Moxibustion Violation | By : hsaotome Category: +M to R > Ranma ½ Views: 95025 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 1 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Ranma 1/2, and I do not make any money from these writings. |
Moxibustion Violation
by H. Saotome
Continuing the divergence in which the piece of the moxibustion chart
containing the cure for Ranma's weakness originally remained in Happosai's
possession, but Ryoga now has it. Dark. M/F, n/c, spank.
Note: In the original posting of the previous chapter, I forgot to
say anything about Hiroshi and Daisuke taking notice of the writing all over
Akane's and Ranma's bodies. This seemed too much of an oversight to let stand,
so I went back and added a few lines to that chapter to address the fact that
they would obviously have some reaction to it.
Chapter 23
Ryoga whistled as he walked down the street toward the Tendo house. He'd
found a cute little waitress at the dive in which he'd eaten dinner last
night, one who had responded pleasantly to his advances. They'd gone back to
her apartment, where he'd successfully worked his way into her bed. True, he'd
only gotten about five hours of sleep after she finally quit on him,
exhausted, but he felt plenty refreshed all the same. The morning fuck they'd
shared had been the icing on the cake.
And now it was time to put the next part of his plan into motion. He
grinned at the expression he could imagine on Ranma's and Akane's faces when
they heard what he proposed, but if he handled it right they wouldn't have a
chance to do anything about it. Then he'd have plenty of opportunities for fun
with the two of them!
At that point Ryoga's expression slipped into a frown. The one thing he
wasn't sure he could control was whether that wimp Jikiru would take over
again. Why did he have to share this body with such an idiot? If Jikiru
did take control again, he could mess everything up. That girl last
night had been a good move. Right now, basking in the afterglow, he was firmly
in charge. But how long would that last?
The trick, Ryoga decided as he walked along, wouldn't be to stay constantly
horny. That would be impossible, even for him. No, what he'd have to do is
arrange things so that it would be impossible to look at either Ranma or Akane
without thinking of sex, really hot sex. That way, if Jikiru did
gain ascendancy again, all it might take would be one look at the pair and
he'd be back in control himself. In fact, it would be best if that happened
every time he merely thought about them. Yes, that might work. He'd
have to make sure that he had plenty of memories of doing all sorts of
interesting things with the two of them, as soon as he could arrange to make
such memories.
Such thoughts restored his good cheer, and carried him the rest of the way
to his destination. He stood in front of the gate for a minute, reviewing what
he would say, then stepped through. As expected, Kasumi met him at the
"Oh, Ryoga-kun! We were just eating breakfast. Would you like to join
Ryoga gave the young woman a wide smile. "Thank you. I'd love to."
As they entered the family room where the others were filling bowls with
rice, Kasumi announced, "Look who just arrived! It's your friend,
It took an immense effort for Ryoga not to laugh at the looks of dismay
which crossed both Ranma's and Akane's faces. Of course, these were replaced
an instant later by masks of indifference. But all three of them knew how they
truly felt.
Ryoga settled himself at the table across from the other two teenagers,
ignoring Ranma's father at his side who was already busily stuffing his face.
The young man leisurely began filling his own bowl with rice, feeling a glow
of warmth fill him at his control over the situation. His revenge had begun
well, yesterday, but now it was time to settle in for the long haul. And to
let his two victims know exactly what they were in for.
When Kasumi knelt at the end of the table opposite her father, she turned
to the boy at her right and asked, "What brings you here today,
Ryoga scratched the back of his head with a hand and laughed, letting a
hint of feigned nervousness slip into it. "That's a question with a rather
long answer, I'm afraid. But I was hoping I could stay here for a while."
Ranma couldn't prevent a startled "What?" from escaping his mouth. Akane
simply looked horrified, before hiding her emotions once more. Soun lowered
his newspaper to give the boy a surprised look.
"I beg your pardon?" the patriarch of the household said.
"I know that was pretty unexpected, but please hear me out," Ryoga said
seriously. "I've heard about Akane's and Ranma's problems, and I think I might
be able to help them, and it would help me at the same time."
Both Ranma's and Akane's hearts skipped a beat in terror that he was about
to tell everyone about their rapes, before they both realized that he had no
intention of doing anything of the sort, that he was obviously referring to
Ranma's moxibustion induced weakness and Akane's alleged heart condition. They
wondered what he was up to, but the pause had been long enough for Ryoga to
continue with his explanation.
"I've been off studying some chi techniques," the boy told everyone. "And
one of the side benefits is that I don't get lost as easily anymore. That
means I don't have to be stuck wandering as much as I used to. Originally I
was planning to go back home and stay there. Not that it's really much of a
home, since my parents are always lost as well. Even worse, the techniques I
learned can't help them, because they can only be applied to younger
"Even so, I would think you would want to live in your own home, your own
room," Kasumi replied, her eyes looking sad at the thought of the young man's
difficult life.
Ryoga shrugged. "To tell the truth, it hasn't really been much of a home to
me for years. I was lost so much, I was hardly ever there. And like I said,
most of the time it would feel pretty empty, with just me there. Still, that's
what I was planning, until I heard about Ranma's and Akane's trouble. That's
when it came to me that the chi techniques I learned might be able to help
them as well."
Soun smiled broadly, intensely cheered that this fellow might be able to
save his youngest. He had been very worried about her for the last several
weeks since the doctor had discovered her problem. "How wonderful! You can
cure them? Right now?"
Even Genma was affected sufficiently by this announcement to look up from
his breakfast. Long enough, at least, to grunt his pleasure.
Ryoga held up both hands, palm out. "Wait! Wait! Slow down there. I
think the techniques I learned can cure them. Probably. We won't know
until we try. But even if it does work, it's going to take time. Probably a
couple of months or so. We definitely can't fix what's wrong today." He turned
to the pair sitting across from him and gave them a wink, entirely untroubled
by the way they were scowling at him.
Soun shrugged off the length of time as too trivial to think about. "That
you can cure them at all is good enough. And I suppose you want to stay here
so that you can train them daily in these healing techniques? It's an
excellent suggestion! Of course you can stay here!" As a matter of fact, Soun
was prepared to nail the boy's feet to the floor to make sure he didn't get
away before his daughter was cured.
Akane gave her father a look of betrayal. Ranma sarcastically pointed out,
"And I suppose you're just going to happily freeload off the Tendos for the
next couple of months, in exchange for this quote cure unquote you're gonna
give us. That right?"
Ryoga smirked. "The freeloading pot shouldn't call the kettle black.
Especially when the kettle is planning to pay. I suppose it's never occurred
to you to wonder how I survive on my own, but with my family's little
direction problem my ancestors - well, the more recent ones - started a
practice of making investments and setting up accounts their children could
draw on, so that we could have money wherever our wandering feet took us. In
fact, we're reasonably well off." He turned toward Soun. "I was thinking,
maybe, eighty thousand yen a month for room and board?"
The response was instantaneous. "Sold!" the man shouted.
Ranma's expression was that of a person who bit into an apple only to find
half of a worm.
Kasumi remarked thoughtfully, "Now that Nabiki and Happosai have moved out,
we certainly have the room to spare."
Ryoga's mouth curled into an evil grin. "Hmm. Nabiki's room? That's the one
beside Akane's, right?"
"No!" both Ranma and Akane shouted simultaneously.
The three older people at the table appeared puzzled. "Of course it is,"
Soun corrected, a shade doubtfully.
Akane, trembling nervously, licked her lips and said, "I mean, uh, he
shouldn't take Nabiki's room."
"Yeah," Ranma added, gritting his teeth. "No way he's taking the room next
to Akane."
"Oh! I understand now!" Soun replied, weeping happily. "You two want rooms
beside one another. You're finally accepting the engagement! You don't know
how happy that makes your fathers. Of course Ranma will be the one to move
into Nabiki's old bedroom."
The young couple eyed the older man warily, but neither planned to make any
objection if this would keep Ryoga out of the room. In fact, now that it was
proposed, the idea didn't sound that bad. If only there was some way to keep
Ryoga out of the house.
While Ryoga had enjoyed teasing them about it, he never really expected to
get the room next to Akane. Besides, it was hardly necessary to his plans. On
the other hand, he would prefer at least to be on the same floor as them. So
"Fine with me," he shrugged. "Tell you what. Why doesn't Mr. Saotome move
into Happosai's old room on the ground floor, and I can take the room he and
Ranma shared? That puts both the men of the household on the first floor, and
all the younger folk upstairs. All nice and tidy."
Genma appeared to be nervous about the thought of taking the master's old
room, but if his son was to be believed the ancient pervert wouldn't be coming
back. Soun shrugged and said, "You're paying for the room. You should get to
Akane was still quite unhappy, to put it mildly, that her latest rapist
would be living under the same roof as her. She was also worried that Ryoga
might be telling the truth about not getting lost so easily. It struck her as
ominous that he had shown up at her house two days in a row. Wondering if
there was any way out of this without revealing the truth, which would run the
risk he would make good on his threat to destroy the scrap of chart, Akane
decided to quiz him on his plans.
"So could you tell us a little about this supposed cure? How is it going to
work? What sort of training do you have in mind?"
Ryoga smiled at her, silent until she swallowed in fear and looked down.
Then he answered, his response sounding rehearsed - because it was. "It will
require a regimen of massage, meditation and manipulation of pressure points.
The flow of chi in your bodies must be redirected, and prepared for a transfer
of further chi. That's going to take several weeks. When the time is right,
when your bodies are fully prepared, I will transfer some of my own chi to
both of you, which will not only strengthen you but stimulate the chi in your
own bodies to flow fully again instead of in the restricted manner it is now.
If we do it right, the renewed chi in your bodies will restore Ranma's
strength and Akane's health."
"That's wonderful, son," Soun gushed, completely convinced the young man
knew exactly what he was talking about.
"Yeah, wonderful," Ranma muttered. He and Akane could only hope that Ryoga
would keep his word to give them the paper so they could cure themselves,
while he accepted the credit for fixing them with his "chi techniques."
Ryoga nailed the two older men with a stern look. "There's one thing I have
to emphasize though. Meditation is a key part of the training regimen, even
during the massages and other stuff. We'll also be transferring tiny amounts
of chi to prepare and practice for the large transfer later on. If this is
going to work, we're going to need absolute privacy. Any interruption - any
interruption at all - could destroy all of the preparation we've made
up to that point. Understand?"
The two men both nodded happily, dreaming about their children being strong
again, getting married, and producing strong heirs.
Ryoga sighed. "Listen. I'm dead serious about this. Some of these
techniques aren't going to be very comfortable. You may hear strange noises,
moaning, shouts ... some of the noises caused by chi backlashes sound like
slapping, squishing, and so on. You'll probably get pretty curious. But if you
so much as peek in on us, you could undo everything. We'd have to start over
completely from scratch. I don't know how to make it clearer than that."
Genma nodded, his expression serious except for the dreamy look in his
eyes. "We're martial artists, son. We understand."
Across the table, Ranma and Akane could no longer hide the horror in their
eyes. Ryoga had just set things up so he could do anything he wanted with
either of them, at any time of day, behind closed doors, and no one in the
family would think anything of it. The situation had dissolved into a disaster
more complete than they could possibly have imagined yesterday when Ryoga had
forced them to give in to his demands.
"When do you want to move in, my boy?" Soun asked. He added, with just a
hint of suggestion, "The sooner the better, the way I see it."
Ryoga nodded his agreement. "Why don't I stick around to help Ranma and his
father move into their new rooms?" he offered, sounding as helpful as he
could. "Then I'll head over to my house and get my stuff. I think I can be
moved in by supper time." Looking down, he said quietly, "I hope you don't
mind, but I'd kind of like to spend Christmas here with you, tomorrow."
"Of course, Ryoga-kun!" Kasumi replied in her sweet way. "We'd love to have
you share Christmas with us. If father and Genma take care of cleaning out the
room down here, you and Ranma can move Nabiki's stuff out of her room. We
should be able to get everything moved around by lunch."
"Sounds good to me," Ryoga said, pushing back from the table with a
pleasantly full stomach. "I'm really looking forward to living here with all
of you, and working with Ranma and Akane. Believe me, you have no idea how
much I'm going to enjoy it."
Alone together upstairs in Nabiki's old bedroom, Akane closed the door
behind herself and the two boys. Ranma immediately turned to Ryoga and
snarled, "You must think you're pretty smart, don't you?"
Ryoga just smiled. "As a matter of fact, yes, I do. The three of us are
gonna have lots of fun together. But I plan to keep my word about letting you
go. Eventually. Just don't piss me off, or I might stretch it out even
"Fucking bastard," Ranma mumbled.
Ryoga sighed. "For your information, idiot, insults like that are the sort
of thing that might piss me off."
Ranma opened his mouth to make a scathing reply, but Akane caught his eye
and he closed it again. In order to avoid saying anything else, he started
pulling down posters Nabiki had left on the walls.
Ryoga sat on the corner of the desk and looked over the other two. He
focused his attention on the things he'd already done to them, and the things
he planned to do, to try to make sure that Jikiru jerk didn't take control
"I've got a coupla things to tell both of you," he announced
Ranma acted like he hadn't heard. Akane frowned, saying only, "What is
"First of all, I hope it goes without saying, but you two are going to do
whatever I tell you to do. Or else. And you'd better not breathe a word of
what's really going on to Kasumi or your dads." He paused, then added, "Or
anybody else, for that matter."
Akane's frown deepened. "Like you said, we already understood that. Though
we expect you to keep your word about that piece of the chart, as long as we
do what you want. And afterward, I hope you're planning to stay far, far
Ryoga laughed hard at that. "No fear. I don't plan to keep your precious
cure from you forever. Not so long as you're both good little girls until
then." His smile broadened at Ranma's little jerk at this reference. "And I've
got enough imagination to picture what the two of you might do to me
afterward, if I stuck around. I'll give you that bit of paper, then I'll make
myself scarce before you can use it."
Akane nodded, daring to hope that he meant it. Ranma started pulling down
stacks of fashion magazines Nabiki had left behind on the shelves, still
pretending to ignore Ryoga.
Ryoga spoke again. "Anyway, moving on ... The next thing I wanna tell you
is I spoke to the guys who've been, ah, playing with you."
Ranma's head whipped around. "What?! You nuts? Don't you realize they're
blackmailing Akane? What if they post the pictures they got?"
Akane was practically in tears. "Why? Why did you do that? They nearly made
those pictures public when they found out Ranma knew! They'll destroy me for
Ryoga held out his arm, hand palm down, pressing downward with it. "Calm
down. Calm down. I got all their precious `evidence.' Had to break a couple of
bones to do it, but I got it all. Even managed to trick 'em into revealing the
stuff they tried to hide out on me. Believe me, I really did get it all. And I
destroyed it. And I let 'em know I'd rip 'em limb from limb if they
took any more pictures like it. Meant it too. If they do, you just let me
know, and I'll ... take care of it."
"You really mean it?" Akane whispered, hardly daring to believe. "It's all
destroyed? All of it?"
"All of it," Ryoga confirmed, not mentioning the copies he kept for
himself, since he had no intention of showing them to anyone else even if
these two did do something stupid.
Ranma was stunned. Akane held her hands clasped in front of herself, eyes
pleading. "You're really, really sure?" she begged. "You're absolutely, one
hundred percent certain you got it all?"
The boy in the bandanna smirked at her. "Absolutely one hundred percent.
Like I said, a couple of them did try to hold some copies back at first. But I
found a way of tricking them into revealing who did. I got the last of it, and
made sure the ones who tried to hold out regretted it."
Ranma was still speechless. Akane looked down and whispered, "Thank you,
Ryoga-kun. Thank you. I ... I'm not going to lie. I still hate what you're
doing to me and Ranma. But ... thank you for stopping them."
Now Ryoga held his hand up, palm out. "Whoa," he proclaimed. "Slow down.
Let me make something clear. Yes, I destroyed all their precious photos.
Including the ones the guy down in Kobe had. Just in case you were wondering
about him. So you don't have to to worry about anyone ever making them public.
But ..."
He held up a finger. "But ... I'm still gonna punish the two of you for
what you tried. And like I said yesterday, I'm gonna do that by treating the
two of you like the sluts you are. So ..." He paused to smile malevolently.
"I'm going to let them continue to, heh, play with you. Just like they
have been. And just as long as they respect my, ah, superior claim. If any of
them tell me you refused to do as they say, I'll punish you. Severely. If
worse comes to worst ... well, you know what happens in that case."
Now it was Akane's turn to be speechless. Ranma was furious. "You
motherfucking son of a bitch! Ain't it bad enough you're planning to
rape me and Akane? Why you gotta let those fucking assholes do it too?"
"Because of how much you won't like it," Ryoga told him calmly. "Haven't
you figured it out yet? This is about vengeance, not just sex. And frankly, I
think I'll enjoy watching some of the things they do to you. In fact, I know I
will. I'm looking forward to seeing all three of your girl holes stuffed at
once, Ranma-chan, and it'd be kind of hard to do that by myself."
"I don't goddamned believe this!" Ranma snarled.
As if he hadn't even heard his one-time rival, Ryoga put a finger to his
chin and said thoughtfully. "One thing though. I somehow forgot to mention to
them that you'd be getting your strength back someday. And I'm planning to
continue forgetting to mention it. Just something for you to look forward
"Goddammit to hell! I don't want to wait. I wanna destroy them now. I can
use pressure points on 'em. Those seven assholes ..."
"Nine," Ryoga interrupted.
"Huh?" Ranma responded, thrown off track.
"Nine, not seven," Ryoga repeated. "I was told two more were invited to
join. Friends of yours, they said. They're part of this, too, as long as they
want to be. Which reminds me, I'll want to talk to the two of them; I haven't
had a chance to yet. Need to make sure they understand the rules."
Ranma put a palm to his forehead, feeling weary in his disbelief about how
twisted this had become.
Akane just shook her head, having adapted through continued exposure to
absorbing new shocks quickly. "Hiroshi and Daisuke," she said quietly. "Those
are their names. They already told us they'd be joining in. We were supposed
to go over to Hiroshi's house this afternoon."
"Great!" Ryoga exclaimed. "I'll come with you to fill them in, before I
head over to my house to get my stuff. Speaking of which ... we'd better get
down to business, if we're going to get Ranma's and the old man's stuff out of
my room. And you can plan on us having our first `training session' tonight.
Now let's get to work."
Ranma clenched his fists, then sighed in defeat. You're on top now,
Pig-boy, he thought to himself. But you just wait. After I'm me again,
it doesn't matter where you disappear to. I'll track you down. And then I'm
going to make you pay. For every single tiny thing you put us through, I'm
going to make you fucking pay a hundred times over. I swear to God. He
lifted a stack of the magazines he'd pulled off the shelves and carried them
out of the room.
Ranma, Akane, Hiroshi and Daisuke were sitting together in the living room
of Hiroshi's house, none of them speaking. Ryoga had left ten minutes earlier,
and the two boys were still trying to absorb everything they'd heard. They
couldn't believe how much the situation had changed, and yet hadn't changed,
since just the day before.
Hiroshi finally broke the silence. "So, are we still doing this? I mean,
this Ryoga guy says the photos are all destroyed and no one's allowed to take
any more. So you don't need us to help you find them. So, you want us to tell
them all thanks but no thanks?"
Daisuke looked worried. He'd enjoyed yesterday, even if Akane had been a
little rough with him.
Ranma was staring off into space. She hadn't even considered this
possibility. Hiroshi was right. There was no longer any need for her two
friends to help dig out information about the photographs.
However, Akane shook her head. "I think it would still be best if you two
joined in." She saw Ranma's expression and reaffirmed, "Well, I do. First ..."
She held up a finger. "We don't know what else might come up, something where
we'd want our own, uh, double agents to help us." She held up a second finger.
"Second, Ryoga hasn't told you what he's holding over us. It's a small piece
of paper he's hidden somewhere, which Ranma and I can use to get back our
strength. With you in the gang, there's a chance you might be able to discover
where he has it hidden."
Akane watched Ranma nod her head reluctantly, then sighed and added,
"Third, well, this may sound strange, but ... if I have to have sex with a
bunch of boys against my will, I'd prefer it if a couple of them were boys I
didn't hate. It would help me stay sane - Ranma too, probably, if she'd admit
it. Right now, Gosunkugi-kun is the only one who treats us decently."
"So you really want us to go through with this?" Hiroshi asked, ignoring
Daisuke's swift kick.
Ranma sighed very heavily, looking at Akane and then looking away again.
"Yeah, man, I guess we do. Besides, she's right on those first two
"All right." Daisuke rubbed his hands together. "Guess we ought to get
started then." At that he noticed that everyone else was looking at him in
disgust, and said defensively, "Well, we should. I know your mom isn't
supposed to be home from work until after six, but what if her boss suffers a
burst of Christmas spirit and let's them all leave early? I say we shouldn't
take chances."
Hiroshi sighed this time. "While I doubt the jackass's motives, he does
have a point. My mom's manager isn't such a bad sort. He might let everyone go
a few hours early."
"Okay, then why don't we all get undressed?" Akane suggested. This was
followed by four teenagers all standing and removing their clothing, an act
which still embarrassed the two boys in the group.
When all four were naked, Akane couldn't help smiling at the way the boys
were already pointing at the ceiling. She turned to Daisuke and said, "Time to
see if you can bring yourself to spank Ranma. Sit in the chair there, then
Ranma will lie down across your lap."
Daisuke sat down eagerly. Showing considerably less enthusiasm, Ranma
walked over and slowly lowered herself across her friend's knees. She couldn't
help feeling humiliated at the position she was in, staring at the floor while
knowing that the boy above her was taking in the view of her shapely ass. She
waited, her stomach unsettled, wondering what the delay was about.
Akane waited long enough for Ranma to reach the proper state of
anticipation, then ordered Daisuke, "Begin."
Daisuke's hand came down with a loud slap, making Ranma's left cheek
bounce. A second later his palm landed on the right cheek. Then back to the
left, alternating over and over.
Hiroshi stepped over to Akane. "Should I spank you like that?"
She shook her head. "We already know you can spank me. The question is
whether you can bring yourself to spank Ranma. Since Daisuke seems willing
enough to spank Ranma, I doubt he'll have any trouble doing it to me, but I
wouldn't have been as sure the other way around. The only problem is ... he's
not having much effect."
Ranma confirmed this a second later, asking, "Is there a fly landing on my
"Come on Daisuke," Akane complained in exasperation. "Put some oomph
into it."
"Hey, I'm trying!" the boy responded, applying just a bit more force.
The girl directing the situation shook her head. "You'd better take the
belt out of your pants and use that instead. We haven't proven anything if you
can't make it hurt."
Ranma shot Akane a look that wanted to be betrayal, but only achieved
resignation. Daisuke paused to unbuckle his belt and pull it out, then swung
down as hard as he could. This time Ranma let out a grunt. She continued to
jerk and make little noises each time the belt cut into her ass.
"How's that feel?" Akane asked the other girl.
"Stings a bit," she gasped stoically between the blows. The next time her
head jerked up, the onlookers could see that her eyes were glistening
Akane nodded, but was still mildly disappointed. She allowed the spanking
to go on for a while longer before calling a halt. Then she told Hiroshi to
take Daisuke's place.
"Hey! Don't I get a break?" Ranma protested. "And how about you? Fair's
fair. Shouldn't you get spanked too?"
Akane told her, "I'll get involved later, but like I was telling Hiroshi,
if they can spank you I don't think they'll have any trouble doing it to me.
In fact, Hiroshi has spanked me before. Did a pretty good job, too. What's the
matter, can't take it?"
"Of course I can take it," Ranma said indignantly while draping herself
over Hiroshi's lap. "Just didn't seem fair, that's all." She tried to ignore
the fresh wave of humiliation the position brought her, knowing that a second
boy was looking down at her lying over his knees like this.
Hiroshi brought his hand down as hard as he could manage, bring a surprised
yelp from the red-haired girl as he struck her rosy, tender bottom. Ranma
managed to control herself better as the further smacks landed, but some sound
still helplessly escaped her mouth. At least, she told herself, this meant
Hiroshi wouldn't have to use a belt on her like Daisuke had.
"Here, Hiroshi," Ranma heard Akane call out behind her. "Take Daisuke's
belt and start using that on her."
"What?!" Ranma tried to strangle the dismay in her voice as the word
emerged, but everyone still heard it clearly.
"Ranma." The word held a wealth of feeling. "I know you must remember how
the other boys have whipped us. The whole point is to see whether these two
can fit in. Now grit your teeth and pretend this is another stupid training
technique your father came up with."
The girl on the receiving end of the punishment did exactly that. It even
helped a little as she thrashed around, louder cries now being forced from her
and tears running freely down her cheeks. At last it ended, and she collapsed,
whimpering, not caring that everyone else was staring at her red ass as she
lay limply across Hiroshi's legs.
Somewhere in the distance Ranma heard Akane remark seriously, "You guys are
going to have to do better than that. Maybe if you exercised more ..."
Unexpectedly, Ranma's occasionally bizarre sense of humor manifested
itself. "Maybe we should start training them in the dojo," she suggested with
a sniffle. "Turn them into martial artists."
Both Daisuke and Hiroshi gave a chuckle at the ridiculous notion. However,
a moment later Akane thoughtfully said, "That's not such a bad notion. We
could increase their strength, endurance and stamina. Make them more limber,
too. Of course, we couldn't do anything hands on, not with this weakness mess,
but that shouldn't be necessary to talk them through exercises to build up
their strength and so on."
Ranma slid off Hiroshi's legs and onto the floor, landing on her bottom
with a wince. She looked up to see the horrified expressions of the two boys.
Her first inclination had been to ridicule Akane's suggestion, informing them
that she'd only been joking. Now it occurred to her that she could have a
little revenge for the things she was being forced to let the two guys do to
her, and even have a justifiable reason for it. So she grinned and said, "Know
what? I think you're right. If we're going to go through with this, then
they're gonna need to do that to get stronger. When should we start?"
Hiroshi and Daisuke had switched their now even more horrified gazes to
Ranma. Akane, not having picked up on Ranma's glee, merely replied in her
previous thoughtful tone of voice. "Soon, but we've got other things scheduled
for today, and tomorrow is Christmas. The day after tomorrow, maybe? We'll
see. I'll talk to my father about it in the meantime, tell him we're going to
be training a couple of friends. We'd probably better come up with something
to tell Ryoga, too."
"You two can't really be serious!" Daisuke wailed. "There's no way you can
turn us into martial artists like you."
Ranma stood up and slapped Daisuke on the shoulder, grimacing as it had no
effect. "Well of course we can't make you martial artists like us," she
told him dismissively. "But that's not the point. We can make you stronger
than you are now. Give you more stamina. There's no question we can do that,
and believe me, you two need it! Don't worry. I promise nothing we make you do
is gonna kill you."
This didn't precisely have a calming effect on the two boys. Akane finally
picked up on Ranma's mood, and tried to give him a quelling frown. It didn't
work, however, as her lips insisted on curling into a smile of her own. She
decided that they'd better move things along before their two "molesters"
fainted in panic.
"We'll work it out later. Right now, why don't we see if you two can work
together as a team? Daisuke, lie down on the couch on your back. Then Ranma,
you get on top of him, and put him inside of you. After that, I'll lube up
your bottom, and then Hiroshi, you can butt fuck Ranma."
Ranma didn't precisely want to contemplate Akane having sex with any other
guys, voluntarily or not. Still ... "I thought you said you were going
to get involved later," she pointed out.
Akane gave her fiance a smile. "I am. But they're boys, which means they
can only get it up so many times. After this time you can take a rest, and
I'll let them double team me. Though I think Daisuke needs more practice at
ordinary stuff before he moves on to anal, so I'll take him in my mouth while
Hiroshi takes whichever hole he wants at the other end. But for now ..." She
pointed at the couch.
Ranma sighed, and walked over to where Daisuke was already settling
himself. She reached down between her legs to do what was necessary to make
sure she was sufficiently lubricated for this, only to find that she was
already flowing. Surprised, she took stock of herself and realized that she
was more than a little horny. Shaking her head over the indecipherable
workings of her cursed form, Ranma climbed onto the couch and straddled the
boy underneath her. Reaching down to hold him, she lowered herself, slowly
engulfing his stiff member with her pussy. A groan slipped between her lips as
she reached bottom.
Ranma tried to relax and not let any further moans get out from between her
teeth as Akane's fingers pushed into her rear opening. It was hard though. It
seemed like Akane was taking the opportunity to play with her ass, not just
lube her up. She finally lost control enough to gasp, whereupon Akane's
fingers pulled out.
As Hiroshi knelt behind Ranma, Akane reminded him, "Remember, you two are
supposed to be in charge. You're supposed to make the other guys believe this
isn't consensual. Don't be afraid to say and do things to make it look like
you're abusing her. In fact, the more of that you can manage the better."
Hiroshi looked down at the words `Spank Me' visible across Ranma's still
red ass. He slapped her bottom hard, bringing a surprised yelp from the
redhead. "Beg me to butt fuck you, Ranma," he ordered.
"Hey!" Ranma started to complain, but was interrupted by another sharp slap
across her bottom. Gritting her teeth, she growled, "Would you please fuck my
Hiroshi smacked her ass again, hard. "Not good enough," he said cheerfully.
"I told you to beg. Make it sound like you're a slut who really wants it."
Ranma muttered, "You two had better make this worth it." Then she took a
deep breath and, more loudly, pled with the boy behind her. "Please fuck me
Hiroshi. I want your cock in my bottom so badly. I just love getting butt
fucked. Would you please give me what I need, and stuff me with your huge
Hiroshi grinned and pushed himself forward, watching the tight ring of
Ranma's asshole stretch around his cock head and then steadily sliding in
Off to the side Akane said, "That was really good, Ranma. I don't think
you've ever sounded that convincing with the other guys."
Ranma forced her breathing to remain steady, trying to deal with the
incredibly full feeling the two cocks were imposing on her insides. "It's ...
an act," she said, a trifle breathlessly. "It's easier ... when the whole
thing ... is an act."
Underneath her, Daisuke found her nipples and started twisting. Ranma bit
her lip, but said nothing. Hiroshi pulled back, then pushed forward harder. He
eased back, then drove forward again, a little harder yet. Ranma grunted,
snapping her head back a bit at the sensation, but saying nothing to this
Hiroshi leaned forward, and quietly commanded, "Tell us that you like this,
Ranma took a couple of breaths, then replied, "I ... I like it. I like, um,
getting fucked in both holes at the same time."
Over to the side, Akane slipped a finger between her legs, hoping that the
others would be too busy to notice.
On the bottom, Daisuke decided to get in on the act. "Come on, Ranma. Admit
that you're nothing but a slut."
Ranma reminded herself that they were supposed to act like this. She
wondered for a moment why it was easier to take that sort of thing from
Hiroshi than it was from Daisuke. She decided it was because Hiroshi sounded
serious about it, while Daisuke sounded like a young boy playing a game,
practically giggling about it. She resolved to mention that to the jerk later.
But in the meantime ... "It's true. I'm nothing but a slut. I have been ever
since I got this curse."
"In fact, you've wanted us to screw you ever since you met us, haven't
you?" Daisuke pushed.
The pricks thrusting inside her were doing something to her head, Ranma
decided. That was the only explanation for why she didn't hit a pressure point
on his jaw to lock it in place. Staying in character instead, she replied,
"Yeah. I wish you guys had had the balls to fuck me a long time ago. I really
love having a hard cock shoved inside me."
Hiroshi, leaning well forward over Ranma, reached back and slapped her on
the bottom again. "If that's true, then get your ass moving. Show us how much
you love getting drilled by our cocks, you little whore. Make us fill you with
our cum."
Ranma started shoving herself back harder against the dicks which were
plowing her. "Yes! Fuck me! Fuck me! Fill me up!" she panted. Hiroshi grabbed
hold of her pigtail, using it as a handle to force himself into her rear even
harder. From time to time his other hand smacked her bottom. Ranma made no
complaint, only ramming herself against the iron rods embedded in her holes.
Without warning she cried out loudly, spasming as a powerful orgasm swept over
This was too much for Daisuke, who was surprised he had held out for that
long. He jerked his hips upward hard, pumping thick white fluids into Ranma's
cunt. Hiroshi continued to thrust into her from behind, as Ranma's panting
slowed down and her awareness returned.
Daisuke's hands fell from Ranma's tits. His dick, now limp, slid out of
Ranma's pussy, trailing a thread of creamy goo behind it. He stared up at his
friends, realizing belatedly that Hiroshi hadn't come yet.
For his part, Hiroshi didn't care that Daisuke was stuck underneath them.
He had no intention of pausing just to let the other guy squirm his way out.
Noting that Ranma's tits were free, his hands slid below the redhead and
started squeezing them rhythmically, occasionally pulling down on her nipples.
His thrusts had slowed after Ranma came, but hearing her moans begin again, he
sped up his motion, slapping her ass with his groin and thighs.
Feeling his own climax approaching, Hiroshi still had enough mental
capacity left over to marvel at how good an actor Ranma was. She was acting as
if he really was the molester he was supposed to be, as if he really was the
one in control, and she was helplessly being forced to enjoy it all against
her will. Leaning close to her ear, he whispered, "Tell me that you want my
cum in your ass."
Breathing hard, teeth working against her lips, Ranma got out, "Yes! Come
in my ass. Do it!"
Still whispering, Hiroshi said, "Tell me you're a little redheaded whore
who needs her butt plowed regularly."
Pushing back with her ass, unconsciously trying to get herself penetrated
as deeply as she could, Ranma groaned, "Yes, dammit! I'm nothing but a little
redheaded whore! Is that what you want to hear? I'm a little whore who needs
to be butt fucked as often as possible, okay? Just do it! Fuck me! Stuff me,
you bastard!"
A couple of meters from the couch, Akane gave a quiet gasp and dropped to
her knees. She struggled to control the tremors of her own orgasm.
"You want it? You got it!" Hiroshi grunted. He grabbed hold of ass flesh
with both hands and started shoving himself inside the girl like a pile
driver. It only took a few seconds before Ranma screamed in another orgasm,
and Hiroshi followed her an instant later. Ramming himself in to the hilt, he
forced what he thought must be at least a pint of sperm enema into the
pigtailed girl's bowels.
Slowly, Ranma fell forward to lie flat on top of Daisuke. Equally slowly,
Hiroshi let himself collapse, his prick still embedded in the tight channel of
Ranma's bottom. Wheezing, Daisuke complained about the weight, but was soundly
Now sitting on the floor, Akane inquired, "You two guys got anything left
for me?"
Not bothering to lift his head to look her way, Hiroshi held out an arm and
waved his hand up and down weakly. "Just give me a minute. Please?"
After a few minutes, Hiroshi looked up and around like he was just
awakening, then straightened his arms and pushed himself up. This drew another
protest from Daisuke, as Hiroshi was pushing down on Ranma's back to achieve
this, which in turn pressed Ranma harder against the boy on the bottom.
Hiroshi finally extracted himself from Ranma's rear chute with a pop, and
awkwardly climbed to his feet.
"I'll be back in a minute," he announced with tired satisfaction. "Need to
clean myself up." He disappeared down the hall as Ranma and Daisuke worked to
disentangle themselves and get to their feet as well.
When Hiroshi returned, Akane began speaking again. "Okay, now ..."
"Shut up," Hiroshi interrupted, drawing sharp glances from the other three.
"Like you said, we need to practice being in charge."
He picked up a couple of big pillows from either end of the couch and
tossed them on the floor, one on top of the other. He pointed. "Lie down
across that. Then tell Daisuke you want to suck his cock."
Akane licked her lips. She dropped to her knees and settled her stomach
across the pillows, leaning on her elbows on the far side. Looking up toward
Daisuke from this low position, she said, "May I please suck your cock?"
Daisuke could only nod. He dropped down to sit in front of her, and Akane
lowered her head into his lap. Her lips slid down along the length of his
newly hard shaft, her tongue caressing its underside. Daisuke leaned back, his
face contorted in ecstasy.
Hiroshi got down on his knees beside Akane. "Now I know you said there was
no need to prove I could spank you, but ..." His hand slapped hard against her
ass, making Akane jump. "... that's not your decision to make." He continued
spanking her, working hard to redden her ass. Akane made a determined effort
to continue blowing the boy in front of her despite the punishment,
concentrating hard not to bite down by accident.
Hiroshi finally stopped when he saw a couple of tears appear on her cheeks.
He inserted two fingers into her drenched cunt, spreading them to open her up.
Putting them back together, he started fingerfucking her and said, "I know
you're really enjoying that cock in your mouth, but pull off of it for a
second. I want you to tell everyone that you're an even bigger slut than
Ranma, and how badly you need to be fucked right now."
Ranma was watching this scene in consternation, wondering whether this was
still just an act and whether she should think about interfering. Akane let no
such worries trouble her at the moment. She pulled her mouth off Daisuke's
cock with a deep, drawn out moan.
"Oh, God," she said, moving her hips in rhythm with the fingers moistly
sliding in and out of her. "It's true. I'm a bigger slut than Ranma. A
much bigger slut. I want to be fucked. I need to be fucked. I
need a cock inside me now. Please fuck me. Please!" She bent forward to kiss
the tip of the hard organ waving in front of her face, but didn't take it back
into her mouth yet.
Hiroshi licked his lips, aware of Ranma staring at him and wondering how
much he could get away with. "Tell me you planned it this way, Akane. Tell me
you arranged everything, on purpose, so that Daisuke and I could screw both
you and Ranma."
Akane was squirming uncontrollably, wishing he'd replace his fingers with
that stiff cock hanging between his legs. "Yes. I did. I planned it all. I'm
such a tramp that I wanted to get screwed by you and Daisuke both. And I
wanted to watch you screwing Ranma, too. That's why I set it up so that you
could. That's why I suggested your names to join in. So that both of you could
stuff us with your cocks. Please. Stuff me now."
Unable to hold out any longer, Hiroshi practically jumped behind Akane. In
one thrust he buried himself to the balls in her cunt, delighting in the view
he had from behind as her labia stretched around his manhood. Akane gave a
long exhalation of delight before slurping Daisuke's prick back into her
throat. Hiroshi started pumping vigorously, while at the same time forcing one
thumb into the tiny rosebud of her anus.
Once again Daisuke lost control. Grabbing Akane's head he shoved her all
the way down, burying her nose in his coarse hairs. Luckily Akane had a lot of
practice by now, and neither choked nor gagged as he shot spurt after spurt of
hot spunk straight down her throat. With a final spasm he released his hold,
letting her pull back with a huge gasp, several gooey white strings dangling
from her lips.
Hiroshi gasped out, "Ranma, you are one lucky asshole. I wish I could be
the one to bang this bitch for the rest of my life."
"Watch it!" Ranma growled fiercely. "That's going way too far,
"No," Akane gasped. "It's not going far enough. That's what this is all
about. He's doing exactly right. Remember, it's not real. Hiroshi, tell her
that you have every intention of screwing me for the rest of our lives, even
after we get married."
Ranma's jaw dropped. Hiroshi licked his lips, then set his face in a stern
expression. Turning to Ranma, he said, "Sorry buddy, but this pussy is just
too good to give up. No way I'm going to stop fucking her just 'cause you two
get married. In fact, why don't you tell me you want me to keep fucking your
slut of a fiancee, even after the wedding?"
The pigtailed martial artist clenched her fists. "You are outa your
fucking mind!"
Hiroshi turned toward Daisuke. "Go get the belt, pal. Apparently we got to
teach her a lesson."
"I don't care how hard you whip me!" Ranma sputtered mulishly. "I ain't
gonna say it!"
Hiroshi turned back to face the red-haired girl, while he continued
pistoning into the other girl stretched over the pillows in front of him. "Dai
ain't gonna whip you. He's gonna whip Akane. And he's going to keep whipping
her until you say it."
"Yes!" moaned Akane. "That's right! Whip me until she says it!"
Ranma's mouth was hanging open. She didn't say anything as Daisuke walked
up with the belt, head tilted to the side inquiringly. She didn't say anything
until the belt sliced into Akane's ass, right in front of Hiroshi's belly,
forcing an agonized cry from Akane's mouth. A cry which was immediately
followed by, "Harder! Make her say it!"
Ranma capitulated. She dropped to her knees across from Daisuke, holding
her hands over Akane's bottom. "Hiroshi, I'd ... I'd like you to keep ... to
keep screwing Akane for the rest of our lives, even after she and I get
married. Would you do that for me? Please?"
Hiroshi grunted, "I told you to ask me to screw your slut of a fiancee. And
invite Daisuke to do it too."
Ranma swallowed, closing her eyes. "Guys, would you please screw my ...
slut of a fiancee, for the rest of our lives? Even after we get married. I
want you to do that, okay?"
"You got it, old buddy," Hiroshi said, gritting his teeth as he held off
from coming. "Now ask me to come in her cunt."
Her voice filled with defeat, Ranma asked, "Would you please come in
Akane's cunt?"
"Sure thing!" Hiroshi yelled, and immediately spewed like a fire hose,
filling her to overflowing. Akane yelled as well, wordlessly, shaking like an
earthquake. When she quieted down, her arms and legs were splayed out limply
on either side of the pillows.
When Akane pulled herself back up, Ranma looked her in the eyes
imploringly. "Why? Why'd you make me say that?"
Akane smiled at her gently, raising a hand to stroke her fiance's cheek
lightly with her fingertips. "Because Hiroshi was finally acting the way he
has to. That's the way they're going to have to act to be part of the gang, to
impress the others that they're treating us this way for real. But you need to
remember that it isn't real. That none of it actually means anything. I love
you, and one day we're going to get past this, and get married, and put all
this, this, shit behind us. But until then, this is the way things have
to be."
Ranma lowered her head. "It's harder than I thought it would be," she
whispered. "With these guys ... you're asking me to go along with it, instead
of fighting it. It makes it more ... real. Even though it's supposed to be
less real. That makes it harder."
"Too hard?" Akane asked, seriously.
Ranma bit her lip, then shook her head. "No. I can do it. For you. For us.
If it's really the only way." She looked up, taking a deep breath. "I can do
it," she repeated, her voice more normal now.
"Good," Akane replied with a smile. Turning to Hiroshi, she said, "Please
tell Ranma you didn't really mean any of that. That it was all just part of
the act."
Hiroshi shrugged. "She's right, man. Sorry, but if we're going to do this,
we gotta do it right. It doesn't make me any happier than you. Honestly! But
it's what we gotta do."
Ranma sighed. "Just make sure you remember that. I don't want to have to
kill you when this is all over with." He took a crumb of comfort from the look
in Hiroshi's eyes on hearing those words.
Ranma turned to Akane. "Are we done for the day?" she asked. Her expression
was pleading.
Akane nodded. "Yes. We're done for today. Let's get dressed. We need to get
home and help Kasumi with some of the decorations. After all, we don't know
how long Ryoga's `training session' tonight will be."
The red-haired girl's mouth twisted in nausea. "Don't remind me. Let's just
get out of here."
A short time later, the two teenagers were dressed again, walking home
through the crisp December afternoon. Ranma had returned to male form before
leaving Hiroshi's. Suddenly Akane grabbed the boy beside her, pulling him
through a gate into a courtyard.
"What ...?" Ranma demanded, looking back to see if some enemy might be
approaching. The question was cut off, though, as Akane grabbed him by both
ears and kissed him soundly. After a startled moment, Ranma returned the
When she pulled back, Akane said, "I just wanted to remind you that you're
the only one I really want to make love with. Try to remember that, when we're
doing all this stuff we have to do. And tomorrow we're going to sneak off to
that farm like you said, no matter what Ryoga says or does. And we'll do some
training, like you said. But we're also going to give a Christmas gift to each
other. We're finally going to make love. I don't care what Ryoga, or any of
the others, might say about it. I want you, and tomorrow we're going to
finally be together the way we should be."
Ranma ran a hand through his hair nervously. "Ummm, sounds good to me."
Akane punched his shoulder lightly, smiling. "It better, buster. Don't you
ever think about what you say? Now let's go home, and keep telling ourselves
that we just have to stick this out for another couple of months. Then it'll
all be over. I honestly think Ryoga will keep his word. As ugly as he's
treating us, I think he's sincere about giving us the piece of the chart. So
we just tough it out, and then it'll just be you and me. Forever."
"Yeah," Ranma sighed. "I pray to God you're right."
Ryoga walked down the sidewalk, whistling. He was carrying the last box of
stuff from his home over to the Tendo house. But his mind was on the coming
night. What he was planning to do to Ranma and Akane.
He thought again about the two guys he'd met that afternoon. It was going
to be deliciously ironic to watch Ranma getting screwed by her two best
friends. Ryoga had a sneaking suspicion that the pair might not be quite as
enthusiastic about it as they were saying, but that was okay. As long as they
went through with shagging Ranma, it would suit him just fine. Frankly, he
didn't care what their reasons for doing so were.
And one more thing he'd have to have Ranma do tonight, Ryoga reminded
himself. One very important thing. He'd have to handle it carefully. He'd have
to make sure Ranma didn't get any ideas about trying anything funny. Ryoga
chuckled. He could just imagine the perturbed look on Ranma's face.
Yep. It was going to be a wonderful Christmas Eve.
Note from H. Saotome, 2010-04-04: I had originally planned to
include the upcoming scene with Ryoga, but the chapter was already getting
fairly long so I decided to cut it off here. Which in turn means you get the
chapter earlier than you would have if I'd had to finish writing that scene as
well, so there's always a silver lining.
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