Beautiful Reflections | By : Mitmiya Category: Gravitation > General Views: 2934 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Gravitation, nor any of the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
Disclaimer: Three words, no, wait... counts on her hand it's five words. I do not own anything. counts words again Yep, that's five. I think I got it right. OMG, I did~! screams happily Ah, uh, first of all I want to thank God, then my math teacher and of couse my pare-- shot dead
Summary: [Chappy 3 Up] Yuki is off to Europe and USA for a couple of weeks, which allows Tatsuha to put his plan into work. Yes, Shuichi may not be Ryuichi but since he cannot be with the love of his life, the pink-haired boy would do. TS, YS, KxHiro!
Pairings: TatsuhaxShuichi, YukixShuichi, KxHiro!
Nagging Voice: Sweetness, it's the first time I've got that many reviews for only two chapters, I'm so happy that I can stop writing alrogether reviews disappear ahh, I guess I'll keep on writing then n.n;; Okay, so here's what's happening with this story.. I've been wodering if I should write couple of chapters to show how Ta-kun is acting like Yuki, or I can just skip all that to the moment that Yuki returns. Well, I was tempeted to do the last, since I'm lazy and all, but I think I will go with the first option. Let's see how good of an actor Ta-kun really is evil laugh but then, Tatsuha is always up to a challenge when it comes to his Ryuichi. I like that about him, reminds me of... me when it comes to somebody famous n.n;; Oh, if you were actually readin' this, please do scroll down and sorry about the headache snickers And not to forget, I want to dedicate a special thanks to Kaylariana, who helped out with Eiri's history with Yuki! Arigatou!
Warning: Language, yaoi, some violence in following chapters. Non-beat'ed story. I guess that's about it.Oh, also, my native language is neither English nor Japanese, so please try to excuse my mistakes! Arigatou!
Comebacks: A section for you, reviewers! Yay! (In order of the reviewer number)
MonkeyGurl: Thanks a lot for telling me about Eiri and Yuki, I was kinda confused because in the manga, they are two flashbacks, one with Eiri all bloody, the other he killed Yuki before anything happened. But thanks a lot! I mean it n.n and you're gonna find out about Tatsuha and Shuichi in the next chapter, so be patient winks Arigatou! n.n
Setsu: Ryuichi/Shuichi... that's actually a good pairing, but I don't really think I can fit it in here, since I think Tatsuha is going to end up with Ryuichi in the end... I think. And here's a longer chapter for ya, with my baby Hiro in it! hugs Hiro n.n Thanks for the review, Setsu!! n.n
++Chapter Two: Blur of Love++
"Aishteru Yu-chan! I'll miss you!"
Yuki shook his head slightly, a small smile on his face as he watched the city grow smaller every second as the plane reached a higher altitude in the sky. His chin resting in his hand, Eiri tried to keep his gaze on the airport until the last moment. He sighed when the window displayed different scenery, turning away from it and unbuckling the annoying seatbelt from his waist. He wanted to be as comfortable as possible, so had kept it loose, attracting the attention of one of the plane attendants who left after he growled at her, grumbling about the snobs she had to put up with in the first class.
"Aishteru Yu-chan!"
Yuki grimaced, his face expressing the pain that shot in his chest for a moment when the words rang in his head. Where have he heard that same sentence before? He hadn't, because he was the one to say them. It was not a public, make-me-deaf scream like Shuichi's reminder, but he had said it with a faint blush; a teenaged boy confessing his love for a tutor, for a man, for... Yuki.
He excused himself as he stepped in front of the woman next to him, and then he headed towards the bathroom. Locking the door behind him, Yuki placed his hands on the sink, letting them support his weight as he stared hard at his reflection. Who was this in the reflection? Yuki? No, definitely not Yuki. He was Eiri Uesugi, a novelist and a son of a monk, but... but why did he continue to torture himself with the past? Yuki, who was Yuki exactly? All he had was a blurry memory that told him he was in love with a man named Yuki, who betrayed him... who hurt him, but instead of trying to forget him, he decided to call himself Yuki to the public.
At the same moment, somebody else was wondering about the same thing. Their hands on the sink, their eyes fixed on the mirror before them, they mumbled. "Who am I?" Blond hair reflected the artificial light, still wet from the shower. The hands left the sink, reaching for the contacts case. Carefully, two fingers picked up one of the moisture objects and placed it in the wide-open eye, repeating the process with other contact. Blinking, a tear fell from the corner of one eye as the contact took its time to get in the right place. Blue eyes stared the mirror once again, "I am Tatsuha Uesugi. No, I am Eiri Uesugi, Eiri... Yuki."
A knock sounded on the door and Yuki growled, cursing people who did not have enough patience to be in this world, only to stop when he remembered he was one of those. He opened the door, not glancing at the man who disturbed him but heading straight back to his seat. He rarely had that much patience when it came to Shuichi, or anybody for that matter. He just seemed to push everybody away, wanting to brood alone about his past, which consisted of a few flashbacks that sometimes did not make sense to him. Tohma was usually there to help him remember, since it was the only real connection between them that kept them in constant touch -except the fact that he was married to his sister, of course. The older blond would try to remind the writer of the wonderful times they had spent in New York, but Eiri always shut him off, only remembering the pain he went through in the last days of his stay in the United States.
He knew it was not fair for the Nittle Grasper's member, but he could not think of NY without linking that directly to Yuki, and thinking about that man only brought him grief and misery, which was expected. Problem is, he could not stop of thinking about Yuki for a moment the last couple of weeks, and he knew the reason behind that.
Shuichi Shindou.
That pink-haired boy reminded him so much of himself, not the part where he grab hold of his leg, not letting go as Eiri drags him along everywhere, but the part where he loves blindly. Where did that love come from? Why does the singer love him so much? Why did he love Yuki? Why does he still?
He sighed, squirming in his seat for a moment in an attempt to get comfortable, before he leaned back on the stuffed chair. It did not matter now, what mattered now was a small fact he could not deny.
He was going to miss that punk.
Studio M buzzed with loud music, silenced by the thick walls and glass that separated the room from the building. Bad Luck's American Manager, Claude K. Winchester, watched as two members of the band focused on making the music while the third held the mike in his hand, ready to add his vocal part when the time came. The long-haired guitarist nodded to Shuichi, giving him the signal to start singing.
The pink-haired singer opened his mouth, and by the look of his face; he was about to do his best performance. Eyes shut tight, head turned up to the sky and chest filled with air, Shuichi screamed.
Hiro put his hand on the wall, his head hung low and moving left and right in hopeless shake, while Fujisaki grabbed hold of his keyboard to stop himself from falling to the ground and knock himself out. K was not as lucky though, finding himself face first on the floor. He sighed, pushing himself up enough to place his elbow on the ground and rest his cheek in his hand, while the other hand's fingers tapped repeatedly in a pattern on the ground. This was not working, it had been three days and they didn't get any work done due to the singer's depression. K lifted his legs up, feet locked and started to swing them back and forth. He was out of ideas to cheer the teenager up, having every single one he tried already shot down in a second. He was worse than Ryuichi when he loses Kumagoro.
Hiro walked out of the door, sighing, only to stop in his tracks at the scene before him. Claude looked like a little kid with the way he was spread on his stomach, his legs going up and down, all that was messing was a coloring book and some crayons. The long-haired teenager blushed, and he looked away from K knowing that he was the reason behind the room's temperature going up. Hiro recently found himself admiring their American manager, his eyes following his every move and being ready to laugh at every antic of his. What scared him the most, though, is the way his heart fluttered whenever the blond talked to him, whether it was to get more excuses to use his weaponry directory, or to compliment him on a job done well. Hiroshi could still remember the way he felt when Claude wrapped an arm around his shoulder, hugging him close and whispering how glad he was to have him back after his second try to quit the band. Nakano believed that it was the turn point where his feelings toward the American began to change.
K sighed again, this time climbing to his feet and loosening the always-loose tie even more. He looked at the pitiful bundle that is Shuichi, who was curled on the ground and crying, wanting his Yuki back. Walking towards Hiro, he placed his bent elbow on the nearest shoulder, not realizing the effect it had on the younger man as his heart started to beat faster. "Nee, Hiro-kun, can't you take him back home with you?"
Hiro stepped away, just wanting his heart to slow down and the blush to not spread across his face. "No way, man, not after his attempt to rape me the first night."
"Ah, c'mon, Nakano! You know he did not mean to, he just thought you were Yuki-san." He winked, "This time you can lock your door."
"You're talking as though I did not do so the first time; I know how crazy Shuichi get without his lover, but the boy forced his way into my room, the lock was broken in two!" He made hand gestures to emphasize the danger of the situation, "Why do you think I follow him around with a warning sign in my hands."
K sighed, crossing his arms against his chest. "Ano, I cannot take him with me, I have a child to worry about." He switched his gaze to the pale keyboard player, "Fuji-sa--"
"No way in hell!" Was the stern reply before Fujisaki slammed the door after he left the studio.
K tapped his chin, trying to come up with yet another idea. He snapped his fingers as a light bulb appeared above his head. Frowning, the blond grabbed hold of the lit bulb and threw it in the trash can, hearing it crash. "I hope they don't take their prices out of my salary every time I get one." Hiro sweatdropped.
Pulling his cell phone out of is pocket, he hit one of the speed dial. Waiting a few moments, he greeted cheerfully. "Hey, Ryu-kun!"
An exhausted Shuichi pulled out the keys from his pocket, or Yuki's to be exact. He caressed the squid toy* that hung from the key chain, feeling tears prick in his eyes. After a big struggle between K and Hiro, the latter shouting 'You want us to be doomed', or was it 'You want to doom the world'? He shook his head, it was something like that, and after that Hiro walked him home with that stupid Caution! Danger! sign being waved around.
He stepped into the building and kept going until he was in the elevator. Pushing the floor's number, he slumped against the wall, his head hung low. He could not go through with this anymore, it's been only three days but it felt as though he had kissed Yuki goodbye a lifetime ago.
The tears were back again, and as the elevator stopped and the door started to slide open, Shuichi threw his head back and wailed. "Yuki~!"
"Yeah, baby?"
The pink-haired singer stopped his scream, blinking at the elevator's ceiling. Slowly lowering his head to face what's in front of him, he saw the blond leaning against the apartment's doorframe, arms crossed and a smirk in place. Shindou blinked once more, feeling and looking stupid.
* It's in vol. 11... I just loved it, and now I'm wishing that I have one. Also that cute Kumagoro that hung from Shuichi's cell phone! Oh man, I hope they have some of that in the convention
AN: Rubs her hands together Now we're talking! Finally I'm getting to the story's idea, whee~, I can't wait to work more on this ficcy!! Oh, and for that scene of K on the floor and him being childish and all, that's my view of Claude... I just always feel like he's that cute young kid who can't wait to play with his new toys. That's why I love him! hugs K n.n Anyway, I was asked by one of my fried about why I take long to update my stories, so I decided to write the answer here... so if you don't want to read and find more about me, then don't hurt and my feelings sniffs... n.n;;; Oh, if you want to skip the part after this, just want to thank you for reading!! And please tell me what you think! n.n
Okay, to get myself motivated, I go first to take look at the reviews, and I start to reply each one before I actaully start the story... also the NV, that's why sometimes it doesn't fit with the story sweatdrop, and when I actually start with the story, I write the first lines then I jump to turn the TV on, find something, watch it for a few minutes... then go back to writing, with the TV still on. After another paragraph, I would start looking for some music CDs to play. Then I would grab my Newtupe USA magazine, and sigh as I read the Kyo Kara Maou, knowing I'm not going to see or read it before a couple of months (I'm broke). After that, yep, you guessed it, some more writing, but I stop again to read some other fanfics. More writing, then I would find some situation in the story that amuses me, and I need to draw it, and after some more interruptions... you get a finished chapter, which is never long, and some pissed off readers. So... GOMEN NASA, minna-samaI!! blinks then grins If somebody actually read all this, just tell me and I will try to be less distracted next time chuckles n.n;; ARIGATOU! For readin' and all... please tell me what you think! 'Til next time n.n
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