Happy Birthday, Cheren. | By : megadeth425 Category: Pokemon > Threesomes/Moresomes Views: 6144 -:- Recommendations : 1 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I don't own Pokemon and make no money from this story. |
Hilbert pours a shot for each of them from the expensive, incredibly old bottle of whiskey they weren't planning on opening for the occasion, but which seemed the only appropriate way to begin their new lives “together”. Kisses would have worked had there not already been plenty of kissing going around, and three peoples' mouths tasting of genitals too much for it really carry the sweetness they intended.
“On three,” Hilda says, each of them holding onto their shot glass. Bianca's still sitting on the chair atop N with his dick inside of her, every little squirm she makes--and given how gone she is there are many--making the hippie moan a little, while the other three remain on the couch, sitting tighter together than they had since they discovered what sexual tension was and that they had it. Though their seating arrangements are the same, everyone had shed their clothes, reasoning that if they're all together and in the middle of an orgy, then there's no point in the modesty or obstacle posed by clothing. “Ready? One, two three!”
Each of them hammer down their shot, and each of them have the same reaction, to cough and choke on the pure fire pouring down their throats. None of them know how to drink old, well-aged alcohol and all of them share the horrible moment of burning together, giving way to a laugh and each of them reaching for some water to try and soothe the flames. In many ways it feels like the perfect way to usher in their new polyamorous arrangement, a massive, simultaneous mistake involving them being in over their heads; it probably won't be the last.
“So what now?” Bianca asks, being the first to break the ice. Her intentions are pretty clear, and they're on everyone's mind, even if she's the only one drunk and shameless enough to step forward and say them. Everyone is far too wasted for a truly tender moment to mean much, but everyone is fired up enough to continue fucking, which in its own odd way is sweet all on its own. Years of tension finally let out, with N there as the newcomer fit seamlessly into what they had, by that point so familiar to their lives his exclusion would seem off.
“Well since you asked first,” Hilda says, leaning forward with a wicked smile on her face. “Boys, do you think Bianca should have a taste of what having multiple boyfriends mean?”
“Definitely,” they say in almost eerie unison. Cheren and Bianca look around, both fairly clueless, but Hilbert and N's faces light up at the prospect, Hilbert moving off the couch and out of the comfortable position of Cheren's head on his shoulder and his arm around his chest, as N gently eases Bianca off of his cock and leads her down to the living room floor. Although she has no idea what they're about do, she's drunk and giggling, leaning against N and eager to find out what Hilda's suggested for her.
“I hope it's something fun!” she says, slurring excitedly as Hilbert lies down on the floor and takes her back the hand, easing her to sit in his lap, and that's when Cheren understands what they're going for, even if she's lagging behind a little on the matter. She fumbles down between her legs for Hilbert's cock, grabbing it and trying to line it up with her sopping wet entrance, but she's clumsy and tipsy enough that her efforts are actually worse off for her than merely blindly trying to sit on it. “This is what I'm supposed to do, right?”
Hilbert heaves a relieved sigh as N gives her a helping hand, lining him up steadily with one hand and using the other on her round rear to guide her steadily down to her mark, taking Hilbert inside of her. Her moan is high-pitched and excited to have the other buy she'd spent her childhood lusting for inside of her, completing “the set” as it were. She's so absorbed in starting to bounce in Hilbert's lap that she forgets about N until his fingers, covered in lube, press against her back door, making her moan and arch back against him. Hilbert rocks upward into her as she does, holding tight onto her hips as he reaps the benefit of being ridden by a girl getting anally fingerfucked--a place he knows all too well. N's other hand smears even more lube along his cock, steadily applying a thick layer with a feverish handjob as he watches her round rear bounce and jiggle before his eyes.
As Cheren watches his girlfriend be prepared for anal, his other girlfriend pulls herself up into his lap, pressing back against him and easing him down comfortably against the couch behind him. “Have you guys ever done anal?” Hilda asks incredibly nonchalantly, though Cheren supposes now that Bianca is her girlfriend too it's a reasonable question.
“Not all the time, but on occasion.” He squirms as Hilda eases herself comfortably into his lap, both of them watching Bianca steadily rock back between Hilbert's cock and N's fingers, the thick and long digits slathering her inner walls with heavy amounts of lube to prepare her for what was to come. “We've never done any kind of double penetration before, although my lacking two penises does make that rather difficult.” His hands wrap around Hilda's waist, holding tightly onto her as she gets comfortable atop him.
'Comfortable' entails her bare, quim-soaked thighs seizing his cock between them, holding tightly onto them as her mound presses against the top of his length. That's when he realizes, her muscular thighs grinding against him and how she moans in response to it, that his new girlfriend is practically a bundle of erogenous zones, and he's rather okay with that. He leans forward to kiss and suck at the back of her neck as he serves as a seat to grind on as they lovingly watch Bianca get pushed by her two new boyfriends to new heights.
“Then what kinky thing did you guys get into? Come on Cheryl, I know there was something.”
“On the first date you already want my dark secrets?” he smirks, reaching a hand up to fondle her bare breast as she begins to rock steadily, mixing a thighjob with the sweet friction of her slit rubbing up and down his dick. “I'm sorry, but it takes more than one fancy dinner for me to confess those.”
“If all it takes is something to eat, I could sit somewhere else.” She bites her lip, reaching a hand back and stroking his cheek and his hair, knowing neither of them would much mind taking a seat on the 'upper row'.
“Maybe later; I had a pretty big snack earlier.”
With one last scissoring motion to ensure she's as lubed up and loosened as his fingers will get her, N withdraws, gripping his cock and pressing the tip to her slightly gaped hole, the blonde tipsily shouting excitedly that she's ready for this. It's a thought that's been on her mind as long as it has on everyone else's finally turned into a reality, and in her inhibitionless state she's eager to feel it fulfilled. N's tip presses against her wrinkled hole and slowly eases its way into her, and she draws a sharp moan, leaning forward against Hilbert as she quickly realizes that it's not quite the breeze she thought it was, being stuffed by two cocks at once, separated only by what suddenly felt like a very, very thin membrane. “Fuck!” she shouts, and nobody faults her for the vulgarity.
The boys start to move slowly, remembering the first time they did this to Hilda and how much care they took, even if she was barking at them to stop it and just fuck her raw. But that's Hilda; Bianca is a different beast, and they try to keep to the idea of gentleness with her until she's ready and loose enough for something more. She's the drunker of the three--of the five, really, although a look over to the couch shows Cheren and Hilda swapping some rum back and forth in a kiss--and as much as she was wild only seconds earlier she's considerably calmer now, not wanting to move wrong and risk pain, letting the two boys steady her down for this with care.
Their thrusts pick up the pace slowly when her wincing stops, when she begins to moan and roll her hips of her own volition, easing back into her carefree state of inebriation, which is all the evidence they need that she's ready. They're still careful with her, taking great patience with their dear blonde by advancing slowly, making sure she's the one guiding them, knowing that before long they'll be fucking in a frantic, intense mess, and secure enough in that knowledge to take it slow and let them reach it naturally. As she sways back and forth, Bianca grabs the rum bottle Cheren just put down on the table, pouring a mouthful and a half down into Hilbert's open mouth, making him choke a little as he swallowed it down, before taking a swig of her own and passing it back to N.
While she was in on the plan and completely ready for live as a quintuple, she was the one who most inwardly worried and fretted about everything, owing back to her overprotective childhood and to the worry it instilled in her. But the alcohol numbs that worry, lets her accept that it's all okay, knowing that when the booze clears she'll still be happy and everything she knows will be proven. When she drinks, she's open and wild with the same courage she envies in her friends. The tingling and lightheaded giggliness are just side perks to the whole matter.
“Looks like our girlfriend is enjoying herself,” Hilda says, making a note of her language to drive the point home, but also just liking to say it. She's said 'our boyfriend' plenty of times since she and Hilbert let N in, but 'girlfriend' has always eluded her. She's never had a girlfriend, let alone a shared one, and it sounds so sweet on her lips. She can't wait to use 'our boyfriend' to mean Cheren too, but that one is purely in sentiment rather than in the tingling excitedness of the words, in confirmation they are indeed now five people in one relationship. The plan worked and all it took was plying Cheren with enough alcohol and handjobs to get over himself, which would have been how the night went regardless, so it seemed like a good way to spend it. “Not jealous or anything, are you?”
Cheren's hips rock upward as he fucked the brunette's firm, muscular thighs, hands kneading her breasts as they watch together. Her pussy leaked steadily all over his lap as his cock continued to rub firmly between her labia, his tip grinding against her clit and ensuring she was moving quickly atop him for more. “Are you asking if I'm jealous because two guys are fucking Bianca, or if I'm jealous of Bianca?”
“If you're going to ruin my jokes before I make them, why should I bother?” Hilda's hands run along the body behind him, feeling his rather slight frame, something still new and different for her, something she wants to feel out in every way she can. “But yes, I mean jealous of the boys; I already know you'd want to be between N and Hilbert, and there's no fun in asking questions we both know the answer to unless it's to make fun of you.”
Rolling his eyes, Cheren tries to ignore her taunts. “Surprisingly, I'm not jealous at all. This looks pretty hot, actually, and I've got you here as a reminder. I guess I'm pretty okay with this all in all, and I swear if you even think of giving me an 'I told you so' then I'm not eating you out later.” He focuses instead on her, on kissing along her neck and her shoulders, on touching her all over as her clenching thighs and slit rub against his cock. She is getting a surprising amount of mileage out of the thighjob, but he can't say he didn't see it coming, nor that it doesn't bode well for his long-held desire to feel said thighs wrapped around his head, although the eagerness to go down on her is something he'll downplay knowing full well both of them know how much he wants it.
“I'll ignore your empty threat for now,” she noted, parting her thighs and leaning back against him. “Even if you're not jealous, how would you feel about joining them?” ///SPRINT As much as she enjoys being with Cheren, Hilda thrives on attention, and with the newly-crowned quintuple celebrating, it made sense for them to all find their first climax “together” together. It certainly helped that the boys had finally built up to a really good pace, hammering Bianca at both ends as she shivered and writhed between them, and she wanted to get in on that. “Her mouth is still open for you.”
It's not something Cheren has to dwell on for long, given the way she's moaning, mouth wide and inviting, the occasional pleading look directed to them as if the thought's going through her mind as she's just pushing it away out of embarrassment or uncertainty. “I could think of worse things to do,” he shrugs as if it's truly a decision he has to think on or something he doesn't want just as bad.
Hilda grabs him by the hand, leading him to the other three who don't miss a beat as Hilda slides her fingers through Bianca's hair and tilts her head to the side, her other hand on Cheren's cock and pulling him toward her open, waiting mouth. “Cherry!” is all she's able to get out before his dick slides into her mouth, and that's when he realizes she's practically salivating from the attention she's receiving, her mouth incredibly wet and hot and all of it solely for him to enjoy, shuddering as he bucks forward into her mouth, finding the pace his boyfriends are going at as he stands beside them, displacing Hilda's fingers in her hair with his own.
“I was wondering how long you could hold out,” Hilbert remarks before he too is made to give oral rather than speak. Hilda lowers herself down, straddling his head backwards so that she can face Bianca, not entirely selfish in her decision as she seeks to shower the blonde in affection from all four of her lovers in one go. Bianca has to sit upright in Hilbert's lap to suck Cheren's cock, her back against N as he fucks her behind, and that means merely by leaning down, Hilda can get to her breasts, heaving and bouncing freely. Her hands grip them, lips greedily wrapping around one of her pert nipples as she grinds her slick folds down against Hilbert's tongue harder, rewarded with laps and kisses to her as she leaks all over his face.
The five of them click together perfectly, setting with ease into a good, quick pace consistent across all of them. Bianca is triple-stuffed with her boyfriends, thrusting into her in unison and leaving her completely full, the ensuing hollowness only made bearable by Hilda's fondling and sucking, but it can't compare to the feeling of all three boys burying themselves balls-deep back into her. Combined though, it can't be beaten, and it feels more natural and less kinky than she imagined; three dicks is obviously quite a lot to contend with, but it's a norm she can settle into rather quickly. All she knows is that there's four sets of hands on her, N and Hilbert's overlapping in the general area of her waist, hips, and ass depending at any given time, Hilda's kneading her breasts, and Cheren's in her hair and on her shoulder. It's perfect, all in all.
She's the one to cum first, to the surprise of nobody, but the way she drags everyone else down with her is a bit of a shock. Her inner walls clamp down on Hilbert and N, greedily trying to draw their seed from them as she grabs Cheren by the ass and shoves him all the way into her throat, holding him there as the three boys finish inside of her, Cheren's cum splattering down her throat and the others leaving warmth spreading throughout her, shivering as she squirts all over Hilbert's lap and bounces frantically, all four of them barely able to contain her as she moans around Cheren's dick.
If she could have somehow gotten Hilda off she probably would have, but she's fortunately not far behind thanks to Hilbert eating her out, and soon enough the girls are slumped together, resting atop Hilbert as Cheren and N both pull away, letting them nuzzle and smile together in an almost innocent display. At least, it would be innocent, if some of Cheren's seed weren't dripping out the corner of her lip, and she wasn't getting handsy with Hilda's rear.
“I'm so happy that you're both a part of our pack now,” N said happily, wrapping arms around around his girlfriends and joining their embrace. “I love you both!”
“I love you too, N!” Bianca said excitedly, reaching one arm back around her and holding tightly onto N. “And Hilda! And Hilbert!” The brunet with two girls sitting on him couldn't really join the hug, but he did offer a thumbs up to them in support. “Right Cherry?”
“I'll say 'I love you' if you promise to never refer to us as your pack again.”
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