Fever Dreams | By : sashocirrione Category: Death Note > Yaoi-Male/Male > L/Light Views: 2755 -:- Recommendations : 1 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Death Note, and I do not make any money from these writings. |
L counted off the days to that time when Light's memories would supposedly expire. When Light had confessed to deliberately thwarting the investigation, he'd said his memories would expire in 437 days. It was a difficult wait.
Had Light been Kira? Or had Light been Kira's accomplice, or was he merely Kira's victim? Those were the only three possibilities, though the true condition might also be a combination of two of those states. L pondered those questions day by day, unable to reach an answer. But he prepared for any possible answer. Light would be surprised on that day. He seemed to have no idea of the trap that was being carefully constructed for him. L's precautions were very elaborate, designed to thwart even invisible watchers.
Even so, those preparations wouldn't be possible if L were watched by a shinigami all the time. L knew he was generally unwatched when away from Light, or the trees and other things would not have gone unnoticed and unchallenged for so long. Rem lurked with Light at all times, she had to. Light had admitted as much and the facts fit with his admission, while Ryuk came and left but not did, for some reason, spy on L when L was away from Light. Or, if Ryuk did spy, he never said anything to Light about important plans that were made and evidence that was collected.
Light himself became obviously restless as the day of memory loss approached. Light threw himself into the cases they investigated with particular force, becoming very deeply involved, as if trying to forget about the looming deadline.
Was it a bluff? Would Light need to say something to the shinigami to voluntarily erase his memories, or had he told the truth that his memories would expire naturally? In either case, the entire process would be filmed from about twenty different angles, so that Light should not be able to pull a trick. Still, Light was intelligent. Something might happen.
It became March again, after about a year of their arrangement continuing without any surprises or adjustments. Light didn't try anything Kira-like in all that time, or if he did his attempts were so well-hidden they were undetectable.
During that year of their arrangement Light had tried to convince L to take him on as a permanent business partner, to simply live together all the time. L wouldn't hear of it. Light needed to finish college, not become a drop-out. Even if Light were certain he'd spend the rest of his life doing nothing but working cases, L knew that Light needed to have preparations in place for the possibility of another career choice.
Also, Light didn't seem to realize it himself, but Light clearly needed other people, he needed a life aside from work. L was content doing almost nothing except detective work during most of his waking hours, using sugar and caffeine to fuel himself and to stave off sleep. Light was different. Light had a disdain for other people, for the group of friends he'd developed on the college scene, and yet L couldn't imagine Light thriving in an environment where he was cut off from others, isolated with just L and Watari for companionship, constantly moving around secretly from one hotel to another.
Light would tire of such a life. He would eventually get fed up with it, no matter how much he thought he wanted it. And so for Light's own good L had Light switch between the two lives frequently, spending some time as Light Yagami, college student and dutiful son, and the rest of the time as Light Yagami, secret partner with L. The visits usually lasted from a day to a week and included solving cases along with other activities, sometimes even extending to standard dating activities such as going to restaurants or concerts. There was always a lot of secrecy and security involved with being in public with Light, and it rarely happened.
Light often resented being sent back to his ordinary life if a case he was attached to was still unsolved. Light generally found it already solved by the time he returned a few days later, or a week later, or rarely as long as two or three weeks later. The salary L paid Light for his work didn't stop Light's expressions of frustration with the process. Still, except for the disagreements about when to take breaks, everything went unusually smoothly. Working with Light was so easy, L found it almost like having a second brain of his own.
When the day itself approached, L decided to keep Light for an entire week. The end of the school term was approaching, but with the right strings being pulled behind the scenes and the right people being bribed Light could even take his final exams at a later time if he wanted. Nothing could be allowed to interfere with progress on the upcoming event, perhaps the last clue ever in the Kira case.
A day before the event, L suddenly put down his coffee, slid his chair away from his computer, turned to face Light and said, "Light, when will it happen? I know it is tomorrow, but what hour?"
"I'm not sure of the exact time. Around midnight, I think. It's according to the shinigami calendar, and I never had that explained to me."
L said, "I will be here for the entire process. This is something I must witness. We will be handing all our cases over to N for a few days. We'll take back any he doesn't solve at the end of that period."
Light said, "But we're so close on the Jameson case!"
"That means N will have an easier time solving it quickly. There is no need to worry."
Light frowned but consented, and without any cases to work on they quickly ran out of things to do and ended up tangled together in bed, exciting each other in that most instinctual way. There was a profound feeling to it all, an uncertainty that made the experience more meaningful, more intoxicating. The present moment was all that mattered.
The future was uncertain and best to not think about, though L was always aware that somewhere in the back of his mind scenarios of guilt and innocence were running through his thoughts. It was a mere background distraction, a process L was used to. He was able to mostly push it aside and simply enjoy what they both needed so much, every move perfect after long practice and experience in exactly how to get each other off. Both of them had full knowledge in how to tease and touch and all the techniques that worked the best.
L held Light in his arms afterwards, staring at him with an intense feeling of curiosity. Light seemed sweet and innocent. The expression on his face was not that of a killer.
Was Light the original Kira? That was the important question, always the most important. Light with his memories and Light without his memories were like two separate people. Without, Light was clearly innocent and unknowing, acting from pure motives. He almost entirely lacked that scheming quality that Light-with-his-memories had in such abundance.
Light with his memories perfectly fit the personality profile of Kira. He could be Kira. There was something evil in that version of Light. It was apparent in hundreds of little things he did and said, as if he were putting on an act to conceal that he was actually a remorseless killer. In L's perception, that evil had been fading over time. It was barely noticeable any more, and yet Light clearly still had his memories.
Did it truly fade, or do I see him differently because he is my lover and I am biased? I don't want him to be Kira, and that is my weakness. With the Kira case, I am a terrible detective, but who else could I trust with Light? Nobody.
Light sighed, opened his eyes and said, "You're not going to leave me once I'm no longer a subject to study, are you? This relationship isn't just for the investigation, is it?"
L said, "It might be. I'm not sure"
Light looked hurt for a moment, but then he made a sarcastic-sounding snort and said, "You're lying, as usual. You're such a liar. Don't think you can fool me."
Indeed, I am a liar. You will see how much of a liar I am tomorrow. It has been a long time since the last time I deceived you. Have you grown complacent, Light?
L did not sleep at all. He watched Light throughout the night, wary that perhaps the event would happen as much as 24 hours early. There were no guarantees.
As soon as Light opened his eyes, L said, "Do you remember Rem?"
Light sighed, closed his eyes, opened them again, and said, "Yes. Testing so early?"
"I want to cover all possibilities."
Smiling, Light said, "Of course. I wouldn't expect anything less of you."
Breakfast was uneventful. L kept his eyes on Light, noticing the slight restlessness, noting every movement, every expression. Light played with his food a bit, uncharacteristic for him. His expression was difficult to read.
After breakfast, Light wanted to spend some time out on the hotel suite's balcony. L did not. He never went on balconies any more, wary of all the people who might be able to see and photograph him. Instead, he crouched on a couch with a laptop open in front of him, switching to the video feeds from cameras installed to film the balcony, studying Light's expression on his screen. Light was less guarded-looking than usual, staring out across the cityscape almost wistfully.
There was something about Light, something very important. He looked happy, relieved, as if he would soon be freed of a burden, as if he were looking forward to the event. Light had said keeping the memories caused him pain. Why? Was it remorse for things he'd done? Did Kira have some kind of mind control power that Light had to endure and fight against? Or was it some other reason altogether?
L was startled out of his thoughts by a slight tapping noise behind him. He turned to look, and saw the computer on the other side of the room with the keys depressing one after another by themselves. He started to get up, but suddenly the laptop in front of him made a beeping noise and a little pop-up window appeared, the chat program he often used to communicate with Light when they were in different rooms.
The chat box said, "Do not approach the computer or I will stop."
The computers L had placed in their hotel suite were all very unusual pieces of equipment, currently on their own private network, incapable of connecting to or being hacked by outside networks. Besides, a shinigami was clearly typing and that could not be faked, not without Watari's help in rigging some mechanism inside the keyboard, and if that were the case it would be easily apparent by disassembling the keyboard later.
L said, "Is it Rem or Ryuk?"
L saw keys depress on the computer across the room, and then another chat box appeared, saying, "It is Rem. I will not say much. Time is running out and things will change soon."
Why is this shinigami choosing to talk to me now for the first time? What does it hope to accomplish?
L said, "Rem, what do you want?"
The next chat box said, "I want to say that I do not hate you. I think you are harmless, and I have come to sympathize with you to some extent. Your ideals are in the right place and you are very similar to Kira. Both of you wish to eliminate crime. However, if you ever attempt to arrest the true Kira, I will kill you. I am saying this now because I want to make the situation clear. I will no longer be able to threaten Light into carrying out my orders. Surely your life is worth more to you than a petty desire to capture Kira."
"I understand this, Rem, however if I die others will know that I was on the right track shortly before my death. You would gain nothing."
A chat box said, "You have made that threat frequently. It is tiresome."
L said, "I am willing to die if it is necessary, and the very fact that you have not killed me yet leads me to believe that my threat is effective. Or, if it is not effective, then something else restrains you from acting. In any case, I have no reason to feel that it is safe to discard my threat. We are at a stalemate. Both of us have known this for a long time. Is that what Kira intends? The investigation stalling?"
If Rem is stupid, I could get some worthwhile information.
Another chat box popped up, saying, "You are braver than Kira, or stupider, to always stubbornly risk your own death. I do not think either your threat or my threat will ever be carried out, but I still wanted to remind you. Light will forget, but I will not. If a situation ever arises where you find a clue that is meaningful instead of useless, think of your own death before going forward."
Does the shinigami realize what I intend? Have I left any clues?
L said, "Rem, is there any other reason for conversing with me now? Have you found something? Why have you always been silent before?"
L waited, but no chat window appeared.
He said, "Rem? Don't you wish to discuss your threat more? Don't you wish to give me orders?"
Once again, there was no reply. L continued to wait, but Rem never answered. L had already saved a file of the entire exchange, and once he'd given up on receiving more answers he quickly disassembled the keyboard at the computer that had been used, finding it just as he expected. A shinigami really had chatted with him.
Light returned as L was re-assembling the keyboard and said, "May I ask why you're doing that? Do I want to know?"
L replied, "There is a file I saved recently. It explains everything."
Light genuinely looked surprised when he brought up the file. That surprise was yet more proof, on top of previous proof, that Light was not a master of the shinigami. Whatever was going on, the shinigami were not Light's obedient servants.
Then Light was obviously listening to a voice only he could hear, and replied with, "I don't care, and it doesn't matter. It will all end soon anyway."
L watched Light fiercely the entire rest of the day, reading Light's changing moods and weighing his plan in his mind. A small window of opportunity would open, and it would be almost unforgivable to waste it. Nothing should go wrong. The gun was already concealed in the hotel suite, ready to slip into his pocket when ready, and there was an entire squad of well-trained paramedics waiting for the signal, under Watari's command. They were stationed just far enough away that L thought Rem would not notice.
Light would be angry at getting shot, and it would give him tremendous physical pain, but there would be no real danger. L had seen to that with countless hours spent in practice sessions. He had used forensics dummies made of gelatin of the exact firmness of human flesh and with the exact size and position of all of Light's internal organs. L was fully confident of his ability to shoot Light in the chest while avoiding the heart, the spine, and anything else that couldn't be immediately and safely patched back up.
It grew dark outside and the hotel suite was a contrast, bright with lights in every room, high ceilings making it seem particularly airy and light-filled. L prepared a bedroom with an attached bathroom, stocking it with enough to eat and drink for the entire night through, if needed. It was a large bedroom, with two small couches, a chair, some small tables, plenty of floor space, and a bed off to the side. There was nothing that could be used as a weapon. Nothing except the gun that L had secretly slipped into his pocket.
Light settled in, accepting their voluntary confinement together. There was something pleased, almost smug, about his expression. It was as if stress were dropping away from him bit by bit as the hour he'd estimated approached. Of as if he were sure of winning.
Light was an enigma. Getting the truth out of him was the most frustrating challenge L had ever encountered. Light only admitted what he was forced to admit, after you'd all but proved something already, and even then Light would add his own spin to it that still made him seem like the good guy. Was it all lies, or not?
Light had been allowed far too much control over the situation. L could feel the slight weight of the small gun in his pocket, completely concealed by the bagginess of his jeans. His plan rankled at him. He didn't want to do it, but what choice was there? This was the last chance. He'd been far too passive previously, allowing Light to steer things, refusing to make any big, bold moves.
If Light genuinely thought he was dying, he might say something. He might admit to being Kira, or he might let slip a clue that would lead to the case being solved. Whether Light was Kira or not, there were answers locked away in his brain, answers that might be released if Light were put in exactly the right situation, but those answers would otherwise be lost forever. It was only right to try one last test, even if it had a mere thirty percent chance of resulting in any new clues.
Even if it caused Light a great deal of physical and emotional pain.
L tried to clear his mind, to go over the facts once more in a completely objective way, as if he had no bias at all towards the prime suspect.
Light had some connection with Kira before Light became the prime suspect. Light has admitted this and it fits with the facts.
Misa also had some connection with Kira, or with the second Kira. She admitted early on that she sent in the second Kira's videos, though she claimed, and still claims, that they were poltergeist hoax videos. Also, she met Light in Aoyama, she fits the profile of the second Kira, and she was able to get Higuchi's confession suspiciously easily, without the crucial first half of the conversation recorded.
When I first arrested her, she acted exactly like a guilty suspect should act, refusing to say a word, refusing to ask for a lawyer, or even to protest her captivity. Then she had the same kind of severe personality change that Light also had, and at the same time completely changed her behavior. Plus, from her own story, though we have no video evidence, her apartment was "haunted" for a short time after the attack on headquarters, which sounds like a shinigami followed her. There is no way Misa isn't involved in this.
Yet further surveillance has revealed nothing more. Misa now seems completely innocent and oblivious.
Where is the clue that I missed? There should be something that causes all this to make sense.
The deaths have stopped for too long a time, and Light has not made use of any of the opportunities I've given him, opportunities Kira should have taken. If Light is Kira, then he no longer wants to be Kira, or he is no longer capable of being Kira.
What if Kira lost his powers somehow? Perhaps voluntarily, perhaps involuntarily? Kira has a strong sense of justice and wishes to reduce crime. If Kira did not have his powers, he would want to do exactly what Light has done with his life.
But if the power loss were involuntary, there is still a possibility Light could regain the ability to kill at some point in the future, and catch me unexpectedly, after my guard is down.
L whispered, "Do you think it might be possible that Kira gave up?"
At that statement there was a fleeting odd expression that moved through Light's face. It was gone so quickly L had trouble interpreting which emotion it showed.
Light said, "A lot of things are possible with Kira. I do not know. Perhaps Kira has died and the two shinigami continue to torment me for their own amusement."
If I do this, and it is successful, there is no going back. If it turns out that Light is Kira and I can prove it, Light will be taken away and executed. Too many others are listening, others who would never let Kira go. Light will die.
L had a sudden mental image of himself as he had been after leaving Light, spending sleepless days and nights lying on the floor, fretting, and then imagined it increased a hundredfold because Light could never be brought back.
No, I'm stronger than that. I can endure through, until the pain fades with the passing of years. If Light is Kira, then he is completely despicable, a murderer of thousands. I could never forgive him.
He shifted again, feeling the weight of the gun in his pocket. Roiling uneasiness churned and churned in his stomach. Light's eyes looked innocent. L wanted to believe Light's story. Certain parts of it were very believable, or at least they were very well-crafted lies.
What if something goes wrong, and I accidentally kill Light? What if he dies here, in my arms, without ever revealing anything? What if he dies for nothing, and I end up being his murderer?
Light whispered, "I know how Kira's power works."
Is he going to tell me something?
Light looked as if he wanted to speak, but no words came out.
L prompted, "How does it work?"
Light said, "I can't tell you that, but I need you to promise me something. If you ever discover how it works, don't use Kira's power yourself. It carries a curse. Each person who uses it can never go to heaven or hell."
Is he serious? If he is, does he mean the heaven and hell that are common to Christianity, Judaism and Islam, or the many heavens and hells of Buddhism, or other things altogether?
Light had such an earnest look on his face.
Light Yagami, are you suffering from that curse? Or perhaps from other curses you are unwilling to tell me about?
Light said, "I know you are curious. Don't let your curiosity curse you. I know you're also paranoid. Let your caution guide you. I'm not trying to trick you. Look into my eyes. You can see I'm telling the truth."
L hopped out of the chair he'd been crouching in and walked right up to Light, drawing himself up to his full height to look Light exactly in the eyes.
Light repeated his earlier statements, and his eyes looked entirely honest throughout the process.
When Light finished, L said, "I am sorry. I will need to restrain you now. I do not know what will happen. Please lie on the floor or the bed."
Light chose the bed, and as L tied him up L couldn't help but remember their previous encounters. Beds and restraints were for sex, not for the abominable thing he was about to do to Light. It really was a shame. Would Light ever allow bondage again? Probably not, and L would never blame him. Light would be entirely justified.
Light said, "This is difficult for you, isn't it?"
L replied, "You have no idea."
Light frowned briefly. Something about the way his eyebrows moved in that moment made L want to kiss him and comfort him and tell him everything would be fine.
I'm hopeless. He's defeating me with his eyebrows. What is wrong with me?
Light said, "It will be over soon. Please promise me you'll tell me about the things you know that I'll forget. Otherwise I'll be very confused and I'll probably think the way our relationship is set up isn't justified. When you show me the videos of what I've said, then I'll know that you are right to be cautious about me."
"I promise, but before that I will need to question you and test you, to determine exactly which pieces of knowledge are missing. It will be important for the investigation."
"Of course."
Time to get into position.
L climbed on top of Light, straddling him, looking down full into his face.
Light didn't look as worried as he should be. He seemed almost relieved, yet a little sad too, as if he were losing something.
It hasn't happened yet. The look in his eyes changes when it happens. All I have to do is shoot him. I need to act before I run out of time.
The gun had been specially rigged with blood. A lot more blood would appear at the wound than was natural, actually secretly coming from the gun, more than the wound would produce. Light would panic. He had a tendency to panic and make mistakes when pushed far enough. The pain of actually being shot and the enormous amount of blood should convince him, at least briefly, that he was dying.
Still, there was only a thirty percent chance Light would say anything useful, and even if he did say something useful it might just be one more clue to add to the case, and not actually something that would allow the case to be solved.
Yet the case is so close to being solved that perhaps one more piece of information will make all the difference.
Light had an odd smile on his face and said, "You're hard."
No, I'm not. That's just the gun in my pocket.
L said, "I don't want to do that now. I think it would be horrifying if you lost your memories in the middle of the act."
"It probably would be. I might panic a great deal when it happens. I will remember pieces of the truth that don't add up to anything meaningful, and it will seem very alarming."
Maybe I should keep him talking. He now seems more willing to communicate freely. Perhaps something will slip from him without any need for-
No, I am stalling. I need to do this quickly.
L reached for the gun in his pocket.
It was harder than anything that had happened in the training sessions. All the strength was draining from L's arm, leaving a profound sense of weakness. There was a shivery, twisting sensation in his stomach that threatened to bring his supper back up his throat. His hand settled in his pocket, feeling the hard metal of the gun. Bringing it out would be the point of no return.
Light frowned and said, "Something is going on. What do you have planned?"
L replied, "To tell you the truth, I think you're Kira."
And then, though he seemed to have no strength in his arm at all, he somehow pulled out the gun and placed its tip exactly against the spot on Light's chest he'd practiced for so many times before. Everything was precise. It had to be for Light to live.
Light looked panicked for a split second, and then he laughed. "You tried this before, remember? With my father holding a gun to my head. Can't you think of a new trick? I'm not going to say something just because you threaten me with a gun loaded with blanks."
"I assure you, this is not loaded with blanks."
Light looked up, studying. He had exactly the same expression on his face as when he was unraveling the puzzles involved in a case.
L tried to pull the trigger but there was something about those eyes that stopped him.
Light said, "You're actually trying to do it, aren't you? Why? Are you really that paranoid?"
He doesn't get angry, he just asks why.
L said nothing, but he was fighting to keep from vomiting all over Light.
Why haven't I pulled the trigger yet?
Light looked down and said, "That's why. You're smart enough to aim for my heart, but you're not aiming there. Let me guess. You'll shoot me in a non-lethal way and then hope I'll say something incriminating for Kira in the few moments before your crew rushes in to give me medical attention."
How does he guess my thoughts so precisely?
Light sighed and said, "Your plan is useless now. It only would have had a chance of working if you'd done it immediately, before I could think. Even then, if I'd said something truly damaging to Kira, Kira would have possibly killed me for it, assuming that I did not manage to neutralize Kira thoroughly enough on that night when the headquarters were attacked."
L said, "I do not think you are in danger from Kira. Kira should have acted by now if Kira were capable of it. It has been more than a year with no criminal deaths and no known actions by Kira. We should have seen some kind of attack or trick. Thus, it is reasonable to assume that you can tell me everything."
"There is still a risk," Light said, "and, unlike you, I do not want to risk my life. I know much more about the situation than you do. I'm in a better position to evaluate whether I'm likely to get killed for telling on Kira or not. If I think the risk is too large, then nothing you can say will convince me otherwise. Now, get that gun away from me. Put it on that table over there, pointing away from us."
It really is useless.
L obeyed, making sure the safety was on for extra assurance, and then returned to straddle Light in the bed, looking down intently into that face.
Light said, "What are you doing?"
"I need to watch. I must see the change."
"Go ahead. Just don't ask too often."
"Are you comfortable?"
"Comfortable enough. You don't weigh much."
"I know."
Things settled into a rhythm after that. L watched Light's eyes, afraid even to blink in case he missed the moment. Approximately every minute or two, he would ask, "Do you remember Rem?"
Again and again, Light answered, almost reflexively, "Yes."
At a certain moment L saw it happen unmistakably and at the same instant he felt the back of his neck prickling. It was frightening to see Light's eyes suddenly looking different, more innocent, unguarded. What was it that had been dwelling in Light's brain? Was Kira like a possessing entity, a parasite controlling Light, or was it a more willing arrangement?
Who is he now? I haven't seen this version of him for a long time.
L said, "Do you remember Rem?"
Light's face was pure shock, and then fear.
Light choked out, "Why-"
And then stopped, as if he didn't know what to ask, as if too many questions were pressing in on him all at once. His eyes were full of thoughts, frantic and chaotic. He looked very, very confused.
Light said, "Who is Rem?"
L said, "Rem is a shinigami."
Light immediately got a skeptical expression on his face, as if he thought it was all just a bunch of superstitious nonsense.
It was genuine. It had to be genuine. Light had acting skills, but not this perfect. Additionally, Light hadn't said anything to a shinigami to make the memory loss happen. Unless he'd used some secret signal or had a prior arrangement, it really wasn't by his own will that he had lost his memories. They truly had expired.
Light struggled a little inside his bonds and said, "Let me up! Tell me everything."
Light dropped his voice to a whisper and added, "Please!"
"I can't do that until I've fully questioned you to determine what you do and do not remember. Everything said here is being recorded. I will be able to help you the best if you do not conceal anything."
Light narrowed his eyes and glared for a few moments. Then he got a resigned look to his face and sighed. "Go ahead. Let's get this over with."
L said, "Thank you."
Then L leaned down and captured Light's mouth in a kiss, noting the surprise as Light hesitated at first, frozen, and then the warmth and soft wetness as Light began to respond, to kiss back. L felt the kiss deeply, concentrating on the exact sensations, on the way Light moved underneath him.
L drew back and Light said, "Why did you do that now? What kind of interrogation is this?"
"Not that kind. The kiss was an experiment. I merely had to see if you still feel like the same person to me. I do not think it would be productive if we have sex while I ask you questions."
Almost the same. Almost the same. And yet, also very different.
L said, "I will let you go as soon as you tell me everything you remember, from the very beginning."
"No. You'll untie me now. I'll tell you everything while I'm untied. You know I can't leave this place without your permission. I'm not going to escape."
L hesitated.
Light continued with, "I'm thirsty, I need to use the bathroom and it is kind of intimidating to have you sitting on my stomach staring down at me while you ask questions."
"It is only to be sure I can look you in the face and eyes while you answer. Do you promise not to look away, even when I ask upsetting questions?"
Light grumbled a bit and then said, "Okay. Fine. But you have to get me some hot tea first."
Light took longer to settle down than L expected. He clutched his teacup tightly in both hands, as if warming his fingers, and kept staring into its depths, turning it and sloshing the contents just slightly. His expression was variable, changing back and forth between being very difficult to read and showing mostly confusion, and his eyebrows furrowed as if deep in thought.
I am being too gentle with him. I am letting him decide the pace of things because I feel guilty about what I tried to do. Why isn't he angry? I expected a lot of anger from him, not for him to be like this.
Finally L approached him, gently pried the teacup from his hands and set it down on the end table. Light briefly pulled L into an awkward kiss, trying to entangle their arms, trying to get L into his lap.
He is confused and still attempting to delay. Is he deciding which lies he'll tell me?
L gave Light what he hoped was a reassuring hug and then disengaged. A few moments later L had pulled up a chair and crouched directly across from Light, facing him.
L said, "Do I need to tie you again, or will you tell me everything now?"
Light said, "I will."
Somehow he managed to sound confident and frightened at the same time. His eyes were defiant but his voice had the slightest tremble to it.
Light took a deep breath and started talking. He was hesitant, not quite trusting, but L could see the parts where Light was trying to decide what to say and continued to prompt him until he went forward. This version of Light was easier to push and manipulate. L almost felt guilty doing it. Almost. The Kira case was too important to allow guilt to interfere.
Two of the points where L had to push Light to continue were the entire Raye Penber incident, and Light's chance meeting with Naomi Misora. Light was clearly upset and obviously wanted to look away, yet he kept his promise and continued to face in L's direction, eyes downcast and troubled as he told the very damning details that L had never heard before.
Knowing about this hijacking incident now, knowing that Light saw Raye Penber's FBI identification card and was involved in an event that looks smoothly designed by Kira to convince Raye to show his identification, it must mean that Kira sees, or saw, through Light's eyes. Either Light was Kira at that time, or Kira was somehow watching events through Light. Otherwise Kira could not have killed Raye Penber and forced him to somehow reveal the identities of his co-workers.
The same is true of the Naomi Misora incident, and there are distinctive gaps in Light's memory of exactly what he talked to her about, but she did show him her identification which is not like her at all. She must have been tricked.
When it was clear that Light was moving on past the subject of Raye Penber and Naomi Misora, L stopped him and said, "Why did you not tell me this much earlier, when we were first chained together? It would have helped the case immensely."
"I was certain I wasn't Kira, so I thought it was irrelevant because if I said anything it would just make everyone think I was Kira and waste their time. I was afraid everyone would hate me, even my own father, and I was certain the case would make better progress if I could help freely, if things weren't difficult between myself and everyone else."
L said, "That is a very weak rationalization meant to protect yourself. You should have realized that withholding information clearly related to Kira would harm progress on the case."
Light said, "I know, I know. I feel bad about that decision, but I didn't think it was wrong at the time. I'm telling you now, aren't I?"
"Yes, of course. Please continue."
Light looked panicked and said, "You won't tell my father, will you? I can't bear to have him think about me that way, and his heart is fragile. It would be reckless to tell him."
"I would never do that. He is not employed as an investigator on the Kira case any longer. It would be completely unprofessional."
"How do you know whether N will do it or not?"
"I have ways of controlling N. I will share this information with him but I will not allow him to tell your father."
With that, Light seemed reassured and continued talking about everything after that, still hesitant at various points, obviously upset about the holes in his memories, and completely confused about why he even pretended to like Misa.
At one point, Light stopped and said, "Ryuzaki, do you think Misa could have been the real Kira all along, or that she could have been the real second Kira instead of someone manipulated by the second Kira? When I had my memories I seemed surprisingly willing to have a pretend relationship with her. Could it have been due to threats? It doesn't make sense."
L replied, "I have considered that possibility. Misa may have been the real second Kira, and at the very least the real second Kira had something to do with her. However, I cannot imagine her forcing you into anything. You are far too intelligent for that. Since you only pretended to want her when Kira was directing your actions, the most logical conclusion was that it was an act meant to make you seem suspicious. In all this time, Misa has not shown any sign of regaining her memories or her Kira powers, if she ever had them."
Light seemed satisfied by that and settled down, continuing to tell his story. When Light's narrative caught up to the present time, L went back to each and every issue that seemed important, especially the memory holes, and questioned Light extensively.
L could have spent the entire night going over the fine details, but Light was exhausted by 4 a.m. and insisted on going to bed. L could not sleep. He crouched in a chair next to the bed, his mind running wild, continually analyzing everything he'd been told. He watched Light, feeling uncomfortable at seeing his sleeping, innocent face. Light and Kira, such an odd contrast, and yet... and yet... it was so difficult to think of them as different people, and it was simultaneously difficult to think of them as the same person.
Three hours after Light went to sleep, L felt his cellphone vibrating in his pocket. With a guilty glance at Light he slid it out of his pocket and dangled it next to his face, hearing Watari say, "Ryuzaki, there has been an incident at the Yotsuba headquarters in Osaka."
Dropping his voice to a whisper, trying not to wake Light, L said, "What happened?"
"It is still chaotic. There was an explosion of some kind. I've managed to obtain security video footage and I think I've located a witness. Please hurry."
Does this mean Light is innocent? I cleared the Yotsuba members of any further involvement with Kira, yet this seems as if Kira had something to do with Yotsuba all along. Or, is it a trap or another decoy meant to confuse me?
L replied, "Send a team to secure Light. I need to know he isn't doing anything while I investigate."
L tried to get out of his chair without making any noise, but then saw Light's eyes crack open, watching surreptitiously.
With traces of sleep still in his voice, Light asked, "What do you need to investigate?"
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