Evil Never Dies. | By : DV85 Category: Digimon > General Views: 19395 -:- Recommendations : 1 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Digimon or the characters. This series is based on fiction and is for adults only. I also do not make a profit off of my works. Reader discretion is strongly advised. |
This is part 13 of Evil Never Dies. Written by author DV85.
The Journey Back: Takato went to bed. Oddly enough he didn't have any dreams that night instead sleeping soundly for the entire period. Wanting to get a jump on the next day the tamer set his alarm for 8:00. The buzzing got him up. Normally Takato was hesitant to leave the comfort of his bed although today was a definite exception. The sounds also alerted Kai and Minami who had slept in the same room. The three began getting dressed for the day.
Henry had informed his whole family since telling Suzie about the portal. He was desperate to see Terriermon once more. However the fact that none of them had an ark to bring everyone back home stayed stuck in his mind. Already up and eating a big meal Henry began to worry he might get stuck there.
"I should tell Takato about this."
He sent Takato an e-mail detailing his concern.
Takato was prepped for an awesome day when he got the message from Henry through his cell phone app. He shared an equal amount of worrying.
"I should have figured this out by now. It won't do any of us good to become stranded."
Takato began sending notices to the rest of the group about this new hiccup hoping a solution would show up. In the meantime he, Kai and Minami went downstairs for one last meal.
Henry hadn't spoken to his father a lot since losing Terriermon. In a way he blamed him for the separation. Skeptical of asking him for help, Henry felt there was no other option. Having finished breakfast he walked into his parents bedroom.
"Hey dad? Can we talk?" Henry requested.
"Of course Henry. What's on your mind?" His father wondered.
"I know I haven't been the same since Terriermon left. I'm sorry for acting the way I have. I'm just hoping once we get back to the digital world you can find a way to bring us home."
"I've already spoken to some of my colleagues. We're working on a solution in case you guys get stuck there. It's in the early stages but whatever happens we'll find a means."
Henry felt relieved. "Thank you. This means so much to me and my friends."
Henry spread the word about the opportunity of a safe return.
Takato was still chowing down when Henry informed him.
"Okay. We're covered in that part. Now we can head out." Takato announced.
"I can't wait to see the digital world. It must be pretty amazing." Kai figured.
"It can be. But it's also a little frightening." Takato warned.
"Whatever the case you have to find Guilmon. No matter what." Minami reminded.
Takato nodded. "Right. I can't wait to see him again."
The three finished up soon after. Saying a heartfelt yet temporary farewell to his parents, Takato left with his backpack filled with random things to the park with Kai and Minami. They were the first ones to arrive. Takato checked the shed confirming the portal was still there to much relief.
"There it is. Should we wait for the others?" Kai questioned.
"Let me just check my inbox." Takato insisted.
Takato had a series of replies saying some of the others would be delayed in getting there for one thing or another. None of them though had problems with him going first.
"Well that settles that. Let's go!" Takato declared.
The three crawled down the tunnel entering the portal. Being blinded by bright light upon entry forced the trio to close their eyes in pain. Within a few seconds the light dimmed out allowing them to see once more. To their astonishment they were standing on solid ground: in the digital world. They were finally back.
"Wow. This world, it's so serene, so different..." Minami commented.
"I know. Hasn't changed much since I was last here." Takato added.
Takato held out his digivice in hopes it would be able to track Guilmon. It picked up a point of interest reading coming from nearby.
"Well this will be our best shot. Only one way to find out." Takato figured.
The three began tracking the signal. After walking for awhile they came upon a small village, one that Takato clearly remembered.
"I've been here before." Takato realized.
Some of the village's inhabitants came out to greet them; a bunch of Chuchidarumon.
"Humans! Oh my!" A Chuchidarumon yelled.
"Uh hi, would any of you know where Guilmon might be?" Takato hoped.
"Of course. He showed up here many months ago. Let me go get him." Another Chuchidarumon offered.
He took off to Guilmon's home. Entering it, the Digimon found Guilmon sleeping. He shook him until the dinosaur Digimon awoke.
"Hey! I was having a good dream about bread!" Guilmon objected.
"Sorry Guilmon but there's some humans here looking for you." The Chuchidarumon informed.
Guilmon sat up. "Humans? W-What did they look like?"
"Well one was wearing a set of goggles..."
Guilmon heard enough. He raced out of his home towards where the other Chuchidarumon had gathered. Takato locked eyes with him causing both to freeze. Time stood still for a moment.
Guilmon gasped. "Takato? Is that really you?"
"Yeah Guilmon. It's me." Takato confirmed.
Slowly walking towards each other, they soon became within arm's length. Once there they teared up, sniffling as well. Takato leaned forward hugging Guilmon tightly. He did the same.
"I knew you would keep your promise." Guilmon declared.
"I've missed you Guilmon. Missed you so much. But I'm here now." Takato consoled.
Kai and Minami watched from a distance. They felt happy for Takato. The two of them continued to hold each other as tears streamed down their faces. Several minutes passed before both regained composure.
"How did you come back though?" Guilmon asked.
"I dreamed that you told me there was a way back. Like you were reaching out to me. A portal reappeared in your shed." Takato shared.
"Please, come back to my home. There is much we need to talk about."
Guilmon led Takato back to his place. Kai and Minami followed later introducing themselves to him. Once inside the four sat down in the den.
"So where are the other Digimon? What happened when you all returned?" Takato inquired.
Guilmon sighed. "We came back to the sovereigns lair. They told us our world had been heavily damaged through fighting the D-Reaper so any available resources would have to be spent on fixing everything, that a bridge back to your world would never be possible. I tried to keep everyone together but we went our separate ways."
"That's awful Guilmon. At least you guys could've been in each other's company." Takato regretted.
"I told them you would find a way to bring everybody back. They wouldn't listen. I ended up here somehow, the Chuchidarumon offered me shelter. I've since learned to digivolve on my own with the exception of biomerging." Guilmon explained.
"So you have no idea where the others are?" Kai questioned.
"Unfortunately no. I haven't seen any of them since the day we returned." Guilmon answered.
"Well if Takato was able to track you then I imagine everyone else can do the same." Minami assumed.
"I'm also interested in what made the portal appear again. I was there before and didn't see it. This must be part of something bigger." Takato surmised.
"I'm sure once our friends get here we'll figure everything out. For now you two have a lot to catch up on." Kai reminded.
"Aside from being here with the Chuchidarumon have you been okay Guilmon? I hope you've kept active since we got separated." Takato said.
"It hasn't been easy without you Takato but I've been all right. Day by day just living my life, hoping you would return at some point." Guilmon replied.
"I got here as soon as I could. I even brought you a surprise." Takato teased.
He reached into his backpack taking out a bunch of bread. Guilmon smiled as Takato handed the loaves to him. The digimon happily ate adoring the returning taste. Takato also discovered his D-Terminal had reception here for some odd reason. He told the other tamers about what Guilmon had told him regarding the remaining Digimon.
Henry was preparing to leave with Suzie when he got the message. It upset him to know Terriermon was all alone out there without any friends. He chose not to tell Suzie about this latest development. Wanting to reunite with the Digimon they set out to the park. Arriving a few minutes later the two entered the shed, going down the tunnel transferring themselves over. Coming out in the same area Takato did, both held out their digivices getting hits coming from opposing directions.
"We should stay with each other for now. The digital world can be unstable." Henry remembered.
"Would it be okay if we went to see Lopmon first?" Suzie requested.
"Sure. Let's get going."
Following the tracker Henry and Suzie began their search.
Rika was still preparing herself for the journey back. She was both nervous and excited at the idea of seeing Renamon once more. The fear took more control causing the girl to move slowly.
"I can do this. In fact, I must do this."
She hastened her packing.
Henry and Suzie found Lopmon's signal emitting from the lair of Zhuqiaomon. Standing at the end of the bridge, the siblings passed through onto the main structure. Their presence was detected from within causing Antylamon inside to investigate. Upon reaching the front hallway she rubbed her eyes repeatedly thinking she was dreaming.
"Henry? Suzie?" Antylamon spoke in disbelief.
Suzie became ecstatic rushing towards her partner. Antylamon bent down confirming this was really happening. She de-digivolved back to Lopmon as Suzie picked her up.
"Hi Lopmon! It's been so long!" Suzie shouted.
Suzie embraced Lopmon softly. Lopmon meanwhile was mum for words, she never imagined ever seeing her tamer again. Henry walked over glad to see his sister so full of glee.
"Suzie, but, I don't understand how you're both here." Lopmon commented.
"We really don't either Lopmon. Perhaps it was just time." Henry assumed.
Lopmon became emotional about to cry. Suzie was more happy than sad choosing to reign in this moment instead of feeling upset it took so long to get here. Lopmon noticed how well her partner was handling this so she forced herself to be strong.
"How have you been? I really missed you." Suzie said.
"I'm doing well Suzie, Zhuqiaomon was injured through the fighting so I've been looking after him since returning." Lopmon answered.
"I knew we would be together someday. I'm so glad that this moment has come." Suzie remarked.
Henry stepped forward. "We're all going to become a team again. I still have to find Terriermon. Will you two be okay here for now?"
"Oh of course Henry. Please, go do what you must." Lopmon insisted.
Suzie and Lopmon went to the Digimon's quarters to chill while Henry set back out.
Determined to hurry up, Rika had entered the portal beginning to try and locate Renamon. She got a faint reading coming from very far away. Rika headed towards it being careful to conserve energy. Having ate a big meal and carrying extra rations the child chose to take a leisurely pace just to be safe. About halfway into her journey, she stopped in a small canyon to rest.
Rika sat down on a rock taking off her knapsack unaware someone was sneaking up behind her. An unknown life form suddenly grabbed her, covering her mouth and forcing Rika to the ground. She struggled to break free or scream but failed to do either finding herself strangely losing consciousness. Within a few seconds she passed out.
Jeri had received word from Takato that he found Guilmon. After their talk the night before, she chose to take her inactive digivice with her for the trip. Jeri also got instructions on where to meet up. Having already passed through to the digital world, she eventually made it to the Chuchidarumon village entering Guilmon's home. Takato and company were still inside.
"Hi everybody." Jeri greeted.
"Jeri, thanks for getting here. This must not be easy for you although it means a lot to me." Takato appreciated.
Jeri hugged Takato and Guilmon.
"You're still looking cute as always." Jeri told the digimon.
Guilmon blushed. "Right..."
"Henry and Suzie are here as well. We're still waiting on everyone else." Takato informed.
"For now I guess we can just relax until our friends get here." Jeri figured.
Jeri sat down with the group.
Rika had just woken up. She was lying on the ground in a dark cave. Her hands were cuffed behind her back while her ankles were cuffed together as well. Rika knew she was in trouble. Trying to stand up she fell back to the ground with a thud. Approaching footsteps could be heard. Rika cowered in the corner expecting some freaky Digimon to emerge from the darkness but was relieved to see Henry had found her instead.
"Henry! Boy am I glad to see you!" Rika exclaimed.
"Oh, you're up." Henry noticed.
"Wait, what?! You did this to me?!"
Henry laughed. "Sorry for the take down, hope I wasn't too rough. Anyway I only did this to get even with you for forcing me in the park before."
"Congrats. Now can you let me go? I need to find Renamon."
"In time Rika. I want to have some fun first."
Henry sat down next to her. He gently enclosed his mouth over Rika's lips proceeding to make out. She objected to being used like this trying in vain to pull away. Henry didn't let her go keeping a tight hold. Despite his brash tactics, he only meant well for Rika having thought of this plan for countless hours. She didn't want to admit it but it kind of turned her on to be helpless. Her determination to go see Renamon again forced Rika to resist though. She struggled to separate her hands from behind her back. Henry continued to kiss her in a very passionate manner. He held Rika close to him. Having had his full of this for now, Henry moved away allowing her to freely speak.
"Henry please stop! I must locate Renamon!" Rika pleaded.
"Shh, Rika. We'e barely just begun. Just relax. Enjoy it." Henry insisted.
Henry ran his right hand down Rika's chest past her stomach then stopping at the top of her pants. He gave the clothing a firm tug removing them from her waistline. Several more tugs followed until they were crumpled by her feet. Rika was now bearing in her white panties, feeling embarrassed about it.
"Nice underwear Rika." Henry joked.
Henry reached inside.
"No, n-no knock it off!" Rika stammered.
He paid Rika no mind rubbing her vagina lips with his fingers.
"Ahhh! Oh, oh..." Rika moaned.
No one besides herself ever touched that area before. Having Henry grace the sensitive section felt quite wonderful. Rika breathed in and out heavily experiencing a mixture of arousal. Forced to squeal like a pig she began submitting to Henry's treatment even though she didn't want to.
"Please stop, I can't take it!" Rika yelled.
Henry turned to her. "Do you really want me to stop?"
Henry already felt moisture on his hand. He then moved north to the clitoris. Stopping there Henry rubbed it in between his thumb and index finger.
"Agh! Not there..." Rika paused.
Rika's privates were exploding with pleasure. Her body fell to the ground squirming. Henry continued to massage her sweet spot while she moaned loudly. He knew right then he had won her over. Rika's unit leaked even more juice soaking her undergarments. Henry also wanted to get a good look at what he was touching. He slid the final thing shielding Rika down to her pants taking in a moment to stare at the opening. It was very beautiful. Henry was rock hard himself choosing to strip himself to ease the poking. After licking the fluid off his hand he became super eager to match Rika's blowjob from the night before.
"Can I lick you now?" Henry requested.
"Yeah, okay. Go ahead." Rika accepted.
Rika was in too deep to resist his charm. Renamon would just have to wait. Henry leaned his face down to her pussy. Once in position he gave Rika a deep lick in the pink center. She fell silent completely overpowered by the joy.
Henry looked up. "Does it feel good?"
"Oh yes, please, keep going." Rika replied.
Henry smiled as he gave some more deep licks. Rika's reaction was expected as she set herself in for a wondrous ride. This was the most amazing thing the child had ever felt. She craved more. Henry was there to satisfy getting into a munching rhythm making constant contact with her lips. His tongue stayed rested against them moving in slow strokes. The pleasure remained consistent for Rika, something to savor at all times. It felt as if her body was melting. She squirmed out of reflex while making loud audible noises. Henry's focus was clear although he took the time to have fun not wanting his first tasting to be considered a chore.
Sex was meant to be enjoyed by everyone involved after all. Rika sunk deeper into her treatment as it dragged on feeling the calmest she ever felt. Naturally her vagina leaked more from the rush it was receiving. Henry didn't mind the flavor up afraid to get his face wet. Sticking it right up against the opening the boy licked like there was no tomorrow. Rika was impressed at how well Henry was pleasing her, like he really cared. She still questioned his introduction although loved the end results. It was very hard for her to stay still with the awesome vibes coming from below. Henry adjusted to deal with her shaking determined to see this through till the end. Breathing through his nose he kept his mouth wide open to continually please.
Rika did her best to get the most out of what he provided. The wonderful joy never ceased which started to drive her a little crazy. This was her first time being eaten so she wasn't prepared for it. Henry knew all too well what it was like to be in her position so he didn't blame her one bit. He swirled his tongue over every inch of Rika's twat not wanting to leave a single area unscathed. In his mind Henry tried to figure out which methods would work out for the best. What he could do to maximize the intensity. She was very pleased with the way her body felt only wanting this to last for as long as possible. Rika was so happy now through discovering sex since it opened up so many opportunities.
Feeling very antsy still, she attempted to appear in control of the situation. Her genitals had never leaked like this before which left Rika in suspense of what was coming next. She hoped Henry wouldn't stop, not now. This was too much of an opportunity for it to end. He had no intention of rushing Rika to finish wanting her joy to be memorable. He lapped on her unit with each lick contributing to the overall effort. Henry remained focused although he stayed a bit nervous considering this was his first time. All he wanted to do was impress Rika and make her feel special. She kept experiencing his mouth interact through constant motions completely unsure of how much of this can build itself up.
A slight tightness from inside was already present which caused Rika strain when resisting. She wasn't ignorant knowing what this probably meant. The very idea of creaming excited the girl since Rika had never done so before. Her legs shook somewhat in eager anticipation. Henry again let her be while keeping the munching going. The firm buildup deeply became more present as each second passed by. Rika waited with great patience wondering when the magic would happen. Henry got a hunch she was at her limit by the squeals and yelps being shouted. He kept calm expecting something to shoot out at any given moment. Rika them felt a huge gush being thrust throughout. This was it.
"Ahh! Henry, I'm coming!" Rika screamed.
The overwhelming sensation surprised her greatly. Rika felt short of breath from the surge of raw energy that arrived followed by a release of sticky fluids. An absolutely incredible period. Henry got soaked from the geyser letting it spread all over. He was fully aware what Rika just went through. Once dry she lied there still as a board with a peaceful look staring at the ceiling. Henry then freed Rika from his bondage traps. Her arms ached but it was worth it to have such a great time.
"Oh wait. Do you want me to blow you again?" Rika offered.
"It's not necessary Rika. We're even now so don't worry about such things." Henry insisted.
The two dried themselves off and put their clothes back on.
"That was, interesting Henry. We'll have to mess around again real soon." Rika anticipated.
"I know. Let's go find our partners. We shouldn't keep them waiting." Henry reminded.
Henry and Rika put their backpacks on going off in different directions.
Suzie and Lopmon had spent the past few minutes chatting, trying to catch themselves up after being apart for so long. The rabbit Digimon was very impressed at how much her tamer had matured. Yet with Suzie's arrival it made Lopmon wonder if Zhuqiaomon would be okay if she left him. The two went to his quarters to speak about this issue. He welcomed them inside.
"Zhuqiaomon, my partner Suzie has returned. I can only imagine how this was possible or what it means for our future." Lopmon spoke.
"I've been in touch with the other sovereigns. There is a grand plan involving all of you that took precedent over anything else. Once everyone gets here, we will inform you of what's to come." Zhuqiaomon shared.
Lopmon nodded. "I understand. Does this mean you will recover without my assistance?"
"You have been a loyal servant. I can safely say that the need to be with your partner means more to me than staying here. Fret not I will do fine on my own." Zhuqiaomon assured her.
Lopmon took those words to heart. Something important was approaching which would take every tamer available to overcome, whatever it may be.
Henry hurried towards where Terriermon was very eager to see him again. His digivice led him to a bustling city filled with Digimon everywhere. He soon came across the source; a modest looking building with a front door. Henry gulped before knocking on it.
"Hello?" Someone said from within.
Henry recognized the voice. "Terriermon?"
"Yes? Hold on a sec."
The door unlocked, swung open. Terriermon was at ground level surprised to see two legs on the other side: two human legs. He glanced upwards locking eyes with Henry.
"You, you came back." Terriermon realized.
Henry crumbled to his knees. "Terriermon..."
Terriermon jumped into Henry's waiting arms. He was dumbfounded as to how this could be. Henry, having expected this became ecstatic and sad. He held Terriermon tightly beginning to sob uncontrollably. The Digimon still couldn't believe what was happening. It took him awhile to accept everything.
"Henry, how? How did you get here?" Terriermon questioned.
"A gate reappeared back home. This is proof we're supposed to be together Terriermon." Henry reminded.
Terriermon used his ears to wipe away Henry's tears. Everything he believed in about never seeing him again was now off the table entirely. Terriermon rejoiced regardless extremely happy to reunite with Henry once more. The tamer soon calmed himself standing up still holding onto his partner.
"I've been a nervous wreck without you Terriermon. But everything's going to be okay now." Henry declared.
"I know it will." Terriermon agreed.
They went back inside Terriermon's home to talk more. Henry located a chair taking a seat.
"Henry, I had given up hope of us being with each other. I don't even know how long it's been since I left your world." Terriermon said.
"Many months. Way too long if you ask me. This must mean something big though, like another challenge out there that needs our help." Henry figured.
"We can fret about such things later. Right now I'm kinda hungry."
Henry took out some rice balls from his pack. Terriermon took one proceeding to eat.
"You're always looking out for me." Terriermon commented.
Henry looked around. "Nice place you have here."
"Thank you. The locals have been very generous in giving me this spare home. So are the other tamers coming back as well?"
"Yeah. Some are already here. All of us are going to be a team again, just like before."
"That's wonderful to know."
Henry continued to catch up with Terriermon.
Rika had to travel much farther to get where Renamon lived. She was still hyped from climaxing before although remained focused on seeing her old friend once more. The digivice led Rika to a small town by the seaside. Continuing the search by passing by a wall, she was stopped short as Renamon appeared in a chair facing the other direction. Rika slowly approached which alerted the Digimon. She stood up, turning around not sure of what to make of what was in front of her. But there was Rika, this was reality.
"Rika? It can't be." Renamon doubted.
"Renamon, it is me. I came here to find you." Rika confirmed.
Rika walked over giving Renamon a big hug. The fox Digimon was mum for words. She stood still as tears dripped down onto Rika.
"I'm sorry Rika. I never imagined this ever happening." Renamon apologized.
"You have nothing to be sorry for. Look, I know what the sovereigns told everyone. But I knew this day would come. At some point anyway." Rika remarked.
Rika was very pleased while Renamon became very emotional. She wished her faith had held together instead of turning into despair. Renamon wanted to be happy though about finally seeing Rika once more. She soon chipped up, her spirits feeling better. The two sat down at the table nearby.
"It's great that you're here. I haven't made many friends since I arrived." Renamon regretted.
"Unfortunate that none of you guys stayed together. But that's all going to change for the better. A way back to your world has returned meaning our group is reuniting. Have you been all right otherwise?" Rika inquired.
"The digital world has been in recovery mode from the massive fighting. Basically the Digimon go about daily routines, minding their own business. But I've found things to do to stave off boredom."
"I've been focusing on school, keeping up with the other tamers too. I'm just glad you're okay."
"Likewise Rika. We fought very hard to protect our worlds. So far it looks like it's paid off."
Rika felt parched from the walking so she took out a water bottle to sip on. She reached across holding Renamon's hand as a friendly gesture they would never separate again.
End of part 13.
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