Everything You Hoped For | By : Digitriangel Category: Digimon > Threesomes/Moresomes Views: 28216 -:- Recommendations : 1 -:- Currently Reading : 1 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Digimon and make no money off of this work. |
Epilogue 3: Light and Life
I’m not sure if I consider this chapter cannon to the story per se, because it ruins the fun a bit. But it bounced around in my head enough I had to include it.
Eight years old:
Odaiba had many sights, from the boardwalk to the Ferris wheel and everything in between. Hikari’s eight-year-old mind was unsure why so many people went out of their way to spend their time in her hometown, but it was good enough for her.
The digital world was far more green, at least from what she had seen. Trees and plants everywhere, at least the parts that was not the ocean. There had been a lot of ocean, but then, supposedly there was a lot of ocean on earth too.
This world wasn’t either of those places. It had neither trees nor houses. No streams or oceans. There was not even dirt beneath her feet, she could kick helplessly and move nowhere.
The only feature this world had was an endless expanse of whiteness. To the left: white. To the right: white. Up, down, behind: white.
It was oddly calming.
Somehow this big empty space, away from her brother and his new friends, felt more at home to her than anywhere she’d been in her life.
turn around
A voice called out from the void. It came from all directions at once, and yet from nowhere at all. The voice was familiar, the same person that had called out to her in the woods.
That’s right, she was in the woods right now. After Takeru came back his big brother left, and then when they found Yamato he’d demanded to fight Taichi for some reason. The voice had promised to fix it if Hikari helped. So why was she here?
“Do not be alarmed.” The voice was far more palpable now, coming from squarely behind the girl. Hikari twisted her body, finding the action surprisingly natural in this suspended universe, and saw a girl staring back at her. This girl was far older than even Sora, but still too young to be called a true woman. Maybe a bit younger that Ms. Momo who taught her art after school. She had reddish brown shoulder length hair that spilled over her face.
“Who are you?”
“I am the one who desires stability.” the girl said in the familiar voice. “Although, this body is a rental. My true form is incomprehensible, even to you.”
“You’re the voice from the forest.” Hikari accused.
“What are you doing? Why are you here? I thought you were going to stop my brother and Yamato from fight?”
“I have already calmed them. Do not worry, two high level chosen Digimon quarreling is not in my best interest either. There is however, still a matter we need to discuss.”
“Oh,” said Hikari, a little embarrassed at her own outburst. “Like what?”
“Humans are capable of rapid evolution. Perhaps not in the classical sense, your bodies are still restricted to the pace of those around you, and quite slow compared to other animals. Instead you evolve the world to suit your needs. As such I picked your species to aid me in bringing balance to the digital world. The digivices are manifestations of that rapid growth.” The being paused, introspective for a moment.
“You all have been marked by this experience, even if you go home, your bodies will be unable to grasp the powers you now passively possess. For most of the others this will not manifest for many years. You are special however.”
“Me?” Hikari responded “Special? Taichi is far more wonderful than I am. And Koushiro is smarter and-”
“I am not speaking of the manners humans measure. Intelligence and athleticism are only two virtues of many. You possess something purer, more innate.” the girl spread her arms and gestured to the empty space. “If not you wouldn’t even be able to observe this place. Not even this vessel could come here without losing her mind. You are the first human with this high level of compatibility in almost two millennia.”
Hikari glanced around at the white expanse. “It’s just kind of empty.”
“Yes, to a being like yourself who can only observe four dimensions I’m sure it appears that way. Nevertheless, simply entering my domain is an astounding undertaking.”
Hikari nodded lightly, hoping the being couldn’t read her doubts.
“Your unique reception to my power has proven a double edged sword, where others developed normally your body has been plagued by sickness and fatigue. If left unchecked your body will break down prematurely, and your mind will give in to the thralls of madness before this year ends. Within two, the very world around you will not obey Newtonian norms.”
“That’s not good.” Hikari said. She knew her sickness was not ordinary by the way the doctors talked to her, but she had no idea it was this bad, whatever Newtonian meant.
“However, because of our compatibility I can aid you, relieve you of the buildup of power and directly insert your reality warping power into causality.”
“Thanks Miss.” Hikari said.
“There is one complication. The buildup has been designed to be selfish, as some form of human greed is a necessary to human evolution as courage, friendship, or any other virtue. I cannot simply purge the power from you; it must be used to your benefit.”
“I’m not sure I understand.”
“In more simplistic terms: once a year I will come to you and alter destiny based on your specifications.”
“Like a wish?”
“A misleading phrase, destiny is far stronger than a simple wish. If you wish for a new doll anyone can take it from you. If it’s your destiny to own the doll then it would be quite a feat for others to separate you.”
“Wow, and this will make it so I don’t get sick anymore?”
“You will still be vulnerable to human diseases, unless you become specifically destined elsewise, but this current fatigue will be alleviated.”
“Thanks again miss… what’s your name?”
“I am the one who desires stability.”
“Thanks, miss Stability. But why are you doing all this for me?”
“I have not had an avatar in nearly two millennia, losing one now would be unfortunate. Now go, your friends will need you soon.”
Nineteen years old:
“Please...” she whined “let me go. Aren’t you supposed to be my friend? How can you keep me here like this? I need to go.”
Flattery will get you nowhere. You know I am far less helpful in this plane.
“Please you have to let me go, I have to see him.”
I understand your distress, but knowledge is watching. Hope is fine, I assure you.
“Why won’t you help me?”
The gears of fate are turning, I have not the energy to alter them. Please give me more time. Be patient and your happy end awaits.
“You can do it right now if I help you? You can get me out of here?”
It would be unfair to utilize your power twice on this. However, it is within my ability, if you dig deep.
“Thank you.”
Hikari felt the now familiar drain as Homeostasis began to worm her way into her body. Finally she had the method to save her beloved from that traitorous cur Koushiro
Eighteen years old:
“Can you make sure I get into college?”
I did that last year.
“Cure cancer?”
That is a broad question, cure cancer for whom? Or which type. There are many kinds and I can only help you selfishly.
“Urg” Hikari cried into her pillow. “Why do I have to pick something every year?”
If not your body and mind will break down from the -
“Rhetorical.” Hikari cut out. “I just, I don’t know what I want.”
Unfortunately, I cannot simply make you know what you want.
Hikari looked over at her bedside table, a magazine of idol groups stuffed wildly under her alarm clock. Miyako had brought it over in hopes of jolting Hikari into some moment of flustered confession. It was quite meaningless. No matter what Hikari didn’t seem to be able to find that stirring her loins.
She wasn’t sure why: Taichi was such a monster at college Hikari had bought ear plugs, and he rarely even came home. Daisuke lusted after half the cheerleaders at once. And Takeru could simply walk to the local all-girls school and walk out with a date in less time than it took to cook dinner.
Hikari had masturbated before, she understood why people liked sex. Just knowing who or what she should like was very overwhelming.
“Couldn’t you?”
It’s destiny. I can’t make your destiny to know what you want in your destiny
“No,” Hikari explained gabbing the magazine and opening up to the top ten most attractive male idol groups. “Like this.”
I do not follow
Like these guys are hot, right?
I am being beyond the scope of sexual reproduction. Human attraction is a concept foreign to me.
“Well they are. I mean. This is a list of the hottest idol groups so they have to be attractive. I just want to be able to look at that and know. Like a normal girl.”
You wish to feel heterosexual attraction?
“I don’t know. Just not this.”
Seventeen years old:
Hikari was staring at the open book, willing trigonometry to make more sense if she simply spent more time on it. The triangles seemed to mock her as they stared back at her.
It’s quite straight forward. How you humans can constantly create empires and yet struggle with such rudimentary truisms is beyond me.
“Shut up, this doesn’t even matter in the real world.”
There are countless relevant applications, in a way the entire-
“I mean I don’t need to know it. Someone else will handle those countless cases.”
If it has such little importance, why do you care?
“Because if I don’t pass this exam, then I can’t become a teacher and then what am I supposed to do with my life?” There was no answer from the voice inside her head. Hikari let out a groan. “Daisuke and Takeru don’t even need to know this since they aren’t going to college. I’m just going to crash alone as the only unsuccessful chosen.”
I assure you, no one blessed by me will define themselves as unsuccessful. Whatever you deem as happiness, you are sure to achieve.
“Can’t you just make me pass this exam?”
There is no need to alter destiny for that. Anyone with a basic understanding of causation can see the end result.
“Well I can’t”
Obviously. If you cannot comprehend such instinctive knowledge you call ‘trigonometry’ then scrying is well beyond your capabilities.
“Just shut and help me.”
I can no more instruct you in this matter than you can teach me how to make your heartbeat. It is to trivial to convey.
“Fine” Hikari said dropping her pen. “If you can’t make me pass the test than why don’t you make me the best teacher in the world. Is that complicated enough for you? At least that way I know I’ll actually be one.”
Very well.
“Wait you can do that? I thought it had to only be something we could complete within a year?”
Forgotten already?
“What does that mean”
She received no answer.
Sixteen years old:
“Hey Taichi, What’s new?” she asked. Her brother was home for the first time in months. She’d phoned him daily, too jarred by his transition to be without his company. But as the semester wore on his visits became less and less frequent.
She’d had a bit of trouble adjusting, but luckily Takeru and Miyako had helped her tackle the transition to high school’s higher work load in the absence of her older sibling.
“Same old, Same old.” he returned, dropping his suitcase and plopping down on the couch.
“It’s not ‘new’ if it’s ‘old’.” Hikari giggled.
“We talked like yesterday -”
“- how much did you expect to change.” he said exasperated.
“Don’t be like that.” she whined “I haven’t seen you in months. Why don’t you visit more often?”
“I’ve been busy okay?”
“Does this have something to do with that Mochizuki girl?” their mom cut in from the kitchen.
“No!” he protested with a light blush.
“Oh my god!” Hikari exclaimed “You and Meiko? Why didn’t you tell me?”
“We’re not really ‘dating’ dating. It’s just kinda complicated.”
“I can work with complicated. Does Mimi know?” she might finally have one up on the gossip queen, who would be one hundred and twenty percent down with helping Meiko with the bull headed leader.
“No, it’s complicated.”
It is quite complex Homeostasis supplied I have never seen a human mating ritual quite like it, considering Courage, Libra, Friendship and Love. There are many parings, and I can’t tell if their objective is to mate or neutralize each other.
‘Wait you think they are trying to kill each other’ Hikari thought to the god inside her head.
Not kill: neutralize, subjugate, ensnare. There is a battle for power raging among them I did not anticipate.
‘You did this?’
Not directly,
‘Go on….’
I may have underestimated the selfish element of human saviors.
‘well what are you waiting for? Stop it before someone dies.’
Is that your wish?
“Hikari!” Taichi called. “Are you okay? I thought we were losing you again.”
“Fine.” Hiakri said “Fine. So back with you and Meiko...”
Homeostasis would not bug her again that night.
Fifteen years old:
“Today was fun.” Hikari said, she and her brother were walking back to their apartment “How long has it been since the whole group got together. Meiko too?”
“I dunno?” Taichi replied. “A while?”
“A while? hmmm? You mean you haven’t been counting the days?”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” he replied, keeping his voice flat.
“Nothing” she sang. “But she still seems reserved, I wish she’d open up more around us.”
Do you?
“Yeah,” Taichi agreed “but it’s hard for her right now.”
“Exactly. No one else is going to understand a thing she’s going through. Himekawa’s still in therapy, her parents won’t understand. Her friends in Tamachi won’t understand. She needs to be one of us again.”
Is that truly your wish?
‘I hadn’t thought of it’ Hikari paused in her thoughts to ‘But it’s as good as any other.’
Very well
Fourteen years old:
Hikari was in her room petting Tailmon and looking at the wall.
“Meikomon was the source of the infection?” she asked aloud.
From what we gathered yes. The seed that disrupts evolution is within her.
“So what do we do?”
It’s tough, but we have no other choice so long as Meikomon exists the infection will spread.
“We move forward.” Tailmon said, attempting to comfort her partner. Unaware of the alternate conversation
“We save her.” Hikari said firmly.
Is that your wish? To attempt to save one as corrupted as that, the entire digital world would be put at stake. There is no future for that one. Only past.
“We save her.” she reiterated softly but firmly
“I will probably never forgive you.” Hiakri said with quiet venom “But that is why, I will fight with you.”
Do you give up? Do you reject the cost?
She nodded as Angewoman began to glow. Hikari absolutely rejected this move, but they simply did not have time to keep fighting it when both Homeostasis and her brother were against her.
Thirteen years old:
Hikari. Homeostasis called out The time has come. Do you still wish to continue?
Twelve years old:
“So what now?” Hikari asked. “More and more people are knowing what Digimon are more and more Chosen popping up. Where do we go from here?”
As your world becomes more integrated with digital technology, the digital world will intertwine itself with yours. Digimon partners are one such aspect, although they will not all be chosen like you and your friends.
“That’s great. So now everyone can have a partner?”
No, digital integration is a trait of the youth. Those over thirty may never obtain a partner. I did not pick children on a whim.
“So what of the older people?”
They will be thrust into a world they don’t understand. As is human nature, they will likely attempt to eliminate it.
“That’s horrible”
It is, I am doing what I can to slow it, make the transition more bearable. But my reserves are depleted after Myotismon. There are other troublemakers too; opponents you humans cannot physically fight.
“But I can help right. If I wish for it?”
You would have to be more specific. These wishes must be selfish
“I don’t want to live in a world where people hate Tailmon just because she’s a Digmon.”
Eleven years old:
“He really is just a kid like us.” Hikari said. And it was true. Ken was warped, sick and twisted, but when it came down to it he was just a kid.
And, according to Daisuke, he could change. It wasn’t that Hikari hadn’t seen change before. Tailmon herself had done unspeakable things before becoming a chosen. But the difference was that no one was forcing Ken. No one placed that whip in his hands.
Still, he was just a kid, and Hikari wasn’t sure she wanted to hate him either. She saw how he cried for wormmon, his utter despair in that desert.
“Miss, Stability, if you are listening. Please can you save him? Can you make him into a good guy?”
Ten years old:
“It’s not fair. Why can’t I go to school with you?”
“Hikari, no one’s going to let you skip three years.” Taichi returned. He’d been in middle school for almost a year, but the same argument came up from time to time.
“But soon Koushiro and Mimi will be leaving too, and then I’ll be all alone.”
“You won’t be alone. What about that boy from Football club? Daisuke? He’s friendly enough.”
“I guess. But I can’t talk to him about Tailmon so it’s not the same.”
“Then talk to Takeru. He’s your age.”
“Takeru doesn’t go to my school.” Taichi froze, apparently he had forgotten that. “And his mom is never around anymore so he can’t come over unless Yamato brings him.”
“Huh.” Taichi said slowly. “Well you’re almost eleven. I’m sure mom will let you take the subway soon. Then you can go visit him”
Hikari stared at him blankly. After the digital world their parents barely let her out of the house to visit her normal friends. She hadn’t been sick for two years, but the overprotectiveness still plagued her.
“Nevermind.” Taichi said, brandishing a game controller “Why don’t we enjoy the time we have.”
“I hate school” Hikari repeated into her pillow.
Do you not seek to be a teacher? I understand they spend much time at educational institutions.
“It’s not the same.” Hiakri defended “That’ll be different because I’ll be grown up and able to see my friends whenever.”
Good. I was quite fond of your choice. Humans education system is an ingenious way to preserve what Darwinian evolution cannot maintain.
“This is why I don’t have any normal friends. You keep using a large vocabulary and they think I’m weird.”
Do you want more normal friends?
“No, I just wish, I wish Takeru was in my class next year. Then everything would be bearable. But he’s way far away.”
It’s not that far if you reach through the seventh dimension.
“What does that even mean? Stop confusing me”
Hikari, do you wish for Takeru to be in your class. It’s well within your power to do so.
“Really? of course.”
As you wish
“Oh thanks. We’ll be able to talk about Patamon and Tailmon. And play house again.” she paused. “Or is eleven too old for boys to play house? Sora never played that game so I don’t know.”
Nine years old:
“No Takeru, you’re doing it wrong. The husbands not supposed to do the cleaning. The wife does the cleaning and the husband goes to work.”
“No! Mom does the work and makes me do the cleaning.” the blond retorted. “That’s the way it works Hikari.”
“No it doesn’t.” she replied with a giggle. “Your family’s just weird.”
“Oh.” Takeru said, turning away. Hikari realized she hit a sore spot. Perhaps this wasn’t the best game to play with Takeru, but she wanted to try it and didn’t really have that many male friends her age. Except maybe the boy who followed Taichi around.
Takeru was visiting Yamato when Taichi and Sora popped over. The brothers had been spending a lot of time together since the digital world, and so it was relatively routine to dump Hikari and Takeru together while the older kids ran off.
It was her turn to pick what to play, and she -clearly not thinking- chose house.
“Takeru” she said hugging him from behind. He stiffened.
“I don’t wanna play this anymore.” she didn’t let go.
“That’s fine.” she was unsure what else to say. “Are you okay.”
“I’m not crying.” he said with a sniffle.
“I didn’t ask that.” she said, maybe a bit too cheerful.
“I just.” he paused. “I’m a terrible husband.” he inhaled sharply again.
“Takeru that games over now, it’s okay.”
“It’s not okay! I don’t have,” he righted himself “I don’t remember living with Dad. Whenever I come over he’s never there. And even before that, he musta been bad at it because if not he’d still be a husband right now.” He turned his head and let his watering eyes stare into hers “What am I supposed ta do?”
She wanted so badly to console him, to cheer him up. Even if it meant invoking miss Stability’s gift. “Takeru I promise you aren’t a bad husband.” she tried.
“You said it yourself”
“Then I’ll help you.” she offered “I’ll turn you into a wonderful husband. You’ll have a dozen wives. And I’ll be your first. Helping you along the way.”
“You mean it?” she nodded “You’ll be my favorite.” he joked.
“I better be.”
Hikari? I do not understand human mating rituals, but your request appears aberrant. Do you truly desire it?
“I mean it Takeru. It’s a promise.”
“Now kiss me.” Hikari joked.
“What? Eww?” Takeru made a face.
“It’s what husband and wife do.” She retorted.
Takeru’s eye twitched, but nonetheless he obediently closed his eyes and puckered. Hikari lent forward and gently placed her lips upon his for a quick peck that they would both later forget.
I’m going to say outright I don’t consider this Hikari’s power, Homeostasis was acting in lieu of a power.
As for Hikari’s power, well I will announce that I have had the idea, of making a new story following these ‘powers’ but in a more sfw plotline. Still sorting out all the details, so it’ll be a long time before anything comes out, and that may be under a different penname just to keep nsfw separate.
I also have some chapter ideas that never made the cut for this fic that never quite made the cut that will trickle out in the next few months.
And with that I bid you Adieu for now.
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