A Friendly Wager | By : Almister Category: Pokemon > General Views: 13544 -:- Recommendations : 2 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I don't own Pokemon, I make no money from this story. |
Liz awoke in the late morning, stretching out and feeling refreshed after sleeping in for the first time all week. She was naked, she noticed absently, as she had been when she went to bed the night before, and the sheets were tangled around her legs, leaving her upper body exposed to the cool morning air. She didn't want to admit it, even to herself, but sleeping curled up against Sasha was quite relaxing. She cut her thoughts off before they lead her to another day of frustration and got up out of bed.
Sasha was gone, a note on the desk said he was downstairs in the lounge, and that she should do something about getting breakfast for them. "Damn lazy bastard, he's been up for hours and he can't be bothered getting his own breakfast." She grumbled, crumpling the note and throwing it into a waste bin. Here she was, a slave for all intents and purposes, and all he does is use her for cooking and humiliate her.
Gathering a clean pair of clothes from the pile returned by the Center's washing services, she pulled on her usual outfit, and headed down to the lounge. Sure enough Sasha was there, lounging away with his hat pulled low over his face, strumming away on a worn-looking guitar.
o/~ They made up their minds, and they started packing, They left before the sun came up that day. An exit to eternal summer slacking, But where were they going, without ever knowing the way? o/~ he sang, surprisingly well, getting a few trainers to throw money into the guitar case at his feet.
o/~They drank up the wine, and they got to talking. They now had more important things to say. And when the car broke down they started walking. Where were they going without ever knowing the way?o/~
As he broke out into the chorus Liz headed over to the food counter, pulling out a small amount of cash won over the past week to pay for it. She headed over to a table near Sasha as he finished up his song, a rather sizable crowd had gathered by the end. Eventually he gathered up the money, thanked the crowd politely, and came over to sit at the table and eat.
"An interesting choice in song, what are you running away from?" Liz asked, picking up on the theme of running away from responsibility.
"The rattling chains, my friend." Sasha replied. "Life's too beautiful to take seriously, nobody gets out alive anyways."
"You're really planning on panhandling your way across Johto?" Liz asked skeptically, noticing he had a few thousand Poke from only a few hours of playing.
"Bards used to do it." Sasha shrugged. "Easy come, easy go, I can get by on the bare necessities if need be."
"You're far too laid back." the rookie Pokemon trainer complained, finishing her breakfast.
"You're too wound up, though I think last night helped a bit." Sasha joked, causing the girl to blush.
"I can't believe you made me do those things." She grumbled.
"I didn't 'make' you do anything but bottle it in for a week, you just took advantage of an opportunity." Sasha shrugged.
A few days passed, and the pair travelled north up route 30, still at their agonizingly slow pace.
"Remind me again why we can't go faster?"
"I'm Lazy?" Sasha suggested with a shrug, getting a groan from the girl. "You should consider catching a water type."
"Is that an order?" Liz asked, raising an eyebrow. So far the boy had refrained from meddling with her life as a trainer, instead torturing her in other ways.
"A suggestion. A Water type would help cover Cubchoo's Rock, Ground and Fire weaknesses. We can wander around a bit and maybe find a Buizel, or go over to the water and look for Polywags." The cheery boy suggested, causing Liz to stop and ponder the validity of the statement.
Reluctantly, she agreed and the two took a trip off the beaten trail a good distance, eventually finding a waist deep stream. "I don't have a fishing rod." Liz grumbled, unable to see any water types on either shore.
"You'll have to do it the old fashioned way then. Dive in there and see what you can scare up." Sasha suggested, dropping his gear and settling down in the shade of a large tree.
"Dive in?" She asked, bending down to touch the water, as expected it was ice-cold, even in summer, having flowed down from the mountains nearby.
"You'll have to strip down first, no sense getting your clothing soaked." He called, and once again Liz was left wondering if the boy was cruel or just oblivious.
"I'm not getting naked out in public." She said, giving the boy a stern look.
"I've seen you naked already, and nobody else is here. Just strip down and dive in, it's for the good of your dream isn't it?" He called, causing her to relent. With an exaggerated sigh, and a quick glance around, she stripped out of her clothing with little ceremony, leaving them in a pile far from the water's edge. She stood there naked, feeling the hot summer sun shining down on her, and dipped a toe in the water.
Any thoughts of how naughty being naked in public made her feel, or the heat that came with the thrill of potentially being seen, went away immediately when faced with the frigid cold.
"Nervous?" A voice asked right in her ear, causing her to start with surprise and fall forward into the water. She surfaced sputtering curses and splashing violently, and paused to give her 'partner' a death glare.
"That looks cold." He merely commented, taking a glance at her exposed nipples.
"It's freezing, thanks." She replied, and set about searching the water for any elusive Pokemon. It was slow going, the water was dark enough that she was forced to fumble about blindly, hoping to bump into something and scare it to the surface. After an hour of seeing nothing but the occasional glint of Magikarp scales, she climbed up onto the shore and flopped down on the rocks, intent on sunbathing for a bit to stave off hypothermia. She lay there for a few minutes, content to soak in the sunlight like a grass type Pokemon, gently dozing as the feeling in her toes returned.
"You've been working hard lately." Sasha's voice carried over to her on the gentle breeze.
"You noticed?" She replied with a bit of sarcasm. She'd been facing every challenge from every trainer she came across, lucking out against those with grass types, but even getting a few narrow victories against fire and rock types.
"I think you could use a reward." He said, his voice sounding closer. She opened her eyes to see him sitting next to her, and before she could reply he leaned in and gave her a kiss. Her eyes opened wide from the shock, but she soon got into it, by this point unsurprised that he was a good kisser as well. Her mouth moved along with his, and her body heat flared to life once more, causing her to moan into the kiss and raise her hands towards his body. Abruptly the kiss ended, and Sasha placed her hands back down against the rocks.
"Let's play a game. I'll give you a reward for being such a good girl so far, as long as you keep your hands on those rocks." He said, causing Liz to nod dumbly, as the blonde haired boy leaned in to kiss her once more. This time the kiss lasted a few minutes, before his lips moved to kissing down her neck, pausing to suck and lick across her pulse. She moaned as he continued downwards, across her collar bone and down towards her breasts. Her grip on the rocks tightened as he began to lick and suck at her nipples, even lightly biting them occasionally, eliciting a sharp moan from her each time.
To her surprise his mouth continued on its southward journey, kissing down her toned stomach and shaven mound until he kissed the spot right above her clit. She bucked, involuntarily, craving his touch, or any touch at all on her most intimate of places. Instead he moved to her right thigh, kissing his way down the inside to her knee. With agonizing slowness he moved to her other leg and kissed and licked his way northward, drawing closer and closer to her now-dripping molten center. Forcing herself to remain still, her hands gripping the rocks with white-knuckled intensity, she groaned between deep panting breaths as his tongue finally found its mark.
Starting with the bottom of her pussy she felt it move upwards, dragging lazily along the outside edge, just barely brushing against her outer lips. He repeated this motion, teasingly circling the very edge of her pleasure center, until she began begging for release. "Please..." She managed to say between pants, her words coming out with a whine.
"I can't... Please..." She said incoherently. He didn't respond, merely taking one of her inner folds within his lips, and pinching it gently, running his tongue along it. He repeated this with the other side, before dipping his probing tongue into her warm dripping depths and dragging it upwards. When he reached the top he circled around her clit twice, teasing the sensitive nub before continuing the journey downwards, dipping inside her once again.
Her body trembled, fighting the urge to move for fear of ending the delicious torment. Any thoughts of their arrangement being unfair were invalid if this was her reward for working hard. Just when her mind had begun feeling as though it would melt he changed his strategy, instead moving right to her clit and closing his lips around it. With a gasp she felt him suck her sensitive button into his mouth and began flicking his tongue across the bundle of nerves rapidly. All hope of resistance vanished as her body bucked wildly, her orgasm was seconds away, she raised her hands to grab his head and hold him there.
And immediately he stopped. The sudden loss of what bordered on sensory overload left her dazed. A half formed question died on her lips as she was suddenly rather unceremoniously scooped up and flung into the frigid water. She rose again, sputtering, splashing, and swearing even more loudly this time, and fixed him with a glare that would wither most fully grown men. He merely smiled down at her, "Time to keep searching I think."
Hours passed with no sign of any Pokemon. Liz continued her pattern of searching for an hour and laying in the sun to warm up, until late afternoon rolled around. Sasha had moved from the shade of the tree and shed his clothing, content to tan in the sun while she worked. He made no comments, or moves to 'reward' her, much to her frustration, and she was left in a rather cross mood as she continued searching. Finally, as the sun was just about to set she saw a streak shoot through the water from upstream. Positioning herself to intercept it, she grabbed the struggling Pokemon as it tried to swim past, and threw it onto the shore with some struggle.
Cubchoo was up and ready to fight the moment the stunned Buizel emerged from the river, and before it could recover the little bear Pokemon had begun attacking it with swipes and frozen punches. The battle raged on for a few minutes, until Cubchoo overwhelmed the water type Pokemon, and Liz managed to capture it. Impressed by her own success she returned Cubchoo as well and flopped down onto the rocks to bask in the setting sun.
"I caught a Buizel." She called to Sasha, who was laying a few feet away.
"I saw." He replied.
"Do you think... I should get a reward?" She asked, hesitantly. She really didn't want to come off as a slut, but being left hanging so close to finishing was a real pain. Sasha remained silent. Sighing she flopped back down and closed her eyes. Rising to her feet she walked over to where the boy lay, once more admiring the fairly well toned body. Kneeling down she leaned forward, and gave his limp tool a long lick.
"What are you doing now?" He asked, observing her strange behavior.
"You don't want me to move my hands right?" She said, placing a hand on either side of the boy's body, and licking the member once more.
"It was more about following directions, but I was going to decide on a punishment later." He replied casually.
"You can still punish me. I just want to prove I can do it." She said, tonguing the hardening piece of flesh into her mouth to suck on. It was difficult, but she eventually got the hang of maneuvering through a blowjob using only her lips and tongue, and built up a steady rhythm. Sasha's commands of 'deeper' were met with enthusiasm, and the very limits of her gag reflex were tested as she took inch after inch into her mouth with each bob of her head.
She gave out a long humming moan around his cock as he moved her rear end over his own head and leaned up to give her a slow lick. "Are you a good girl?" He asked, lapping up the juices that had soaked her while she blew him. She moaned in response, still bobbing away.
"Are you going to continue being a good girl?" He asked, getting another moan in response. "I'm a nice boy, but if you don't obey me, you won't have a good time. Understood?" A muffled 'mhmm' reverberated through dick and saliva.
He continued to eat her, as she worked away at pleasing him, her hands never moving from their place on the ground. Eventually she began to shake, her orgasm once again building to uncontrollable levels as she stopped blowing him due to lack of concentration. She raised her head from his slobber-covered cock, and instead panted away with each swipe of his tongue against her clit. Her hips rocked against his face lewdly, thrusting her sensitive bundle of nerves against his tongue with reckless abandon. "So... close..." She moaned.
His tongue darted upwards, away from her clit and through her lips, passed her dripping entrance to circle around the tiny hole that had been within his sights since she began pleasing him. She let out a gasp, feeling the warm wetness of his tongue around her backdoor, circling and pushing away at the tight entrance. It soon became a moan as it sent spikes of new found pleasure coursing through her body.
She began rocking again, as a thumb came up to rub against her clit, and the tongue pushed its way passed the tight ring of muscle, causing her to shudder and shake, feeling the orgasm building to even higher heights. With a final cry the tongue withdrew, his mouth moving down to catch her release as her body contracted, sending blinking stars of light across her vision, and causing her arms and legs to wobble precariously.
She remained conscious, if only barely, and after catching her breath through a throat hoarse from screaming, drove her head downwards, taking the entire length of Sasha's sizable member into her mouth. It was a struggle, forcing down her urge to vomit as the head of his dick pushed its way into her throat. But she pushed onwards, working her tongue around the shaft as her throat muscles massaged it.
Luckily Sasha was close himself, and soon let loose with his own load, fired right into her throat and down into her gullet. It seemed like gallons to Liz, as she felt the warm sticky liquid flow down into her belly and rest there, filling her with a satisfied feeling as she rolled to the side. The two lay there panting for several minutes, before Sasha finally sat up. He looked her over, seeing her arms and legs still shaking from the afterglow, and gave a small smile.
"You can complain all you want, call me all sorts of names, and rage to the world about how unfair I am. But you aren't going to disobey anything I tell you to do now, are you?"
Liz could only shake her head numbly. Even though something told her that making her skinny dip would be the least he'd do on their journey, the reward definitely seemed worth it.
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