Beautiful Reflections | By : Mitmiya Category: Gravitation > General Views: 2934 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Gravitation, nor any of the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
Disclaimer: Three words, no, wait... counts on her hand it's five words. I do not own anything. counts words again Yep, that's five. I think I got it right. OMG, I did~! screams happily Ah, uh, first of all I want to thank God, then my math teacher and of course my pare-- shot dead
Summary: Tatsuha had taken the role of being Yuki to get Shuichi for himself, since he can't get Ryuichi. Would Shuichi notice before it's too late? And why can't Ta-kun be with Ryu? What would Yuki do when he finds out? YS, TS, TR, KHiro!!
Pairings: TatsuhaxShuichi, YukixShuichi, TatsuhaxRyuichi KxHiro!
Nagging Voice: Oooh, things are starting to get really interesting around here in the story, but that's not all, folks. I am going to be mixing five fics' ideas in one, since it seemed to be the best option, so this fic is going to be one damn long story!! Umm, just so you know... And other thing to address is people sending me some nasty emails about updating, I'm really sorry guys that I'm taking a long time to write chapters for this story but I'm preparing to move out, not only the house and town, also out of country. So, please guys, just give me some time as I say goodbye to a place I've been living in for a year. Just, onegai, no more emails... but at the same time, I'm glad you actually took the time to write an email about that n.n Well, that's about it for my nagging this time... so, read on and tell me what you think!! (PS: Chapter's name came from Drama and Speech class that I'm takin', teacher always barks it and it annoys the hell outta me... n.n;; I know, pointless, but the hey! n.n)
Warning: Language, yaoi, some violence in following chapters. Non-beat'ed story. I guess that's about it.Oh, also, my native language is neither English nor Japanese, so please try to excuse my mistakes! Arigatou!
Comebacks: A section for you, reviewers! Yay! (In order of the reviewer number)
Eve: Of course there will be a happy ending... I can't possibly write anything where Shuichi and Yuki aren't together... they're my fav. pairing in all anime. Thanks for the review!!
Renaline: Yay! You reviewed again... and good catch with the baby thing n.n It's just how Tatsuha is going to learn that he has to change some things when he's Yuki!! Arigatou~!
Blegedy: huggles You reminded of someone I know, sorry, couldn't help it giggles I'm glad you like the story... and here's an update.. hope you enjoy it n.n Arigatou~~!
++Chapter Three: Begin Scene!++
The night was still young, and the citizens of Tokyo City were taking full advantage of that as cars sped down the streets, horns blaring and head stuck out of windows, screams and whoops being let out into the night. The need to party was rushing through veins as the weekend came near, and the youth of Tokyo started to invade the roads as the sky grew darker.
Sumiko drove her white Jeep down the narrow streets of the neighborhood, grinning widely as her friends screamed out at people as she drove past them, using profanity as if it's the only thing they have been taught in their lives. The group's Friday night's ritual was the best part of the weekend; the freedom you gain by flooring the gas pedal and letting your car shoot down the street like a bullet, music turned up loud and damaging your eardrums as you whooped to the city.
Making a sharp turn around the corner, the young Japanese teenager breathed in anticipation, the grin still in place as the car went down the familiar neighborhood. It was their favorite street to drive down, especially when they get to piss off the blond beauty that lived up in the third floor of one of the buildings. Every week, they would stop the car there, make the tires screech as the rubber burn off onto the ground and stay at the spot with their music blaring until he comes out onto the balcony, and give them a glare.
A glare from Eiri Yuki. It was well worth it!
When they reached the street, though, they were disappointed by the switched off lights in the third floor. Nothing stops a group of mad fan girls, though, for the teenagers turned up the music even further while Sumiko honked the horn three times before keeping her hand on for more than ten seconds, but when the only results they got was an old bald man threatening them, whom they flipped off respectfully, they decided to call it quits.
It was eerie how the place was quiet on a Friday night, usually there would be some loud bickering coming from the Yuki's apartment but that night it seemed as silence as death itself. With head hung low, the car of the rabid fan girls was driven through the neighborhood as the girls wondered whom else they could annoy at that moment.
The yellow-colored building was barely out of sight when a high-pitched scream tore through the night.
It was the queit before the storm, the breaths could be heard easily along with a bumping hearts as everything else fell silent and faded away. It was as if they had stopped in time, everything seeming unreal and incomprehensible as everything froze up, brain included, and Shuichi did not dare make a move as his eyes drowned in beautiful hazel ones. He felt numb as a caring gaze ran along the length of his body, and then shudders started to run through him as he saw the love turn into passion and hunger.
He did not move, though, not even a step.
The pink-haired singer blinked once fast, not wanting for the image before him to disappear, but when he opened them and the blond was still there before him, leaning against the doorframe, he decided to blink once again. His exhaustion must have been catching up to him; Yuki never waited for him at the door, not with that sweet smile and the love in his eyes. Now he understood why Hiro was following him with that sign. he felt tears prick the back of his eyes; and to think he had ever doubted his best friend.
Tatsuha watched as the younger man spaced off in front of him, his eyes unfocused for a while as he drifted into his inner world. The younger Uesugi's eye twitched as Shuichi's brain switched off the real world, damn it all to hell if he was about to have his whole plan ruined. Maybe it was the way he was acting, maybe it was his posture? What was he doing wrong that Shuichi had to run off to his fantasy world? What would have done if he were to be in this position? Dammit, he cursed as it hit him, but I thought he would be at least a bit nice to his lover.
Standing straight and fixing his hazel eyes into a glare, which Tatsuha -now Yuki- aimed at the helpless boy in the elevator as coldness replaced the love that was shining from the same pair of eyes a moment ago. The elevator was making a beeping noise when Tatusha dryly said. "Nani? Thought you'd be happy, brat."
Shuichi's eyes widened as he heard the familiar cold voice talking to him and he felt his heart race in his chest, almost bursting through to the outside world. His face started to glow with happiness, his eyes shut and soft lips stretching to reveal white teeth and pink tongue as his mouth opened to let out a scream.
"YUKI~!" He dashed forward, arms open up wide so he could get into his lover's arms only to have his face hit a cold, hard surface. With tears in his eyes, Shindou rubbed his nose and looked at the elevator's closed door with a pout, and when the metal box started moving, the pink-haired teenager started pressing on the button frantically as he panicked. "No~! NO! Yuki, Yuki, Yuki~!" He stuck his hands in the small gap between the door and the wall and started pulling with all his mite, "Lemme go, lemme go! Yuki~!"
Tears were streaming in rivers as the elevator ignored Shuichi's pleadings and threats, and instead going all the way back to the ground floor. As the door slid open, there was a gasp and childish frightened squeal as the scene in the elevator met a woman and her son. There in the middle of the metal box, was a pink-haired boy in a heap, face-first on the floor as his body twitched.
"Mommy," the young boy pulled at the woman's sleeve, "Is he dead?"
The mother tried to comfort her child as she stepped closer to the form on the ground. "Of course not, baby." She placed a soft, small hand on top of the unmoving head. "Are you okay, mister?"
She felt the head under her hand move, and she smiled sweetly as the young man tried to look up at her. Her smile dropped fast, though, when she saw the subject of the "Scream" painting looking at her, his face blue-colored and his eyes looking as though he was drugged up.
"Yuki~!" The slow moan came out from the dead-looking boy, and the woman took a couple of shaky breaths before she let out a high-pitched scream. Grabbing her son around the waist, she broke the record as she ran away from the freak in the elevator.
Shuichi pressed the third floor button once again and slowly stood up, ready to go into action as soon as possible. Mumbling Yuki's name over and over again under his breath, he watched the digital display and impatiently waited for number three to appear up there. His mouth opened in happiness when it did, the elevator making a beep sound once before the door slid open.
"YUKI~!" Once again, he opened his arms up wide and rushed out of the elevator, wanting and needing to feel the strong arms of his lovers hold him and comfort him. Oh, how much he had missed Yuki. It had been forever since the last time he had seen him; who thought he would actually survive three days without flying after the blond. Didn't anybody understand that his whole world revolved around Eiri, how was he supp--
Sitting there on his butt after falling, Shuichi looked up at the closed door with hurt in his eyes, but he could not help laughing when he saw the sign that was placed on the wooden barrier between him and his lover. He should have known Yuki would this, but he thought he would be more creative.
He heard a gasp and the pink-haired young man turned to see a young man, a child in her arms, looking at him in horror for a moment before screaming and running off in the other direction. Shuichi shrugged.
Violet eyes took in the sign once again, remembering that he saw it stashed away in the apartment. Probably when Yuki needed to use it, and it seemed that now was the time to use it.
He started to giggle, hearts floating all around him.
Yuki was back!
Tatsuha heard the door of the apartment creak as it was opened, and the artificially blond man hurried to get in the bed. He closed his eyes as he used his ears to detect the movements of Bad Luck's vocalist, the action causing some mental images to run through his mind which caused some excitement and disturbance in the lower part of his athlete body. Just the thought of having Shuichi for himself, body and all, was enough to him to be on the edge.
His mind started to fill up with images a brown-haired singer, though, as he heard the steps come closer to the bedroom and Tatusha used every single bit of his will power not to jump Shuichi when he opened the door of the dark room. Anticipation coursed through his body as the steps drew even more near, and despite knowing that somebody was there all along, Tatsuha couldn't help but jump when a high-pitched scream attacked his poor, soft eardrum.
Shuichi heard an 'oof' come out from the bed as he jumped on the person sleeping in it. A wide grin split his youthful face as he felt the body beneath him twist and turn, only to blush furiously when he found a not well-hidden bulge pressing against him. Yuki and him might have had sex and made love -a term Shuichi preferred- more than enough to be experience, but the Shuichi could not help but get rosy cheeks when it came to those situations, even a kiss could trigger his blush. He did not mind though, as long as it made him look 'a little bit cute' to Yuki as it usually did.
"Nee, Yuki!" He ignored the pressing matters Yuki seemed to be suffering from and instead laid on top of him, his arms around the delicate neck, and simply didn't move. "You're back!"
"Your point?"
"Ahh, admit it, you big softy." He raised himself to drop a kiss on the blond's nose. "You couldn't stay away from me for a day, couldn't you now?!" The pink-haired teenager nuzzled Yuki, "Don't worry, from now on, Shuichi will take of ya, Yuki!"
"Is that so, punk?" Tatsuha wrapped his own arms around the slim waist, and with a fluid movement, he rolled them both over so he was hovering over Shuichi, who had his eyes closed and small smile on his face, his arms still around Yuki.
"Hai, I'm never letting you out of my sight, Yuki!" He stopped for a moment, a content sigh escaping him as soft, wet lips started trailing kisses down his jawline to his neck. "I mean it, wherever you go, you'll find me there." The last part faded away as the body relaxed under the special attention of Tatsuha, or as known to Shuichi, Eiri Yuki.
"You do like being a pain in the ass, don't you, baka?" Tatsuha placed a gentle kiss on the soft lips, and passionately started to deepen it only to stop when the person he was kissing did not respond. Raising himself up a bit, Tatsuha looked at the peaceful face of his soon-to-be-lover. Giving those pinky lips another kiss, he whispered, "Mine Shuichi, you're all mine."
Gently rolling the smaller body over, Tatsuha gathered Shuichi to his chest and kissed the soft, silky pink-hair. The lids slowly closed over hazel eyes, and the last image Tatsuha had was of a brown-haired older man, a bunny plushie clutched in his hand. His arms tightened around the warm body in his arm as he mumbled before drifting off.
NV: Oops, Tatsuha is all over Shuichi, but I guess he won't be getting that much fun tonight! Okay, so here we are, starting with the real stuff and getting to the main point of the whole story... what do you think so far? It is hard to write a fic just like the manga, where angst and humor can exist in the same scene, seriously, right now I really admire Mika-san more, if possible. I hope you liked it, and tell me if this is better or if I should make it all angst-y... and as I suggested in another story, since I spend my time trying to find out what your usernames mean to you, I was wondering if you'd like to write the meaning of your username in your review... thought it would be fun n.n Let me start... MitMiya was created by my first yaoi pairing, Mitsui and Miyagi from Slam Dunk n.n Oh, one final note, the girl in the beginning, Sakumi, is an actual reviewer, who wanted real bad to be in the fic, even for a moment... so if you want to have your name or nickname (preferably Japanese) be in one of those aimless scenes, just mention that in your review! That's it for now, thanks for reading n.n
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