Only A Week | By : Huronoryu Category: +M to R > Ronin Warriors Views: 3514 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Ronin Warriors, nor any of the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
‘Allo one and
all, Here is part five of my beautiful fic. Cye here you go one where you
actually end up IN a bed.
Cye: THANK YOU! *Dances around the room*
BD: Uh, you're welcome! … Well, on with
the story… Note: LEMON
Only A Week
five: What's for Dinner?
^(o.o)^ (>o.o)> ^(o.o)^ <(o.o)> Dancing Kirby! A. K. A. BD on
Cye was picking up the remains of dinner
from the coffee table. Instead of eating in the dining room, the four had been
chowing down in the living room to watch movies for the past five days. Cye
thought of the three ex-warlords trying so hard to learn everything they missed
while in the Dynasty. He smiled at the memory of this morning when he took the
trio to the library. His poor library card was at it's max. And the max of this
library is 50 books.
Sekhmet had spent most of his time in the
mechanics section, (Very much like Rowen, Cye thought,) while Dais was
in the art section.
Cye frowned when he remembered exactly
where he found Cale. He had been worried when he did a head count and came up
one short. Depositing the other two at a table to read their books, he went off
in search of Cale.
After searching in all the isles, Cye was
at his wits end! Where could he have gone? He couldn't have gone outside
could he? He had thought. He was heading back to the other two when he
passed the children's section. He glanced at the children briefly before
walking on.
Cye froze and walked the few steps
backward to do a double take at the circle of children.
In the middle of the little ones was Cale,
sitting on the multicolored rug with a little boy of four or five in his lap.
The little boy was reading one of the many children's books to Cale.
Cye watched Cale and the children. Cale
was so patient with the children and helped the little boy with some of the
words. He occasionally smiled at the children, which almost sent Cye to the
floor the first time he saw it. It wasn't the evil smirk Cye had become
accustomed to, but a full-fledged smile.
Cye set the dishes in the kitchen. He
sighed as he sat down at the table and thought. Cale had been surprising him.
From the mess that Sage's room was in, to the toy store, to the water balloon
wars, and now the library.
It was almost like Cale was trying to
recapture his childhood. Cale! The warlord of Corruption and self proclaimed
warlord of Darkness and decay!
But why would he want to recapture his
childhood? Cye thought. I
thought that they lost their memories to Talpa.
Cye stood up and walked upstairs. Cye
wasn't a meddler… ok, maybe I am. But he just wouldn't feel right until
he figured out what was up with Cale.
Cye stopped right outside Halo's door,
dreading to go in. It wasn't the man behind it but it was the mess that was
still there. Gritting his teeth and preparing for the worst, he opened the door
and stepped in.
"Cale?" Cye called out. He
stopped in the doorway. The room had been cleaned. It was spotless, a mop and
bucket lay in the corner. Cye blinked at the man that lay on his stomach on the
bed, a magazine in his hands.
Cale blinked back at Cye, "I hope it
meet's with your approval.
"Uh… Yeah. The question is, will it
meet Sage's preference?"
Cale shrugged and turned back to his 'Real
World’; "Well he isn't here to complain."
"Um." Cye shook his head as he
remembered why he was there. "Cale? Can I ask you something?"
Cale looked up and raised an eyebrow.
"Personal?" Cye finished.
The older man shrugged, "Go for
"When… what exactly are you trying to
do here?"
"You said to clean Sage’s room so
"No, not that. I meant with all this
childish acting." Cye frowned. "You seem… to be trying to recapture
that which was lost."
"What the hell do you mean by
that?" Cale demanded as he sat up. Cye had hit a cord with in him and now
he was staring at the warrior of water as if he suddenly sprouted gills.
"Well I mean just that. " Cye
said as he pulled Sage's desk chair out and plopped his rear onto it. "Is
there a specific reason you've been trying to recapture your child hood?"
Cale stared at the smaller warrior in pure
shock. Cye squirmed nervously and lowered his head. "I'm sorry, it's none
of my business."
A chuckle startled him and his head rose
in shock. Cale sat cross-legged on the bed laughing behind a hand. "You
are an insightful one, aren't you?"
Cye stared utterly dumbfounded.
The older warrior smiled at the other's
shock. "Very well, I will tell you my story."
"Your story?"
Cale fell backward and lay against the
pillow. There was no sound save the low ticking of Sage's clock and Sekhmet and
Dais fighting over the TV.
After some time had past and Cye was about
to leave the warlord to his thoughts did Cale speak up. "Did you love your
family?" he asked.
Cye blinked. "My family?" He
puzzled over this, "Yes, I did love them; my mother and sister. My father,
though, I never knew very well."
Cale nodded his head, gaze never leaving
the ceiling. "I hardly remember my family. Faint remembrances of my
mother, but I was very young when she died-probably no more then four."
"But, I'm sorry, but weren't your
memories taken away from you when you entered Talpa's ranks?"
Cale finally turned and his eyes met and
held the sea colored eyes of the slight warrior. He answered with precision,
"He left mine for a purpose."
Cye blinked, "Why?"
Cale turned again to the ceiling.
"Talpa used my child hood as a tool to fuel my anger at the world. As I
said, I was maybe four at the time my mother died. From there on, I was an
orphan. At the time, orphans were considered far less then human. I wandered
from village to village stealing what ever I needed.
"I do not know if it was a plan of
higher power or if it was my fate, but I was at the wrong place at the wrong
time. I was stealing, I don't remember what, but at the same time a man was
murdered. I was seen around and without any questions the emperor ordered my
arrest. I was captured outside the village without a word.
"For five years I was in the dark
hell hole of a prison with no one save the rats. It was cold and dark and the
stench of unclean bodies permeated the rooms. I was constantly beaten and raped
by the guards and other prisoners..." He paused to huff, "There were
times when I was left starving for days barley conscious and almost dead."
Cye stared at the warlord filled with
shame. What this man had gone through… "Cale, I'm sorry," Cye started
only to have Cale waved a hand in a vague gesture.
"It was a long time ago." He
murmured as he rolled over and presented his back to Cye. He turned back after
a while. "A very long time ago."
Cye looked at his hand's clenched in his
lap. "But for all that was done, I am sorry." He whispered softly as
he stood to leave.
Cale looked over his shoulder and watched
the Ronin make his way to the door, his gray eyes tinted with emotion. Finally
his decision formed, he made his move.
Cye gasped as the door suddenly closed in
his face. "Wha?" He was interrupted when Cale swooped down and lifted
him up into his arms carrying him over to the soft bed.
"Um Cale?" Cye asked.
"I think you should stay." Cale
said mater-of-fact as he dropped Cye unceremoniously onto the bed and followed
down after. He stretched himself over Cye with the predatory grin on his face
that Cye was sure Sage saw every time he fought his counterpart. "My
turn," he murmured.
Cye blushed and would have smacked himself
if he could have moved his arms. What the hell am I? The Ronin slut?
Cale stood long enough to remove his sweeter... New reputation worth it.
He smiled slightly. "So what exactly
are you expecting?"
Cale sat down and straddled Cye's lap.
"You." He said as his hands started tackling Cye's clothing, his eyes
roaming each new patch of exposed skin. He leaned forward, his hands never
ceasing in touching the body beneath him as he kissed the boy, stealing his
breath and giving him his own in return.
Cye gasped as Cale started to suck at his
tongue and nibbles at his lower lip. He groaned at the sensation of the kiss
that was so familiar in act yet so foreign. It was soft and demanding all at
once, "Cale?" he gasped as they broke apart.
Cale only grinned and slid downward. He
slowly undid the buttons one by one before his hands grasped the waistband of
Cye's jeans and with a sharp pull, tugged both them and Cye's briefs off all at
once. He grinned up at Cye before leaning downward and engulfing the brunet's
erection fully into his mouth.
A scream escaped from Cye's throat as fell
back on the pillows. "Cale…" Cye gasped his current partner worked
him. Fire was racing along his blood and his eyes clouded over in a haze of
Cale worked him gently as he brought Cye
quick to a pulsating frenzy. Cye reached down to cling to the dark blue locks
as his only ground for reality as he was teased and tortured brought to near
climax only to have Cale pull away.
"Cale, please! Don't stop!
Finnish me!" Cye demanded as Cale climbed back up to kiss him. Cye kissed
back with demanding zealously for continuance. The water warrior didn't stop
there as he attacked older man's bare chest with nips and kissed.
Cale groaned and rolled onto his back,
bringing the smaller boy with him to now lie on top. "Cye?" he
whispered between kisses. "Take me."
Cye froze his tongue mid way from contact
with the dusky skin. He looked up at his partner, "What?" he asked
The former warlord cupped Cye's face
between his palms. "I don't want the past to be hurtful anymore. I want
you to take away at least some of the pain. Your kanji is Trust. I trust you
"Yeah but…" Cye trailed off. He
had never taken before. What if I hurt him even more? I don't want this to
be a painful experience. Cye was brought out of his musing by a tantalizing
"Please?" Cale whispered.
Cye gave in. "Ok."
He mentally ran over what he needed to do
and immediately searched for the item he would need. Cye slammed the end
table draw shut and a furious red blush spread across his features. Well…
that just explained all the packages we get. He thought, wondering just how
much of the blonde warrior he didn't know about. He grinned at Cale
reassuringly before opening the draw once again. Pointedly ignoring all the
'fun toy's' Sage had in his dresser, Cye pulled out the jar of cream.
He leaned down to kiss his lover as he
coated his fingers with the chilled cream and inserted them one at a time into
Cale's body.
The warlord hissed at the intrusion and
Cye stopped immediately. "Cale, what happened? Did I do something
Cale smiled up at the clear worry on
his partner's face. Never before had any shone such compassion and regard for
his own comfort. "I'm fine Cye," he reassured the small brunette,
kissing him gently.
Cye still looked unconvinced but nodded and
continued inserting his lubed fingers up to the second knuckle.
Cale groaned as he became accommodated to
the digits that stretched and tantalized him. He reached up to pull the sexy
body above him down for a kiss. He ravaged Cye's mouth as Cye ravaged his body.
He pulled back and raised his hip to ground their erections together.
"Cye, now."
Cye nodded as he removed his fingers and
reached for the jar again but Cale beat him to it. He kissed Cye before the
other could say anything and coated his own fingers. Cye looked at him for a
second puzzled before cold hands enveloped his erect organ.
"Oohh." Cye moaned as he leaned
further into that caressing touch. Cale worked him into an even more heated
frenzy before releasing him and leaning back on the pillows. He spread his legs
unashamed and waited for the other to make his move.
Cye looked at the spread before him and
felt his body respond to the display, rising to a new height of passion at the
idea of control. He lay himself over that tantalizing body and started to
nibble on Cale's ear, even as he raised his hips and position himself.
Cye gasped at the feeling of the tight
cavern pulsing around him as he exchanged the cool air for the heat beneath. He
pressed in slowly, searching Cale's features for any discomfort. All he saw was
pleasure as the warlord threw back his head in pleasure and moaned deep in his
Cale was in heaven. Cye may never have
taken before, but the inexperience was made up with enthusiasm as Cye scattered
little kisses all over his face and chest as he started to move. Slowly at
first before picking up speed, nearly leaving his body completely before
driving back inward. The elder man raised his hip in order for deeper
penetration and both he and Cye cried out in the change of the younger's
Cale dove for Cye's mouth and the other
complied with the demands. Both tongues warred as their movements reached a
crescendo and they came, spilling their essence within and all over each other.
They separated, exhausted and shared lazy
kisses as they caught their breath. Cye smiled up at Cale as he yawned and
snuggled further into the soft satin sheets. It was then a thought struck him.
"Sage will not be happy about his prized sheets being used," he
Cale merely shrugged. "We'll just buy
him a new one."
Cye nodded too tired to argue when what
was said sunk in, "What do you mean 'we'?!"
Cale smiled shamefacedly and tackled the
warrior, dragging him to fit snugly in the contours of his own lean body. They
were just about asleep when:
*Crash! Bang!*
Cye gasped and dragged the sheet further
to cover himself and Cale scowled at the two laughing figures now on the floor.
Sekhmet looked up sheepishly a stack of
little Polaroid pictures in his hands, "Um oops?"
Dais grabbed the red-faced warlord of
venom as Cale started to get up to teach his fellow compatriots about something
called privacy.
"Of course in this house," Cye
muttered to himself in the now empty room as he once again snuggled under the
sheets, "'Privacy' is a loose statement."
"Sekhmet! Give me that camera!"
Two more parts to go Yay! Cye: No, no more! Please! ^o_~^
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