RRS : Roanapur Rape Stories | By : TentacleFan Category: +. to F > Black Lagoon Views: 41894 -:- Recommendations : 2 -:- Currently Reading : 3 |
Disclaimer: I do not own or make any money off of this work. I do not claim ownership or make any money off of Black Lagoon or any elements of it. |
Roanapur Rape Stories : RRS
Hardcore Black Lagoon Erotic Fan-fiction
Chapter 3 : The Big Balalaika Takedown
Disclaimer : This is a work of erotic fan-fiction aka smutty porn. I do not own or claim ownership of or make any profit off of any of the characters or other elements contained within the story. This work is intended for adult readers only and contains graphic adult content and some violence. This includes rape. If you are offended by such things please do not continue any further. It is a work of fiction and the author does not condone acts of violence or rape in any non fictional way.
Author's Notes : I know some of you have been waiting eagerly for this chapter. The sexy yet scary Balalaika gets her turn. SailorNemesis, thanks for reading and posting feedback for me. I always love it when I see you popping into one of my stories and sharing your thoughts and suggestions. The Evening Primrose and esb1989 I'm glad you're both loving it. Black Lagoon is a great series deserving some good smutty fan fic and it's setting is great for the dirtier rougher stuff in my opinion. MissEllie I'm sorry if the happenings in Eda's chapter weren't to your taste. I was shooting for something exciting with a bit of the other kind of action though I can see what you mean about her attackers being able to counter everything she had set up. I'm glad you're still with me though and I'm interested to hear your thoughts about Balalaika's takedown. I tried to make it a thrilling action sequence without resulting to feats requiring precognition to set up. I hope everyone enjoys!
It was midday in Roanapur, the wickedest city in Thailand and quite possibly the world. The major players had gathered for one of their meetings they held every so often where they divided up business and settled issues between them before they became full fledged gang wars. This particular session had just ended and the door to the two story building they had met at this time around opened. Out onto the landing stepped Balalaika, the leader of the city's Russian crime cartel known and feared as Hotel Moscow. Beside her stood one of her men, loyal to the death and highly skilled in dealing out the same. The large man was dressed in a dark suit though he'd prefer his fatigues to be sure. Scanning the street for possible hostiles was second nature for him before he descended the short flight of stairs to the sidewalk. He opened the car door and held it for his commander.
Balalaika stepped out of the shade of the awning over the door to the building, her long blonde hair catching the sun. She wore it the way she nearly always did with the majority of it pulled back taut into a thick ponytail which fell down over the back of the olive drab military coat she often wore. Her claw like bangs stopped short of covering her piercing blue eyes which were capable of many looks most of which one would never hope to be on the receiving end of. On the right side of her face was a vertical stripe, a line of scar tissue which descended from behind her bang across her forehead, totally surrounding her right eye. It tapered a little as it continued down her cheek ending near her chin. It did nothing to undermine her hotness, in fact it served to give her something of an exotic undefinable beauty. Her features were hard, they put out a very clear air that she was not someone with which to fuck.
Beneath her long coat, which she wore open, Balalaika was clad in a wine colored skirt suit. It was finely tailored, hugging her curves and showing a generous amount of cleavage and stocking clad leg while still putting forth an aura of power and control. Her neck and the portions of her voluptuous breasts on display bore more of the striped scars like the one upon her face. Her skirt came down to mid thigh and sheer black stockings covered the rest of her legs down to a pair of black leather heels. She was as stunning as she was intimidating to be sure.
Mid way down the stairs she felt the buzz of her cell in her suit pocket. Retrieving it she answered as she climbed into the back of her car. “Is that so. Hold position. I'm sending him over.” She flicked her eyes over towards the door. “There's been a development. They think it's related to the gang of miscreants who have been treating Roanapur like it's their personal spring break resort. One of our men was approached by a pair who sought to bribe him for information about our operations and personnel. They managed to escape when he tried to bring them in. I want you to meet up with the group who is hunting for them now and make sure to bring them in alive. They need to be shown what happens when you fuck with Hotel Moscow.” He nodded and shut the door. Even now another was pulling up behind her to take him to the neighborhood that was being scoured.
“Driver, take me home.” She pulled out one of her thin cigars and struck a match and lit it. The back seat filled with the intoxicating smell as she puffed upon it. They had stopped at a light and were waiting for the foot traffic to cross the street when she closed her eyes for just a second and massaged her forehead with one hand. Then they shot open as she suddenly felt several small pin pricks. One in her neck, another in her stomach and two in her right thigh. Even as her eyes opened she had a hand in her coat and had pulled out a knife. The black metal blade was a Spetsnaz combat knife, a feared weapon of the Russian special forces. She pointed the blade at the driver, still shocked one of her men would dare to turn on her. Balalaika was stunned to see it wasn't one of her men. The driver had been one of her loyal soldiers when she had arrived but the man who was in the front seat holding some kind of air powered pistol only bore a resemblance to him.
She triggered the ballistic knife sending the blade flying across the car towards her attacker. She could already feel whatever was being pumped into her affecting her reaction time. He was able to duck and the blade pierced through the front windshield of the car instead. Balalaika glanced down and saw four tiny metal darts sticking out from where she had felt the pin pricks. She plucked one out to find it had already done it's job. The world was spinning around her in the stopped car. She fought back against blacking out and threw herself forward towards the man in the front seat. “Damn, bitch. You still got some fight in you?” He threw an arm up and caught her hands that were reaching for his throat. She tried to turn it into a grip to twist his arm to her advantage but then she felt it. He brought a fist into her stomach knocking the wind out of her. On a good day she probably could have torn him apart with her bare hands. Pumped full of knock out juice she was too slow and fading fast. In a last ditch effort she crawled across the back seat trying to reach the car door. He grabbed her by the ankle and tugged her back to mid seat. As he did he grabbed the gun and fire one more dart into her round ass for good measure. She was still clawing at the seat as she passed into darkness.
Slowly Balalaika began to drift back to the waking world. Her head was buzzing like the worst hangover imaginable as she began to be able to see light instead of just pure darkness. She tried to recall what was going on, where she was, but it took a few moments to come to her senses. She blinked her eyes and began to look around as she began to see clearly. Something was around her wrists, her ankles as well. Why was she kneeling? She started to recall the meeting, the car, getting drugged. Her eyes narrowed as she surveyed the room and saw a tile lined room that looked like some kind of communal shower. She looked back to see a metal pole set into the cement with a rung at the top which had rope run through it that bound her wrists together and another rung with rope doing likewise to her feet. The only articles of clothing she was missing were her coat and shoes, a fact for which she was grateful. She knew of the men who had snatched her however and knew exactly what they were capable of.
That was when she became aware of the man standing there staring at her. He grinned at her fiendishly as she met his eyes. “Good to see the whore's awake. We've all been” She cut off him off suddenly mid sentence. “Each and every one of you is going to die. I'll see to it personally. They won't be easy deaths either. And when I'm done each of your families will follow.” Her voice was calm, methodical, as if what she said was a statement of fact. There was no fear, not even anger or hatred was audible. It was cold and calculated. To hear such a thing uttered by this woman would have sent shivers up the spine of most any man in Roanapur, perhaps even those who would consider themselves her equals in the other criminal organizations that controlled the city. The man staring back at her seemed unfazed. In fact his grin widened. “Well isn't that spooky. Let's get started then shall we. First I'm going to get you all dressed up nice, then the bitch gets taken for a walk.” He stepped towards her. She glared defiantly back as he approached. “I wouldn't get any closer if I were you.” Still no fear or hesitation was in her voice. He just kept on smiling as he reached a hand into his pants pocket. He fished out something and then let it dangle before her. It was a black rubber strap with a metal ring hanging from it and another length of rubber hanging from the other side of the ring.
Her eyes narrowed as she saw the ring gag come out. She closed her lips as he got in arms reach of her. “Well that sure shut your whore mouth up didn't it. I guess we play the waiting game then.” He reached down and pinched her nose tight between thumb and index finger. She tried to thrash her head so he reached out his other arm around her neck and gripped her chin to restrain her. It was only a matter of time now. Through pure force of will she managed to hold out without breathing for quite some time. Eventually though her lungs burned and her body took over. Her mouth opened and she sucked in a deep breath and at that exact moment he shoved the ring between her lips. Her teeth jarred against it as she bit down in a failed attempt to dislodge it before it was in place. It was too late now. She whipped her head around, long blonde hair slashing every which way but it didn't stop him from tying the rubber straps together behind her head. He chuckled as he looked down at her with her mouth stuck open and defenseless. “Much better. Now let's get you ready.”
The man reached into his pocket once more and retrieved a box knife. Sliding the blade out a couple of clicks he knelt beside her. Balalaika could do little but stare at him through slitted eyes as he began to dissect her clothing. He cut her suit coat to pieces letting it fall to the floor. She found it a pity as she rather liked that suit. One more thing she planned on revenging herself upon this man and his allies for. He repeated the slicing until her white blouse was in similar condition. Beneath her top he found she wore a black bra which held her large tits. Even down further on her torso and breasts were the patches of scar tissue like those up above. He gazed wantonly at her body remarking, “Damn, bitch. Something fucked you up good. Sure didn't fuck these up though.” He groped her tits through the bra feeling their softness and weight. His finger tips sought her nipples and he began to pinch them through the thin fabric. She didn't give him the pleasure of reacting to his crude touches. He could feel the nipples stiffen through her bra however and smiled smugly at her. He glanced down at her stomach where her hips started to widen out. She had on a garter belt with straps on either side that ran down beneath her wine purple skirt. He gripped her skirt where it was slit on one side and slid the knife up from there till he could pull it away revealing black panties that matched her bra. The sheer stockings she wore were thigh highs which were fixed to the garter belt with snaps. Clad only in her black lingerie she was exquisite looking, voluptuous and curvy. The only thing detracting from her looking like some kind of sex bomb wasn't even the numerous scars, it was the hateful gaze fixed in her eyes as she glared at him with her mouth gaping open lewdly.
Balalaika was doing her best not to let drool escape past the gag that held her mouth affixed open but it was a difficult struggle when she couldn't close her lips. She was not the kind to show weakness so she didn't flinch or react other than to stare as he disrobed her with the knife. Now that he had her down to lingerie he slipped the blade back in and pocketed the knife. He next pulled out a thick piece of black rubber which almost looked like an oversized and extra-wide rubber band. Grabbing one leg by the ankle he forced her heel against her ass as he slipped the band around her knee and pulled it up till it was tight around her upper thigh holding her leg in the bent back position. He repeated the maneuver on her other leg leaving her unable to unbend either limb now. Balalaika had seen this kind of thing before in her countless hours of editing the hardcore porn peddled by Hotel Moscow. It was the kind of thing used in petplay to make one a dog. She seethed with anger yet again, furious to find herself reduced to such a thing as to be put through these mens degradation play. She tried her best to keep him from getting a grip on her arms to bind them likewise but it was useless when she was tied to a post and helpless. He slipped bands around her upper and lower arms meaning she could no longer unbend them either.
Next he went over to the wall and retrieved a leash which was hanging from a nail. There with it was a black leather collar with a ring in the front to attach the leash. He walked back over and fastened it around her throat before hooking the leash to it. Nothing she had ever experienced had ever prepared Balalaika for the humiliation she felt as she was collared like a bitch. Even though he wasn't tugging on it she could imagine it already chaffing her throat as she knelt there. Having prepared her to his liking the captor loosened the ropes holding her to the post. She tried to remain kneeling so as not to be reduced to traveling on all fours. Indeed, any traveling at this point would be bringing her to the place the group intended to gang rape her. He gave her a swift kick in the ass sending her sprawling forward. Not used to the bondage he had forced her into Balalaika fell to the floor and didn't catch herself on her elbows. She grunted as she landed. Laying on her stomach, tits pressed against the tile floor, she could feel the drool had sloshed out of her mouth dribbling down her chin. She glanced down and saw a pool of it on the tile below. “Up bitch! Stand!” He shouted as he tugged the leash. Balalaika scrambled up to the only kind of standing she could now do, up on her knees and elbows. She did this not to be obedient as much as to avoid the choking of the collar digging into her throat.
She made quite the sight like this. Her large breasts hung in the bra beneath her swaying from the slightest movement. One of them had nearly escaped the cup in her fall and it was caught with the nipple poking out over the top of the cup. Her curvy ass stuck out covered only by the tautly stretched panties, a generous amount of ass crack peering out at the top. He pointed to an open doorway on the wall in front of her. “Get walking, everyone's waiting for us.” His foot pressed against her ass. She turned her head back and looked at him, still furious at her predicament and treatment. There was nothing she could do to help herself now. She was utterly helpless and these men, crude and bestial as they were, obviously were skilled enough to have eluded her soldiers thus far. She might be rescued by her men at some point. Her captors might get sloppy and she'd have a chance to escape given enough time. But for now she realized exactly what was about to happen to her. Balalaika turned back to the door and began to walk on all fours, still adjusting to the new sensation of crawling on knees and elbows. She wasn't very stable which made her ass and tits jiggle with each faltering step as she obeyed and walked to the door.
The room she entered was lit unlike the communal shower room she had awoken in. A lone fluorescent light hung flickering above illuminating a locker room that looked like it hadn't seen use as such in a few years. She couldn't help but analyze the situation, it took her mind off the impending scenario. This must be an abandoned school or perhaps a gym. Maybe the information would be useful later. She kept trundling in to avoid a choking tug of her leash. In the room stood another eleven men. They were gathered in a semicircle leaving room for her to enter into their midst. Some of them were already stripped nude, others were dressed, yet all stood there stroking themselves and admiring the beautiful yet fierce Russian as she was unceremoniously paraded before them. “Well here she is boys. The cunt in chief herself.” The one who had prepared her introduced her. “We can all enjoy ourselves but keep this in mind. If one of you motherfuckers can really break her you've got a nice fat bonus coming your way.” Catcalls and cheers erupted from the group. Balalaika was still focused on trying to see any more details or hints that might help her in an escape or if she managed to get information out at some point. That was when she saw the screen. There was a monitor back behind the men mounted on one wall. It was obviously linked to another camera elsewhere. It showed a room empty save for one inhabitant. Balalaika recognized her right off. She was from the gun-running organization known as the Rip-Off Church. She had been sure these men had been the same involved in that disappearance which had been part of a wider set of attacks on women involved in various parts of the Roanapur scene but this proved it. Eda had vanished when one of the church's arms deals had gone south and that was around the time Balalaika had gotten Hotel Moscow involved in matters.
She had been led into the center of the group and they closed around her to circle Balalaika from all sides now. The one holding her leash stepped in front of her blocking her view of the screen showing Eda. He unzipped his slacks and tugged out a long thick cock that was quickly lengthening to full size. “I keep thinking about how you're going to kill me and my family.” He said it mockingly with exaggerated trembling in his voice. “It's got me really fucking hard thinking I need to show you what your mouth is really for.” He reached forward and gripped her hair by the bangs and tugged her towards his cock. The hand holding the leash gripped his shaft around the base. As he got close to her he stared down into her eyes, so full of rage towards him, and slapped it back and forth against her cheeks. He rubbed his cock all over her face clearly enjoying the dominance he now possessed over this powerful and feared woman. “Bitch want a bone?” He asked as he rubbed the tip of his manhood against her chin feeling the drool that leaked out through her wide open mouth. Lining up with her gaping maw he suddenly shoved his fat prick into her mouth. Balalaika tried to push back feebly with her tongue but all that did was cause it to rub up and down along his cock as he forced his way into her defenseless mouth. Able to fully control things he gripped the back of her head with both hands and forced his way deep into her unprepared throat. “Hhackkk Gaaccckkkk!” She choked upon the meaty shaft as it penetrated her throat. Saliva oozed out over his balls as he bottomed out inside her. Her eyes teared up quite against her will as she found it impossible to breath while choking on his cock.
While that one made use of her mouth a second approached from behind her. He knelt down by her ass staring at it appreciatively. Pulling back his hand he gave her a hard swat watching it jiggle and shake in response. Balalaika was too concerned with breathing to respond beyond that. He grabbed her panties and tugged the black undergarment to one side revealing a tightly clenched asshole and a pussy devoid of all but a few wispy blonde hairs. Number two stuck out his middle finger on his right hand and pressed the large digit against her back entrance. It parted her rosebud and he forced it in up to his knuckle. As he was exploring her anus he also pressed his own manhood up against her sex. While she was still choking on the first mans cock her pussy was spread open around the second man. He began to fuck her hard and fast once he was in. Balls slapped up against her as he pounded her cunt for all it was worth. The face-fucker help her down on his cock as she tried her best to pull back off him. She worried he'd get so into it she'd pass out or worse when eventually he relented. His cock mercifully slid from her throat and she gasped deep and hard for breath. Balalaika wasn't glaring at him now, she was too concerned just with getting a good breath. When she opened her eyes she looked up to see the man stroking his drool coated shaft at her face. He was breathing hard as he said, “Let's pretty you up slut.” He grunted and pointed his cock up. The man came spraying out a load of hot jizz across Balalaika's face. Cum splashed all over the right side of her face along her scar. She could feel the thick sticky fluid as it got in her bangs and face. It dripped down around her eye, stinging as it did. Even as he gave her the facial she fought back a moan not wanting them to hear her react to the one raping her from behind.
Plowing her tight cunt at full tilt number two continued to tease her asshole as he plowed her. The folds of her cunt wrapped tight around him with each trip into her pleasure hole and before long there was no way he could hold out. He slipped out before he came and as he shot his load it sprayed out across her back. She could feel it pool there, bubbling upon her skin. Being made their cum bucket disgusted the crime boss. Feeling it touch her skin, thick and slimy, was humiliating and she knew eventually it would get worse. They'd pump it inside her as well. A third man replaced the first by her mouth taking time to humiliate her further with the sensation of stiff cock rubbed against her face once more. She wanted her mouth to be free, to snap at him, but all she could do was wait for him to plunge into her mouth and fuck her face as the other had done. Out of the corner of her eye she saw a thick muscular black man approaching from the side. Her eyes widened at the sight of his cock, massive didn't convey what she saw. She felt him slide underneath her. He was on his back. She couldn't look down to face him as she was getting another tonsil workout from the cock thrust in her throat but she could hear him speak. “I just love fucking tight blonde cunt. It's my favorite. You going to give me a Russian half-breed when I pop in your womb?” Balalaika felt that monster sized mushroom tip brush against her. She tried desperately to wiggle her hips away from letting him claim her but he spread his legs which pushed her own bent legs to either side. She slipped and found him sliding right into her.
Balalaika's eyes shot open wide as she was spread wide around him. She couldn't believe she could take it. Still he managed to force his way in. Thick fingers gripped her ass cheeks and he began to pull her down over and over again as he filled her cunt. One of the men standing around watching remarked, “He's going to show her how he got the nickname Battering Ram.” The others snickered. His thick log of a cock began to batter up against her cervix as he tried to bury the entire length in her tight pussy. While he worked at entering her womb the second one to abuse her mouth lost it and fired off a thick creamy load of cum right into her open mouth. Balalaika had swallowed some by reflex as it was shot into the back of her throat. More of it pooled in her open mouth, unable to spit it out with the gag in place. Further spurts of seed sprayed more of the white stuff across her face. She could feel it dripping down her nose and chin, her face a total mess already. This barely distracted from the pain, and yes even a bit of unwanted pleasure, as her cunt was abused by the monster cock.
He was still teasing her cervix when another moved in behind her. He knelt, legs on the outside of the man beneath her, and pressed his cock against her tight virgin asshole. His cock wasn't as massive as the one below, but was plenty long and thick nonetheless, especially for the much tighter hole. Balalaika stopped short of trying to get out words begging him no. They wouldn't do anything but egg the men on she calculated. She tried to unclench as much as possible, then she felt the sting of a cockhead poke into her rectum. Next thing she knew she was being penetrated in both holes and couldn't stifle the moans any longer as she let out a lewd one. The feeling of them rubbing almost against each other through the thin walls of flesh was too much. Then she felt the gag being loosened. The straps were untied by the man beneath her and he pulled the ring from between her lips. She looked down at him and spat on his face. He just grinned up at her. She was loosing it. She barked at him, “Let me go! Don't you even think about cumming inside me!” Her cool was broken. That was when he pulled her down upon him until his tip penetrated up past her cervix. Filling her cunt until his balls ground up against her he was inside her womb. Cum blasted out inside her flooding Balalaika with hot virile seed. She gritted her teeth as she felt the massive load splashing inside her and quite possibly impregnating her with his bastard child. The sensation of a second load of semen being shot into her recently devirginized anal cavity barely registered compared to that.
While still buried in her womb he began to pump again with his hips working his way around and filling her up further. He looked up at her and taunted, “That's a good lil cum bucket. Oh yeah. Gonna fill you with every drop I got.” He noticed then a vacant look in her eyes. She was still conscious but gone was the fire in her eyes. “Alright boss. This bitch is broken.” He felt the last of his mighty load spent and pulled out of a now gaping hole. Some of the seed spilled out over the same cock that had delivered it in the first place. The one who had claimed her anal virginity had already pulled out as well and was backing away to find a seat near the lockers. One of the men who hadn't had a chance to fuck yet whined, “We haven't even all had a turn yet. Who had the bright idea to send him in so early!” Having climbed out from beneath Balalaika he chuckled. “I just wanted the bonus. That's all.” The others looked at the defeated Balalaika. She was still there for the taking and hot as fuck for that matter. Bonus or no their dicks were nice and hard.
For hours after that she took one comer after another. After one brave soul put his cock against her lips without the gag in place they discovered that she sucked cock possibly as some kind of reflex at this point. When they had finished for the day she was a cum soaked mess. The only thing none of them had done was finish inside her pussy. That had been left solely to the one who had broken Balalaika. The one who had prepared her in the first place took her away, once again leading by leash. Tied to another post in a room which looked very similar to the one she had seen Eda trapped in she looked up wearily at the man. She tried to repeat her promise to kill him but the words didn't come out. Instead he knelt by her and looked her in the eyes as he told her. “You aren't as popular as you might think back home. Some of your superiors aren't happy with how you were running things as your own personal army. Your detractors think you care more about having things your way than maximizing profits for the Mafiya. Now we get a new fucktoy and they get their biggest headache out of the way while they consider reorganization of the Roanapur branch. It's what I call a win-win.” He stood and left the room. There was a click of a lock and the sound of footsteps walking away. Balalaika was well and truly alone.
Author's Notes : I've heard from some of you who had suggested some bestiality material make it's way into RRS. I haven't put any in thus far primarily because I didn't opt to put that tag in when I started the series and I didn't want to alienate any readers who were enjoying the stories but weren't necessarily into that particular kink. If you'd like to see some bestiality themed Black Lagoon material let me know. I could do a Beast Lagoon set featuring the same gang only bringing their animal friends in to join in the fun. In general I ask please vote, rate, comment, or review for me please. You can also write me directly at tentaclefan.adultfanfic@gmail.com. I love to hear from readers and discuss stories, fandom, and the like. If you haven't already check out my other stories as well. Thanks again for taking time to read!
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