Verismo | By : hatochan Category: Gensomaden Saiyuki > General Views: 2279 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Gensomaden Saiyuki, nor any of the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
Author's Notes
Thanks to everyone who read! Enjoy!
Disclaimer: I do not own Saiyuki. That honor belongs to the talented Kazuya Minekura. I also do not own the following songs:
- Check on Me, Beyonce and Slim Thug
- Pour Some Sugar on Me, Def Leppard
- With Teeth, Nine Inch Nails
I have eclectic musical tastes.
// You got it, flaunt it
Boy I know you want it//
" Did I ever tell you about my first pet? I'll take three."
" I don't believe so. Dealer takes one."
Cards were abandoned and exchanged over the abused wooden table top. The brunette held his fan of printed rectangles near his face, just beneath his half smile. His red headed companion, sitting opposite, kept his cards in the arch formed by his curved hands meeting on the table's surface. A battered stereo sat nearby on the kitchen counter, whirring slightly beneath the music.
// You can look at it
As long as you don't grab it
If you don't go braggin'
I might let you have it//
Is every tape like this? Damn. " It was a cat named Monaka." Gojyo frowned inwardly; his hand sucked in a major way. He also shifted uncomfortably in his seat, which had nothing to do with how badly the hand sucked.
" Monaka?" Hakkai questioned lightly, adding a few more coins to the pile in the center of the kitchen table. " Like the sweet? Raise four. Goku would have liked that."
//Ooh boy, you lookin' like you like what you see
Come over and check up on it
I'm gonna let you walk up on it//
" Yeah well," Gojyo refrained from scratching his nose, a dead giveaway to his unfortunate hand, and continued his story. His voice took on a slight pout. ", I was only four at the time, so same maturity level and all. " The hanyou chuckled, momentarily forgetting his discomfort, as the other man's smile deepened at his comment. I'm sure part of it's due to the fact that he knows he's got me whooped, but the rest is pure delight in my company. Gojyo smirked, self satisfied and not caring if Hakkai thought his poker face was weakening. I can keep this up 'til dawn. There will be no repeats of that night.
He had been thinking about it, the nightmare that occurred nearly a year ago. Gojyo thought about it every time the sky darkened and the first hint of rain weighted the air. It haunted him through the stormy nights while they played poker and drank cheap beer and when Hakkai finally retired to the small bed, the same horrific images kept Gojyo from slumbering on the couch; instead he feigned sleep until the brunette lost consciousness and diligently watched each breath until the gray dawn seeped through the shades.
Now, if the weather took a sudden turn for the worse while he was out, Gojyo immediately folded or knocked back or kissed whatever or whoever he was occupied with and headed home. If the heavens showed obvious signs of temperamental fits, then the kappa took no longer in town than to pick up a supply of alcohol and snacks before settling in for the evening.
Tonight had been of the latter variety. The heat had been oppressive for the better part of a week, laying a thick layer of lethargy over the village's inhabitants. Gojyo had been harder pressed than usual to keep his clothes on and Hakkai seemed to melt into the furniture as he sat grading papers. And all the while, obsidian clouds hovered just at the horizon, streaks of lightning glimpsed between the forest's canopy, thunder barely heard in the distance. Each day the rain passed them by, sending waves of humid heat rolling into the small valley.
Then Thursday morning appeared overcast, a solid blanket of dense cotton stretched over the sky, the sun reduced to a milky glow. Friday was identical; it didn't rain , though Gojyo had stayed in, just in case. Around noon on Saturday the dove colored clouds turned black and the entire town bustled about making arrangements for the much welcomed precipitation that would grant them some relief from the heat. Gojyo made preparations for a long night.
The kappa begged a barrel's worth of rice crackers from Suoh-san, the tavern owner ( Gojyo was still a profitable client and a favorite among the bar’s patrons) and then shelled out the money he saved in order to purchase two bottles he found in the owner’s private collection ( Gojyo was also a nosy client who ‘accidentally’ wandered into the locked back room where Suoh-san stored his rarer drinks). And so when the first true cracks of thunder popped overhead, Gojyo was standing outside a small house on the other side of town , arms laden with goodies, waiting to escort Hakkai home from his tutoring session.
We got in right when it hit, thank the gods. The courtyard was a pond in less than five minutes. The real storm, lightning strikes and thunderous booms, swept over the town rather quickly; leaving the pouring rain to drum monotonously on the roof top. Of course, it didn't cool off any, or at least not enough to make a difference. Gojyo had abandoned his shirt as soon as they entered the house, his bare chest slick with sweat that had begun to gather at the low waist of his shorts. Hakkai had retained some reserve and simply changed into one of Gojyo's tank tops and a pair of borrowed pants cut off at the knees. The monocle had been lovingly placed in its case and was stored safely on the bedside table. Hakkai really only needed it to read smaller print or a large amount of student assignments, and he was able to see the darkly inked playing cards without the use of the lens, which had been fogging up on him throughout the day.
//Roll it , pop it, just can't stop it
Check on me tonight//
Kami-sama, this music. I'm going to get those two! While at Suoh-san's bar he had run into Sena, one of the bartenders coming on shift, who gave him four mix tapes. The girl wasn't one of Gojyo's conquests, she was very happily involved with another young lady who worked at the 'gentleman's club' down the street, and therefore kept their friendship purely platonic. The tapes were a gift Sena and Kino had put together after enduring several weeks of Gojyo's complaints; he had been bitching about his own limited musical collection, wanting something different for Hakkai, yet unsure of what to get. The red head had been pleasantly surprised by the gift and after Sena's " It'll be perfect for you and Hakkai-san" , Gojyo was eager to share the music with his friend.
// Step inside, walk this way
You and me , babe
Hey, hey! //
Gojyo absently added five coins to the pile and flinched at the new song spilling from the speakers. These are the songs for Kino's routines. Why the hell did they think that me and Hakkai would like these? What the hell do these lyrics mean, anyway? They don't make any sense. He shifted his cards to curl inward a tad more. Not in an effort to hide his suits, that would have been pointless since they both knew the kappa couldn’t bluff the full youkai, but because he liked the shape the papers made when bent. Like the arch of a bridge, or the curve of Hakkai's back ... Gojyo's crotch thrummed with the thought. Damn you and your little lezbo girlfriend too, Sena!
The first tape had been somewhat randy. Gojyo squirmed a bit , but hoped it would get better. Halfway through the second tape, the kappa got up to turn the titillating music off. And I'll be damned if Hakkai didn't tell me to leave it on. How freakin' weird is that? The third tape was nearly finished and the songs simply continued to become more and more... suggestive. And Gojyo's head was quickly filling with images that he'd rather not have while with his roommate.
// Lookin' like a tramp, like a video vamp
Demolition woman, can I be your man?//
Kino gave me a lap dance to this one, yeah. Shiny red leather thong, not covering a damn bit of that fine ass and barely anything else. Started out with a cute little pair of leather pants, laced up top, high heeled boots. Then there was nothing but the thong and boots. The memory swam in his mind, swaying in time with the music, with the image of the female on his lap. Sena is a lucky woman, that Kino is hot, hot , hot! I almost couldn't control myself when she was dancing for me, kept having to remind myself that she was taken. Suddenly the memory Kino's hair shortened, turned a darker richer brown that was cut close to the neck, long bangs still swinging. The pale violet eyes morphed into forest green, the hips narrowed, chest and shoulders broadened as the breasts disappeared and a long scar rose on the abdomen and the thong... Holy shit! Gojyo's memory of the lap dance no longer included his lesbian friend's hot girlfriend, but his best friend instead. Now it was Hakkai straddling his legs, writhing on top of him, breath heavy on his cheek. And Gojyo loved it.
// Pour some sugar on me
Ooh, in the name of love
Pour some sugar on me
C'mon fire me up
Pour your sugar on me
Oh, I can't get enough//
Alright, no more! No more naughty Hakkai thoughts! I've- I've just had a little too much to drink tonight, ‘cuz I’m putting way too much thought into the shape of my cards and Hakkai's back and the smell of his sweat from - No, no more! I refuse to think of him like that!
He wouldn't deny that he was attracted to the youkai. One of the first things Gojyo noticed about Hakkai the night he had found the man laying in a mixed puddle of sludge and blood was the beauty of his eyes, his face. Delicate features, ethereal poise, but not to be mistaken for feminine; the red head could understand how Sanzo could be seen as girly ( the monk was a grade A bitch) but he never perceived those qualities in Hakkai. Hakkai was a man, a better man than Gojyo thought himself to be and when the kappa woke up in the middle of the night with sticky sheets and a fresh image of his roommate leftover from his dream , Gojyo chalked it up to the other man's incredibly good looks and his own insatiable sexual appetite.
What Gojyo did have an issue with was the fact that Hakkai was his friend. His first real friend and Gojyo wasn't going to treat him like one of his one night stands; an outlet for his release, for his loneliness. The kappa didn't fuck his real friends and he continually reminded himself of that. BEST FRIEND ! BEST FRIEND! Think of icky things, think of -of- how fucking hot it is, how the tag on my shorts is so irritating, how nasty my hair feels, yuck! Gojyo ran a hand over his neck, lifting the sweaty scarlet ponytail to allow a moment's worth of drier air to come in contact. He heard actual drops of perspiration fall from the strands onto the chair back. When he released it, the shoulder length hair slapped wetly against his body. I should've kept it spiked.
The kappa blocked out all thoughts not concerned with the poker game, swallowed what was left in his glass and reached for the shorter of the two bottles. A jug, to be specific, with kanji scrawled beautifully across its glazed exterior and merely a few sips left inside. Gojyo tilted the container and allowed the last drops to wet the bottom of his glass. " The sake's aaaallll gone." He slurred and tossed it down his throat before lifting the other bottle to check its contents. That was good shit, no wonder Suoh-san keeps it locked up. And charged me an arm and a leg for it, too. But I bet there's still some plum wine left. Gojyo was rewarded with a muffled slosh and quickly drained the rest of the bottle.
Only to have his cup snatched away. The kappa stared in disbelief as Hakkai took several long draughts of sweet alcohol from his glass! Gojyo didn't know what shocked him more; the fact that the youkai was drinking the last of the wine or that Hakkai had actually taken the glass from his hand. By nature, the brunette was a polite- please- and-thank you- never-take-without-asking-permission kinda guy. Either he's finally drunk enough to loosen up or he's finally gotten fed up with me. He tried very hard not to watch the rise and fall of the demon's throat as he drank the wine.
// I'm hot, sticky sweet
From my head to my feet, yeah //
Hakkai set the less than full glass onto the table near his stack of winnings and graced his companion with an innocent smile. His dark hair was also soaked, sticking to his forehead and curling behind his ears. " So... what breed of cat was it?"
" Huh?"
" Monaka. What sort of cat was she?" Hakkai elaborated. His fingers idly pushed a large amount of currency towards the center. " I raise thirty."
" Just a stray. " I really didn't know what he was talking about my mind got so far off track. Gojyo looked at the stakes and lamented the fact that he was about to spend the next few weeks ' borrowing' grocery funds from his roommate. Despite the sorrow of losing money, the red head was glad the game and story were serving their purpose; to keep Hakkai distracted. Though he seemed to be more distracted than his target.
He shoved half of what was left of his meager earnings into the pot. " I see and raise, uh- " he counted his addition as fast as his muddled brain could manage, ' five. I found her begging outside a food stand in the market, just a scraggly black cat with every one of her ribs showing." Another image of Hakkai popped into Gojyo's mind, an unaltered memory of helping the man to bathe in the first few months while he was injured. I could see all of his ribs then. Actually I can still see them now, but they aren't as sharp. And he's ticklish on the left- what the hell?! Gojyo felt himself jerk slightly with the mental curse and the tightening in his groin. I'm not thinking about it. I'm just drunk.
He coughed lightly to cover his discomfort. " Anyway, I took her home, fed her what table scraps I could. She used to sleep on my pillow at night. Hehehe, sometimes I would wake up in the mornings and find her laying in the crook of my neck, her head and front paws stretched over my throat. I used to think Jien was trying to smother me with a pillow. "
" Was that a real concern?" Hakkai smiled again.
" Only when I got caught with my hand in the pocky jar." Gojyo snickered. " So, like, every other day." That smile looks good on him, I'll have to make sure it stays there and not ruin it with my perviness." Monaka was actually a pretty good safeguard against that; Jien couldn't do anything to my head without hurting her and moving her would have woken me up. " He watched Hakkai add more to the money pile, noticed the way his hand was perfectly steady despite drinking over half their alcohol ration, how his cuticles were always perfectly smooth. My nails look like they've been through a grinder. Hakkai's hands are always so clean, so pretty... There was a definite twitch below his waistline and Gojyo shifted in his seat. Yep, I'm drunk. And horny. I should have taken Tenten up on her offer the other day. Then maybe I wouldn't be noticing the manicuring habits of my best friend. ' Course the music isn't helping matters any.
It had been a while since the hanyou had engaged in sexual relations. Well, only a week , but for Gojyo that was the equivalent of half a lifetime and the redhead had begun the evening willing away a long repressed hard-on. Why do all the women I regularly sleep with have to cycle at nearly the same damn time? Like twice a year this weird cosmic alignment shit just totally screws all my plans to hell. And there's never any new tail around and I ain't lowering my standards to the rest of the lot in town. Tenten was happy enough to give me a blow, but I know she wouldn't have let me return the favor, even in the shower , and I don't take what I can't give back. Gojyo pushed what was left of his money towards the center of the table. And this fucking heat and this strip club soundtrack ain't helping! " I raise whatever that is and call. I wanna see why you've got such a shit eating grin. "
The laughter was musical and reminded Gojyo of temple bells. Hakkai began to slowly lower his cards, revealing his chiseled jaw line and slender throat and the obliques of several strong suits.
" I fold." The cards were promptly flipped over and laid face down on the table. " I think it's time for bed."
"What the hell?" Gojyo cursed as he fell back in his seat. He was more shocked than when the brunette had taken his cup without asking. It just wasn't like Hakkai. The kappa grew a little more pissy, which actually helped to deflate a certain region of his overly sensitive body. " You can't just fold. You were about to take me to the cleaners."
Hakkai shook his head. " It was a poor hand and this heat is making me sleepy. I thought you might be tired as well."
" I wanna see."
" What?"
" I wanna see your cards." Gojyo demanded and reached across the table to take them.
His hand was thwarted by Hakkai who picked up the cards and held them behind his back. " Why? What would that accomplish?"
// You gotta squeeze a little, squeeze a little, tease a little more
Easy operator come a knockin' on my door//
The kappa stood and tried to reach around the youkai, grabbing the man's arm and pulling to get a look at the prize. " Lemme see!" Gojyo tried again to grab onto Hakkai, but since they were both covered in sweat the redhead couldn't get a grip on the slippery flesh. And he was even angrier because Hakkai had begun to laugh at him and his failed attempts to capture the cards. " Lemme see!"
With that last whine, Gojyo lost his balance, fell onto the table, rolled off of said table and pulled the other man with him to the floor. The cards scattered in all directions, fluttering to the planks like wounded butterflies. The two men lay stunned , the redhead half laying atop his friend in an ungraceful sprawl. " Are you okay?"
Laughter bubbled up and out of Hakkai's perfect mouth, spilling over into his eyes and into the man above him. Gojyo couldn't help but chuckle too, a combination of a sake fuzzed brain and the simple joy of seeing his usually brooding friend having a moment of genuine happiness.
// Sometime, anytime, sugar me sweet
Little miss ah innocent sugar me, yeah//
" G-g-goyjo, " Hakkai forced out between giggles, " , I -I 've never kn-known someone as picky about w-winning as y-y-you." He sucked in great gasps of air, trying to regain some composure.
" Most are h-happy to see me fold."
" I guess that was a little...excessive." Gojyo agreed with a grin. " But you know I hate it when you let me win."
" I didn't let you win. I decided to forfeit due to inebriation."
" You're not drunk."
" You are."
" Jus' a bi' tipsy." Gojyo slurred his words along with the truth. He had passed lightly buzzed before finishing off the sake, but he wasn't quite smashed yet, so tipsy was close enough. Warm and fuzzy. 'Lil blurry. Giddy, actually. The kappa wriggled slightly, trying to lift himself off of the other man, when he noticed two things; something hard pressing into his side, just below his last rib, and a tiny grimace from Hakkai. Damn, did I knock the wine bottle off, too? Must have caught it between us. That's gotta hurt. Gojyo pushed a hand beneath him, searching for the wayward bottle. He found merely wrinkled denim. Wrinkled denim that radically became less wrinkled as his fingers groped the area. A groan escaped from the brunette and the kappa realized what he was doing, hand falling still in his amazement. " Uh, 'Kai?"
// Pour some sugar on me
Ooh, in the name of love
Pour some sugar on me
C'mon fire me up //
An emerald eye was cracked open, the grin turning apologetic , but not embarrassed. " Oh my, I've been discovered. "
" ..." Hakkai has a boner. But... Hakkai doesn't have a libido. He's not a pervy water sprite like me. I'm hallucinating. His fingers flexed and he received another moan from the parted lips. Gojyo still couldn't make sense of it. Hakkai is horny?
" I don't suppose you would let me up so I may retreat to the shower?" Hakkai was already on his elbows, pushing the other man further up, ready to stand. His gaze was no longer focused on Gojyo, the emeralds aimed at the bathroom door, obviously seeking refuge.
Gojyo's mind hadn't quite caught up to the conversation. He was too busy quelling his own rebellious body , really liking the way Hakkai's hands were braced on his upper arms, the way his face was so close... I'm kissing Hakkai. He didn't know how it had happened, didn't remember leaning down to press his lips to the brunette's. Gojyo simply, suddenly became aware of their mouths being together. Well, I'm here. I might as well make the most of it. The kappa omitted any tongue action, retaining just enough presence of mind to be respectful of the fact that this was not one of his cheap screws. This feels nice, comfortable and I knew he would taste like green tea beneath the wine. Gojyo parted his lips to deepen the kiss ( but continued to keep his tongue to himself) and remained in position for several long, long, long moments.
// Pour your sugar on me
Oh, I can't get enough //
The kappa pulled away to breathe, to savor the experience and to give Hakkai a chance to strangle him if he chose. Why haven't I done this before? Of course Gojyo knew the answer to his own question ( or one would hope so, for it is his mind after all). He had thought about it, dreamed about it and even went so far as to consider hypothetical strategies for being ' intimate' with his roommate since the night they met. I've always wanted to, Hakkai is so utterly desirable, but I never followed through with my flights of fancy because of the things he's going to say to me now. He's going to be oh-so-polite and pretend it's nothing more than a joke or that it didn't happen at all. Gojyo steeled himself for the consequences of his action. He couldn't help a tiny mental smirk, however. But it was sooooo fucking awesome!
// I'm hot, sticky sweet
From my head to my feet yeah //
" That was quite pleasant, but" Hakkai breathed rather heavily, face flushed and pupils dilated. Gojyo realized that he had buried his left hand in the dark hair, cradling the back of the man's skull. He lightly massaged Hakkai's scalp, entranced by the sensation of sweaty silk between his fingers, and waited for the inevitable rejection. ", not nearly enough."
Gojyo didn't have time to be surprised. Hakkai surged forward, taking the redhead's lips in a crushing kiss, knocking the breath from his mouth. Holy shit! Holy shit! Gojyo's crimson eyes widened then promptly fell shut as he was consumed by the need to smell/touch/taste the body below him as fast as inhumanly possible. First, he reasserted himself by way of his tongue. Holy shit! Hakkai opened his mouth without any attempt at being demure and the twin appendages rolled and lapped and slid against one another, a small stream of saliva trickling down the youkai's chin.
Hands were as aggressive as the tongues; exploring roughly over sweat slicked skin and well defined muscles. Gojyo's fingers found their way to Hakkai's shirt hem and practically ripped the tank top from his body. He pulled his face away just long enough to yank the shirt over the coffee colored crown. Goyjo was about to toss the garment into the far corner, the material literally left his hand in flight, when he thought better of it and caught it in his fingertips. The shirt was folded three times and pressed to the back of Hakkai's head as Gojyo lowered the man to lay on the floor, their lips fiercely connected once again.
//She comes along
She gets inside
She makes you better than anything you've tried//
Gasps and half mewls of pleasure punctuated the new song, a sexy soundtrack all on its own to Gojyo's ears. This one... Kino had a dominatrix thing going on for this one. Black leather, metal studs, bullwhip. What would Hakkai look like in that? Hmmm. The kappa gave up the memory and split his concentration between the kiss, his hands and his groin. Hakkai seemed intent on sucking Gojyo's tongue from his mouth and the redhead was perfectly fine with that. He rested on one elbow, that arm beneath the brunette's shoulder , hand keeping him pulled close. His free arm roamed up and down the pale sides, outlining each swell and hollow until his fingers reached the long scar. Here, Gojyo rubbed the puckered flesh firmly as though he could erase it from the man's body by the pressure of his hand alone. Hakkai moaned deeply at the touch, the area still sensitive despite it having healed more than a year ago.
The kappa forced his thoughts to collect long enough to check that he wasn't hurting his friend; the emeralds were at half mast, hands were tugging him to settle between the lean denim clad thighs, a constant stream of noise was being muffled at their joined mouths. Gojyo took the signs as positive and fell back into the moment, giving only a passing thought as to why he was reacting so wildly.
A tiny part of his mind screamed at him to slow down, to enjoy the act and draw it out as long as possible since it would never ever ever come again! This little voice had been responsible for Gojyo's fantasies involving his seduction of the full youkai. All the sweet tender gestures that would have lead to a gentle coupling, the smooth tricks he had employed in his years of wooing women and men into his bedroom, the suave attitude that had become second nature to him; all these things left Gojyo the moment Hakkai had kissed him back. What was left in their place was a heated heaving mass of lust driven hormones that wanted nothing more than to thoroughly ravage the brunette angel.
//It's in her kiss
The blackest sea
And it runs deeper than you
Dare to dream it could be//
The button fly was quickly unbuttoned, Gojyo ripping the last two brass circles off their stitches, and the worn denim stripped away from the long legs. The kappa worked his way down the pale body, alternating between hands and mouth. Hakkai continued to moan appreciatively. Gojyo placed small kisses around the other man's navel before rubbing his cheek against the prominent erection, loving the silky heat. He buried his nose in the thatch of dark curls surrounding the base and inhaled deeply; ginger vanilla scented soap, green tea ( Hakkai drank so much of the stuff it permeated his entire being), musky arousal. As if the alcohol hadn't mucked his brain up enough, the youkai's scent fried the last few working synapses in Gojyo's mind.
//With teeth
With teeth
With teeth
With teeth//
The red head gave no preamble, falling onto his forearms, hands snaking around the pale thighs, diving forward and engulfing the demon's cock within his mouth. The taste, holy fuck! Another wave of incoherency washed over Gojyo as he took Hakkai all the way down to the root, glans hitting the back of his throat. He immediately fell into a hard and fast rhythm. Gojyo had no reserve left, he had no intention of drawing out the experience, he had merely one thought bumping around inside his bobbing head; I have to see him cum.
//She makes you hard
It comes on strong
You finally found
The place where you belong//
It was difficult beyond measure keeping his crimson eyes open and trained on the beautiful face just an arm's length away. The delicate orbs wanted to roll back into his head with every small thrust of Hakkai's hips, every whimper from Hakkai's mouth. Gojyo kept his hands, and therefore his mind, partially busy by purposefully running trails from the bend of the other man's knee to the crease of his thigh and hip bone.
Inside his mouth, Gojyo's tongue worked double time laving and massaging the swollen flesh. Each tiny shiver was felt by the thinly veiled muscle, shuddering through his being and tripping across his senses. He could feel Hakkai's pulse against the inside of his cheek, growing ever more rapid and unsteady, matching his own heartbeat.
/This time, I'm not coming back
She will not let you go
This time I'm not coming back
She will not let you go//
Suddenly Hakkai's hips lurched off the ground, nearly breaking the kappa's nose on his pelvic bone in the process. The member within Gojyo's care swelled even larger , twitching violently against the roof of his mouth, and his throat was coated in salty warmth. Ohhhhshiiiiit... Gojyo gave one final sweep of suction and jerked his head up in order to fully see the other man's expression. Hakkai's head was thrown back, dark strands of hair streaked one sweat slicked cheek, eyes scrunched closed, mouth wide open in a silent scream. His erection spurted twice more below Gojyo's chin, long streams of milky white lacing his pale flesh.
Gods...he's fucking beautiful.
Gojyo had swallowed most of the demon's seed when it flooded his mouth, but he moved away before finishing and the remnants were dripping down his face while he stared awestruck at Hakkai. He's just- just... I've never been so fucking turned on in my life! Without being worked over a good bit first. He noticed bright emeralds staring back at him; Hakkai had shaken off some of the orgasmic bliss. Gojyo thought the demon was looking at him a little weird, like he had something on his face or- Oh yeah, I do have something on my face. He began to reach a hand up to wipe away the creamy trails, but was swiftly pulled off balance by a pair of deceptively strong hands.
Hakkai yanked the red head forward and met him halfway in a near desperate kiss. The youkai hungrily sucked his own cum from Gojyo's chin, lips and mouth. The hanyou did his best to stay upright, finally planting a hand on either side of his friend's waist. He let the kiss consume him, as before.
//With teeth
With teeth
With teeth
With teeth...//
The song trailed off, the stereo buzzing quietly. It cut itself off at the end of the tape. After a few silent minutes, Gojyo caught some heated mumblings. The kappa didn't want to pull away to decipher the muffled words, so he let them pass without comment. His plan almost worked.
Hakkai broke the kiss, but kept the barest of lip contact. " Lube. Get the lube, Gojyo."
That shocked some of the haze away. Sex seemed inevitable given their prior course, but Gojyo was still taken aback that Hakkai had brought it up. The kappa was also mildly surprised by his own feelings on the matter; namely the fact that he was no longer hell bent on screwing his best friend into the floor. For once in his long career of hedonism, Gojyo was uncertain, a prick of conscientiousness. " H-Hakkai we don't-" he was momentarily cut off as the other man licked his bottom lip and tugged on it with his teeth. Shit, I don't want him to think that I expect this; like he's trying to pay me back, like with the cleaning thing. Gojyo made himself speak up. " ah- we don't have to-ah!" This time the kappa was silenced by not only Hakkai's mouth latching onto his own, but the youkai's hands diving beneath the waist band of his loose shorts and fully wrapping around his straining erection. Gojyo nearly blacked out at the sensation. How was he supposed to concentrate and do the right thing?
" You want this, correct?" Hakkai pulled back to breathe into his face, fingers stroking the stiff member. Gojyo would later smirk at the contrast of the brunette's polite words and his overt actions. " You've thought about it. About taking me." Gojyo tried to deny( lie) the statement, but again was shut up by an aggressive kiss. " And I've thought about it, as well." Hakkai whispered roughly. " I want it, too." He nuzzled the scarred cheek before speaking once more. " So, get the lube, Gojyo."
Screw doing the right thing! One did not have to tell Gojyo more than twice. " Hell yeah! " He sprang to his feet and then pulled Hakkai up as well. " Bed's better." he said by way of explanation. The brunette grinned and headed towards the small single bed against the far wall. Look at that ass. Gojyo's libido became its usual unrestrained self at the sight of ivory curvature. He leapt behind the brunette and wrapped both arms around the slender waist, burying his face in the crook of the man's neck and shoulder. Hakkai's body stiffened instantaneously, his chakra flaring and humming beneath his skin as though preparing for an attack. Gojyo worried that maybe he had changed his mind, but the tenseness passed as quickly as it had appeared and the older man turned in his embrace. Face to face they kissed and Gojyo half walked, half carried Hakkai to the bed. He tossed Hakkai onto the mattress, taking delight in seeing the lighter boy bounce high in the air.
Gojyo turned on heel and sped ( jumped the three steps) to the small bathroom. He slipped in his drunken haste, just barely catching himself on the door jamb, and was rewarded with a gleeful laugh from the direction of the bed. He didn't even bother turning the light on. The kappa shoved the curtain covering the open linen closet to the side and grabbed for the box on the top shelf. It wasn't as if he had to hide his sexual accessories from his roommate; Hakkai cleaned so thoroughly it was impossible to actually hide anything. Gojyo did try to use a modicum of discretion when he placed his various oils, creams, prophylactics, etc. inside a shallow box and locate it upon the uppermost shelf, out of the line of every day sight.
Now he cursed the inconvenience of reaching over rows of rarely used fancy soaps ( gifts from his numerous female encounters) and trying to drag the sought after box to the edge. Most of the dusty containers were knocked to the floor in the scramble, the sturdy rectangle pushing everything out of its way. Gojyo kept the items in order, the only things he kept in order, so he could quickly find what he wanted and not keep his paramours waiting. Under normal circumstances he was collected enough to finger the different bottles and pick out the desired ones by braille. Now, however, he was so flustered he simply grabbed two handfuls of stuff and threw the box into the bottom of the closet. He would clean it up later.
Back in the bedroom area , Gojyo was happy to see that Hakkai was immensely enjoying the way he was making an uncoordinated ass of himself. Hey, anything to see that smile. In the better light he shuffled through the things in his hands and dropped all but one large bottle of unscented lubricant and a string of condoms onto the floor. He removed his shorts, one handed, and sent them flying off in a random corner. He would clean those up later, too. The two chosen items accompanied him as Gojyo hopped onto the bed and wriggled his way between Hakkai's long legs. They shifted and giggled and nipped until both were comfortably settled.
Gojyo uncapped the plastic bottle and squirted a generous amount of the clear gel onto his middle finger. " It'll be a little cold." He warned and received an understanding nod in response. Gojyo pressed the finger against the tight pucker of flesh, briefly circled the entrance, then pushed inside. As he expected Hakkai was tight, mind shatteringly tight even after his previous release had laxed the rest of his muscles. Gojyo moved his finger in and out, as deep as the third knuckle. His other hand lightly stroked Hakkai's reawakening erection.
The kappa added another pile of gel to his fingers and slipped his index alongside his middle. The ring of muscle gave way, stretching around the slicked digits. Gojyo pushed steadily until both fingers had sunk all the way in and then began thrusting against the constricting channel, twisting and scissoring to loosen his body. Hakkai continued to squirm and moan, assuring the kappa that he was enjoying the finger fuck. Kami, I want him so bad! I don't know how much longer I can hold out. I'm usually all about stamina, but... I just need to fuck him senseless! Gojyo took in a deep ragged breath and used his free hand to give his own aching erection a couple of quick downward strokes, trying to take the edge off.
The crinkle of cellophane brought him back to the task at hand. Hakkai had accidentally caught the string of condoms between his elbow and the bed, their wrappers protesting the rough treatment. Gojyo picked up the bottle from the sheets and squirted nearly half its contents into the hollow made by his middle three fingers curving towards the reddened orifice. He felt a bit dizzy, he assumed the entire situation was starting to wear down his control. The kappa put all his effort into pushing through the slowly loosening ring. Hakkai's breathing became erratic, his face slightly strained. A small whimper reached Gojyo's ears, piercing the thick sake sodden layers surrounding his right mind.
That little noise did it. Gojyo heard the pain so obviously trying to be stifled, saw Hakkai's brows drawn together over tightly shut eyes, and it dispelled the initial frantic mindset that had been driving the hanyou. What the fuck am I doing? I am good at this. I am the best at this. So why am I acting like an inconsiderate ass? Why am I hurting him? He withdrew two fingers, leaving one to soothe the hurt he had caused. Gojyo leaned forward to kiss the tense mouth. " Sorry." He whispered as he used his free hand to rub slow circles across the brunette's belly, physically asking the rigid muscles to forgive his carelessness.
" 'S'okay, Gojyo." Hakkai answered in a slightly breathless, but no longer pained, voice. He smiled softly and carded his fingers into the messy ponytail at the back of the kappa's neck. " I admit I'm... a little anxious to get to it, as well."
" Hey," Gojyo started at the hesitant shake in his friend's words, a thought suddenly occurring to him. ", have you ever done this before?"
The blush that spread across Hakkai's cheekbones was absolutely divine in Gojyo's opinion. " Yes, but it's been quite a while."
" What's ' a while'?" The kappa battled a tiny green eyed beast rearing it's unattractive head.
A moment passed, a tiny cloud of something dark swept over the youkai's face, dimming the viridian eyes. It was gone quickly, but it was enough to kill the pang of irreverent jealousy as Gojyo suspected he had unwittingly stumbled into an unpleasant memory. " Sorry. Again. " He dropped a light kiss on the tip of Hakkai's nose. " It's the alcohol talking stupid, not me."
" Understood." The demon smiled again as his body visibly sank further into the mattress under Gojyo's ministrations. Hakkai began to meet each of his partner's miniscule thrusts. " I'm fine now. Shall we proceed?"
Gojyo chuckled and added a second finger, glad that in his earlier lack of sobriety he hadn't neglected to use( spill) more than enough oil onto his hand and Hakkai's body. The passage was exceedingly slippery and gave no resistance. The red head worked the double digits carefully as he continued in between deep kisses. " 'Kai , you have got to be the most well mannered and polite person I have ever bedded." He nipped at the pulse point on the side of the man's neck.
" I suppose you'd extend your pinky finger during a hand job. Maybe write a ' thank you for the roll in the hay' card."
" I was actually thinking about pancakes in the mo-oooorning." Hakkai moaned out, back arching ever so slightly to push himself further onto the invading fingers. Dark hair tossed restlessly on the pillow. " But I have s-some lovely stationary if you'd rather have a n-n- ughnohgod! "
That's the spot, huh? Gojyo curved his fingers again to rub the spongy lump of tissue. If he had been paying attention he would have found it before now, it not being too far into the channel. The kappa lavished attention on the demon's prostate and let his heated moans fuel his own need. Shit, he's driving me crazy. Gotta hold on, gotta hold on...
" M-more, Gojyo. Please." Hakkai's speech was slowly deteriorating, but his voice remained the same calm, level tone that he used everyday. " I'm r-r-ready for more."
I can't be doing this right if he can still string together a sentence. Gojyo quirked the side of his mouth into a rueful expression and carefully added a third finger. The tip rimmed the delicate edge of tissue, pushing slightly until it gave way for the digit. Gojyo continued to slowly pump his fingers in and out of Hakkai's body, making sure to graze the sensitive prostrate on each entry. The brunette began to pant, sweat running in rivers down the sides of his face, soaking into the darkened hairline just above his ears. His member was fully erect, livid and leaking shiny drops of pre cum. Hakkai was now incapable of speech; low guttural moans were his vocalizations for what seemed like an eternity to Gojyo. That's right! Who's the man? I'm the man! I'm the m-
The kappa's mental cheers were cut short as the man beneath him abruptly grabbed the wrist of the hand knuckle deep within him and jerked said hand away. Gojyo had a brief second of panic, afraid that he had once again hurt his friend, but his fears were swiftly dispelled. The youkai half sat up, cellophane square in one hand, nearly empty bottle of lube in the other. There was an odd look in the emerald eyes, lustful and needy and everything that Gojyo had always fantasized Hakkai would be, but never actually associated with the real man. The darker man still did not speak, merely rubbed the weeping slit of the red head's member with cool gel, unrolled the latex sheath over the protruding flesh and poured the last of the artificial slickness onto the entire affair. Hakkai then laid back down, pausing to brush an irritating strand of hair from the bridge of his nose, and locked gazes with crimson.
Gojyo acted on instinct, his mind peaceful and blank as he placed Hakkai's long legs upon his shoulders, calves pressing against his earlobes. He aimed his readied cock at the equally readied entrance and pushed in. Both men grunted. Gojyo gripped the other man's hips, pulling Hakkai towards him as he pushed forward, burying himself quickly in the tight heat. As soon as he was fully seated inside his partner's body, the kappa spread his knees further apart to gain better leverage. Gojyo let the slender legs slide down his arms to rest in the crooks of his elbows, leaned over the gasping brunette and slapped both hands down onto the mattress, one on either side of Hakkai's chest. He had the youkai effectively pinned to the bed, practically bent in half. Beads of sweat dripped from his disheveled hair and the tips of his lashes to splash onto the flushed skin below. There the droplets mingled and merged and mixed with the other man's perspiration until Gojyo couldn't differentiate between them.
Hakkai cried out, though not in pain, and eagerly wiggled in his limiting position. Gojyo could see and feel the fine trembles coursing through the demon's body, inner muscles constricting around him. Opposing hands found each other in the crumpled bedclothes, laced their fingers together and gripped mercilessly. Gojyo kept one hand free to curl around the demon's muscular thigh and encircle his weeping cock. Not-gonna-last-long... just gotta- Even the kappa's thoughts were interrupted by his own harsh pants.
Gojyo inhaled shakily and tightened his hold on the quivering piece of flesh caught between their bellies. He did not start out slow and easy, but immediately fell into a pounding rhythm. The red head felt as though his entire body was being consumed by the inferno emanating from their point of joining, as though the being below him were sucking him in. Dizziness again swept over Gojyo, his head heavy, his breathing labored, but he fought the urge to slow down.
The brunette seemed to have lost all control. Hakkai moved against the kappa with abandon, thrusting and gyrating and grinding in ecstatic enthusiasm. A constant stream of low moans and what sounded to Gojyo like growls spilled from the youkai's parted lips, thickening the symphony of grunts coming from the kappa. Coherent words were still beyond Hakkai in his lust driven haze.
In and out, in and out, hard slaps of flesh to flesh. The demon's passageway squeezed Gojyo's cock almost painfully, Hakkai was so tight, the excessive amount of lubricant the only thing really allowing intercourse; even the kappa's earlier stretching hadn't managed to fully loosen the other's body. Gojyo would have worried about possibly injuring his best friend, but the brunette gave no indications of discomfort. Hakkai was fully entrenched in the moment. The kappa rapidly stroked the engorged member held captive in his palm, making sure to thumb the slit on each upward motion, smearing the generous amount of pre cum over the sensitive head. Hakkai's breath caught in his throat every time Gojyo performed the slight action.
Oh gods, oh gods... so hot and tight and hothothothothothot... Gojyo could feel his orgasm bubbling at the base of his cock, his balls tightening in the most maddening of ways. Oh shit! I'm not gonna last, not gon- The second the red head felt his own control slipping away, Hakkai's back arched dramatically, a scream seemingly torn from his throat. Suddenly, Gojyo's hand was swimming in warm liquid, their bellies coated in Hakkai's creamy release. As the demon's muscles clamped down around Gojyo's erection, the red head let go of what little was left of his restraint. He uncurled his fingers from Hakkai's spent member, slapping them back onto the mattress beside the nearly boneless body, grabbing a fistful of sheet. With two more difficult thrusts and a primal shout that echoed off the walls, Gojyo shot his seed into the latex shield and collapsed on top of his roommate.
The world was spinning, but it was a lazy, peaceful rotation that Gojyo recognized as his usual post coital state. It's a good thing. He cracked his eyes open to find a portion of pale neck, jaw line and the lower half of an ear lobe partially hidden by dark locks. The kappa breathed in the scent of sweat and sex, the familiar fragrance causing a cat like grin to stretch across his face. A hollow pattering sound reached Gojyo's ears from above; the rain. The kappa had entirely forgotten about the storm still drenching the little village outside.
He listened to its lulling rhythm until another sensation brought his attention back to his bed. Hakkai was lightly running a hand over his back, little aftershocks still shaking his slender frame, making their way into Gojyo through points of skin contact. And he was...Humming. I can't believe Hakkai hums after sex. The red head nosed further into the crook of the other man's neck and shoulder, reluctant to move from the oh so comfortable spot, but there was a slight nagging thought at the edge of his mind and Gojyo remembered he had to dispose of the condom.
"Ughnnn" Gojyo groaned as he lifted his head. Blindly placing kisses on the side of Hakkai's throat and cheek, he finally managed to shift to his elbows, then to his knees. Gojyo tried to bring his hands to his slowly wilting member, but was frozen in place; Hakkai's hand was still clasped tightly about his. This brought another upward quirk of the kappa's lips. " Nee' m' 'and." Gojyo mumbled/whispered. A line of emerald flashed in the poor illumination, rosy lips curled and mouthed a ' Sorry' as Hakkai's long fingers released their death grip. The kappa held onto the base of the condom as he slowly pulled out of the other man's hot center. Both men made a disappointed noise at the loss.
Unwilling to expend the energy required to get up and make it to the trash can on the other side of the flat, Gojyo simply dropped the used latex over the side of the bed. A small amount of fumbling rewarded him with the edge of his discarded shorts which he used to clean them off in a rather lackadaisical manner. The soiled clothing joined the used rubber.
Gojyo once again fell on top of the slighter male, snuggling close. He didn't feel drunk anymore, though his mind was warm and fuzzy around the edges. This...feels...nice... The red head flung an arm across Hakkai's chest, a leg over his thighs and promptly fell asleep as the brunette hummed softly.
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