Diamohns are Forever | By : SailorSol Category: Sailor Moon > General Views: 22529 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Sailor Moon, nor any of the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
“Solar Beam Crest!”
The two Sols stared, astonished, as a wide swath of solar spikes the size of spears punctured the Chaos dome, shrinking it visibly and destroying several creatures inside the perimeter. Both of them sank to their knees, exhausted.
They looked down at their joined hands, and then over at Chiron.
“That was new,” Sailor Chiron said ironically. “When were you two going to tell us about that?”
“We didn’t know,” Sailor Sol said, looking back at the shrunken dome. “It just came to us when it was time to attack. It must be something we do together.”
“Why don’t we see what we can do together?” Sailor Chiron asked. She stepped forward and held out her hand.
“Maybe tomorrow,” Sailor Sol said, sagging against her partner. “I’m exhausted.”
“Then let’s get the two of you home,” Kishi Chiron said, approaching them. “We’ll help you.”
Sailor Sol looked up at Sailor Chiron and reached out to take her hand and let Chiron help her up. Kishi Sol did the same, leaning heavily on Kishi Chiron.
“Time to go home, Amaterasu,” Sailor Chiron said. “We’ll lead. You two follow.”
“Right,” Sailor Sol sighed. The four of them moved off towards the compound, leaving the twisted remains of buildings, cars, and other machinery.
***** *****
Aster rolled over in the predawn light, snuggling into Joben’s warmth. She wrapped her arm around his waist and sighed. She could feel the sun’s approach, and knew that she would be fully awake and unable to even doze soon.
Behind her, she heard Sakura sigh, and then moan. She looked over her shoulder to see that Vincent was holding the smaller man still with both hands while he nibbled on his neck and worked his way down.
She decided that the idea had a great deal of merit and she started to slide her hand down from Joben’s waist before a startling thought occurred to her.
She sat up abruptly, waking Joben and disturbing Vincent and Sakura, who turned to look at her in surprise. She stretched her hands out in front of her, and then looked over at Vincent.
When he didn’t seem to comprehend what she was so surprised about, she gathered her legs underneath her and stood up on the futon. Her sleeping kimono gently fell to her ankles and swirled around her shapely thighs as she stepped off of the futon and onto the floor, where she turned around and held up her hands.
“Look!” she cried out. “Two hands! We’re not touching!”
“Hey, you’re right!” Vincent said, looking down at his hands.
“That means I can take a shower by myself,” Aster said. She turned towards the attic bathroom and walked away.
She took two steps before she felt as though something were pulling her in two. She stopped and doubled over, unable to do more than gasp at the intense pain. Behind her, she heard Vincent groan in pain.
She started to turn and go back to the futon, but before she could, strong arms lifted her up and deposited her back next to her partner.
The two of them curled around each other, panting in pain. The pain disappeared as soon as they touched, leaving them with only the memory, and the realization that they were not able to separate yet. Joben and Sakura sat on either side of them and offered what comfort they could.
When they had recovered, they cautiously let go, and then stood up together. They warily took a step away from one another, and then Aster took two more.
Just like the last time, she doubled over in pain quickly. Joben pulled her over next to Vincent again, and then watched, worried, while they held on to one another while the pain subsided once again.
When they could think again, Aster got up first, and then Vincent followed her to the bathroom. The two of them showered separately, and then dressed together, but without having to constantly touch.
“Solar Shadow Flare!”
Sailor Sol and Sailor Chiron grinned at one another over their clasped hands as a wave of dark energy arced from the two of them and impacted the chaos dome, shrinking it by several feet.
“Shadow Spikes!”
Kishi Sol and Kishi Chiron stared in awe as their combined attack of black energy spikes penetrated the chaos dome, destroying several creatures inside and shrinking the dome a few feet more.
Energized and excited, Sailor Sol handed her fighting partner to her planet partner and held out her hand to Kishi Chiron.
“Shall we see what we can do together?” she asked, smiling.
“We already know that, Amaterasu,” he said, walking to her side and taking her hand. “Now let’s see how much damage we can do to the enemy.”
The two of them turned towards the chaos dome, concentrated on their clasped hands, and prepared to attack.
Just as before, the form of the attack came to their minds without previous knowledge.
”Burning Shadows!”
Black flames rushed towards the chaos dome, and engulphed the closest part of the dome. The dome shrank a few feet, burning away without any residue, except for blackened ground where the dome used to be.
“Dragon Spikes!”
Kishi Sol and Sailor Chiron watched energy spikes with fanged mouths on them rush towards the chaos dome, having a similar effect as the shadow spikes earlier. They smiled at one another, and then turned to their planet partners.
“Shall we go home?” Sailor Sol asked. “We need to keep track of this, for Sailor Mercury when she gets back.”
***** *****
Six days after their return from the frozen waste, Aster and Vincent were wakened along with the rest of the household in the middle of the night when the alarms in the yard went off.
They scrambled out of bed and into some clothes before they made their way to the solarium around the pool. Hana hit a switch, and all of the back yard lights came on at once.
In the zen garden were two figures, looking around in confusion. The lights illuminated the black robes on one of them, and black armor on the other, their long shining black hair, and their pointed ears.
Aster opened the door and stepped out into the yard, with Vincent and Joben right behind her.
Both of the strangers turned in her direction as soon as she stepped outside. The woman raised her quarterstaff and the crystal on the man’ staff began to glow with dark energy.
“I mean no harm,” Aster said, raising her hands to show that they were empty. “You have no idea where you are, or how much time has passed since you last had a physical form.”
“We know it has been a long time,” the man said, lowering his staff. “She is not a threat to us, Dreanne. She carries the power of the sun. We know the others are no more. She must be one of their successors.”
“Come inside,” Aster said, beckoning. “My partner and I will do our best to explain to you. We got part of the story from Terrene.”
“Very well,” the man said. “I am Prospero.”
“My name is Aster,” Aster told him. “My partner is Vincent.” She stepped back so that he could put his arms around her waist, and then the three of them went back into the solarium, hoping that the other two would follow them.
After several moments, the other two did follow them inside. They looked around them with wondering eyes, never having seen some of the things that now met their sight.
“This way,” Aster said, beckoning them into the house.
Inside, Sumiko was already in the kitchen. Eiji came out of the kitchen with a tea tray in his hands. He settled it onto a low table and waited for Aster and Vincent to bring their guests over to sit down.
“Terrene told us your history,” Aster said after they all had tea in their hands. “We told her ours, in exchange. She was going to try to convince the others to stop the attacks they were coordinating. We didn’t see her when we confronted them finally. We don’t know what happened to her.”
“We don’t know anything about their actions after our transfiguration,” Dreanne said. “I am disappointed that they allowed themselves to be swayed by Chaos, but perhaps their desperation blinded them.”
“Is there any way you can help us contain Chaos?” Aster asked.
“Tell us what has happened up to now,” Prospero said. “Everything you know.”
Gradually, over several hours, numerous cups of tea, and a prolonged breakfast, Aster told them what she knew of the Senshi’s previous history with the entity they called Pharaoh 90, and her own experiences.
After she finished, the two aliens clasped hands and remained motionless for quite some time.
Finally, they stirred and looked at Aster.
“We will help you contain Chaos,” Dreanne said. “However, we must wait until your fellow warriors have returned. In the meantime, we will help you keep chaos confined into the area that it has settled into.”
“Thank you,” Aster said. “We’ll find a place for you to sleep. We have a lot of room.”
***** *****
Nearly two weeks passed before they saw anyone else. Twice daily, both Sols, both Chirons, and both Persephones made a trip to the perimeter of the chaos field to push it back as much as possible, and then rest afterwards. They would return to the Compound exhausted, to be fed and taken care of by the satellites.
They were recovering from the morning’s excursion when they heard something land on the front porch.
Joben immediately rose from where he had been rubbing Aster’s feet and headed for the front door. Zhang intercepted him, and the two of them answered the door together.
Standing on the doorstep was Kishi Saturn, with Sailor Saturn in his arms, and both her glaive and his halberd clutched in one of his hands.
Quickly, Zhang relieved the Kishi of his live burden, and Joben helped him into the house.
Gently, Zhang cradled his primary and gingerly removed her tiara, transforming her back into Hotaru. He waited while Joben helped Kishi Saturn become Sean again, and they helped him walk over to where Aster was sitting.
Zhang tenderly laid Hotaru in Aster’s lap, which forced Sean to sit down next to Aster.
“What’s goin’ on?” Sean asked. “Why can’t I seem t’ let go o’ Hotaru? Did we really make it home?”
“You made it home, love,” Aster said softly. “I know it seems impossible. We were three weeks in that same godsforsaken frozen waste that Uranus and I got sent to, but only one week passed here.”
“We kept track,” Hotaru said as she wrapped her arms around Aster. “It was about six weeks.”
“No,” Aster said, looking over at a calendar that had been put on a stand near the entrance to the kitchen. “It’s been exactly twenty-eight days since we faced chaos. Four weeks, not six.”
“Why can’t we let go?” Hotaru asked.
“We think it has something to do with being transformed for so long,” Aster said. “We seem to be attached. With the last separation, we wanted prolonged contact with our partners. This time, it seems to be a necessity. You don’t have to hold hands. It just demands skin to skin contact when you’re not transformed.”
“What about when we are?” Sean asked, pulling Aster over to him and tucking her head under his chin.
“Physical contact,” Aster said. “It seems to bear out the long transformation theory. When we’re transformed, the power flows stronger. Now, how did you get home?”
“Well,” Hotaru said, blushing. “I remembered that book you let me read, on tantric techniques. It said that one of the strongest sources of power was sex. So, we … improvised.”
“It took her almost two weeks to talk me into it,” Sean said. “I was afraid I was gonna hurt her. But, two weeks in a bubble in space was enough for me. It took us the rest of the time to raise enough power that we thought we could make it back. How about you two?”
“We, um, wished it,” Aster said. “We got very frustrated, and we’d already wished blankets, and firewood, and food. It seems that the chaos dimension responds to willpower. I lost my temper, and I blurted out that I wished we could walk through a door and get home. A door appeared in the wall of the cavern Terra had made. We took a chance, and it dropped us out on the roof deck at sunrise, three weeks ago.
“Joben and the others were here,” she continued. “Zhang had arrived while we were gone. They all decided to keep a vigil with Washino and Tori. Everything still works, at this point. I think we’re going to be very glad for the stores that ‘Cinda and I put in the basements, before this is over.”
Tapping at one of the front windows interrupted their conversation. They looked over in surprise at a pair of large black owls sitting on the windowsill.
“Let them in, Titan,” Hotaru said softly. “I didn’t remember it until this minute, but the Moon wasn’t the only one with guardian animals.”
“Tell me about it,” Aster said, sighing. “Vincent and I have two gold-furred know-it-alls to keep the cats company.”
“Now you’ll have a couple o’ birds, as well,” Sean said.
Zhang had obeyed Hotaru and opened the window. The two owls flew in silently and landed, one on Sean’s shoulder and the other on Aster’s shoulder. The one on Aster’ shoulder leaned down so that it could look into Hotaru’s eyes, violet to violet.
“Stop that,” Hotaru said. “It’s bad enough that I have Kuma in my head. I don’t need you talking in my head, too.”
“My apologies, Sailor Saturn,” the owl said, an odd little trill in its voice. “I was not accustomed to vocalizing before, due to your preference for silence.”
“Let me get used to Kuma, first,” she said. “We haven’t been linked mind to mind in ten thousand years.”
“Has it really been that long?” the owl on Sean’s shoulder asked. “We wouldn’t know. We’ve been in a kind of limbo until your bond with your partner became complete.”
“Which means never for the Plutos,” Vincent said from the sofa he was sharing with Sakura and now Joben.
“Hear, hear,” Aster said. “She’ll never thaw, unless we can get Oberon back.”
“The only ones that would be able to give you any insight to Oberon would be the Wind Falcons of Uranus,” Hotaru’s owl opined. “They knew the satellites almost as well as the Planetaries.”
“As do you,” Aster told it. “So, what about Atlas?”
“His loyalty was beyond question,” the owl told her. “The only thing greater than his loyalty to Endymion was his love for you … and Janus.”
“That just confirms what I believed,” Aster said. “Metalia took them together, and played them against one another. ‘Do what I tell you, or you lose the other half of yourself.’ I understand his actions.”
“Would you have done it?” a gruff voice asked her.
Aster looked down to find herself looking into the yellow eyes of Apollo, her Sun Dog.
“I … don’t know,” she said. “The offer was never made. I can’t say what I would have done.”
“What about now?” Apollo asked her. “If the Black Queen offered you Atlas now, would you turn from us?”
“No,” Aster said, shaking her head. “I have the others, if they ever come back. Besides, as much as I loved Atlas, there was someone I loved more. His greater love was for Janus, and mine for someone else. As long as Metalia does not have my first love, then I am not for sale.”
“How are we going to fight?” Hotaru asked.
“You will use your combined attacks,” another voice joined the conversation.
Hotaru gasped as Dreanne and Prospero joined them, sitting down on another sofa.
“Based on your power levels,” Prospero said. “I would say three to five days of connection. Sol endured one day, and their power is several magnitudes above your own. Each planetary pair will have a different recovery period, depending on their power level. Venus will have the longest. We cannot attempt to contain chaos until everyone has returned.”
“How are we going to do that?” Hotaru asked.
Sumiko came out of the kitchen with a tray in her hands. She handed a bowl of buckwheat noodles with meat and vegetables each to Sean and Hotaru, and a bowl of rice with meat and vegetables each to Aster and Vincent.
Hotaru stared at Sumiko in awe for a long moment, then shook her head as if to clear it.
“I’m Himalia,” Sumiko said softly. “The Moon Princess’s body double.”
“Oh,” Hotaru said, then turned her attention back to Prospero. “Answer my question.”
“The containment that we have been told about would have worked if your timekeepers had slowed time around you. That would have put you out of phase and kept Chaos from sending you away.”
***** *****
Aster, Vincent, Joben, and Sakura came down from the attic the morning after Saturn’s return to hear vomiting in one of the second floor bathrooms. They cautiously approached, to find Sean rubbing Hotaru’s back as she retched into the toilet.
“I don’t understand, Kuma,” she said between heaves. “I was fine until this morning.”
“We’ll find out, lass,” Sean assured her. “If we canna find out with what we have here, we’ll find a doctor.”
“What’s wrong, Sean?” Aster asked.
Sean turned his head a bit towards the doorway.
“She felt ill first thing this mornin’,” he said. “She’s sick to her stomach, but she’s no fever, and nothin’ but a sick belly.”
“I’ll be right back,” Aster said. “I have no idea whether it’s possible or not, but considering how you got the power to return, it could be that she’s pregnant.”
Aster went down to the ground floor bathroom with Vincent close behind her. She found a home pregnancy test and took it back upstairs. She gave it to Sean.
“Follow the instructions,” she said. “We’ll know in about ten minutes, I believe.”
Half an hour later, Hotaru was cautiously nibbling on some kayu and sipping chamomile tea.
“What am I going to tell Thomas?” she asked between bites. “Is he going to understand?”
“Considering that he and Usagi are probably doing the same thing,” Aster said. “I doubt that he’s going to feel that he should judge. It’s more likely that the two of you will confess at the same time, to the same thing.”
“But ChibiUsa’s Neo-Queen Serenity’s only child,” Hotaru said.
“No,” Aster said. “She’s the only child of King Endymion and Neo-Queen Serenity. There is no information about the Queen having any other children. We already know that King Endymion has other children.”
“That’s true,” Hotaru said, returning her attention to the bowl in front of her.
All of them jumped in surprised when they heard the footgate squeal.
Aster and Vincent were up before the others, and they were halfway to the door before Zhang was out of the dining room.
Aster opened the door quickly, and then stopped. She had never seen the three men standing on the porch in this lifetime, but they had been described to her more than once.
One of them was feminine and pretty enough to rival Janus, with the exception of his long curling blue hair. He smiled at Aster when his eyes settled on him, and then bowed from his waist.
“My name is Katayama, Oki,” he said in a lilting voice. “I am Kishi Prometheus. My companions are Tora, Akio, Kishi Epimetheus and Taka, Jiro, Kishi Enceladus. I know you weren’t expecting us. We weren’t expecting us. The last we knew, we had all been killed, and then taken by a dream guardian. We woke up this morning, on the edge of something that looked like a warzone, if the warriors were whirlwinds.”
“The Chaos zone,” Aster said. “Come in, all of you. I suspect that you were drawn here by the arrival of your primaries.”
She stepped aside to let them in. They all paused to change their shoes for slippers, and both Epimetheus and Enceladus also paused to kiss Aster’s hand, putting more emphasis into it than was necessary. Vincent scowled at both of them, until Akio whispered something to him that made him blush to the roots of his hair.
//I thought you were past that, Vince,// Aster chided him. //All he did was promise you a good licking. Considering that Usagi mentioned him being a tiger, the last time she saw him, I imagine that he’d be VERY oral.//
//That ain’t funny, Sunshine,// he shot back. //You take him on, if you’re so eager.//
//The sun shines indiscriminately on all,// she reminded him. //Just lay back and enjoy it. I’m sure you will. The other one strikes me as a nibbler, though.//
//That still ain’t funny,// Vincent replied.
They followed the trio into the dining room, where they found them making much over their primaries. Oki in particular, was gazing fixedly at Hotaru’s abdomen, as if he could see through the skin to the embryo beneath.
“Business first,” Sean said when they came back in. “How are we gonna help if we canna let go?”
“You’re going to transform together,” Aster said. “That’s what Vincent and I did. It’s actually simpler than you think. You’ll find out that, as difficult as this was, you’re more powerful and you can use combined attacks, now. When you can let go, we’ll see what we can do when we trade off.”
“What d’ye mean, lass?” Sean asked.
“According to our guests, everyone has a combined attack with Vincent or I,” Aster replied. “It’s also likely that everyone has a combined attack with Sailor Moon. Also, satellites always have a combined attack with their primaries, and when all of a primary’s satellites are together, they will have a combined Satellite Attack, and a Planet Attack with their primaries. We can combine in ways we never dreamed of.”
“Well, now,” Sean said. “It looks like things are definitely going to be educational.”
“How do we know what the combined attacks are?” Hotaru asked.
“The same way you know what your attacks are in the first place,” Vincent said. “You get ready to attack, and it comes to you.”
“We have some of our satellites,” Hotaru said. “We could see what we could do with
them, as well.”
“That has to wait until you can separate,” Aster said. “Even when its possible, it won’t be pleasant for a while. Vincent and I were stuck within ten feet of one another for a couple of days, and we still don’t like being out of sight of one another.”
“That’s goin’ to be a bit of a problem,” Sean said. “When Thomas gets back, he’s goin’ to be wantin’ some time alone with his wife.”
“Doubtful,” Aster said. “Besides, we can all sleep together in the attic. We moved most of the futons upstairs, and it’s one massive bed.”
***** *****
3 days later
Aster awakened at dawn, as usual. She felt Sean’s hand on her stomach and she turned her head towards him as his hand traveled upwards. His hand slipped inside her sleeping kimono to cup one breast. She started to slide towards him and away from Joben, only to have Joben’s hand on her hip clutch to keep her still.
She opened her eyes to see Sean looking at her, and she felt Joben move in closer so that she was sandwiched between both men.
“Don’t be selfish, Saturn,” Joben said softly.
“Ye’ve had more time with her lately, son,” Sean said softly.
“Your partner is on the other side of the futon,” Joben observed sleepily.
“Eh?” Sean sat up to sleepily look over to where Hotaru was sleeping, snuggled between Oki and Akio. Jiro was spooned up behind Oki.
“We’re separated?” Sean asked.
“With distance limits,” Aster murmured. “Yours are probably further out than ours were.”
“I canna wait t’ find out what we can do with our satellites,” Sean said. He laid down again and slid his arms around Aster, pulling both her and Joben to him.
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