from being completely naked other than the high heels on her feet. Loke whimpered like a lost little kitten since he could feel how wet she was in those panties and his keen nose could smell her arousal. By the gods she was gorgeous.“Dear God Lucy please stop! You don’t know what you are doing!”Loke begged since now Lucy got a hold of his blasted tie and was fighting with him to tie his arms up so he could not stop her. This was Lucy’s inner animal, the lust that she felt for someone hidden deep in her subconscious mind. Loke really did not mind being raped by Lucy since that was what would happen if this continued, but he would not let Lucy lose her virginity this way. It wasn’t right.Rolling Lucy over Loke lay now in between her legs holding her arms above the bed as he fought against those wiggling hips that pushed that wet pussy against his hard cock. Dear God he wanted her, but there was no way he would allow himself to rape the woman he loved or allow her to lose her virginity while raping him.“Loke stop fighting me! You want this as much as I do! I can feel you! Take me now! I am begging you!”Lucy pleaded as Loke tied her arms up with his tie to the top of the bed as she thrashed against him. When they were married, properly married, Loke would remember to use this charm for a while.“I love you too much to hurt you Lucy. I am going to take my charm and put it away now so behave yourself.”Grabbing the charm off the floor Loke put it in his pocket and hoped to God Lucy would forgive him since it was going to take some time for the spell to wear off. Lucy was thrashing about rubbing her thighs together in frustration as she felt herself get wetter and wetter feeling as though she needed something, wanted something more.Loke caressed Lucy’s face and kissed those lips as he worked on calming her down. She begged for him to touch her and to fuck her brains out only for Loke to chuckle and say she would hate herself in about five minutes as he sighed doing his best not to look at those perfect breasts and consider diving between those legs to taste what he could definitely smell.Lucy growled at him, snarled at him, and screamed at him to just do her. It was five minutes of pure hell for them both. Loke kissed Lucy sweetly brushing her bangs out of her face finding her to be so damn cute right now. She was like a little lioness and under different circumstances he would have indeed indulged her.After almost five minutes was up she ceased her struggling and started to whimper in frustration as her mind started to clear up. It was as though she had no control of herself and she knew what she had been doing, but was helpless to stop it.Tears of shame and embarrassment flowed down Lucy’s cheeks as she looked away from Loke who sighed since he did not want to hurt her and he knew that she was indeed hurt. Untying her wrists Loke watched as she turned away from him and started to sob covering herself with her hands a bit only for Loke to pull her onto his lap and hold her.“I am sorry Lucy. My charm spell accidently went off and I tried to stop things before it got this far. I did not intend to hurt you.”Loke said to the traumatized girl who was literally freaking out inside since she tried to rape her boyfriend and was now half naked in front of him which was something that they were not going to do until they married. Loke held Lucy gently in his arms whispering how sorry he was and how beautiful he thought Lucy was.Eventually Lucy calmed down, but she felt so dirty. She had dreamed about doing things like that to Loke, but she never in her life would have acted out on them. She was very shy when it came to her body and felt so very embarrassed by her actions. She did not want Loke to leave though. For some reason having him near comforted her and she wanted him to stay.“Loke, will you please turn around so I can get changed into my pajamas?”Lucy asked as she kept her breasts covered and he did as she asked. Lucy knew he already saw her half naked, but that changed little on how she felt. She felt very exposed and shy. Lucy wanted so much to change her feelings since she did love Loke and someday wanted to make love to him. Still she was not quite ready for that.“Do you want me to leave Lucy?”Loke asked as he turned around and waited for her answer.“No, I want you to stay with me. I want you to stay the night with me Loke. I feel safer when you are near.”Lucy said as she changed into her pajamas which consisted of a pair of very short shorts and a top that cut off at her midriff. She told Loke he could turn around now and she went to the bathroom to take care of her teeth and such. Coming out she waited for Loke who took off his jacket, shirt, and tie. Then he took off his shoes and socks setting them aside. He usually slept in the nude, but for tonight he would wear his pants and boxers.“I would love to do this with you Lucy. Every night if that is alright with you.”Loke said since he would love to sleep with Lucy in his arms holding her tightly even if they did not make love. Loke had gotten the best night’s sleep when he had slept with her after the weddings and he would love to do it again.“I would like that Loke.”Lucy said as she climbed into bed and Loke climbed in with her wrapping his arms around her gently. Lucy smelled so good to Loke and she was so sweet. He loved this little woman and would treat her like gold.“Goodnight Loke.”Lucy said as Loke turned off the light then kissed her lips gently.“Goodnight Lucy.”Loke said as he cuddled into Lucy pulling her into his arms as the two fell asleep. Both slept better than they had slept in a long time. Loke had a smell to him that was pleasant and he purred in his sleep which was kind of cute to Lucy. Her lion was a gentle loving soul and Lucy could not wait until they actually married.In the morning Lucy felt two sets of arms holding her realizing Natsu was here as his scarf seemed to rub against the back of her neck. Natsu had Gray on the other side of him cuddled into Natsu only in his boxers with his clothing scattered in the room. Natsu had been surprised to see Loke was still here and at first thought that Lucy gave up her virginity to the lion, but she did not smell like sex and had the scent of virgin still so Natsu was kind of glad of that. Lucy was one who should wait until she was married to give up her virginity since she was essentially a pure being.Gray was glad that Lucy’s apartment today was not so hot although it was still a bit warm for him. It seemed that Lucy turned off the heat or forgot to turn it on. It was nice and Gray definitely approved. This bed too was so much better than their own. Gray had to find out where Lucy bought her mattress so that they could buy a similar one.Loke had Lucy’s head under his chin as he cuddled further into his dearest love taking in her scent and enjoying it very much. He also smelled the scent of cinnamon coming from something close to Lucy and it was pleasant, but kind of annoying since there was also a masculine scent to it. It made Loke want to strike out at the person with the scent since this was his territory and he was not pleased that some male was near his beloved.Lucy heard Loke growling a bit in his sleep and tried not to chuckle since it was kind of cute. It was as if he was defending his position and he had nothing to fear from Natsu who was basically harmless. The boy simply had to climb into bed with them and Lucy was used to Natsu doing this. Loke however did not like it one bit.Loke woke up getting ready to strike out at the male in his territory only to see it was only Natsu and then he calmed down considerably. He knew the boy was not a threat and then was able to lie back down as he held his beloved little Lucy. Thing was though Natsu was going to eventually have to find another place to crash since as soon as Lucy was married Loke refused to share the bed with his friend since he wanted Lucy naked in his arms at that point.Lucy cuddled further into Loke as she slept feeling safe and warm. Today her apartment felt a bit cold and she recalled she forgot to turn on the heat. It was perfect for Gray, but even Natsu was a bit chilly as he cuddled further into Lucy who was nice and warm. After a few more hours of rest Lucy woke with Loke caressing her face and kissing her letting her know he would be back later today since he had to go back to the celestial world. He had some things to do and he hoped Lucy would help him with the jobs for his friends at the restaurant and club. Perhaps even Natsu and Gray could help since they were basically just a gathering items kind of jobs.The jobs Loke wanted to do did not pay in jewels, they paid in services. If they finished these jobs than they would get free access to clubs and food for the next couple of months until the next job came up. Loke would also take care of the demon substance problem with Laxus and Fried with Victor’s help if they wanted him to go. He had to go to Galuna Island anyway for the item that his restaurant friend wanted.Loke disappeared and Lucy sighed as Natsu pulled her close cuddling into her back mumbling something about soft and warm fuzzy things. She was not a fuzzy thing, but chose to ignore Natsu as she slept for a little while longer.Natsu soon awoke feeling refreshed and ready for the day as he untangled himself from Lucy and looked over at Gray who was sitting by the window with it wide open enjoying the cool morning air. Natsu was going to wake Lucy, but decided against it since he did not want to die. Lucy would kill him if he woke her from a dead sleep.Lucy was now alone in her apartment and now that Natsu and Loke had left the bed seemed cold and empty. Lucy was used to Natsu at least sticking around for a few hours, but apparently he had gone off to the guild or somewhere with Gray. Lucy decided to write in her journal for a bit and maybe update her new novel.Thinking about what she did with Loke last night made Lucy wonder if she wasn’t a closet slut. She had wanted him so much that it had hurt and unfortunately that feeling still did not fade when she had slept last night. She could feel his hardness against her and it made Lucy realize that Loke was indeed big down there. He seemed even bigger in mind than Mystogan who was huge in her mind and Mystogan had been semi soft.In Lucy’s mind she could imagine Loke’s hard cock actually pushing into her and filling her. It frightened her and at the same time excited her. Lucy in some ways wanted to take their relationship to the next level, but Loke would balk at that. He wanted to court her properly he said which meant no sex until after they were married. Still Lucy thought about it and it made her panties a bit wet just the thought of Loke naked, taking her wearing nothing except g strings like Mystogan dancing for her.Lucy cursed herself for her dirty thoughts, but they kept coming no matter how she tried to avoid them. Finally figuring she was alone she could do at least one thing that she had not done in a while. She would lock the door, make sure the windows were locked and pray no one would enter her home. Going straight to the bathroom Lucy started up a bath since it would help to relax her for this whole process. Lucy swore if Natsu barged in she would kill him.Getting undressed, Lucy got into the tub and wrapped a towel around her hair to keep it from getting wet. She had just washed her hair the other day so there was no point in doing it again. Slowly she moved her fingers over her body imagining it was Loke touching her. The last time she had done this it was Natsu who had been in her mind, but now that she knew Natsu better and knew he was gay it was Loke she was thinking of.Lucy slid her hands over her breasts pinching her nipples and pulling on them gently imagining Loke was touching her here as she whispered his name. She imagined him squeezing her breasts and running those long thick fingers over them.Slowly Lucy moved her hands down touching her legs just barely grazing the V between her legs imagining Loke was touching her there softly as she licked her lips and called out his name softly in the tub. As she moved lower she teased the outside of her nether lips moaning a little at the gentle touch thinking of Loke doing this to her.After teasing the area outside her blushing womanhood, Lucy slid her finger in between those lower lips feeling in between the slit sliding her finger over that center until she reached her tiny clit rubbing soft circles on it. Then Lucy slid her other hand down and slowly circled a finger around her virgin entrance. Lucy knew she could slide only two fingers into that tight hole, but wanted to try for more today to see how it felt.After a few minutes of manipulation Lucy was chanting Loke’s name unaware that the celestial powers she had were working and calling her precious lion to her side. Loke heard the call of his lovely princess and came into the bathroom ready to ask Lucy what she needed just in case she was in trouble.Loke’s mouth fell open and his jaw dropped when he saw Lucy pleasuring herself calling out his name with her eyes closed in the tub. He wanted to turn and run in some ways since this was too hot and it made him instantly hard. This was a private moment for her, but he could not look away to save his life.Lucy was too far gone in her own pleasure with her eyes closed chanting Loke’s name and feeling herself come close to that pleasure that she only felt from touching herself like this. If anyone knew about this she would just die, but she thought she was alone.Loke knew he should leave, right now, but he couldn’t since he had to see Lucy cum. He had to hear her call his name when she came undone and see the look on her face. This made him love her even more as she was thinking of him touching her like this and by the gods he wanted to help her achieve orgasm. Loke would give anything for his fingers to trade places with hers and be able to dive between those folds tasting her sweetness on his tongue.Lucy’s head lolled from side to side and the towel on her head came undone making that long blonde hair flow down messily over her back which just looked even sexier to Loke who was so hard he was stroking himself through his pants watching his beautiful girlfriend enjoy herself. He had to disappear the second after she came, but he would see it. He had to see it.Loke watched as Lucy winced placing a third finger inside finding that to be too much as she took the finger out. Loke worried for a moment for her and wanted to ask if she was alright since it was obvious the little bit of pain made her almost start over again. Loke stroked himself reaching into his pants as he watched the girl of his dreams start to pant and moan again. She was so into her own pleasure she did not hear the little moan escape Loke’s lips as he was doing his best not to touch the beautiful naked woman in the tub.Both Loke and Lucy’s breathing became more labored and Lucy kept whispering for Loke to take her and fuck her. Loke whimpered a bit at that since he did want to do that so badly right now. It so wasn’t fair since he was so hard and he knew from the scent of her arousal she was more than ready for him.Loke knew he was close also as Lucy neared her completion mewling and moaning. Lucy panted and her scent was pure ambrosia to Loke who could feel himself ready to cum. He knew he was going to make a mess in his pants, but he did not care. Loke wanted to cum with his dearest love and feel the release at the same time she went off. After this he was going to up the courtship and speed up the day that he was going to marry her. At this rate Loke did not know if he could wait until their wedding night to take his beloved. Lucy definitely was not making this easy for him.“Loke……oh god……..touch me……..make me yours………”Lucy called out as she felt her body jerk and her toes curl as suddenly with a cry of Loke’s name she came as her breath caught in her throat and she felt an explosion of pleasure rocket through her with her virgin core flowing out with slick wet juices even in the bath water. That pushed Loke over the edge as he grunted out his release cum flew everywhere in his pants flowing over his hand leaving a very noticeable wet spot in his slacks. After they both came Loke hurried and disappeared before Lucy realized he had been there.Loke wiped his hand on his already dirty pants walking home ignoring the chuckling of Scorpio who saw the results of Loke going to Earth-land to see his girlfriend. Loke told Scorpio to shut it since Scorpio had no reason to tease him when the guy shot out ammunition from his tail when he came after fucking Aquarius his fiancé. At least Loke had been waiting until Lucy was married before having sex with his girlfriend.“Oh don’t be such a stiff Loke. Your Majesty wouldn’t have such a rough time of it if you would just give into temptation since you know she wants you. It isn’t like all of the celestial spirits don’t know what you two have been up to letting out the luck of the Lion charm like you did. I wouldn’t think Leo would lose control of one of his own charms like that when you are always so into being in control. Perhaps it is time you let some of that damn control go and showed Lucy what she has been missing. That girl seriously needs to get laid and you too since you are starting to get testy as of late.”Scorpio said as Loke went to punch the asshole in the face. He would not just fuck Lucy. They would wait until they were married good and proper. Loke was a playboy for too long and he wanted to do this right. Lucy deserved better than a horn dog guy for a boyfriend who could not control his own urges. Really Lucy deserved better than him, but Loke swore he would treasure Lucy for the rest of his life and he would insure that Lucy was always safe in his arms.Loke loved Lucy so much that he would indeed die for her and even give up his life as a celestial spirit if that was possible to be with her always. Loke dreamed of having a family with Lucy and being with her day and night. Loke had dreams about them having children every night since he had first asked to court her and those dreams had not changed. Loke knew it was impossible to have children with someone who was not also a celestial spirit and even then it was said to be impossible for celestial spirits to have children anyway, but he still could dream of such things.Scorpio avoided the punch and then the two young men had a bit of a brawl with Loke kicking Scorpio’s ass feeling a bit better since the asshole did not know when to shut up. Scorpio was young and stupid sometimes. Loke refused to be baited by him anymore as he finally left with Scorpio walking with a bit of a limp stating that Loke was an asshole who did not know how to take a joke. Aquarius would sooth Scorpio’s pride a bit and take care of her sweetie pie’s wounds.Loke went home to take care of his pants and clean himself up before going to Lucy’s again if he could even face her without getting hard. She was literally killing him. Loke cleaned himself up and changed into new pants, looser pants this time just in case he got hard again since he did not want to freak Lucy out.Dressing down a bit Loke put on his bright green t shirt that emphasized his beautiful green eyes. After putting on his jacket Loke was ready to go see his beloved Lucy.While AFF and its agents attempt to remove all illegal works from the site as quickly and thoroughly as possible, there is always the possibility that some submissions may be overlooked or dismissed in error. The AFF system includes a rigorous and complex abuse control system in order to prevent improper use of the AFF service, and we hope that its deployment indicates a good-faith effort to eliminate any illegal material on the site in a fair and unbiased manner. This abuse control system is run in accordance with the strict guidelines specified above.
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